Dangerous Prince: The Choice...

By Damonh

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Dangerous Prince: The Choice --PREFACE--(KIRA'S STORY)
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 1)
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 2)
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 4)
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 5)
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 6)
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 7)
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 8)
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 9)
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 10)
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 11)
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 12)
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 13)
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 14)
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 15)
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 16)
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 17)
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 18)
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 19)
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 20)
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 21)
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 22)
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 23)
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 24)
To all my readers
Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 25)

Dangerous Prince: The Choice (chap 3)

1.8K 50 20
By Damonh



I will be damned if I will continue in lying here in my bed doing nothing. But what should I do? Where should I go? I still do not know the whereabouts of the servatrix and the frontterra. I can't go to my sister's house. The last time I went there, she kept on begging my help to make Ethan fall in love with her.

Even though I was a powerful demon, I still can't make Ethan love my sister. If I could do that, I could have used it to make Analee fall in love with another demon. Ethan was...


I sat up as I came up with a new idea. I had a place to go. A place where I could explain important things to Ethan and where I could see the weird girl again who hates maggots as much as I hate Analee.

"I have to go back to the castle," I muttered to myself.

I was so lucky. When I arrived at the castles garden, I saw both Ethan and the girl who hates maggots sitting on top of the tree. I wonder what Ethan was doing with that girl...

"Hey there!" I shouted at the girl.

"Kira," I heard Ethan whispered.

"Hey, be careful! You might fall again!" I shouted, completely ignoring Ethan. I thought I was ready enough to face him but I was wrong. I still felt guilty after what I did to him. I destroyed his life.

"I won't fall this time." The black-haired girl stood up and gently went down the tree.

"What are you doing up there again?"

"Having a rest."

When I looked behind the girl, I saw Ethan already leaning against the tree. "By the way, I'm Prince

Kira Whitback."

Her eyes widened. "You're a prince?"

"Yes. I'm the King's nephew," I clarified. "How about you?"

"My name is Ely, your highness."

"Just call me Kira." I was not used of being called 'your highness' anymore.

I glanced behind him again. "Why is he with you?"

"He wants to come with me." Her brows creased. "He's the new gardener here and I'm his assistant."

I raised an eyebrow at Ethan. What was Ethan's plan now? Why did he introduce himself as the new gardener here? He was a prince too! "Really... the new gardener?"

I walked towards Ethan at a snail's pace. I held out my right hand and introduced myself. Since he was pretending to be the new gardener here, I might as well pretend that I do not know him.

"I'm Kira Whitback... nice meeting you, new gardener," I said, emphasizing the word 'gardener'.

Ethan straightened up, walked past me and grabbed the ribbon tied behind Ely's dress. I was right. He was weak... so weak he cannot even touch Ely.

"I'm Ethan Corrs," he said curtly and tugged Ely away from me briskly.

Ethan hated me. He thought that I betrayed him... that I lured Antoinette to kill the servatrix. But I never wanted to kill the servatrix. Like Ethan, I wanted to become an angel again too - though I would never admit it to anyone... especially to my father.

The archdemon will kill me for sure.

"Where are we going?" Ely demanded.

"We have works to do."

"But you said -"

"No buts." He tugged her even harder.

"See you next time Ely." I said, waving my hand at her and then walked away with them with a smile on my face.

Ethan was in love with Ely... and I was sure Ethan still does not know it.

"Do you like her?" asked a cool voice.

Hell and damnation! I looked up at the tree. Analee was sitting on one of its big trunk and was swinging her legs playfully.

"How long have you been there?"

"We arrived here at the same time," she answered in an isn't - it - obvious way.

"How could that possibly be?" How did she know that I would go here? If we arrived at the same time, why did I not sense her aura?

"I heard you saying that you'll go here."

She heard me? Was she outside my room when I said those words? "The aura?"

She smiled. If there was one thing that I like about this demon it would be her beautiful smile. Heaven help me, it was so hard to stay angry with her when she was smiling at me like that. "I hid my aura."

A frown dominated my face. "You can do that?"

She frowned too. "Of course."

"I never thought you were powerful enough to do that." She can hide her aura while Lachlan can heal. The demons were becoming more and more powerful.

"Let's just say that I'm powerful enough." She jumped off the tree and then leaned against it. "You haven't answered my question yet. Do you like her?"

"Of course," I answered. She was interested to know my feelings for Ely. "She is very pretty and funny. She is a very interesting girl."

"Hey, I am funny too! I am prettier than her and I think I am a bit more interesting," she defended. "She's so... plain."

"You are not funny." When I saw her surprised expression, I kept on bantering her. "You are very intimidating and never in my life have I met a girl as boring as you."

"That's not true!"

"I don't enjoy your company the way I enjoy Ely's," I continued.

Haha! The blonde-haired demon got jealous! I never thought I would enjoy doing this to her! Just look at the demon's ill - stricken face!

She rolled her eyes. "How could you possibly enjoy my company if you do nothing but say bad things about me?"

"You can't blame me. There is nothing good to say about you." Except her deep blue eyes, sweet smile, silky hair, angelic voice and immeasurable courage.

"If you'll stop staying away from me maybe you'll be able to see the 'good side' of me." Analee gave me a look of exasperation. "Just give me a chance to show you how much I love you."


Love was the last thing in my mind. I had to find the servatrix first and the frontterra. After that, I will execute my plan - the plan that could change both the angels and demons' lives. My plan was so knotty it left me no time to think about love.

"Lachlan loves you. The two of you look good together."

"What are you, a matchmaker?"

"What I mean is don't waste your time on me," I snapped.

Analee's lower lip protruded a bit. "You are so unfair! While you were talking to Ely, you were smiling. You did not tell her the things you used to tell me like, 'go to hell' and 'shut up'!"

When I did not say anything to defend myself, she continued on speaking. "Ask me to kill the demons who keep on pestering you but never ask me to stay away from you. I love you, not Lachlan, so please stop pushing me away from you because it feels like hell not to be with you."

I wonder what I did to this demon that made her fall in love with me in an I'll - die - first - before - I - let - you - go way. One year ago, she appeared inside my room and told me about her undying love for me without even bothering to introduce herself to me. And guess what was worse? That time I was only wearing boxer shorts! How romantic!

"Kira, are you listening to me?" Analee asked, bringing my thoughts back to the present.

"No, why?" I asked innocently.

"Aaaarrrggghhh!" she screamed, stomping her feet like I child who lost her favorite doll. "You are making me insane!"

"No!" I objected. "You are the one who is making me insane! Never in my life have I met a girl as desperate as you have! Damn it! You are a girl so stop courting me!"

"Do you love me, Kira?" she asked her eyes hopeful.

"No," I answered without a doubt.

She smiled. "I don't care if I am making you insane. I do not care if I sound so desperate too. Kira, I don't have to be a man just to have the right to court the person I love." She turned around facing the sunset and said, "I live a very dangerous life. Everywhere I go there are threats. I could die anytime, Kira. I do not want to die without knowing what it feels like to be loved by the person I love. If I have to be insane and desperate just to make you mine, then it is fine with me. I will not stop courting you until you say yes."

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