First (H.S.)

By kindastupidkindanot

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(COMPLETED!) (EDITED!) We always do almost everything together. But after that incident 5 years ago, I've nev... More

First (H.S.)


490 7 0
By kindastupidkindanot

(Harry's P.O.V.)

"I want ice cream." Harvey muttered while watching Tori intently who's currently doing her job with her attention way too dawned at it while I'm sitting on the couch with the little girl over my left side.

"But you just ate chocolates and brownies." I said in amusement then chuckle as she groan adorably and launched down the couch playing dead dramatically making me stifle a laugh then poked her sides causing her to shriek then burst into fits of laughter while curling up.

Someone knocked and the door opened revealing Dean wearing black Henley shirt, black distressed skinny jeans, maroon Doc Martens combat boots with his hair slicked back.

"Harvey, your mum is already finish with the meeting." Dean called then Harvey sit up and cling over my left bicep and shook her head 'no' making me chuckle and Tori glanced over us then smile and shook her head in amusement as she carry on with her job.

"I'll buy you ice cream." he bribed the little girl who turned to him with a doubtful stare "Dark chocolate." Dean added causing Harvey to giggle adorably then hugged me as I hugged her back tightly but enough for her to burst into fits of laughter as I pinched her cheeks playfully.

She hopped off then run to Tori who pushed herself away from her desk and lean down as the little girl kissed the either side of her cheeks and hugged her then she did the same, she let go then Harvey run her way to Dean who pick her up easily.

"Am I gonna meet your girlfriend Uncle Dean?" Harvey asked randomly making his eyes widen then Tori and I burst into fits of laughter "I don't have a girlfriend." he said defensively "Then who's the pretty lady from your phone? I think I saw her somewhere already." Harvey wondered out loud.

"Little Mix?" Tori said making it sound like a question "Yeah! That's Leigh Anne!" the little girl said causing Dean to blush furiously "Shut up kiddo, too much curiosity." he said then rushed out of the room with Harvey and slammed the door shut, leaving me and Tori while both laughing.

"She's in a sugar high! Oh my God." she said while laughing and fixing her stuffs then walk her way to me, she took a seat over my left as I wrapped my arms around her immediately.

I tugged her up and sit her over my lap taking her by surprise and wrapped her arms around my neck with her right side against my chest comfortably.

Her phone suddenly dings as she grabbed it from her pocket then press something from the screen and stared at the screen intently.

"Woah." she whispered in amusement as I frown "What is it?" I asked while she locked her phone immediately and stuff it back inside her pocket "None of your business." she answered sharply while I gasped jokingly and dramatically.

"That's rude nerdy!" I scolded then throw her over the couch then attack her sides with tickles causing her to shriek and burst into fits of laughter.

"No! Fuck! Get off!" she squirmed "That's more rude!" I scolded her again then hover above her and dig my fingertips against her side making her scream helplessly and pushing me off weakly while laughing.

"F-fuck! S-stop!" she gasped with her skin getting flushed and tears starting to form from her eyes behind her glasses "You're keeping secrets!" I huffed childishly then stop tickling her and let go of her as I took a seat over the edge.

I crossed my arms then put an emotionless expression while she sit properly and crossed her arms too then sense that she's staring at me intently which oddly turns me on for some reason.

"That face can't fool me." she muttered then giggle lowly and adorably as I fight the urge to smile, I feel her lean closer then stop over my right ear with her lips barely touching my earlobes sending goosebumps allover my skin and my breath hitched as a shiver run down my spine.

"That's Chloe, she emailed me the sketch. I'm bad at keeping secrets, you know me." she whispered then lean away for a bit with her forearms rested around my neck gently and snuggle her face against the crook of my neck causing me to chuckle.

I hold her waist up and placed her over my lap while facing me then wrapped my arms around her and tugged her closer against my chest.

"What sketch?" I asked as she rolled her eyes and rested her body against mine with her head against the left crook of my neck feeling her warmer than the usual "I'm not gonna show you that wedding gown sketch, for my eyes only." she muttered.

"Hold up woman! Show me!" I demanded childishly and remembering excitedly "I changed my password." she muttered with her voice getting more exhausted "That's mean." I huffed disapprovingly but hugged her anyways.

"Bitch we're here!" we both nearly jump and fell off the couch, obviously taken by surprise when Reese, Katy, Chloe, El, Lottie, Gem, Perrie, Leigh Anne, Jade and Jesy entered the office out of nowhere.

"Oh Lord." Tori sighed whispering while I groaned then tighten my grip around her and snuggle my head against the right crook of her neck.

"I have a meeting in the next few minutes, what's up ladies?" she asked them trying to be nice but obviously not feeling their presence same as I do "We're gonna go shopping after your meeting miss busy woman, then we decided to chill out to your vacation place at Malibu tonight and we're all packed and ready for 3 days straight before you go to Barcelona!" El said excitedly then they all cheered.

"Excuse me? Since when did you all decided this?" I asked them in disbelief and amusement while Tori elbowed my stomach lightly causing me to grunt lowly and loosen my grip around her as she hopped off of me then stood up with her arms cross.

"I'm in, it would be fun." she said then shrugged and they all cheered "Woah! Woah! Calm down!" I called them down then stood up beside Tori and lean over her right ear.

"I was planning to take you out on a movie date after the band's shoot, you choose. Girls night or Hunger Games The Mockingjay Part 1 and try to be low key with me again." I muttered knowing that she has an obsession with Hunger Games since I've been scanning her stuff and noticed a collection of books and films in her drawers, and the movie will start showing today.

She turned to me with her eyes lit up and more greener than the usual with a smile tugging on her lips but stopping herself making me chuckle lowly and shrugged then lay my right palm in front of her waiting for her to decide.

"No! Fuck!" Reese complained then Tori shrugged at her and lay her left hand to mine as I smirked knowing I won while they all groaned and started complaining.

"I'll just follow you all there." Tori said then shrugged and the door opened showing Harvey again as she run into Tori carelessly, the little girl hugged her thighs then she pick up Harvey over her right arm.

"Meeting! Meeting! Calling for Aunt Leigh! Proceed to the meeting hall! Mummy's waiting with Boss and other lads!" she cheered while clinging over Tori's neck making us both chuckle "Wait up pretty little lady." Tori said then grab her bag on the side without letting go of Harvey.

"Harvey! Your ice cream's here!" Dean called then entered the room and Tori put down Harvey who run to Dean who's holding a cup of ice cream "You seriously love bribing everyone with ice creams." Leigh Anne suddenly spoke up.

"I actually do, see how adorable her face is?" Dean said in amusement and pointedly to Harvey who has her eyes lit up in excitement and delight adorably as he open the ice cream and handed the cup and spoon to Harvey.

"Thank you Uncle Mickey!" the little girl said causing Tori, Reese, Chloe and Katy to burst into fits of laughter while Dean blushed slightly and winced.

"Oh Mickey, you're so fine... You're so fine, you blow my mind, hey Mickey, hey Mickey... Oh Mickey, you're so fine... You're so fine, you blow my mind, hey Mickey, hey Mickey..." the four of them sing jokingly making us all burst out in to fits of laughter.

"Shut the F up!" Dean huffed then kneel down and wrapped her arms around Harvey "You called me Mickey intentionally didn't you?" he asked Harvey who squirmed and raised her hands up to me with a puppy dog eyes.

"She knows I easily fall for that look." I said in amusement causing all of them to laugh as I picked her up from Dean's grip "Woah, hold up. She's that kid! The one with you guys' resemblance!" Leigh Anne said while eyeing Harvey who's busy eating.

"Ah." Harvey said to me then feeding me an ice cream as I obeyed and bite the spoon making her shriek adorably and attempted to stuck it out of my mouth "My spoon! No! Aunt Leigh!" she whined causing them all to laugh.

"That spoon is already dirty with a cooties baby, come here." Tori said then carry Harvey off of me who's pouting and glaring at me making me chuckle as Tori grab the handle of the spoon and give me a warning glance.

I let go of the spoon before she even tug it forcefully then Harvey rest her left arm around Tori's neck and the little girl's head over her shoulder.

"Uncle Mikey's future girlfriend! His wallpaper!" Harvey cheered pointedly to Leigh Anne who got her eyes widen and blushed while Dean blushed furiously and palmed her face causing all of us to burst into fits of laughter.

"Harvey! We've already talked about this earlier right? Oh Lord." Dean groaned while Gem and Chloe take a seat on the couch "Oh, right. It's a secret, but you forgot to tell me when will you court her!" Harvey said cooly making Leigh Anne stared at Dean in amusement while Dean glared at Harvey.

"I swear if my future nieces and nephews are gonna act like her, Gin and the twins? I'm doomed." Dean said as I smirked while Tori blushed furiously and rolled her eyes "I'm not gonna let my daughter and son learn how to propose and have a crush at the age of 4 and learn adult stuffs that early." she said then walked out with Harvey leaving us all laughing.

She waved her hand dismissively and slammed the door shut then the girls started to sprawl across the room while Dean and I stared at them in amusement.

"I've sent the wedding gown sketch to T." Chloe said excitedly while scrolling through her phone "Really?! Let me see!" Gemma demanded with her eyes lit up while the girls attentions were now drawn to Chloe's phone.

"Hey! Why wouldn't you let me see the sketch?!" I asked then was about to snatch her phone but she locked it immediately and stuffed it inside her pocket "If you have any suggestion about what do you wanted for my cousin to wear, just tell me or Katy then we'll see if we can work with it." she said while Katy nodded her head in agreement.

"But we won't show it to you, for Tori's eyes only." Katy said as I snorted then rolled my eyes and sit on top of the table while they all laugh at my childish attempt "It's all and always for Tori's eyes only." I muttered cheekily and crossed my arms then smirked as they all stop laughing and stared at me in disbelief.

"I can't believe we're blood related." Gem said with a bored tone "You love me so shut up sissy." I said as I pull out my phone "You walk around naked in your house and probably in Tori's place, for her eyes only huh?" Reese fired back jokingly.

"But the things that I can do is for her eyes only." I muttered while scrolling to my phone a started reading tweets as I feel them staring at me in wide eyes "Shut up Harold." Gem called down.

"What? I was talking about cooking breakfast in the morning for her, doing laundry and house hold chores and trying my best to do stuffs. I rarely does that whenever I'm with you, mum, and the lads, the fuck is wrong with your minds ladies?" I said defensively causing Dean to burst out into fits of laughter.

"See? we're blood related!" I said to Gem who attempted to throw a throw pillow from the couch to me as I catch it then toss it back on the other couch beside Leigh Anne who's watching Dean intently.

"Calm down Leigh Anne, you wouldn't want to fire a laser beams coming from your eyes over Mickey." I said cheekily making her smirk when Dean turned to her and whistle cockily "Wallpaper huh?" Leigh Anne muttered causing Dean's eyes to widen and blush furiously.

"It's the twins who changed my wallpaper!" he fired defensively "Trust me girl, it was actually him. The twins doesn't know his password and never dares to go to his room because the artist doll on his table back to his room were scaring them." Reese said in amusement while we all let out an 'oohs'.

"Yeah, and you have a bunch of Liam's posters." he fired back "And he's my boyfriend already, he's the one who made a first move so that's cool." Reese said cheekily then stuck her tongue out to Dean who rolled his eyes and walk out.

"Later sugar!" Leigh Anne yelled cheekily as I notice Dean's ears turn more red from too much blushing "Later cupcake." he muttered playing along then slammed the door shut immediately making us all laugh.

"So, Malibu?" I asked "Yep, Tori have a rest house there. Originally from abuela but she entitled it for Tori since the one in Orlando is entitled to mine, hers are more cooler since it's a beach house and secluded." Reese said as I hummed and nodded my head.

"All girls only?" I asked again with a frown "The lads wanna go too." Gem said then shrugged "It's all up to you if you all wanna go, Cole, Kurt and Ethan are gonna chill out around here in Cali and they will be there so yep." Katy said then shrugged and they all nodded.

"Okay, then what are you all still doing here?" I asked curiously "We're gonna go lunch and talk about who's gonna be the bridesmaid." Reese said then smirked teasingly as I rolled my eyes "She'll flip you all." I said jokingly making them all burst into fits of laughter.

"You have a school right?" I asked Lottie and El who just shrugged "Online." Lottie said then crossed her arms "Online too, but am gonna go back to London with Lottie the day Tori and Reese will fly off to Barcelona." El answered.

"And I'm gonna go with Tori and Reese." Gem blurted out then smirked at me evilly making me dropped my jaw and stared at her in disbelief "No! That's not fair! And you have job!" I protested while she laugh like a lunatic.

"My contract has ended, I'm a freelance writer remember? I'm currently working home-based though so all I have to do is to drag my laptop everywhere and stuff." she said coolly causing me to groan and palmed my face.

"I'll guard her down for you bro, to many hot lads in there." she added making me glare at her and cross my arms then rolled my lips childishly causing them all to laugh again " Thanks." I muttered as they all laugh even more.

The door opened then Harvey entered in again wearing a new pair of blue Cookie Monster fuzzy onesie and black suede Timberland boots with her curls tied up in a messy bun adorably.

"I spilled the ice cream from my panda onesie so mummy change my clothes to new one." she mumble adorably making me chuckle and lean down as she ran her way to me then I catch her up.

She cling her small arms around me securely and lean her head against the left crook of my neck.

"Where's your mum?" I asked curiously "Meeting with Aunt Leigh and Uncle River." she chimed in a 'duh' tone sassily making the girls laugh "You're sassy, that's for sure." I said in amusement causing her to giggle.

"And Aunt Leigh said I can choose between you and Uncle Mickey to annoy, so I choose you because you don't get all monster to me." she mumbled as I hummed in agreement then stood up and walk my way to the office chair and took a seat then sit her over my lap while facing me.

"Can I sleep?" she asked with her light hazel green eyes getting heavy then yawn adorably then swear to God the girls were watching the little girl in awe "Of course you can." I said then shrugged as she giggled then launched down to my chest as I let out an 'oomf' because of the force.

"You sure are strong too." I grunted making the girls burst into fits of laughter while she giggled even more and snuggle closer as I wrapped my arms around her and poked her cheeks causing her to squeal and hide her face.

I chuckled then noticed Gem pulled out her phone and directed it to me and Harvey as I stuck my tongue out.

"Smile!" Gem said as Harvey turned her head to Gem and mocked me as she stuck her tongue out too making them all laugh as my sister snap a photo of us "Mum and Aunt Marie are so gonna freak out again." she muttered in amusement as I chuckled and Harvey cuddle up to me again and closed her eyes.

I feel her small frame getting heavier along with her breathing signaling that she's already out that quick.

My phone vibrated as I grab it from my pocket and being careful not to wake the little girl up, I glanced at the screen and saw a message from Liam.

'from: Leeyum

Haz! Where are you? We have to film in the next hour so get ur ass up and drive here at the studio!'

I frowned then glanced at the screen and noticed that it's already 11:16 in the afternoon making me mentally curse myself and stood up while carrying Harvey who's sleeping peacefully.

"I'm running late for the filming of an interview." I muttered causing Gem to chuckle while Reese stood up and gently grab Harvey from me who instantly wrapped her small arms around Reese's neck while still sleeping.

"We'll text you where to pick up Tori later, go." she instructed as I nodded thankfully and rushed my way to the door "Thanks." I said then walk out and close the door gently.

I walk my way to the hallway and spotted Tori walked out from a massive door with a very serious aura and more intimidating as she look up to me then shrugged.

"I just signed some papers." she said as I hummed and lean down then pressed my lips against her making a smiles tugged from either of us "I'm running late baby, I'll pick you up later tonight and just dress comfortable." I muttered then kissed her forehead as she hummed and nodded here head.

"Take care driving." she muttered "Of course, I'm not as lunatic driver as you are so don't worry." I said jokingly making her chuckle and slapped my chest lightly as I hugged her.

"And take your lunch." I instructed as he nodded her head "Later!" she said then peck on my lips and run her way to her office and blow a flying kiss childishly with her intimidating aura fading away as I catch it jokingly then she giggled adorably and enter in.

I chuckle then rushed my way to the lift and hopped in the empty elevator and press the ground floor, I hopped out once I reached the floor and exited immediately then run my way to my car.

I entered the driver seat then started to drive my way out of the animation studio and continue all the way to the Beverly Hills where the studio is located.


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