Teaching The Bad Girl To Be G...

By Golden_RJ

88K 2.3K 153

"Is it a turn off?" She flashes a grin, revealing her perfect white teeth, inching her face closer to mine. O... More

Author's Notes.
Getting to know the characters
Chapterd 1: DOUGHNUTS! And Busy Mornings.
Chapterd 2: Jinx Vinx Café
Chapterd 3: We seriously DON'T need to talk
Chapterd 4: What? I am sobbber
Chapterd 5: I'm disgusted
Chapterd 6: Didn't expect you as a lesbian
Chapterd 7: N-no, I'm Not A Murderer
Chapterd 8: We're Going To California?
Chapterd 9: Jokey Joke
Chapterd 10: Wheres my bra?
Chapterd 11: No drunkie-slow your role
Chapterd 12: Women Love A man in Uniform.
Chapterd 13: Did You Just Tell Me To Shut Up?
Chapterd 14: You're a Legend
Chapterd 15: Laser Tag Kickass
Chapterd 16: Lesbo Phase?
Chapterd 17: Like Disappear
Chapterd 18: Infamous Ky
Chapterd 19: Why the shitty "Hmp"?
Chapterd 20: Slumber Party?
Chapterd 21: Wait, sex dreams?
Chapterd 22: It's My Cheat Week
Chapterd 23: Fuck Off
Chapterd 24: Aren't We All Curious
Chapterd 25: Does he fucking stalk me
Chapterd 26: Take me home
Chapterd 29: Sad moments
Chapterd 30: Funday Sunday
Chapterd 31: Lactose intolerant
Chapterd 32: Laser Tag Kickass pt. 2
Chapterd 33: Dan the Man
Author's Notes
Chapterd 34: But you're not a girl
10k YOU SAY?
Chapterd 35: Boxing 101
Chapterd 36: Skin tight dress
Chapterd 37: Rocky Balboa
Sharing Love

Chapterd 27: BAD-BOY-STYLE

1.6K 42 0
By Golden_RJ

"And what does this one mean?" I question curiously running my finger tips over her bare skinned tattoo. It was a beautiful old fashion key shaded in pitch black ink and on the end it held a small letter 'M'.

We've been in bed all day. Last night had to be the best night of my life. Ky opened me up to a new world of things and I wasn't weired out or uncomfortable.

"That was actually my first tattoo, I got it when I was 14 maybe 15 and I had gotten it with Miyah, my first girlfriend." I don't really have the right to be upset or jealous of a high school sweetheart, but there's a pit of jealousy somewhere in there. I kinda tense up out of habit, and Ky chest vibrates therefore I can tell she's laughing also knows.

"You have nothing to worry about Jay because I was young and dumb. She actually, well if she still has the tattoo, has the lock. I know it was ridiculous and cliché along with the relationship." I nod and finish exploring her tattoos along her torso and arms. Butterflies, quotes, a chain and...

"YOGI BEAR!" I burst into laughter. Man this is really funny. Really, Yogi bear! I swear some people get the stupidest tattoo.

"You're never suppose to judge a person's tattoo, that's number one in the rule book," she defends offended. She props up on her elbows as she grins at my amused face.

"Yogi bear huh?" I continue my laughing. My stomach pains from the laughter. She groans and tries to explain further.

"He's a clever fucking bear, he has tactics to steal a picnic basket, if anything, he's my role model!" I laugh even more, nuzzling into her neck to stop laughing.

"Okay, okay I'm done," I finish my last laugh as she glares down at me.

"Are ya now?" She smirks raising her eyebrows, I nod trying to be serious. I pull down the covers and see a beautiful batch of flowers right above her private area. I run my fingers over it and she shivers.

"Whoa, you keep going lower then we'll  have to have a 5th round involved," she smirks pervertedly.

"I have to say, this is my favorite," I tease running my fingers down further. She jumps as I go lower, she reaches for my hand and grins.

"Second warning," she declares. And to get her even more on the edge I move down further. And before she could even say anything I place the most cutest kiss over her tattoo. That sends shock through her body-that she launches forward and tries to pull me in, but I'm too quick and hop out of bed, the sheet detaching from my naked body.

"Time to get up, Joe's on her way here!" I cheer brightly and enthusiastically.

"That's so unfair," she groans into the pillow. I smirk searching for my under garments. I don't really remember where she threw half my clothes and bra.

"Life isn't fair," I smile mischievously. She wraps herself into the sheet and rises and stares as I get dressed. I feel her eyes explore every revealing part of my body. I glance at her with an eyebrow raised and she bites down on her lip watching me seductively.

"Pervert much?" I question jokingly.

"Isn't anything I haven't seen," she shrugs nonchalantly and bites down on her bottom lip as I throw a pillow at her and she catches it with a good reflex. She carelessly toss the pillow behind her and frowns.

"Up Ky!" I urge. She groans and pulls for my arm, pulling me onto her lap. Sadly I fall back into her and she moves her lips to my neck. She begins sucking and biting at it until I push her away.

"KY! YOU DIDN'T!" She stares and her face brightens. I run for the nearest mirror and a hideous purple mark covers my neck.

"You put like 8 on me! Plus mines let people know you're mine officially," she gloats and I grow annoyed.

"I'm not your property and we're not 12," I groan. She stands and brings me to face her.

"But you are mine," she bites on her bottom lip tempting. I groan again ready to scowl at her, but I decide not to and head to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Where are you going?" She questions.

"Shower, and once I return you should be dressed."

"No invitation? And you're harsh for kicking me out," she frowns adorably.

"I'm not kicking you out! I just don't want Joe to wasp in here and see a fully naked Ky." Ky chuckles and I slap her arm softly.

"Okay, I promise I'll be dressed," she grins, I nod and walk out. 15 minutes later I re-enter the room and see Ky is on her phone talking and she's dressed! How come she looks more irresistible than last night. Man I just want to jump on her, again.

I hear Mari and Joe talking downstairs and I know that they are home.

"Jay!" Mari calls as I exit my bedroom. She sees me standing there and her worried glare becomes replaced with a huge grin. I stare at her weirdly as she stares at me with the biggest grin like cheshire the cat.

"I see your night ended on a good note." She teases pointing toward my exposed neck where Ky left that passion mark and she holds my bra. I quickly snatch it from her and groan. Joe turns the corner eating pancakes.

"Kitchen Joe!" I demand and she groans while giving me an eye roll returning to the kitchen.

"What happened to your face? Was it the rough sex? How was it? Was it good? Was it uncomfortable? What did she use? Was it her fingers? Did it feel better than a male, ya know?" My face is kinda bruised from when Greenly punched me.

"Mari she..." As Mari rants my bedroom door opens revealing Ky. She stares at Mari amused. Ky's wild curls everywhere on the top of her head. She wears her clothes from last night with her blazer tossed over her shoulder, bad-boy-style. Again why does she look even more mesmerizing?

"Oh..........hey-hey Ky, I'm Mari. I don't think we've met properly. I'm Jay's best friend also her soulmate #1," Mari smiles uncomfortably. Ky chuckles and nods.

"I'm Ky, Jay's lover/soulmate #2! Nice to meet you," She jokes along. Joe stands at the end of the hallway interrupting the awkward stance.

"KY!" Joe screams excitedly as she embraces Ky with the biggest hug ever. Ky chuckles and hugs her small frail body back.

"Ky I missed you!" She cheers. I roll my eyes adorably.

"You just saw me literally 4 days ago," Ky adds pulling back form Joe's tight hug.

"Do you miss me or not!" Joe groans out hurt.

"Yeah, I missed you sport." Ky tries with a new nickname but Joe looks at her disgusted at the attempt and shakes her head "no".

"I was thinking we could hit up the town carnival this weekend?" Mari states while Joe's eyes light up with excitement. She squeals and jumps while Mari and Ky breaks into laughter.

"And someone's becoming 11 years old," I smile.

"I'm actually turning 12," she states matter of factly. What age did I say?

"Oh shit Joe, my bad," I chuckle and so does Mari and Ky. I don't know where my head is at.

"I guess it's a date Joe," Ky smiles and Joe nods excitedly. I bet she'll be doing back flips up until she gets there.

"Hey can you help me pack?" Joe ask. Ky looks completely confused as she stares at Joe then at me.

"Pack?" Ky questions referring the question to me. I become highly nervous and I look at my feet until Mari nudges me. I look at her and she gives me a wide stare that says 'YOU HAVEN'T TOLD HER!?'

"Yuh huh!" Joe reply and pulls Ky to follow her. Ky falls into a trance and follows closely behind Joe. As the two disappear Mari slaps me on the arm softly.

"You haven't told her?" She frowns as I sigh giving my eyelids a soft/frustrated  rub.

"I didn't have time!" I panic as Mari widens her eyes.

"You had all the time in the world. During dinner you just couldn't say "hey I have to move to California in a couple of weeks but I hope we can keep this long distance thing going?" She questions confused.

"We didn't necessarily have dinner. Greenly worked at the restaurant Ky took us to and we got into this brawl and she punched me and I pulled out one of her extensions," I ramble and Mari kinda smirks but replaces it with her serious glare.

"Did you beat her ass?" She questions with this causal smirk and I shrug, I don't know if I beat her ass I just know I attacked her.

"That still doesn't excuse the fact that you didn't tell her though Jay," she adds and I grunt out childishly at this situation. It's not that big of a deal if you ask me.

"It's not that big of a deal," I mumble out and she shakes her head disappointedly.

"It is when you're in a relationship and you're switching states in a matter of seconds, you have to tell people these things. You're a grown women for fuck sake and you're making things hard." Why is she making this such a big deal! She acts as if I was keeping it from her. And plus I don't really make things hard, life is hard, literally. You're not always going to get peaches and creme 100% of the time.

Nothing in my life ever goes good for me, so I don't necessarily think that all will end well with Ky and I, that's why I'm not so quick to tell her I'm moving to California. 

"I'm making things hard? You made your entire relationship with Jeremy hard. I  know that Jeremy asked you to marry him and you declined. So if we're calling each other childish then fine because you never took things serious then!" I groan.

"You have no right bringing Jeremy into this! I refused his proposal because he wasn't committed to the part of marriage where you sacrifice and make time for one another. No one knew what went on in our relationship and how he verbally destroyed me. So yeah I refused, sue me."

"No one knew? You never opened up to me about you're relationship, you kept things away from me majority of the time... "

"You never asked! Everything's always about you Jay! What you fail to realize is that everyone has problems in there life, nothing revolves around you and only you!" And with that she grabs her car keys and leave. I stand there ashamed and disappointed.

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