The Girl From Down The Road (...

By Aialia05

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You know the story. Girl loves 1D. Girl meets 1D. Girl falls in love with the guy of her dreams. But what if... More

Brothers and Plane Fares
Airports and Buckets
Dates and One Direction
Hospitals and concerts
Bowling and Kissing
Phones and Niall
Jess and Parks
Surprises and swimming
Drugs and Sleepovers
Jobs and Results
Slaps and Pasts
Talks and Singstar
Harry and Weirdness
Hiding and Finding
Sam and Truth
Presents and Things
Tears and Heartaches
Work and Other things
Louis and Betrayal
Realizations and Singing
Break-ups and Get-backs
Gifts and French Girls
Torture and Plans
Rohypnol and Guns
Death and Sadness
Grief and All His Friends
Wheel-chairs and Liam
Memories and Feelings
Evan and Knives
Orbs and Phone Calls
Packing and Falling Over
Flying and Crying
Meeting and Landing
French Concerts and Hills So Steep That You Need People To Carry You
Something different...DON'T KILL ME!
Jewellery Shops and Shoulder Stuff
Shots and A whole lot more tears
Envelopes and Ropes (final chapter)

Calls and Pain

72 4 0
By Aialia05

Louis’s POV

I dropped my phone in shock, the sound echoing throughout the room. I wasn’t sure if the screen was cracked, but at the moment, I really didn’t care.

Josh? Josh, our drummer? The same Josh who we’ve been touring with for the past 3 years? It couldn’t be. He was there when we performed in front of almost all of Paris. He even did the hand thingy that we do before we start every concert. I wanted to call Sam back.

I needed to.

I re-dialed her number. She picked up on the 3rd ring.

“Louis? Are you OK?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. What about you? The line went dead.”

 “Uh, I’m…*cough*...fine. Listen Boo, this isn’t the best time to call. But *sniffle* remember this, 35a Degons End. *sob* I love you Lou, don’t ever forget that.”


I was talking to a dial tone.

I threw my phone into the corner of the room. It wasn’t long until one of the boys came over to calm me down. I heard Harry’s voice from a far away distance. He was right in front of me in a matter of seconds, I just was toned out.

“LOUIS! Calm down, ok?” Harry’s comforting voice soothed my anger. I sat down with my fists at my sides, my head pounding at the sound of my racing heartbeat. I looked over at Harry, my eyes fueled with the anger that I’ve been avoiding for the last few weeks.

“Harry, she’s in trouble. Big time. Worse than what happened in Wales. She’s with Jess, and she was sniffling, and coughing and she sounded hurt and scared.” I spoke loud enough for the rest of the boys to hear. They came over to us to see what was the matter, their faces plastered with worried looks.

“Louis, it’s going to be O-” Harry started, but I cut him off before he could finish. With all the anger I had inside me, I lashed out verbally at Harry.

“DON’T YOU DARE SAY THAT HARRY! CAN’T YOU SEE THAT I JUST GOT HER BACK? AND NOW I’VE PRETTY MUCH LOST HER FOREVER THIS TIME. EVERY TIME SAM OR JESS HAVE HAD AN ACCIDENT, WE’VE HAD LUCK ON OUR SIDE. BUT NOW, THERE’S NO MORE LUCK LEFT. NO MORE LUCK HARRY. NO MORE.” My tears fell out before I could stop them. I dropped to the ground in sorrow and anger, my face buried in my hands. How could Josh do this? Why would he do this? What’s Josh going to do? But more to the point, who’s been playing the drums with us since Wales?

 I felt a hand on my back. I looked up, only to see Zayn. He smiled down at me. Not a forced one, a genuine one, although you could tell that it was pained. But his eyes. His big brown eyes. They’re full of sadness. Sadness and hurt. So much hurt. They used to look so much bigger and brighter. I miss those eyes. I probably looked the same. My blue eyes full of sorrow. My blue eyes that used to look so bright and full of happiness, now are filled with pain and a hint of sadness. I understand why Zayn’s sad though. It’s not just my girlfriend who’s in trouble. Jess is with her too. I wonder how Jess is doing. I haven’t talked to her in a while. Not properly anyway. I force a smile back at Zayn, who’s let a couple of tears flow free.

“No more.” He says, his smile still plastered on his face.

And the tears start to fall.


20 minutes pass and I am pacing around the room with the boys by my side trying to think of ways to save Sam and Jess.

“Okay, well, first things first, we need to get tickets to china and the-” I tried, but got cut off by Zayn.

“Wait, what did she say about the address?” He asked quickly.

“Nothing. She said the address was 35a Degons End.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

“I’ll search it up.” Zayn replied, taking out his phone.

“In the meantime, what are we going to do?" Liam asked, watching me with worried eyes.

"We wait." I stopped pacing and sat down on the floor.

There were so many question that weren't answered. And I intended to find out exactly what the answers were.

Zayn came back to me with the address.

"It's a small house in London. You don't think it's where she and Jess are being hidden, do you?" He looked down at me with a spark of excitement in his big brown eyes. I felt bad for saying the next word that comes out of my mouth.

"No," His face dropped and the excitement dropped. The sadness came back and I regretted saying no.

"Why?" Liam asked suddenly, standing up and coming over to us.

"Well, if they're in China, why would their captors decide to put them on a plane to London and keep them in that house? Why not just stay in China?" I reasoned. Then a sound which I never thought was possible rang out throughout the studio.

My phone rang with Sams' ringtone to it. 

I ran over to where I threw it and swiped the answer button.

"Sam? Where are you hun? Are you ok?"

"Louis? Thank god!

There was a pause for a few precious seconds.


"Yes! Listen Lou. Sam, Jess and I have been kidnapped by her crazy ex-boyfriend. We're in a jewellery shop not that far away from the Gu Yi Ju caves called 'Diamond Gems'. 

"Alright, thanks mate. How's Sam and Jess?"

"They''re fine. They're awake and alive."

"Well thank god. I knew that something was wrong that Sam wasn't telling me."

"And I'm fine thanks for asking."

"Anytime, and how did you get Sam's phone?"

"It's a long story."

"Alright, ok, is Sam there?" 

"I'll put her on the phone."

"Thanks mate, be careful."

We waited a few minutes for Josh to give Sam the phone.

"Lou? Is it you?" 

She sounded so...tired. Defeated.

"Hey hun, it's me. How are you?" 

"I feel numb. I can't remember anything."

"Sam? Keep calm and listen. We're going to get you out of there. Josh told us where you are, so you don't have to explain anything."

"Lou, I feel so cold. So cold."

"Sam, stay with me ok? Can you do that?"

"Not sure, but I'll try."

"Is Jess ok?"

"She's just a bad as I am. Help us Lou."

"I'm on my way alright? I'll see you soon."

"Hurry Lou. I love you. Forever and always"

"Don't start talking like that. I'll be right there. Love you"

"Alright, se- wait, NO. Please, don't."

Her voice sounded so far away.

"Stop, no. Evan STOP. Don't hurt anyone, please.

A scream sounded. The line went dead.

Niall and Harry came in at the same time.

"We have time. About 4 days." Niall rushed. I looked over at Harry.

"We have a flight to China that leaves in about 2 hours. There's no time to pack, so we have to get going now." Harry said, looking like him and Niall had just run for their lives to get here. Which is what probably happened. Everyone turned their heads towards me.

"Let's go." 

Sam's POV

"Evan. STOP. Don't hurt anyone, please." Tears were pouring out of my eyes.

God, how did this happen? The last thing I remember is calling Louis and saying to him that we had found Josh. I don't know what happened after that. I heard Evan leave and released the breath that I didn't know I was holding. 

I went back to what happened when I woke up about 15 minutes ago.


I feel sore. Not sore enough that something is broken. No, the pain is worse than that.

I looked around and gasped when I realized something.

I'm not in my wheelchair, and I'm standing up straight.

Well that explains the pain. My wheelchair was off to the side, Jess' bag gone with it.

Again, I looked around. It was dark, and the only light was coming from outside. The room looked damp and dreaded. I was tied up by my hands vertically, so that the rope was above my head. Jess was next to me, her face bloodied, eyes closed. She wasn't wearing the clothes that she was wearing when we went out. She was a white lacey nightie, too clean for the type of room we're in. I feared for the little fetus that was growing inside of her. I looked down to see what I was wearing. I was wearing the same thing. I looked to the sides of the room. Josh was handcuffed to the bars of a heater, eyes also closed. He was wearing the clothes I remember seeing him in the jewellery store. There was a little surveillence camera in the corner of the room. I'm guessing that whoever captured us is watching us 24/7. Great.

The door opened, revealing who our captor/s are.

"Did I have to guess that it was you?" I spat.

"Now now, do we have to use that tone around here?"  He babied. I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want? We got what you wanted us to get, why do you need to do this?" I asked angrily. I saw Jess waking up from the corner of my eye.

"We found that in your friends bag. Do you want me to tell you why you're here?" he paced, teasing me. I stared at him, not saying anything. He already knew the answer. 

"We're doing some experiments." His tone of voice changed to a more professer like tone. He turned to me.

"Have you ever heard of the Infraworld? Entities?"


"Well, an Entity is a ghost. A demon. A freak of nature. Whatever you like to call it. You know the myths of demons and ghosts? How they're invisble to other people except you? Entities are like that. As for the Infraworld, that is where they all come from. No one living has ever been to the Infraworld, or the other side, as other people like to call it. Lately, we've been building a condenser, a passage to the other side, in an underground lab. But not all entities are nice. As I said, entities are demons. They can and will kill you, if they're demons. Entities can go through matter, so there's no point in running if you're stuck with one. Anyway, that's why we need that orb. We need to keep the entities to one certain part of the room so that we can get through."

"So why do you need us?"

"You three are going to be test subjects for a whole different project. Remember the non-demon entities? We're going to see if we can...attach an entity to another persons soul."

"Why would you do that?"

"Think about it Sam. Entities can do things that we can't. They can contact the spirits of others, so that humans can hear them. We've already tested this on someone else, who died in an unfortunate situation?"

"She met you?"

"Don't be pushy, and HE couldn't take the pressure of life anymore. He commited suicide."

"Who was he?"

"No one of consequence. Don't worry. Anyway, entites. They can protect the person they're with. And by protect, I mean, forcefields made out of matter in the air. Entities can heal other people in a way humans can't. Imagine a world with that kind of power Sam. We could be helping people, no one will have to die of car accidents and heart attacks ever again."

"You're insane."

"Maybe, but just you wait."

"Why? Why are you doing this?"

He stared at me, his eyes burning at me.

"Because I failed to kill you. And who I'm working for doesn't appreciate that I failed and has punished me for doing so."


He slowly came up to me. Once he was inches from my face, he slapped me, the sound of the slap echoing throughout the room. I howled, touching the now tender skin on my face.

"You better lose the attitude princess, or next time, it'll be worse." He left the room with that.

His words hung in the air, everyone speechless. Jess was the first to talk.

"Sam? Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. Josh?"

"I'm o-"

"No, what are you doing here?"

"They kidnapped me during an intervetion for one of the songs. I was in my changing room when someone knocked me out and dragged me here. That was in Paris. They've been keeping me here for a couple days now, torturing me. Bastards." He spat, the venom in his words scaring me.

"Jess, I just remembered. What about Andie and Katherine?"

A few seconds later, Katherine and Andie came in, their bodies slumped and not moving. Jess and I gasped.

"Josh, can you check to see if..."

He nodded, not needing to know anymore. His leg reached out and he kicked at Katherine. No response. He did the same with Andie. No response.

"Well, unless they can't feel anything, they're dead." He looked over at us. You could tell that even in darkness that he was sad. 

"Jess, how's...uh...your stomach?" I looked over at her. Her eyes went big. She felt her stomach.

"Sam, it hasn't been kicking since we got here. How are your legs?"

"Painful. I can only move my toes. He's trying to set me straight again, I guess."

"Speaking of which, who is he?" Josh asked. My stomach sank.

"My ex boyfriend, Evan." 

"Well, he seems like a nice person."

"Yeah, if you're the devil." I snorted. 

We all laughed at that. It was then that I remembered one other thing.

My phone.

"Josh! My phone, it's in my wheelchair pocket."

"How have they not gotten it?"

I grinned. "Because the case is black, like the chair." Josh smiled.

"Ok, I'll get it, wait a sec."

He pushed the back of the wheelchair to himself, using his legs. He tipped it over, his foot sliding into the pocket to get it. When his foot came out, so did the phone.

"Ok, press the home button and the passcode is 2412."

He took off his shoe and used his toes to type in the passcode.

"Ok, go to the contacts and scroll down until you get Louis' number, then swipe to call it."

And yes, I have a samsung phone.

Josh called Louis. He picked up on the second ring.

"Sam? Where are you hun? Are you ok?"

"Louis? Thank god!

There was a pause for a few precious seconds.


"Yes! Listen Lou. Sam, Jess and I have been kidnapped by her crazy ex-boyfriend. We're in a jewellery shop not that far away from the Gu Yi Ju caves called 'Diamond Gems'. 

"Alright, thanks mate. How's Sam and Jess?"

"They''re fine. They're awake and alive."

"Well thank god. I knew that something was wrong that Sam wasn't telling me."

"And I'm fine thanks for asking."

"Anytime, and how did you get Sam's phone?"

"It's a long story."

"Alright, ok, is Sam there?" 

"I'll put her on the phone."

"Thanks mate, be careful."

We waited a few minutes for Josh to give Sam the phone.

"Lou? Is it you?" 

 "Hey hun, it's me. How are you?" 

"I feel numb. I can't remember anything."

"Sam? Keep calm and listen. We're going to get you out of there. Josh told us where you are, so you don't have to explain anything."

"Lou, I feel so cold. So cold."

"Sam, stay with me ok? Can you do that?"

"Not sure, but I'll try."

"Is Jess ok?"

"She's just a bad as I am. Help us Lou."

"I'm on my way alright? I'll see you soon."

"Hurry Lou. I love you. Forever and always"

"Don't start talking like that. I'll be right there. Love you"

"Alright, se- "

Evan slammed open the door open. He had a gun in his hand.

"Wait...NO...STOP IT."

Everything else passed in a blur.

Evan fired one shot.

Someone screamed.


Hey! OMG I'M SO SORRY LIKE WHAT HAPPENED SAM WHY. But hey, holidays means more writing! WOOOooOooOOOOOOOooooooooOOOoooOOoOo.
Dedication to my friend Devon!! :)
The song is The Doctor's Theme.
Ok, um, 1,000+ reads, 5 votes and 5 comments until the next chappie.


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