Bad Boys In Love ✔

By atlas-carter

44.8K 1.5K 5.8K

[COMPLETED] In elementary school they were bullied. They were the targets of humiliation, but that is the pas... More

1: The Chikamoto Sisters
2: Humiliation Attempt
3: Let's Get Physical
4: Tutor Ryohei and Plan B
5: The Assignment
6: The Basketball Team
7: The Decision
8: The Field Trip
9: Rooftop Love
10: The Motorcycle Ride
12: Back Stage Action
13: The School Concert
14: The Truth
15: Special 2k+ Reads
16: The False Accusation
17: The Fake Apology
18: Back to Square One
19: Good Girl Gone Bad
20: From Slut To Hero
21: Streaming The Truth
22: The Apology
23: A New Leaf
24: Sleepover Decisions
Epilogue: Rei Ending
Epilogue: Keiichiro Ending
Epilogue: Akira Ending
Epilogue: Ryoji Ending
Epilogue: Yu Ending
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 1
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 2

11: A Kiss On The Beach

1.3K 42 180
By atlas-carter

The bell rang for lunch. The first two classes had gone by reasonably quickly for everybody, except for Ryohei. During the whole first two periods Keiichiro, Rei, and Yu seemed to be constantly bugging her about every little thing as if to see who can get more of her attention. She was happy that the three of them seemed to want to hang out with her more, but she figured that she would at least get a little bit of time to herself during class. She avoided as much socializing with Rei as possible. The feeling of Rei's lips on hers made her lips tingle. She was still awkward about that. However, the warmth from Keiichiro's embrace seemed to make her disturbed thoughts about Rei go away. She felt safe in Keiichiro's arms despite the fact that she had been the one to save him.

"Ryohei, I know you can hear me," Rei's voice said bringing Ryohei back from her thoughts as she and the others walked down the hall to their locker bay. "Ryohei, stop ignoring me."

"I'm not ignoring you Rei. I'm just... avoiding you," Ryohei responded with a sigh.

"Wait, why are you avoiding Rei again?" Ryoji asked in confusion. The others shrugged in response.

"It's nothing Ryoji," Ryohei replied shrugging it off.

"There you go again, completely avoiding the subject," Akira remarked crossing his arms.

"Yeah, stop avoiding the subject Ryohei," Yu said as he nodded in agreement.

"I'm not avoiding the subject," Ryohei protested with a heavy sigh, "It's really nothing."

"Well, if you're not going to say it then I guess I will," Rei said looking at Ryohei then turned his attention to the others, "Yesterday, I kis-!" Ryohei's eyes went wide and she quickly clamped her hand over Rei's mouth.

"Ahaha, Rei can I talk to you for a minute?" Ryohei asked giving him a firm look.

"Do I have a choice?" Rei asked curiously.

"No, you don't," Ryohei responded shaking her head, "You're right. That was a stupid question." Ryohei dragged Rei far enough away, so that the others wouldn't be able to hear them. "Rei, don't tell them about that."

"Why? What's the problem?" Rei asked shrugging.

"The problem is that I am not ready to hear their constant teasing, especially from Akira," Ryohei explained crossing her arms.

"I guess that makes sense," Rei answered with a small nod, "They're going to find out anyways though, so why not tell them now instead of them finding out later?"

"Because I am still on awkward state. That's why!" Ryohei exclaimed sighing. Rei's eyes widened in surprise at Ryohei raising her voice.

"Sorry," Rei apologized looking away. Ryohei sighed.

"No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you," Ryohei explained with an apologetic expression, "I just want to hold off telling them as much as possible."

"Ok, I won't tell them," Rei replied nodded in understanding.

"Thank you Rei," Ryohei thanked him with a bright smile as she hugged him. Rei's eyes widened at Ryohei's action, but he soon relaxed in her arms and he hugged her back. He rested his chin on her shoulder and nuzzled his face in her hair. He took a deep breath. Her hair smelled of green tea and honey. He smiled in content. Ryoji and Akira watched this in suspicion while Keiichiro and Yu watched this with jealously in their eyes.

"Are they a thing or something?" Ryoji asked raising his eyebrow.

"They better not," Keiichiro and Yu responded at the same time. Akira and Ryoji stared at them in confusion while glancing at each other.

"Why do you care if they're a thing or not?" Akira asked curiously. Keiichiro and Yu's eyes widened. They took at glance at each other before looking away with blushing cheeks.

"No reason in particular," Yu answered awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

"Because we just do!" Keiichiro exclaimed in embarrassment, "You got a problem with that?"

"Nope," Ryoji answered shrugging and shaking his head. Akira stared at them for a moment before it finally clicked and he smirked at them.

"You two have a crush on her don't you?" Akira asked smirking. Keiichiro and Yu's eyes went wide.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Keiichiro replied looking away. Keiichiro knew exactly what Akira was talking about because he in fact did have a crush on Ryohei. He hadn't realized it until last night.

"Uh huh. What about you Yu?" Akira asked not really believing Keiichiro as he turned his attention to Yu.

"Well, sure I like her, but as a friend of course," Yu explained with a nervous chuckle. He had said the exact opposite of what he was actually feeling. He did have a crush on her. He had for a while now, but he felt like it was one-sided, so he chose not to say anything. Akira and Ryoji glanced at each other and then back at Keiichiro and Yu not believing a single word they just said.

"Right," Ryoji answered rolling his eyes and looking away from them. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Rika standing a few meters away from them. She was glaring at them with pure hatred in her eyes. Ryoji stared back at her. In his heart he wanted to go over there and embrace her, but in his head he wanted to punch her. He ignored the longing in his heart and turned his back to her with his arms crossed. Rei and Ryohei had long finished hugging and slowly walked over back to the others. "You two dating or something?"

"What? No!" Ryohei exclaimed shaking her head. Rei's happy expression saddened at the sound of Ryohei saying that. Keiichiro and Yu sighed in relief to hear this. Akira and Ryoji saw this whole thing.

"Well, this should be interesting," Akira commented with a small smirk. Ryohei looked at him in confusion.

"What will be interesting?" Ryohei asked curiously. Ryoji and Akira glanced from each other, to the other three, and then back to Ryohei with smirks.

"Oh, nothing," Akira responded with a chuckle. The others shrugged as they all went for lunch. They had been eating lunch together more often now. Many were jealous of Ryohei and wondered why the boys seemed so fond of her. By the end of lunch, every student in the cafeteria watched as Ryohei left with the boys following right behind her.

"What do they see in her?" One girl asked scowling.

"She seems nice," another girls responded with a shrug.

"With those guys around we can't even get close or even talk to Ryohei," one boy said with a sigh.

"I know. It's so unfair," another boys replied with a nod of agreement, "She's so cute too." Rika listened to all of this and she couldn't help, but feel jealous of Ryohei. Back at their old school both boys and girls commented on how pretty she was and how much they wanted to be like her or hang out with her. Here though, it would seem that Ryohei is the popular girl now.

"Don't forget how smart she is," a different boy added. Many nodded in agreement.

"Maybe she can help me with my homework," a girl suggested, "I'm practically failing. She's in my class and she's at the top of the class."

"I don't care about her," the dark haired girl sneered, "As long as she keeps her hands off Akira then I'll play nice." The other students looked away at this and went back to eating their food. Ryohei and the others walked to their next class. Rei, Yu, and Keiichiro all fought on who should walk next to Ryohei. Ryoji and Akira walked behind and watched all of this in amusement. Akira had to kind of drag Keiichiro away from Ryohei because they weren't in the same class as the others for third period. Ryohei and Yu sat together while Ryoji and Rei sat together. Rei glared at Yu's back all through class. Ryohei and Yu had finished their work way before everybody else.

"Ms., we're done our work," Ryohei said raising her hand to the teacher.

"Very good. Please hand them up," the teacher instructed with a smile. Ryohei and Yu nodded as they both stood up and walked to the front. They handed their work to the teacher. "I'm very pleased to see you finish so quickly Mr. Agatsuma."

"Ryohei's a good tutor," Yu responded as he glanced over at Ryohei and winked. Ryohei's eyes widened and she looked away with blushing cheeks. Rei glared daggers at Yu's back.

"Yes, I can see that," the teacher replied with a nod, "Now, would you two mind running to the main office and dropping this off?" The teacher handed them a couple of sheets.

"Sure," Ryohei answered with a nod as she took the sheets. Yu nodded in response as they both exited the classroom. Ryohei and Yu walked side by side.

"You sure you don't want me to carry those?" Yu asked.

"Haha, yeah, I'm good," Ryohei responded with a chuckle, "Thanks though." Yu smiled back. Ryohei didn't know what it was, but she always felt so comfortable with Yu. With Rei she felt awkward, with Keiichiro she felt safe, with Ryoji she felt neutral, and with Akira she felt nervous. She always seemed to enjoy Yu's company. He was like both a brother and a bestfriend to her.

"Faster Akira faster!!" A female voice exclaimed in pleasure. Ryohei's eyes widened while Yu furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Oh no," Ryohei said nervously as she glanced at Yu.

"The h***?" Yu asked in confusion and curiosity as he started to walk towards the corner.

"No, wait, Yu," Ryohei protested as she latched onto Yu's sleeve. Yu looked at her in surprise. "Let's go the other way." Yu stared at her for a moment.

"I'm coming Akira!!" The female voice shouted.

"Ok, this is bugging me. I need to know what's going on," Yu said as he walked around the corner.

"Yu! No!" Ryohei protested as she rushed after him, but it was too late. Yu had already turned the corner and as she did too there was butt naked Akira doing it with the dark haired girl backed up against the wall. They were having a full on makeup session.

"Akira! What the f*** man?!" Yu asked in disgust as he looked away. At the sound of Yu's voice, Akira and the dark haired girl stopped and turned around. Akira groaned when he saw both Yu and Ryohei standing there. Akira put his pants back up before approaching us with an annoyed expression.

"I tried to stop him I swear," Ryohei stated putting her hands up in defense. Akira sighed.

"Seriously dude? You're doing it right out here in middle of the f***ing hallway?!" Yu asked grimacing, "What happened to you using the janitor's closet?"

"The janitor found condoms," Akira explained scowling, "I need to fill my tendencies."

"Look, I don't f***ing care about your tendencies. Just do it somewhere else," Yu responded in disgust, "I don't want to see your naked a**!"

"I don't give a flying f*** if you don't you want to see my a**! I'll do it where I want," Akira replied crossing his arms, "Besides Ryohei doesn't mind. She's already seen my naked a** before and my d*ck." Yu's eyes widened in shock as he glanced from Ryohei and Akira.

"Oh my god! Really Akira?!" Ryohei asked glaring at Akira. Akira shrugged. Yu continued to stare at her in shock. "It's a long story."

"So, what are you two doing wandering the halls alone?" Akira asked with a smirk.

"The teacher asked us to drop these off at the main office," Ryohei explained simply showing Akira the small pile of sheets. Akira gave a small nod as he glanced.

"That would only take one person to do not two people," Akira responded raising his eyebrow.

"The teacher asked both of us to bring them to the office because we finished our work early," Ryohei explained.

"Uh huh," Akira replied smirking, "It seems to me like you two wanted to go together. Yu are you sure you don't have a cru-?!" Both Ryohei and Yu's eyes widened at this and before Akira could finish Yu clamped his hand over Akira's mouth.

"Haha, Akira, I don't know where you come up with these things," Yu remarked chuckling. Ryohei stifled a small giggle. "One minute." Ryohei nodded. "Akira, a word." Akira rolled his eyes as he followed Yu far enough away, so that Ryohei wouldn't hear them.

"What's up?" Akira asked curiously.

"What the f*** Akira? Why would you say that?" Yu asked glaring at Akira.

"What's the problem? You like her don't you?" Akira asked shrugging. Yu paused and glanced at Ryohei, who smiled at him.

"Look, it's complicated," Yu answered with a sigh.

"What's complicated? You clearly like her, so tell her," Akira insisted.

"I can't at least not yet," Yu responded shaking his head.

"Why not?" Akira asked in frustration.

"Because I don't even know if she likes me back that way," Yu explained as he looked away with a depressed expression.

Akira sighed as he placed his hand on Yu's shoulder.

"I can see if I can get it out of her if she likes you or not," Akira suggested. Yu looked at Akira in surprise.

"You would do that for me?" Yu asked in surprise.

"Let's just say that this is my apology for forgetting your birthday," Akira answered with a small smile. Yu smiled back and nodded.

"Thanks man," Yu thanked Akira. Akira nodded as they walked back over to where Ryohei stood waiting. "Ok, let's go." Ryohei nodded.

"Bye Akira," Ryohei said as she waved to Akira. Akira gave a nod back as Ryohei and Yu walked to the main office. They dropped the sheets off at the main office and then returned to class. Yu smiled all through the rest of class waiting to know if Ryohei felt the same way he did or not. The rest of the day went by quickly and finally the bell rang. "Do you have practice today Yu?"

"Well, it's more of my own practice. I had actual practice with my team yesterday," Yu responded with a nod.

"Ok, I'll come watch then," Ryohei stated nodding back.

"Yay!!" Yu exclaimed with a cheerful smile. Ryohei giggled as she smiled back at him. Yu grabbed his bag from his locker and the two of them walked off towards the change rooms.

"They're definitely crushing on each other," Akira commented with a smirk. Keiichiro and Rei frowned at this.

"I'm taking the bus," Rei announced as he grabbed his bag and left in huff of jealousy of seeing Ryohei and Yu all friendly with each other.

"Wait up Rei!" Ryoji called out as he grabbed his bag and rushed after Rei.

"I'm not waiting for Yu to finish," Akira said as he grabbed his stuff, "Keiichiro, mind giving me a ride?"

"Ain't happening," Keiichiro refused shaking his head.

"Dude, come on," Akira replied with a pleading voice.

"No, forget it," Keiichiro retorted stubbornly. Akira sighed.

"Fine, later," Akira answered as he rushed after Ryoji and Rei. Keiichiro remained behind and followed after Yu and Ryohei. When Keiichiro finally caught up to Ryohei and Yu he found them outside on the court. He stood some place where he could be unseen.

"Ryohei, that's travelling," Yu protested as he chased after her, "And that's really bad travelling too. You'd think that non basketball players would be better at travelling, but in this case it's the other way around." Ryohei giggled as she ran all over the court while Yu chased after her. Yu managed to catch Ryohei after a little bit. "Gotcha!"

"Ahaha, Yu~," Ryohei said childishly with a giggle as Yu grabbed her from behind and pulled her to him. Yu stifled a laugh as he held onto her while she squirmed under his grasp. Ryohei turned herself around in Yu's grasp and tried to push him off, but Yu kept his grip. They laughed in amusement as they played around. Ryohei managed to break free and started to run again, but Yu caught her arm pulling her back. Yu's pull was a bit too strong and Ryohei ended up colliding with Yu making them both fall to the ground. Ryohei landed on top of Yu.

"Ow, sorry about that Ryohei," Yu apologized as he looked up at her. His eyes widened when he saw that she had landed on top of him.

"Haha, it's ok," Ryohei responded with a chuckle as she looked down to him. Her eyes widened as well when she saw that she had landed on top of Yu. They stared into each other's eyes for a minute or so. Yu reached his hand up and placed it on Ryohei's cheek. Ryohei glanced at his hand in surprise before looking back at Yu. Yu wanted to kiss Ryohei right now. He felt himself slowly and gently pulling Ryohei's face down towards his. Ryohei didn't seem to struggle either. Yu kept pulling Ryohei's face closer and closer until finally he stopped when their faces were right in front of each other. Ryohei slightly gasped as she realized that she was about to kiss Yu. "Um, I should probably let you get back to your practice." Ryohei quickly got off of Yu and stood up before extending her hand out to him. Yu sighed heavily as he took her hand and stood up. He bit his lip at the thought that he and Ryohei were close to kissing. His heart skipped a beat when her lips were so close to his.

"Um...," Yu started, but then trailed off as he looked away with red cheeks. Ryohei's heart was racing as she looked down awkwardly.

"I'll let you get to practicing," Ryohei said breaking the silence.

"Right, ok," Yu responded with an awkward nod.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Ryohei replied with a small wave. Yu's eyes slightly widened at this.

"Wait, you're leaving?" Yu asked in surprise.

"Well, I was kind of distracting you from your practice," Ryohei explained, "After all, I can't get in the was of your practice." Yu nodded with a disappointed expression.

"Ok, I guess you may be right," Yu remarked, "See you tomorrow then?" Ryohei nodded and gave a smile. Yu smiled back before going back to his practice. Ryohei looked at Yu one more time before turning around and slowly leaving. Yu shot a few baskets before looking and watching Ryohei's figure get farther and farther away. Ever since he had made it his life motto to never let anything get in the way of practice he has kept to it, but now he wondered if Ryohei could be his one exception. He sighed heavily as he went back to practice. Ryohei walked back inside the school and to her locker. She grabbed her bag and her skateboard before heading to the front. Once she reached the front she noticed Keiichiro on his motorcycle. She approached him.

"What are you still doing here Keiichiro?" Ryohei asked curiously.

"Waiting for you of course," Keiichiro responded with a smile. Ryohei seemed a bit surprised by this.

"How come? You have your motorcycle. You didn't have to wait for Yu to give you a ride," Ryohei replied with a curious expression.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go see Trusty with me," Keiichiro suggested. Ryohei's eyes brightened at this and she nodded. "Great, hop on." Keiichiro handed Ryohei his extra helmet. They both hopped on the motorcycle and then rode off towards the park where Trusty wandered around. Keiichiro parked his motorcycle in the parking lot near the park. They hopped off his motorcycle and walked side by side towards the park.

"Trusty~," Ryohei sang as she looked around the play structure. There was a faint meow coming from within the play structure. Ryohei got on the play structure and found Trusty lying on the inside of the slide. "There you are Trusty."

"Did you find her?" Keiichiro asked curiously.

"Yeah, she's over here," Ryohei responded as she gestured with her hand to Keiichiro. Keiichiro nodded as he climbed onto the play structure and sat beside Ryohei next to the slide. Together, they petted Trusty's soft pelt.

"Ryohei," Keiichiro said in a low whisper. Ryohei looked over at him in question.

"Yeah?" Ryohei asked curiously. Keiichiro took a deep breath and prepared himself for what he was going to say next.

"I lied when I said that I waited for you, so that we could come see Trusty," Keiichiro responded looking away. Ryohei looked at him with a confused expression.

"What do you mean?" Ryohei asked unsure.

"I wanted to talk to you, but I thought that the only way you would come would be if we we're visiting Trusty," Keiichiro explained.

"You were afraid I wouldn't come because you just wanted to talk?" Ryohei asked in surprise. Keiichiro nodded. Ryohei stared at him for a moment before letting out a small chuckle. "Keiichiro, if you wanted to talk to me I would have come with you."

"Wait, you would?" Keiichiro asked in surprise. Ryohei nodded.

"Of course," Ryohei replied with a nod. Keiichiro smiled as he took her hand.

"I want to take you somewhere," Keiichiro remarked. Ryohei simply nodded as she stood up.

"Ok. Bye Trusty," Ryohei said as she patted Trusty's head and followed Keiichiro out of the play structure. They walked together back to Keiichiro's motorcycle and got on. Once on, Keiichiro started up his motorcycle and they rode off. About 5 minutes later, they pulled up to the parking lot of the beach. They both hopped off the motorcycle.

"The beach," Ryohei said as she raced towards the tan coloured sand. She quickly took her shoes off and wiggled her toes in the sand. She smiled happily at the feel of the sand beneath her feet. Keiichiro watched her with a small smile on his face as he approached her.

"You wanna walk along the beach?" Keiichiro asked curiously. Ryohei nodded as she grabbed her shoes. They walked closer to the where the water rose onto the beach and walked along there. The blue water rushed over their bare feet as they walked. The sun was starting to set and it created a beautiful yellowish orange color across the sky. They sat down on the beach and stared out to the open sea. Ryohei breathed the salty sea air and closed her eyes in content. Keiichiro glanced over at Ryohei and his eyes widened. Ryohei's face gleamed in the sunset. Her sun kissed tan skin seemed to really be kissed by the sun. Her eyes stared longingly towards the sea and her hair blew behind her in the wind. Keiichiro stared at her enchanting expression. Ryohei noticed Keiichiro staring at her and looked over at him.

"What?" Ryohei asked curiously with a warm smile. Her cheeks almost seemed to shine from all the sunlight that glowed onto her.

"Nothing," Keiichiro answered as he looked away. His cheeks were a bright pink. Ryohei stifled a laugh.

"Haha, ok. If you say so," Ryohei responded as she looked back out to the sea. Just then her phone buzzed. She took it out to see it was a message from Rika. She sighed heavily as she opened it and read it.

{Rika: Ryohei, mom wants you home.}

"Everything ok?" Keiichiro asked with a concerned expression. Ryohei closed her phone and glanced over at Keiichiro.

"Yeah. I should probably go though," Ryohei replied with a sigh, "Rika just texted me saying that mom wants me home." Ryohei stood up and shook off all the sand. Keiichiro stood up too. They promptly walked back to the parking lot. Once at the front of the entrance to the beach Keiichiro stopped walking and stood there watching Ryohei's figure. Ryohei continued walking not realizing that Keiichiro had stopped. Keiichiro bit his lip as he rushed after Ryohei and latched onto her wrist. Surprised, Ryohei turned around to come face to face with Keiichiro. "Keiichiro?" Keiichiro stared deeply into her eyes as he slowly brought his face closer to hers. Ryohei's eyes slightly widened when she noticed this. Keiichiro placed his hand around Ryohei's back and pulled her to him as his lips brushed against hers. Ryohei's heart thumped and her knees felt weak. It wasn't too long before Keiichiro fully placed his lips on Ryohei's and she felt soft kisses on her lips. Ryohei's eyes were wide in shock as her hands rested on Keiichiro's chest. Despite her surprise, Ryohei felt herself relax in Keiichiro's arms. She felt safe and warm in his arms. She didn't kiss him back, but she didn't feel the way she felt when Rei kissed her. With Rei she felt like she was being forced into something that she didn't want to do, but now with Keiichiro she felt like he was giving her a choice to either kiss him back or to just stand there and let him kiss her. She knew she couldn't share his feelings back because she wasn't even sure if she liked him more than a friend, so she simply stood there until Keiichiro finally broke the kiss. Keiichiro had a gentle smile on his face as he stared down at Ryohei.

Ryohei looked up at him with mixed feelings. "Keiichiro... I... I... can't reciprocate your feelings back at least not yet. I need time to think."

"Take all the time you need," Keiichiro responded as he embrace her in warm hug. Ryohei rested her head against Keiichiro's chest as she touched her lips. Her lips felt warm and tingly. Her cheeks were warm as her thought wandered to the feeling of Keiichiro's lips on hers. Her heart raced at her overwhelming feelings that seemed to begin.


Hi everyone!

So, here is chapter 11!

I hope you all liked it!

So, there was quite some awkward moments in this chapter. I put a Ryohei and Yu moment and a Ryohei and Keiichiro moment in this chapter. I want to make the who to ship thing harder for you all. Haha, I'm so evil.😈😈

Plus, a couple of my readers wanted to see some more Ryohei and Yu action.😉😉

Shippings! Who do you wanna ship or who are you still shipping?

1) Cute Couple: Ryohei & Yu 💙 (This chapter.😊)

2) Tough Couple: Ryohei & Keiichiro 💚 (Last chapter and this chapter.☺)

3) Awkward Couple: Ryohei & Rei 💜

4) Heartbreaker Couple: Ryohei & Akira 💛 (Next chapter.😉)

5) Romantic Couple: Ryohei & Ryoji ❤

Which couple are you shipping?

Anyways, please vote and comment if you liked this chapter!

Also, if you are a Black Butler fan then please go check out jenifer1219 new Black Butler Truth or Dare book. She just published it.😃😃

Stay tune for my next update coming soon! :)

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