Bad Boys In Love ✔

By atlas-carter

44.8K 1.5K 5.8K

[COMPLETED] In elementary school they were bullied. They were the targets of humiliation, but that is the pas... More

1: The Chikamoto Sisters
2: Humiliation Attempt
3: Let's Get Physical
4: Tutor Ryohei and Plan B
5: The Assignment
6: The Basketball Team
7: The Decision
8: The Field Trip
9: Rooftop Love
10: The Motorcycle Ride
11: A Kiss On The Beach
12: Back Stage Action
14: The Truth
15: Special 2k+ Reads
16: The False Accusation
17: The Fake Apology
18: Back to Square One
19: Good Girl Gone Bad
20: From Slut To Hero
21: Streaming The Truth
22: The Apology
23: A New Leaf
24: Sleepover Decisions
Epilogue: Rei Ending
Epilogue: Keiichiro Ending
Epilogue: Akira Ending
Epilogue: Ryoji Ending
Epilogue: Yu Ending
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 1
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 2

13: The School Concert

1.2K 41 235
By atlas-carter

Ryohei woke up the next morning feeling less cheerful than usual. Thoughts kept going back to yesterday in auditorium. She couldn't shake the immense pleasure that she had felt when Akira touched her, but every time she felt that she automatically felt ashamed of herself for letting Akira do that to her. She sat in bed with the covers over her body and hugged her knees close to her. When she had got home last night she had immediately gone up to her room and didn't say a thing to Rika or her mother. Rika didn't seem to notice. She was too busy taking selfies to notice her sister's upset state. Her mother, however, did notice and went to check on her distressed daughter, but Ryohei wanted to be left alone. Just then Ryohei's phone rang, bringing her from her distraught thoughts. She looked at her phone to see that Yu was calling her. She didn't want to talk to anybody today after what happened yesterday. She felt it rude though if she didn't answer him. Sighing heavily, she answered her phone.

"Hello?" Ryohei asked in a weak and depressed voice.

"Ryohei, are you ok?" Yu's voice asked from the other line, "You don't sound like your usual self." That's because she wasn't her usual self. What Akira did to her yesterday really scared her and she just didn't know how she was going to face him today.

"I'm fine," Ryohei lied as she took deep breaths.

"Ok, if you say so," Yu responded in concern, "Anyways, do you need a ride?"

"No, that's alright Yu," Ryohei replied, "I'm going to skateboard to school today."

"Are you sure because I don't mind," Yu answered.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Thanks though," Ryohei thanked him, "I'll see you at school."

"Ok, see you at school," Yu responded. With that Ryohei hung up and held her phone close to her chest. She felt like crying all over again. Yu seemed to know that something was up when he talked to her on the phone and that made her nervous. It took a lot out of her to just get herself dressed and down the stairs. She tried her best to sneak past her mother and Rika while grabbing an apple or the way out. She grabbed her skateboard and skateboarded to school. As the wind blew past her it made her think back to yesterday when she felt Akira's warm breath on her skin. It made her shiver in the gleaming light of the morning sunshine. She tool deep breaths as she tried to compose herself.

When she arrived at school, she noticed the boys getting out of Yu's car. Her eyes fell on Akira, who was busy texting on his phone. Her breathing hitched when she saw him and she bit her lip. She could still feel Akira's hands glide up and down her skin. She knew she shouldn't miss school, but she couldn't face Akira after what he did to her yesterday. Sighing, she skateboarded away from the school and sat on a swing in the park nearby. She swung herself back and forth as she stared at the ground. She remained there for the first period.

The boys had each tried to call her and text her, asking her where she was. She ignored all of them. By lunch time, the boys were worried and tried again to contact her. When she once again didn't answer them they knew something was up. As they stood in line at the cafeteria Yu noticed a figure out of the corner of his eye in the park. He squinted his eyes to see who it was and they widened when he saw that it was Ryohei. Forgetting that he hadn't eaten yet, Yu rushed out of the cafeteria and towards the park. He sighed in relief when he saw Ryohei swinging on a swing in the park. He approached her slowly.

"Ryohei," Yu said as he stood in front of Ryohei, "Where were you this morning?" Ryohei looked up in surprise. Her eyes widened when she saw Yu standing there. Yu's eyes widened when he saw tears in Ryohei's eyes.

"Yu?" Ryohei asked in surprise as she quickly wiped away her fallen tears. Yu knelt in front of her.

"Ryohei, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Yu asked in worry. Ryohei sniffled as she looked at her hands in her lap.

"It's nothing," Ryohei responded sniffling.

"Ryohei, this isn't nothing. You're crying," Yu replied with a sigh, "Tell me what's wrong." Ryohei didn't respond. "Did something happen this morning?" Ryohei shook her head, but still avoided eye contact. "Did something happen yesterday?" Ryohei didn't do or say anything this time. Yu looked at her in concern before he thought back to this morning when he noticed that Akira had been quieter than usual today. "Ryohei, answer me truthfully. Did Akira do something to you yesterday in the auditorium?"

"... I... well... he...," Ryohei started, but then trailed off, "I can't." More tears began to well up in her eyes.

"Ryohei, tell me now. Did Akira do something to you?" Yu asked again curiously and worriedly.

"He... no... it's f-f-fine," Ryohei said stuttering and wiping her nose.

"Ryohei, I'm being serious. Did he do something to you?" Yu asked again in a serious tone.

"Yu, I can't tell you. I'm sorry," Ryohei apologized as she looked away. Yu sighed as he sat beside her on the swing.

"Why can't you tell me?" Yu asked curiously, "Look, if you're afraid to get Akira in trouble then-."

"It's not that," Ryohei responded with a sigh.

"Ok, then what is it?" Yu asked in confusion.

"I'm... afraid that he... will do to me what he did to me yesterday again," Ryohei answered. Yu furrowed his eyebrows in worry as he got off the swing and knelt in front of Ryohei.

"Ryohei, whatever he did, you can tell me and I promise that I won't let him do it to you again," Yu promised as he placed his hand on Ryohei's. Ryohei looked up at him and gave a small smile.

"You have to promise me that you won't freak out," Ryohei said. Yu looked at her with a weird expression.

"Well, that depends," Yu responded unsure.

"Yu, please, you have to promise me that you won't freak out," Ryohei remarked in worry. Yu sighed.

"Ok, I promise," Yu promised with a nod of uneasiness. Ryohei nodded as she took a deep breath.

"Yesterday, while we were in the auditorium, Akira... tried to... almost tried to... r-r-rape me...," Ryohei said nervously as she slowly looked up at Yu. Yu stared at her for a moment before his expression hardened.

"That son of a b****! I'm gonna kill him!" Yu exclaimed angrily as he stood up. Ryohei's eyes widened and she stood up too.

"No! Yu, don't!" Ryohei protested as she rushed after Yu, but Yu was too fast and was already inside the school. Yu stormed into the cafeteria. Everybody stared in surprise and confusion.

"Whoa, Yu, what's going on?" Keiichiro asked in confusion. The boys all stood up as Yu approached them. Yu glared at Akira with a deadly stare.

"You b*****d!!" Yu exclaimed in fury as he pushed Akira forcefully. Akira fell backwards into Ryoji.

"Yu, what the f*** are you doing?!" Ryoji asked in shock as he helped Akira stand up.

"What the f*** is wrong with you Akira?!" Yu asked furiously as he leaped at Akira. They both fell to the ground with Yu on top of Akira.

"Get the f*** off me Yu!" Akira yelled as he pushed Yu off of him. He glared at Yu.

"You disgusting, perverted, motherf***er!!" Yu shouted glaring at Akira as they started pushing at each other. Ryohei raced into the cafeteria and her eyes widened when she saw the scene. The students were surrounding Akira and Yu.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Students cheered in excitement. Ryohei tried to push her way into the middle to stop them, but students pushed her out of the way.

"The f*** is wrong with you?!" Akira asked in anger.

"Me?!" Yu asked in disbelief, "I should be asking you that you f***ing playboy!"

"What the f*** are you talking about?!" Akira asked in confusion. Yu scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Pretending you're innocent is a waste of time Akira!" Yu exclaimed glaring at Akira, "How could you do that to Ryohei?!" At the sound of Ryohei's name, Akira froze. The others looked from Akira to Yu in confusion.

"Wait, what happened to Ryohei?" Keiichiro asked in worry.

"Yu! Stop!" Ryohei protested as she pushed her way into the middle of the circle and stepped in between Yu and Akira.

"Ryohei?" Akira asked in surprise to see her. Ryohei looked at Akira for a moment. Her expression held both fear and anger as she turned her attention to Yu. Ryohei remained in front of Yu while Keiichiro held him back.

"Yu, please don't," Ryohei pleaded, "It's ok. I'm fine. He won't do it again."

"Ryohei, how can you just let this slide?" Yu asked in shock.

"Yu, you promised me that you wouldn't freak out," Ryohei responded, "Please don't break that promise." Yu stared at Ryohei for a brief moment before sighing.

"You're right. I'm sorry," Yu apologized with a heavy sigh. Keiichiro let go of Yu and patted his back.

"Let's go outside to cool off a little bit," Ryohei suggested with a comforting smile. Yu smiled back and gave a small nod as they turned to leave. As they started walking away Akira reached out and grabbed onto Ryohei's wrist. Ryohei gasped in shock and quickly turned around. Her eyes widened in surprise and fear.

"Ryohei... I...," Akira started as he held Ryohei's gaze with a look of shame and regret. Yu saw this and gripped Akira's wrist forcefully.

"Get your hand off her you f***ing rapist," Yu sneered as he glared at Akira.

"Yu!" Ryohei exclaimed giving Yu a stern look. Yu took a quick glance at Ryohei before returning his gaze back to Akira. Akira glared back at Yu before putting his gaze to Ryohei. "Yu, let's go now."

"Stay the f*** away from her Akira!" Yu shouted with a warning glare as he followed Ryohei and Keiichiro out of the cafeteria. Rei followed after them too. Once they were out Ryoji turned to Akira.

"What the h*** was that about?" Ryoji asked in confusion. Akira looked around to see all the other students looking at him with curious expressions. Ryoji noticed and glared at them. "What the f*** do you all want?" Hearing this, the students gathered around them rushed away.

"Yesterday I got a little carried away and I ended up almost raping Ryohei," Akira explained with a sigh.

"You did what?!" Ryoji asked in shock.

"My lust for sex took over, ok. I can't help it that I have my needs," Akira replied throwing his hands up in defeat. Ryoji stared at Akira for a moment before shaking his head disapprovingly.

"Yu was right. You really are a disgusting, perverted rapist," Ryoji commented in disgust. Akira sighed.

"I know. Sometimes when I'm overcome by lust I can't stop myself," Akira answered with a shrug.

"You did stop yourself though," Ryoji replied. Akira nodded. "So, how'd you manage to stop yourself?" Akira thought back to yesterday.

"I managed to stop myself when I saw Ryohei crying," Akira explained. Ryoji seemed surprised to hear that Ryohei had cried. That fearful expression on Ryohei's face still lingered in Akira's head. He couldn't sleep last night after what he did. Seeing her crying really put a mark in his heart. He normally didn't feel bad about doing things like that, but also most girls would be asking for it. In this case, Ryohei wasn't asking for it and yet he still did it anyways. He had never felt bad about doing something in his life. His heart was welled up with guilt and regret. He wanted to apologize to her for what he did, but how could he when he clearly had no way of getting near her. "F***, I actually feel bad for almost raping her too. I've never felt bad about doing something like that."

"Well, figure it out in class," Ryoji responded as he pulled Akira along with him out of the cafeteria. Yu, Keiichiro, Rei, and Ryohei all sat outside on the steps of the entrance to the school.

"So, what was that back there?" Rei asked curiously as he and Keiichiro both looked at Yu. Yu glanced at Ryohei.

"They're going to find out anyway," Ryohei said with a shrug. Yu nodded.

"Akira almost raped Ryohei in the auditorium yesterday," Yu explained shortly.

"What?!" Keiichiro and Rei asked in shock at the same time as they looked from Ryohei to Yu.

"He stopped, but it was after he had taken off all my clothes and until I was in my underwear," Ryohei added as she looked away, "I kept telling him to stop, but he just wouldn't listen. It wasn't until I started crying that he finally stopped and when he did he just said sorry before sprinting out of the cafeteria. He didn't say anything else. He just left me there in my underwear." Keiichiro and Rei's expressions had hardened.

"Akira, that son of a b****," Rei commented scoffing.

"I think I can see why Yu got so mad about it," Keiichiro remarked with a scowl on his face, "I would be too."

"Well, I overreacted a little bit," Yu commented with a sigh, "I mean, Ryohei was already embarrassed and I just embarrassed her even more by announcing it to the whole school."

"Well, it happened," Ryohei said with a sigh.

"You want us to beat his a** after school?" Keiichiro asked putting up his fists.

"No, it's fine Keiichiro," Ryohei reassured him with a smile.

"Either way we're sorry that Akira did that to you," Rei apologized with a sympathetic look. Ryohei smiled gratefully at him.

"Come on. Let's get to class," Ryohei instructed as she stood up. The others stood up as well before they all walked to their third period class. Third period went by fast and soon they were in their forth period classes. The teacher had assigned for everybody to practice for the concert tonight. Akira was busy practicing his vocals, but Ena had not shown up to class. Ryohei had seen her this afternoon, so she knew that Ena was at school.

"Alright, Akira and Ena please come practice at the front," the teacher instructed. Akira came forth, but Ena didn't. She was nowhere to be seen. "Where is Ena?" The other students shrugged. "Akira, do you know where Ena is?" Akira shook his head. "Ryohei, could you please go find Ena?"

"Sure," Ryohei responded with a nod as she stood up and exited the classroom. She walked up and down the halls. She sighed heavily. She had no luck in finding Ena.

"Yes! God, f***!" A female voice exclaimed in pleasure. Ryohei's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she turned the corner. Her eyes widened when she saw Ena up against the wall making out with a boy, who wasn't Akira. This surprised Ryohei. Ena seemed so fond of Akira and yet here she was making out with a guy that wasn't Akira. Despite what Akira did to her yesterday, Ryohei seemed bitter about seeing this. Ryohei shook her head disapprovingly as she approached them.

"Ena," Ryohei said with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow. Ena frowned when she saw Ryohei and pushed the boy off of her before putting her clothes back on. "Akira is waiting for his singing partner."

"You tell Akira about seeing that and I will make your life a living h***, got that?" Ena asked in warning tone.

"Crystal clear," Ryohei replied shrugging as she turned around and started walking away. Ena followed after her in a huff as they returned to class. When they returned to class the teacher thanked Ryohei and scolded Ena for not coming to class. Akira was all in a huff as well about not having as much practice time. Akira and Ena really went at each other during class and by the end of the class the teacher had to separate them.

"Damn, those two were really going at it back there," Keiichiro remarked.

"Yeah, it was kind of funny in a way," Ryohei responded with a small giggle of remembrance.

"Yeah, their insults were kind of lame too," Yu added with a laugh.

"Yeah, anyways, let's go get stuff set up," Ryohei suggested. Yu and Keiichiro nodded as they headed to the auditorium. They got stuff set up on stage and backstage. While backstage the scene from yesterday popped into her head. She shiver at the thought.

"Ryohei, you ok?" Keiichiro asked in concern as he noticed Ryohei shiver. Yu looked over as well.

"I... just... never mind," Ryohei responded as she sighed and went back to setting up the stage. Yu and Keiichiro glanced at each other in worry. All day Ryohei had not been as cheerful as she usually was.

"Ryohei, was this the spot where Akira...?" Yu asked curiously, "You don't have to answer that if you don't feel comfortable telling us." Ryohei sighed as she turned around and looked at them.

"Yeah, that was where Akira almost raped me," Ryohei responded looking away. Yu and Keiichiro approached her and brought her into a warm embrace.

"We won't let him do that to you again," Keiichiro said as he rubbed Ryohei's back. Ryohei nodded. She wondered if she should tell them about seeing Ena with another boy.

"Well, let's continue setting things up," Ryohei insisted as she smiled at them. They nodded as they continued setting things up. At around 6:00 pm, the auditorium started filling up with students and parents. The students from the music class were all gathered backstage. Soon the lights dimmed.

"It's starting," students whispered in the crowd excitedly as the principal came out on stage.

"Hello and welcome students and parents to our annual school concert," the principal said. The crowd cheered. "Tonight we have very talented singers and musicians who will be performing and showing off their skills." Students clapped in excitement. "Without further ado, I present to you the school's concert." The principal walked off the stage as the first singers and musicians came out on stage. It was soon going to be Akira and Ena's performance.

"Where the f*** is Ena?" Akira asked in a panicked voice as he rushed around backstage trying to search for Ena. Ena had not come for the meeting backstage before the concert had started and she still had not shown up.

"Try calling her," Ryohei suggested with a shrug. Akira looked at her for a moment before sighing and taking out his phone. He quickly dialed Ena's number and placed his phone up to his ear. He waited and waited. He groaned in frustration when nobody answered the phone.

"F***, she's not answering," Akira announced as he threw his cell phone across the backstage. The students backstage all gasped in shock. "F*** Ena! I'm gonna kill her!"

"Now Akira, you need to calm down," the teacher instructed, "We must remained calm." Akira looked at the teacher as if she had grown another head.

"Calm down?! You're asking me to calm down?!" Akira asked in disbelief, "I'm about to go on in 2 minutes without a singing partner and this is a duet song that I'm singing. Do you f***ing get it?! A duet song means two f***ing people! It's not a one person song!!" Ryohei, Yu, Keiichiro, Rei, and Ryoji all glanced at each other nervously. Akira looked really stressed right now. Despite what Akira did to her, Ryohei felt kind of sorry for Akira. She had seen Ena making out with another guy and now Akira doesn't have a singing partner.

"Akira, please calm down," the teacher insisted.

"Now we have Akira and Ena singing a duet song 'I Didn't Know That I Could Feel This Way'," the principal announced. Students in audience clapped.

"Everybody get your earplugs ready for Ena's singing," a guy in the audience said. Others snickered and got earplugs ready.

"F***, I can't go out there without a singing partner," Akira remarked pulling at his hair.

"Akira, everything will be fine. I'm sure Ena is just running a little bit late," the teacher tried to reassure Akira.

"Pffft, yeah, like an hour late," Ryoji commented with a scoff.

"F*** off Ryoji!" Akira yelled in anger as he glared at Ryoji. Ryoji scoffed.

"Akira, you're on," the principal said coming backstage. Akira groaned in frustration. "What's going on back here?"

"Ena isn't here," Keiichiro explained briefly. The principal sighed heavily.

"Alright, I'll see if I can stall for a little bit," the principal said with a shrug as he went back out on stage.

"There is no need to panic everyone. We will figure this out calmly," the teacher reassured everyone.

"Aw, f*** that," Ryoji answered, "In this situation, I think now is a good time to panic."

"Ryoji, you're not helping," Ryohei responded with a stern look. Ryoji rolled his eyes.

"Ryohei can take Ena's place," Yu suggested. Everyone turned to look at Yu in surprise. Ryohei stared at him in shock.

"Wha-?! Yu!" Ryohei exclaimed shaking her head. Akira stared at Yu for a moment before sighing.

"How good are you?" Akira asked curiously. Ryohei looked at him in surprise.

"Uh... well... I'm ok, but I'm not great," Ryohei replied with a shrug. Akira sighed.

"Can you at least keep a tune?" Akira asked impatiently. Ryohei nodded. "Fine. It's the best we've got."

"Whoa, wait, what?!" Ryohei asked in shock, "I can't go out there! I haven't even practiced the song."

"You know the song though right?" Akira asked harshly.

"Yeah, I do, but-," Ryohei answered, but got cut off.

"Great, then you're fine," Akira responded cutting Ryohei off as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her out onto the stage with him.

"Wha-?! Akira!" Ryohei protested.

"Ryohei, you'll be fine," Yu reassured her with a smile.

"Yu, I am so getting you back for this," Ryohei replied glaring at him.

"Maybe or you'll thank me," Yu responded with a shrug. Ryohei sighed heavily as she looked out to the crowd of people. Her eyes widened.

"Hey, that's not Ena," a girl said pointing at Ryohei. Ryohei gulped.

"Hey, isn't that Ryohei?" A boy asked curiously, "What's she doing up there?"

"She doesn't sing, so she must be worse than Ena. Get ready to put your earplugs in," another boy commented. Ryohei felt herself tense up when she heard this. She had never sung in front of a crowd before let alone a class before. She usually sung alone or with a big group of people. Ryohei's hands shook as she held the microphone in her hand.

"Ryohei, you'll be fine. Just take deep breaths," Akira remarked in a low voice.

"Yeah, like that's supposed to make me feel better," Ryohei responded with a shaky voice.

"Look, Ryohei, I'm trying to help," Akira replied in a huff. Ryohei sighed.

"I'm sorry," Ryohei apologized, "I've never sung in front of a crowd before. What if I mess up?" Akira sighed as he signaled to the principal to give them a minute. Akira placed his hand on Ryohei's shoulder and turned her, so that her back was facing the crowd.

"Trust me. Taking deep breaths will help and while you're singing just pretend that you're at home singing in the shower," Akira suggested with a shrug and a comforting smile, "I know it's scary at first, but once you get into it it's actually kind of fun. I was once in your place once, so I know how it feels. I'm the first one to sing, so you have time to get yourself ready." Ryohei stared at him for a moment. Ryohei nodded as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She instantly felt better. "Better?"

"Yeah, thanks Akira," Ryohei thanked him with a warm smile as she gave him a small nod. Akira nodded back as they turned around and faced the audience. Akira gestured backstage for the music to start. Students in the audience got their earplugs ready. Akira started singing first.

🎶I never had this feeling before
She gives me shakes and shivers I can't ignore
And I see that there's more now
Than just running free🎶, Akira sang. The students in the audience listened in awe at his amazing voice. Akira turned to Ryohei as he finished his first verse. Ryohei took deep breaths as she began to sing.

🎶I never felt my heart beat so fast
I'm thinking of him first and of myself last
And how happy I want him to be🎶, Ryohei sang. Her voice rang out beautifully through the auditorium. The students all stared in awe and shock. Akira's eyes widened at Ryohei's voice. Everybody had least expected Ryohei's voice to be so beautiful. Yu smiled, knowing that Ryohei could do it.

🎶It's amazing someone in my life
Just might be loving me
I didn't know that I could feel this way🎶, Akira started singing his next part as he continued to look at Ryohei in awe.

🎶It's so crazy
Something in my life
Is better than a dream
I didn't know that I could feel this way🎶, Ryohei sang as she felt her nervousness start to fade.

🎶She makes me warm and happy inside🎶, Akira sang as he slowly walked closer to Ryohei. Ryohei noticed and looked over at him with a smile.

🎶He smiles and I get dizzy and starry eyed🎶, Ryohei sang. Akira smiled at Ryohei and sent her a small wink. Ryohei's eyes widened before looking away with blushing cheeks.

🎶All these feelings I have
Have me asking🎶, they sang together.

🎶Can this be love?🎶, Ryohei sang as she returned her gaze back to Akira.

🎶Can this be love?🎶, Akira sang as he started at Ryohei. Akira felt something in his heart well up. It was something that he had never experienced before. A certain longing, a certain affection.

🎶It's crazy🎶, Ryohei sang as she felt her cheeks heat up. Her eyes twinkled in the spotlight and her cheeks were a rosy red color.

🎶I can hardly speak🎶, they both sang. Their harmonization was beautiful. They sounded like professionals almost. 🎶Whenever he/she says hi🎶

🎶I didn't know that I could feel🎶, Ryohei sang as she kept her gaze on Akira.

🎶I never dreamed that I could feel🎶, Akira sang as he continued to walked towards her until he was right beside her. They turned so that they were facing each other.

🎶I didn't know that I could feel
This way~🎶, they both sang the last verse as they stared at each other.

(In case you were all wondering, the song is from the movie "Lady & The Tramp 2" and it's called "I Didn't Know That I Could Feel This Way". Here's the lyric video if you actually want to hear how the song goes.)

When the music finally ended there was a long pause before the crowd erupted into a roar of applause. Ryohei sighed in relief that it was over and stifled a laugh.

"Oh holy fudge on a stick, I thought I was going to pass out," Ryohei commented with a laugh. As both Akira and Ryohei bowed Akira couldn't stop staring at Ryohei in awe. As Ryohei came backstage the others appraoched her.

"See, I knew you could do it," Yu said smiling. Ryohei smiled back and gave a nod.

"You're right. I think I just needed a little push," Ryohei responded with a chuckle. She a bright smile on her face. Akira stared at her for a minute before slowly walking over to her. Yu frowned when he saw Akira walking over and pulled Ryohei behind him.

"Ryohei, can I please talk to you for a minute?" Akira asked with pleading eyes. The other's eyes widened when they heard Akira say please. Ryohei sighed as she gave a small nod.

"Akira, don't you dare," Yu warned with a glare. Akira simply nodded as he walked out of the auditorium. Ryohei followed after him all the way outside.

"So, what's up?" Ryohei asked cautiously. Akira looked at her and sighed.

"I wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry that I did that and I'm sorry that I scared you," Akira apologized sincerely. Ryohei looked at him for a brief moment before sighing.

"Ok, I forgive you, but please don't do it again," Ryohei responded. Akira nodded. "Ok, well, let's go back inside. It's a little chilly out here." Ryohei turned around and started to walk back, but Akira grabbed onto her wrist. Ryohei's eyes widened as she quickly turned around. "Akira?" Her eyes held fear in them.

"I just wanted to say that you sang beautifully tonight. You have a very beautiful voice," Akira commented with a small smile. Ryohei's eyes widened at this, but she soon smiled back.

"Thank you Akira," Ryohei thanked him, "You have a nice voice too."

"Ryohei?" Akira asked. He felt his heart skip a beat as he stared at her.

"Yeah?" Ryohei asked curiously as she looked at him. Akira slowly reached up with his hand and placed it by Ryohei's cheek. Ryohei slightly tensed up at the action, but she loosened when Akira simply stroked her cheek. "Akira, what are you-?"

"Ena's been my singing partner for god knows how long and I've had to endure her god awful voice for so long," Akira started, "I thought that every girl's voice would be just as bad." Ryohei looked at him in confusion. "But when I heard you sing. When I heard your voice, my heart skipped a beat. I have never heard someone whose voice was as beautiful as yours." Ryohei's eyes went wide in shock at Akira's compliment.

"Akira... I...," Ryohei began, but got cut off by Akira placing a finger over her mouth.

"Before tonight I've never actually known what love is, but tonight I've finally experienced it," Akira said with a gentle smile.

"Akira... I don't understand," Ryohei responded with uncertainty.

"Tonight I fell in love with your beautiful, angelic voice," Akira replied as he lifted Ryohei's chin up with his fingers. He slowly brought his face closer until his lips met hers. His lips brushed against hers before he fully placed his lips onto hers. Ryohei's eyes widened in shock. She felt herself start to panic, but she soon relaxed when she simply felt the touches of soft and gentle kisses caressing her lips. Akira had made sure to be gentle. Ryohei could feel her heart race and her face start to heat up. After a few soft kisses, Ryohei came to her senses and she pushed Akira away from her. "Ryohei?"

"Ok, everybody has to stop kissing me!" Ryohei exclaimed in embarrassment as breathed heavily. Akira looked at her with a confused expression.

"Wait, everybody?" Akira asked in confusion, "Did the others kiss you too?" Ryohei's eyes widened when she realized what she had said.

"Ugh, never mind. Forget I said anything," Ryohei quickly answered looking away.

"Are you saying even Ryoji kissed you?" Akira asked in disbelief.

"No!" Ryohei exclaimed in alarm.

"Ok, now I'm confused," Akira replied scratching the back of his head in confusion. Ryohei sighed in annoyance.

"If you must know, Rei was the first one to kiss me, then it was Keiichiro, and now it's you," Ryohei explained with a sigh, "There. Happy now?"

"What about Yu?" Akira asked curiously.

"We almost kissed," Ryohei responded. Akira raised his eyebrow. "We didn't though. Anyways, point being, everybody has to stop kissing me because I don't think my heart can take it anymore." Akira stifled a laugh.

"Haha, ok," Akira responded with a chuckle. Ryohei rolled her eyes.

"Oh and also, she threatened me not to tell you this, but I thought you should know," Ryohei said. Akira looked at her with a questioning look. "When I went to look for Ena I saw her making out with another guy." Akira stared at Ryohei for a moment before shrugging.

"Well, looks like she found a different f*** buddy," Akira answered.

"You're not bothered by this?" Ryohei asked in surprise.

"I didn't actually like her," Akira explained with a shrug, "She was my f*** buddy." Ryohei slowly nodded. "Anyways, let's head inside."

"Yeah," Ryohei responded with a nod, "By the way, thanks for helping me out on stage."

"It was the least I could do after the way I treated you the day before," Akira remarked with a small smile.

"Well, I appreciated it," Ryohei replied smiling back. Akira nodded as they walked. Akira had really fallen in love with Ryohei's voice that night. He wasn't sure quite yet if those feelings displayed onto Ryohei in person, but he definitely felt a strong pull of affection towards her than he did before. He, like the others, had decided that he wasn't going to follow through with the original plan to break Ryohei's heart. He followed Ryohei into school with a new found feeling that he never had experienced in his entire life up until tonight.


Hey everybody!

So, here is chapter 13!

I hope you all liked it!

I'm so sorry that my updates have been slow. This time it wasn't because of being depressed because I wasn't depressed. I was actually really busy this weekend and I didn't have much time to write, so I really had to scram this chapter in today. I'm sorry if it's kind of bad. I'll try to update a bit more frequently. I can't promise that, but I'll try.

I hope that this chapter made you all hate Akira a little less. I hope you like the song that I picked out. I thought it was a cute song and it fit.

Shippings! Who do you ship or who do you want to ship?

1) Cute Couple: Ryohei & Yu 💙 (Top shipping couple)

2) Tough Couple: Ryohei & Keiichiro 💚 (Second Shipping Couple)

3) Awkward Couple: Ryohei & Rei 💜 (Third Shipping Couple)

4) Heartbreaker Couple: Ryohei & Akira 💛 (Last chapter and this chapter. Fourth shipping couple.)

5) Romantic Couple: Ryohei & Ryoji (Next chapter.😉)

Choose your ship or forever hold your peace.🙏🙏🙏

Anyways, once again I am so sorry for the late update.

Please vote and comment if you liked this chapter.

Stay tuned for the next chapter hopefully coming soon! :)

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