Bad Boys In Love ✔

By atlas-carter

44.8K 1.5K 5.8K

[COMPLETED] In elementary school they were bullied. They were the targets of humiliation, but that is the pas... More

1: The Chikamoto Sisters
2: Humiliation Attempt
3: Let's Get Physical
4: Tutor Ryohei and Plan B
5: The Assignment
6: The Basketball Team
7: The Decision
8: The Field Trip
9: Rooftop Love
10: The Motorcycle Ride
11: A Kiss On The Beach
12: Back Stage Action
13: The School Concert
14: The Truth
15: Special 2k+ Reads
16: The False Accusation
17: The Fake Apology
18: Back to Square One
19: Good Girl Gone Bad
20: From Slut To Hero
21: Streaming The Truth
22: The Apology
23: A New Leaf
24: Sleepover Decisions
Epilogue: Rei Ending
Epilogue: Keiichiro Ending
Epilogue: Akira Ending
Epilogue: Yu Ending
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 1
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 2

Epilogue: Ryoji Ending

906 31 57
By atlas-carter

~ Preview from last chapter ~

As Ryohei sat there, she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She took it out to see who was trying to contact her. She wondered perhaps if it was her mother or perhaps Rika, but it would be weird for either of them to be up at this hour. She shrugged as she opened up her phone to see that she got a message from................

~ End of Preview ~

Ryohei got a text from Ryoji. She raised her eyebrow in confusion as she glanced at Ryoji. Ryoji had his head down, looking at his phone in his hand. She glanced back at the message and read it quickly.

{Ryoji: Hey. Mind going on a date with me tonight?}

Ryohei stifled a laugh as she shook her head and glanced at Ryoji.

"Are you serious right now Ryoji?" Ryohei asked in annoyance. Ryoji looked up from his phone and looked at Ryohei with a questioning look.

"What?" Ryoji asked in confusion and curiosity.

"What do you mean what?" Ryohei asked in confusion, "You're sitting right next to me for goodness sakes and you couldn't even ask me on a date face to face? You had to ask me through text message?"

"Well, I didn't want the others to hear if they were listening," Ryoji explained with a shrug. Ryohei stared at him with blank expression.

"Ryoji, they're all asleep!" Ryohei exclaimed throwing her hands up in the air in frustration.

"You don't know that. They could have got up sometime while we were out here," Ryoji argued with a shrug. Ryohei sighed heavily.

"Ryoji, why does that even matter?" Ryohei asked in confusion, "You kissed me out in the open and that didn't seem to bother you about the others seeing. Why does asking me out on a date bother you about the others listening?"

"Because it just does ok," Ryoji responded with a sigh. Ryohei sighed.

"Alright, but still asking a girl out over text isn't cool Ryoji," Ryohei stated as she reached up and ruffled his hair.

"Hey!" Ryoji protested as he swatted Ryohei's hands away. Ryohei giggled in response as Ryoji fixed his hair. "Look, would it make you happier if I asked you face to face?"

"Surprisingly, yes, it would and it would for every girl too," Ryohei responded with a nod. Ryoji rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Fine," Ryoji replied as he took a deep breath and looked at Ryohei, "Ryohei, will you go on a date with me tonight?" Ryohei stared at him for a moment with a neutral expression. "What does it mean when you ask a girl out on a date and their response is silence?"

"It means that they're saying no," Ryohei explained with a serious expression. Ryoji stared at her in shock.

"Wait what?!" Ryoji asked in disbelief, "Are you telling me I went through all that trouble as to asking you in person only for you to reject me?!" Ryohei suddenly burst into a fit of laughter when she saw Ryoji's shocked expression. Ryoji stared at her in confusion. "What's so funny?"

"Ahaha, your face when I said that," Ryohei answered as she giggled.

"The h*ll are you talking about?" Ryoji asked in a harsh tone as he looked at her in confusion.

"It was a joke. I was just messing with you" Ryohei responded with a teasing smile, "Of course I will go on a date with you."

"Are you f*cking kidding me?!" Ryoji asked in irritation, "That wasn't funny Ryohei! You actually scared the sh*t out of me!" Ryohei snickered as she burst into laughter again.

"Haha, I'm sorry Ryoji. It's just too funny. Your face was priceless," Ryohei commented as she held her stomach while laughing. Ryoji scowled at Ryohei.

"Why you......," Ryoji started as he scowled at Ryohei before smirking. Ryohei noticed and stopped laughing.

"Uh oh, you smirking is never a good sign," Ryohei commented with a fearful expression. Ryoji smirked even more.

"Tickle Monster!" Ryoji yelled as he started tickling Ryohei. Ryohei giggled in response.

"Ahhhh! Heehee, Ryoji, stop~," Ryohei protested as she laughed.

"Nope, not until I get my payback for fake rejecting me," Ryoji responded shaking his head as he chuckled and continued to tickle Ryohei. Ryohei giggled as she wiggled around, trying to escape from Ryoji's grasp.

"Ryoji~, please stop," Ryohei pleaded as she giggled.

"Only if you call me Master," Ryoji instructed as he smirked. Ryohei looked at him in shock.

"What? No way!" Ryohei protested as she shook her head. Ryoji smirked as he continued to tickle Ryohei.

"Well, then I'm not stopping," Ryoji responded as he tickled Ryohei and started poking at her stomach. Ryohei wiggled around.

"No~, Ryoji," Ryohei whined as she tried pushing him away, but Ryoji kept a firm grip on her as he tickled her.

"Say it! Call me Master!" Ryoji ordered with a teasing grin.

"Never!" Ryohei exclaimed as she stuck her tongue out at Ryoji. Ryoji sighed as he tickled her even more. "Ahaha, Ryoji!" Ryoji chuckled as he tickled Ryohei.

"Ryohei, call me Master and I'll stop," Ryoji stated as he smirked. Ryohei pouted as she gave a sigh.

"Fine," Ryohei replied with a nod. Ryoji smirked as he waited. "Master, can you please stop tickling me?"

"There now, that wasn't so hard was it?" Ryoji asked as he smirked at Ryohei. Ryohei slightly pushed him making him fall over. Ryoji chuckled in response. "So, you really were just messing me right?"

"Yeah, I was. Don't worry," Ryohei reassured him with a smile, "I would love to go on a date with you." Ryoji couldn't help, but smile as he gave a small nod. "So, where exactly will you be taking me on this date?"

"You'll see," Ryoji said as he smirked. Ryohei pouted.

"Aw, come on. I want to know now," Ryohei whined as she did her best puppy dog eyes. Ryoji chuckled as he shook his head.

"I can't tell you," Ryoji responded smirking.

"Why not?" Ryohei asked curiously.

"Because I want it to be a surprise," Ryoji explained simply. Ryohei sighed heavily as she let the subject drop and she gave a small smile. They sat there in silence for a moment, staring up at the sky and listening to the sound of the crickets chirping in the night. It was peaceful and calming to hear. Ryohei could feel her eyelids starting to droop. She was sleepy, but she was afraid to fall asleep due to Ryoji sitting next to her. She shook her head and tried her best to stay awake, but the more she tried the more sleepy she became. Her eyes slowly opened and closed. Ryoji glanced over at Ryohei to see her barely awake. He smiled as he gave a small sigh and pulled her head to his lap. Ryohei stared up at him in surprise.

"Ryoji?" Ryohei asked in surprise. Ryoji gave her a small smile.

"Just close your eyes and go to sleep," Ryoji instructed as he sighed. Ryohei stared at him for a moment before nodding.

"Ok. Thanks Ryoji," Ryohei thanked Ryoji with a warm smile.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," Ryoji responded as he looked away with blushing cheeks, "Just go to sleep already."

Ryohei giggled in response as her eyes closed and she breathed softly. Ryoji stared down at Ryohei's sleeping face and stroked her hair. Her hair felt soft as he ran his fingers through her hair. Ryohei smiled in content as she nuzzled more into him. Ryoji smiled as he kept one hand on Ryohei's shoulder while he kept his other hand behind him, supporting him, so that he wouldn't fall over.

As he sat there, he too started to feel sleepy and his eyes would slowly close and reopen, but he shook his head. He yawned and rubbed his eyes to keep from falling asleep. Ryohei's soft breathing drowned out the sound of the crickets, which Ryoji found quite relaxing. He knew he should stay awake, but all he wanted to do was close his eyes and drift off to sleep. Shaking his head now felt like too much energy and he didn't do it this time when he felt his eyes start to close. This time he let his eyes close as he leaned his head against a pillar of Yu's house and drifted off into a deep sleep. Ryohei slept peacefully next to him with her head on his lap.

They slept on the porch the rest of the morning until the sun had finally risen in the sky and shined brightly. Ryoji's eyes slowly opened and he rubbed them before looking at his surroundings. His eyes widened when he realized that he was still on the porch. His eyes widened even more when he realized that Ryohei's head was still on his lap. He gulped as he stared down at her. He didn't want to wake her, but he also wanted to go inside.

Luckily, he didn't have to do anything because Ryohei's eyes fluttered open and she slowly lifted her head up from Ryoji's lap. She yawned and stretched out her arms before looking around. Her eyebrows furrowed when she saw that she was outside. She glanced over at Ryoji and smiled gently at him. As she smiled at him, memories of yesterday and earlier that morning popped into her head. Her most treasured memory of earlier that morning was Ryoji asking her out on a date. She remembered back in elementary school just how much she had wished Ryoji would ask her that and now here he was asking her that. She couldn't be more happier. She was going to go on a date with the boy whom she had a crush on since elementary school and had increased to love. Her love for him had clearly showed with her reaction to when he had asked Rika to be his girlfriend. At that time, her jealousy was very deep that it made it perfectly clear to her that she loved him dearly. She just hoped that on this date with him she wouldn't do anything to mess it up.

"Morning Ryoji," Ryohei greeted Ryoji with tired and sleepy eyes.

"Morning Ryohei," Ryoji greeted her back with a gentle smile. Ryohei rubbed her eyes before looking up at the sky.

"Did we sleep out here all night?" Ryohei asked curiously.

"Looks like it, but this is a pretty safe neighborhood, so I don't think we should worry about being kidnapped," Ryoji responded with a teasing smirk. Ryohei stifled a laugh and rolled her eyes as she lightly pushed at Ryoji's shoulder. Ryoji chuckled light heartedly.

"Well, even if we did get kidnapped, I'll have to count on you to save us," Ryohei answered as she nudged Ryoji.

"Yeah yeah, I'll save you," Ryoji responded as he rolled his eyes and smiled, "I'll be as they call it your knight in shining armour." Ryohei stared at Ryoji for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"Pffft, haha," Ryohei replied as she laughed.

"What did I say?" Ryoji asked in confusion. Ryohei giggled for a moment before answering.

"Ahaha, sorry, I'm just picturing you in one of those medieval costumes that the royal knights wear," Ryohei explained as she stifled a laugh, "Haha, you'd look so funny in one of those." Ryoji rolled his eyes and sighed as he looked away. Ryohei continued to laugh while rolling around on the porch. Ryoji glanced over at Ryohei and found himself smiling at her cute laugh.

"Well, I'm glad that I entertain you," Ryoji remarked with a smirk. Ryohei smiled as she stopped her laughing fit and sat up.

"Isn't that your whole purpose in life, to entertain me?" Ryohei asked with a joking grin as she nudged Ryoji.

"You're kidding right?" Ryoji asked as he looked at her with a blank expression. Ryohei nodded as she giggled. Ryoji sighed as he stifled a small laugh. "Ryohei, if you don't stop teasing me I'm going to have to tickle you." Ryohei's eyes widened at this and she shook her head.

"Ok, I'll stop," Ryohei responded as she sighed, "It's fun to tease you though."

"Yeah, well, it's fun to tickle you," Ryoji replied raising his eyebrow at Ryohei. Ryohei rolled her eyes as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"It's a pretty day out today," Ryohei commented as she looked out into the distance. Ryoji stared out into the distance filled with sunshine and green grass. It truly was a pretty day and Ryoji knew his date with Ryohei would make the day even prettier. "Well, we should probably head back inside. The others are probably worried about where we are." Ryoji simply nodded. Ryohei smiled as she stood up and extended her hand out to Ryoji. Ryoji took it and Ryohei pulled him up to a standing position before they walked back into Yu's house together. When they entered, the others were already downstairs in the kitchen, eating breakfast. When they entered the kitchen the others glanced at them and smiled. "Morning boys."

"Morning Ryohei. Morning Ryoji," the boys greeted Ryohei and Ryoji as they made side smirks towards Ryoji, who shot them warning glares.

"So, where were you two last night?" Akira asked eyeing them suspiciously. Ryoji gave him a warning glare, but he simply smirked in response.

"We were just out on the porch," Ryohei explained curtly as she shrugged. The others eyed her and Ryoji suspiciously.

"Really? What were you doing out there?" Akira asked curiously. Ryoji glanced at Ryohei, who was smiling.

"We star gazed," Ryohei explained shortly as she smiled.

"Star gazed huh?" Akira asked as he glanced at Ryoji, who glared at him. Ryohei nodded in response. "So, you did nothing else? You just star gazed?" Ryoji gulped as he glanced at Ryohei, hoping that she could make a quick response.

"Yeah, pretty much and then we fell asleep on the porch, but that was it," Ryohei responded with a small nod, "Why do you ask?" Ryoji let out a small sigh of relief. Akira had noticed though and he smirked.

"Oh, no reason," Akira replied with a mischievous grin. Ryohei raised her eyebrow at him curiously, but decided to let it go.

"Here's your breakfast," Yu stated as he placed two plates into front of Ryohei and Ryoji.

"Thanks Yu," Ryohei thanked Yu with a warm smile. Yu nodded and smiled back in response.

"Thanks man," Ryoji thanked Yu as he dug into his breakfast. Yu nodded in response. As they ate breakfast, Akira glanced and smirked at Ryoji the whole time while Ryoji scowled and glared at Akira the whole time. As they finished their breakfasts they quickly packed all their things up before heading to school. The first two period classes went by quickly and soon it was time for lunch. The lunch bell rang and students filled the hallways as usual. Ryohei and the boys walked down the hallway together with her in the middle and the boys beside her and behind her.

"Damn, Ryohei looks hot today," one boy commented as he wolf whistled at Ryohei. Ryohei glanced at the boy and simply smiled warmly at him. The others glanced at Ryoji to see him gripping his fists in anger.

"Ryoji, control yourself," Yu scolded him as he gave Ryoji a stern look, but Ryoji ignored Yu as he stormed over to the boy and pushed up against the wall.

"Ahhhh!!" The boy yelled in panic, "Please! I'm sorry! Don't hurt me!"

"Don't you dare whistle at her again, you got it?!" Ryoji asked glaring at the boy. The boy nodded fearfully.

"Ryoji! Stop it!" Ryohei protested as she tried to push Ryoji off of the boy.

"Don't look at her! Don't talk to her! Don't text her! Don't call her! H*ll, don't even think about her!" Ryoji yelled as he gripped the boy's collar, "You do and I'll kill you. Is that clear?"

"Ryoji!" Ryohei exclaimed as she glared at Ryoji, but Ryoji ignored her as he kept his attention to the boy.

"I said is that clear?!" Ryoji asked as he pushed the boy against the wall again.

"Y-Y-Yes Ryoji," the boy stuttered in fear as he nodded quickly.

"Good. Now get out of my sight," Ryoji said with venom laced in his voice. The boy nodded as he grabbed his things and sprinted away. His friends followed after him too. Once they were gone, Ryohei looked at Ryoji with a look of disappointment and disapproval. "What?"

"What is wrong with you?" Ryohei asked in disbelief.

"What? So, I'm the bad guy?" Ryoji asked harshly. Ryohei rolled her eyes.

"You can be a real jerk sometimes Ryoji," Ryohei responded with a sigh. Ryoji stared at her in shock.

"The h*ll?! He was flirting with you! Did you really expect me to just let that go?" Ryoji asked in confusion.

"Yes, he was flirting with me, but that doesn't mean that you scare the poor boy to death," Ryohei answered. Ryoji looked at her in shock before sighing heavily.

"Ok, you're right. I might have gone a bit overboard. I'm sorry," Ryoji apologized as he scratched the back of his head. Ryohei sighed as well as she wrapped her arms around his torso and rested her head against his chest.

"Ryoji, no matter who flirts with me, I am yours and I will always be yours," Ryohei said as she buried her face in Ryoji's chest. Ryoji smiled as he wrapped his arms around Ryohei's body and held her closely to him. He kissed the top of her head.

"Thanks Ryohei," Ryoji thanked her, "I really needed to hear that after this morning with so many guys commenting on how hot you look." Ryohei smiled as she slightly pulled away and kissed his cheek.

"Well, I do look pretty hot today, don't I?" Ryohei asked winking at Ryoji with a teasing grin.

"Yeah yeah, you look hot," Ryoji responded rolling his eyes and smiling. Ryohei giggled in response.

"Let's go have some lunch," Ryohei suggested as she gestured with her head to the cafeteria. The boys nodded as they all walked towards the cafeteria. Ryoji had his arm wrapped around Ryohei's back protectively while the other was in his pants pocket. They entered the cafeteria and after what had just happened many were too scared to talk to Ryohei because they worried that Ryoji may yell at them as well. The last two classes went by quickly as well and by the end of the day both Ryoji and Ryohei were beyond excited for their date. Ryoji seemed more able to show his excitement less while Ryohei smiled brightly the whole day.

"Alright, you two need a ride?" Yu asked curiously.

"Yes please," Ryohei pleaded with a nod. Yu nodded back as he gestured for them to get in. They got in and Yu started up his car.

"You know, you all need to get your f*cking driver's licenses already because I'm really getting tired of driving you all around everywhere," Yu remarked with a sigh.

"Uh huh and yet you still do it," Akira responded with a smirk.

"Yeah, well, that's because I have to," Yu replied with an annoyed expression, "It's because I'm the only one, other than Keiichiro, who knows how to drive and who has their own car."

"Like I said before, I don't have the money to buy my own car and that will continue to be my reason until I do have enough money to buy one," Ryoji answered with a teasing smirk. Yu rolled his eyes as he drove off. Yu stopped at Ryohei's house first.

"I'll pick you up around 5:30, so that it will give me enough time to get you to where you and Ryoji's date is without him going all bat sh*t on me for being late," Yu called out to Ryohei as she got out of the car and headed towards her house. She turned around and smiled.

"Ok, thanks so much Yu," Ryohei thanked him with a grateful nod as she turned back around and headed inside her house.

"When have I ever gone all bat sh*t on you?" Ryoji asked in confusion.

"You usually go all bat sh*t with mostly everything that doesn't go your way," Akira explained as he nudged Ryoji.

"What'd you say you f*cking rapist?!" Ryoji asked as he glared at Akira.

"Whoa, hey now, that's not very nice," Akira responded shaking his head disapprovingly.

"I don't care you f*ck boy," Ryoji snapped as he hit Akira over that the head.

"Ow! That hurt!" Akira protested as he glared at Ryoji and rubbed his head in pain.

"Good. You deserved that one you little perv," Ryoji remarked.

"Hey! Enough! Do you want me drive you two home or not?! H*ll, I won't even drive you to the location of your date and I'll take her myself!" Yu scolded them. Akira and Ryoji stopped fighting, but they continued to glare at each other.

"You wouldn't do that Yu," Ryoji said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Maybe, but you better not test me," Yu warned as he started the car and drove off. When Ryohei entered the house her mother was sitting in the kitchen reading a magazine.

"Hi mom," Ryohei greeted her mother. When her mother her she put the magazine down and smiled at Ryohei.

"Hi Ryohei," her mother greeted her back, "How was the sleepover?"

"It was good. It was fun," Ryohei responded with a smile.

"That's good to hear," her mother replied with a small nod. Ryohei nodded back.

"Well, I've got to go get ready," Ryohei announced as she placed her bag on the ground.

"Oh? For what?" Her mother asked curiously.

"I have a date," Ryohei answered with a wink.

"Oh~, with who might I ask?" Her mother asked with an excited smile.

"Ryoji," Ryohei responded smiling. Her mother stared at her for a moment before smiling and nodding her head.

"Ah, of course, your elementary school crush," her mother stated with a smile. Ryohei nodded. "Do you need any help?"

"Oh, no, that's alright. Thanks though," Ryohei thanked her mother before walking out of the kitchen and walking upstairs to her room. Once in her room, she opened up her closet and looked through her dresses. After a few minutes of looking she finally chose a dark red dress. It was short sleeved and flowed at the bottom.

She quickly slipped it on and examined herself in the mirror. She wore a long necklace with a silver circle pendant. She pinned her hair on the left side with a red rose hair clip and let the hair on the right side fall along her face elegantly. She wore a little bit of mascara, eye liner, a red tinted lip gloss, black flats, red nails, and a black satchel to top off the look. Once she was ready she walked down the stairs. Her mother waited in the living room. She approached her mother quietly.

"Ryohei, are you almost done?" Her mother called out loudly, not realizing that her daughter was right behind her. Ryohei giggled.

"Mom, I'm right here," Ryohei responded. Her mother quickly turned around and gasped. "Is it too much?"

"Aw, honey, you look beautiful," her mother commented as she gushed. Ryohei smiled brightly.

"Thanks mom," Ryohei thanked her mother just as the doorbell rang, "Oh, that must be Yu." Her mother looked at her funny.

"I thought you were going on a date with Ryoji," her mother said in wonder.

"Yeah, I am, but Yu is the only one with a car and he offered to drive me to the location of me and Ryoji's date," Ryohei explained with a shrug. Her mother nodded in understanding as she went to go answer the door. When she opened the door indeed it was Yu who had rang the doorbell.

"Hello Yu," Ryohei's mother greeted Yu.

"Hello Ms. Chikamoto," Yu greeted Ryohei's mother back with a kind smile, "Is Ryohei ready?"

"Yup, she's all set to go," Ryohei's mother responded with a nod as she stepped aside. With that, Ryohei approached the door. Yu's eyes widened in surprise and he stared at her in awe.

"Damn, Ryoji sure is one lucky guy," Yu remarked with a heavy sigh as he extended his hand out to Ryohei. Ryohei's mother smiled at Yu in response as Ryohei took Yu's hand gratefully.

"Alright, have fun Ryohei," Ryohei's mother said as she watched Ryohei follow Yu to his car. Once she was in Yu's car, Ryohei glanced up at her mother and smiled as Yu got in on the other side. He started his car and drove off.

"Excited?" Yu asked curiously as he glanced at Ryohei. She looked astonishingly beautiful tonight. She was as red as a rose. Yu so desperately wished that he was in Ryoji's place. He felt a twinge of jealousy towards Ryoji for being the one to steal Ryohei's heart.

"Yeah, I've been excited this whole day for it," Ryohei replied with an excited nod. Yu smiled sadly as he approached the location. He pulled up into a parking spot and turned his car off.

"We're here," Yu announced as he got out and came around to Ryohei's side, opening the door for her. She smiled gratefully to him as she got out of his car and looked around. Her eyes widened when she saw a large cruise ship with what looked like had a very fancy restaurant within it. "Ryoji's waiting for you by the dock."

"Ok, thanks for driving me Yu," Ryohei thanked Yu as she gave him a hug before turning back towards the ship, "Wow, that cruise ship is huge and that restaurant looks like it's so expensive."

"Yeah, Ryoji says that he doesn't have enough money to buy a car, but I think he said that because he spent all his money on this date," Yu said with a gentle smile. Ryohei's eyes widened in shock.

"Really? He would spend all his money for a date?" Ryohei asked in surprise. Yu nodded.

"Yeah, well, the bad boy that he is, he loves you and he's actually a pretty good guy," Yu answered with a smile. Ryohei smiled back as she gave a small nod. "Have fun Ryohei." Ryohei smiled and nodded in response before walking over to the dock. As Yu had said, Ryoji waited by the dock. When Ryohei saw Ryoji her eyes widened at how handsome he looked. He had on a black suit with a white dress shirt and dark red tie. She smiled knowing that she had chosen the right coloured dress to wear. She approached him quietly and stopped when she was only a few feet away.

"You look handsome Ryoji," Ryohei commented. At the sound of Ryohei's voice, Ryoji quickly turned around. He smiled when he saw her and his eyes widened when he saw what she was wearing. His jaw dropped at how stunning she looked.

"Ryohei.... you look beautiful," Ryoji responded as he approached her and placed his hands around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Ryohei smiled.

"Thank you Ryoji," Ryohei thanked him, "And hey, we color coded as well." Ryoji stifled a laugh and nodded. He reached into his pocket and took out two tickets for the cruise ship before offering his arm to her for her to hold onto.

"Shall we?" Ryoji asked with a warm smile. Ryohei nodded as she held onto his arm and he guided her onto the cruise ship. He gave the tickets to the ticket person as well.

"Welcome, please follow me," a waiter instructed. Ryoji and Ryohei nodded as they followed the waiter. They held hands as they walked through the restaurant. Their were many other people and couples in the restaurant. People glanced up at them as they went by.

"How cute that couple is," a woman remarked gushing. Ryohei found herself smiling at that comment.

"Here is your table," the waiter said gesturing to a table for two people. Ryoji and Ryohei nodded as they sat down across from each other. "Can I start you two off with something to drink?"

"Water for me," Ryoji responded with a nod.

"Very good sir and for you miss?" The waiter asked looking at Ryohei.

"I'll have water as well please," Ryohei replied with a smile. The waiter nodded as he left to go get them drinks. Once he was gone, Ryohei and Ryoji looked at their menus. "This place is so fancy and elegant. I can't believe you were able to afford this place. I only have enough in my bank account for a prom dress." Ryoji chuckled as he reached over and placed his hand on Ryohei's. "Ryoji?"

"Let's just say that I used up most of my money plus I may have to get a job to pay my parents back," Ryoji began with a chuckle.

"Oh, that much?" Ryohei asked in shock. Ryoji nodded. "I don't feel right about you paying for all of this. I think I should pay for at least some of it."

"Ryohei, it's ok and besides it's already been payed for, but even if it hadn't been it's rude to make the girl pay," Ryoji responded with a gentle smile. Ryohei giggled as she gave a nod.

"Very well. Thanks Ryoji," Ryohei thanked him with a smile. Ryoji smiled back as they looked through the menu. Soon the waiter came back with their water and they told the waiter their orders. Their orders came quickly and the waiter set their dishes on the table.

"Enjoy," the waiter said as he smiled at them before leaving. Ryoji and Ryohei nodded.

"Ooo~, this looks really good," Ryohei commented as she licked her lips hungrily. Ryoji chuckled. "Oh, yours looks good too Ryoji."

"You want a bite of mine?" Ryoji asked curiously. Ryohei looked at him in surprise.

"You're letting me have some of yours?" Ryohei asked curiously. Ryoji nodded in response. Ryohei smiled as she gave a small nod. Ryoji nodded as he took some of his food and scooped it up on his fork before moving it towards Ryohei. Ryohei leaned forward and placed her lips over his fork, taking the food off of it. She chewed it and her eyes lit up. "Oh my god, that's delicious. Here, you want some of mine?" Ryoji nodded as Ryohei scooped up some of her food on her fork and moved it towards Ryoji. Ryoji placed his lips over her fork and took the food off of it. He chewed slowly, savoring the flavor.

"Oh, wow, that's really good," Ryoji remarked as he nodded in satisfaction. Ryohei nodded back as she tried some. They ate their food and shared their food until their dishes were empty. "Whoa, I've never eaten that much in a long time."

"Haha, yeah, those were some pretty big meals right there," Ryohei responded with a nod and laugh.

"Would you like any dessert?" The waiter asked as he came over with the dessert menu. Ryohei glanced at Ryoji and he nodded. "Alright, what can I get you two?"

"Ryohei, do you want to share a dessert?" Ryoji asked curiously.

"Oh, sure, that sounds good," Ryohei answered with a nod.

"For a two person dessert, we have a double chocolate cake, apple pie, and ice cream sundae," the waiter said, "Which one would you like?"

"It's up to you Ryohei," Ryoji responded as he winked at Ryohei. Ryohei smiled as she gave a nod.

"We'll get the ice cream sundae please," Ryohei said ordering. The waiter nodded as he took their dishes and left.

"Good choice," Ryoji responded smirking. Ryohei shrugged in response. The waiter soon came back with an ice cream sundae. "Wow, that looks so good."

"Whoa, that is huge," Ryohei commented as her eyes widened in shock, "Are you sure we're going to be able to eat all of this?"

"Well, I assume that they won't make us eat all of it if we don't want to," Ryoji answered with a teasing smile. Ryohei rolled her eyes, but smiled as they began to dig in.

"Wow, I have never tasted such delicious ice cream," Ryohei said as she closed her eyes in utter bliss. Ryoji watched her with love in his eyes. She looked so beautiful tonight and he couldn't get it out of his head how beautiful she looked. Ryoji took a bite too and indeed it was very good ice cream. They ate about half way through it before they started slowing down. "Whew, I'm getting really full. I'm pretty sure I'm going to gain about 10 more pounds after this." Ryoji chuckled when he heard this.

"Haha, you're so cute Ryohei," Ryoji answered with a laugh. Ryohei's eyes widened at this before she looked down at her lap with red tinted cheeks.

"Thanks Ryoji," Ryohei thanked him shyly as she took another bite of the ice cream sundae. As she removed the spoon from her mouth she got a little bit on her lips. She placed the spoon back into the ice cream and sighed. "Ok, that's enough for me. I'm going to pop." Ryoji didn't respond. He simply stared at the spot of ice cream on Ryohei's lip. He knew it probably wasn't appropriate, but he found himself standing up slightly and leaning towards her. "Ryoji? What are you doing?" Ryoji still didn't respond as he reached his hand up to Ryohei's cheek and pulled her face closer to his before pressing his lips to hers. Her eyes widened in shock as she felt his soft lips on hers. Her lips felt tingly like they usually do whenever he kissed her. Ryoji placed one more peck on her lips before pulling away and smiling at her. He had also successfully removed the ice cream from Ryohei's lips. "Ryoji...... I........ I love you."

"What?" Ryoji asked in shock as he stared at her wide eyed. Ryohei clamped her hand over her mouth.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to just blurt that out," Ryohei responded with an apologetic look, "That's just how I feel about you and when you kissed me I could hold it in any longer." Before Ryohei could continue, Ryoji grabbed her hand and pulled her along to the deck where there was no one yet because they were all at supper. "Ryoji?" Ryoji kept pulling her until he thought it was safe and turned around, pushing her up against the wall of the cruise ship. "Ryoji, is everything alright?" Ryoji nodded as he pressed his lips to Ryohei's and kissed her passionately. Ryohei's reaction was a bit hesitant, but she soon melted into the kiss and kissed him back. They kissed for a little bit longer before pulling away.

"I love you too Ryohei," Ryoji replied as he cupped Ryohei's face in his hands. Ryohei smiled brightly and her eyes twinkled in the pouring moonlight. "Come here. I want to show you something."

"Ok," Ryohei answered with a nod as Ryoji entwined his fingers with hers and pulled her along to the front of the cruise ship. At the front there was a long shaft that pointed out to the open sea.

"Here. Stand on this," Ryoji instructed as he pointed to a small, built in step. Ryohei glanced at him in concern. "Don't worry. I'll be right behind you if you fall." Ryohei nodded as she stepped on the small step and looked out towards the water. Ryoji stepped up behind Ryohei and guided her arms out to the side, so that she was in a flying position (Just think of the movie Titanic.😆😆).

Ryoji moved his hands down to Ryohei's waist to keep her from falling. Ryohei kept her arms and hands out to the side as if she were a bird. "Beautiful isn't it?"

"It's a dream come true," Ryohei responded with a nod as she glanced back at Ryoji and smiled at him. Ryoji smiled back as he kissed her cheek.

"You know, early this morning when I said I saw a face in the sky?" Ryoji asked curiously. Ryohei nodded. Ryoji smiled as he leaned closer and whispered in her ear. "Well, the face that I saw was your beautiful, smiling face." Ryohei quickly turned around in spot and stared at Ryoji wide eyed.

"Really?" Ryohei asked in surprise. Ryoji nodded.

"You had also said how beautiful today was," Ryoji continued.

"Well, it was beautiful out today," Ryohei responded with a shrug. Ryoji nodded.

"Yeah and it became doubly beautiful when I saw you in this amazingly, stunningly, beautiful, red dress," Ryoji said smiling as he held onto Ryohei's waist.

Ryohei looked at Ryoji for a moment before smiling. Her cheeks became a bright pink color.

"Thanks Ryoji," Ryohei thanked him, "You're just full of compliments today." Ryoji chuckled as he lifted Ryohei's chin and placed his lips onto hers again. Ryohei kissed him back and reached her hand up to his cheek. Their kisses were soft and warm. As they pulled away, Ryoji turned Ryohei back around and placed his hands on her waist. Ryohei giggled as she lifted her arms out to the side and let the cool night air rush past her. She truly felt like something similar to that of a princess. She was on a very luxurious and expensive cruise ship and ate at a very expensive restaurant aboard it, but the best part was that she was on it with the love of her life. She got to spend a night and spend several more nights with the boy that she had loved since elementary school.

You all can probably guess. This epilogue is a..........


Hiya everyone!

So, here is the fourth epilogue!

For all who were shipping Ryohei and Ryoji I hope you all liked it!☺☺

I think you can literally see now, if you haven't already, why they are called the Romantic Couple.😄😄

Well, there is only one more epilogue left to go and I bet you can all guess who's epilogue is left to go.😉😉

OMG everyone! I'm so close to finishing this story. It's so saddening. I'm legit tearing up right now.😭😭

Anyways, please vote and comment if you liked this chapter.👍💬

Stay tuned for the next epilogue coming soon! :)

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