Bad Boys In Love ✔

By atlas-carter

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[COMPLETED] In elementary school they were bullied. They were the targets of humiliation, but that is the pas... More

1: The Chikamoto Sisters
2: Humiliation Attempt
3: Let's Get Physical
4: Tutor Ryohei and Plan B
5: The Assignment
6: The Basketball Team
7: The Decision
8: The Field Trip
9: Rooftop Love
10: The Motorcycle Ride
11: A Kiss On The Beach
12: Back Stage Action
13: The School Concert
14: The Truth
15: Special 2k+ Reads
16: The False Accusation
17: The Fake Apology
18: Back to Square One
19: Good Girl Gone Bad
21: Streaming The Truth
22: The Apology
23: A New Leaf
24: Sleepover Decisions
Epilogue: Rei Ending
Epilogue: Keiichiro Ending
Epilogue: Akira Ending
Epilogue: Ryoji Ending
Epilogue: Yu Ending
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 1
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 2

20: From Slut To Hero

988 46 103
By atlas-carter

Rika woke up the next morning feeling like something was off. She looked beside her to see Ryoji in bed with her. He had stayed overnight after the incident with Ryohei just to be sure that Rika would be ok. Ryohei wasn't home though when Rika came home and she had skipped the rest of the day of school yesterday. Rika had tried contacting Ryohei, but Ryohei was picking up. She was a little bit worried. Just then she heard a sound from downstairs. She breathed a sigh of relief thinking that it was Ryohei downstairs and jumped out of bed. She made sure not to wake up Ryoji as she quickly got dressed and rushed down the stairs. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she sprinted into the kitchen to find that it was only her mother making breakfast.

"Geez, it sounded like an elephant was marching down the stairs," her mother commented with a teasing chuckle. Rika rolled her eyes.

"Hi mom," Rika greeted her mom with a sigh, "Have you seen Ryohei?"

"No, not since the day before yesterday," her mother responded shaking her head, "Since she wasn't down here or in her room I figured that she had already gone to school." Hearing this made Rika worry. Ryohei hadn't been home all night or returned this morning.

"Are you sure you didn't see her?" Rika asked again nervously.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Why do you ask?" Her mother asked suspiciously, "Did something happen between you two?"

"Uh..... well..... kind of, but the point is that we had a fight yesterday at lunch time and she left school and she didn't come back. I thought maybe she had come home or something, so I didn't worry about it too much," Rika explained with a heavy sigh, "When I came home though she hadn't come home and she didn't come home this morning either." Her mother's expression went from curiosity to anger.

"And you didn't think to tell me this yesterday?!" Her mother asked in a firm tone.

"No because I thought she would come back at least this morning," Rika responded with a shrug.

"What's going on down here?" Ryoji asked curiously as he came into the kitchen bare chested. His eyes widened when he saw Rika's mother standing there.

"Good morning Ryoji," her mother greeted Ryoji.

"Oh, uh, sorry for being half naked," Ryoji apologized with red cheeks. Rika's mother stifled a laugh.

"It's alright Ryoji," her mother responded before she gave Rika stern look. Rika sighed heavily as she sat down.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, but what's with the long faces?" Ryoji asked curiously. Rika glanced at her mother before looking back at Ryoji.

"Ryohei's gone missing," Rika explained with frown. Ryoji frowned at this. He thought back to yesterday when he yelled at her and beat her up. She left on her motorcycle and never came back.

"Well, I'm sure she's fine," Ryoji reassured Rika with a comforting smile. Rika simply nodded as she glanced at her mother.

"I'll notify the police to see if they can track her," her mother said. Rika nodded as she got up. "Aren't you going to eat?"

"Not hungry," Rika replied as she went upstairs.

"What about you Ryoji? Are you hungry?" Her mother asked curiously. Ryoji glanced at Rika's figure as it went up the stairs. "She probably just needs some time alone." Ryoji nodded.

"Yeah, I guess I'll eat," Ryoji answered with a sigh. Rika's mother tossed him a shirt.

"Here put this on," Rika's mother instructed. Ryoji stifled a laugh as he nodded and put the shirt on.

"Thanks," Ryoji thanked her with a small smile. Rika's mother nodded.

"So, you and Rika have been spending quite a lot of time together," Rika's mother remarked eyeing Ryoji. Ryoji nodded. "You, Ryohei, and the other boys seem to have had a falling out. Mind me asking what happened?" Ryoji paused for a moment before sighing.

"Ryohei broke our trust," Ryoji explained. Rika's mother looked at him in confusion. "She was going to betray us. We had to end our friendship before we got hurt."

"Just wondering who told you this exactly?" Rika's mother asked curiously and suspiciously.

"Rika," Ryoji responded simply as he shrugged. Rika's mother slowly nodded.

"Typical of Rika to do that," Rika's mother muttered under her breath, but Ryoji heard.

"What do you mean?" Ryoji asked in confusion. Rika's mother sighed.

"It's typical of Rika to feel jealous of her little sister. Rika had been the most popular at every school, but as soon as someone else becomes more popular than her she does everything she can to reclaim her status even if it means hurting the other person," Rika's mother explained with an exasperated sigh. Ryoji stared at her for a moment.

"I'm not sure I follow," Ryoji responded raising his eyebrow.

"Ryohei became more popular here at this school for once and Rika's lust for popularity can sometimes overpower her love for her little sister," Rika's mother explained with a shrug.

"How can you be so sure of this?" Ryoji asked suspiciously.

"Ryoji, dear, Rika and Ryohei are my children. Don't you think that I would know what goes on in their lives and what their personalities are?" Rika's mother asked raising her eyebrow. Ryoji stared at her with an uncertain expression.

"I have to go get changed," Ryoji replied as he stood up, "Thanks for breakfast though."

"You're quite welcome dear," Rika's mother answered, "I can see now why Ryohei had such a major crush on you in elementary school. You are quite a well mannered boy." Ryoji's eyes widened at this.

"Wait, what?" Ryoji asked in utter disbelief.

"Ryohei, she had a crush on you in elementary school," Rika's mother repeated, "She always used to come home and tell me all about you. She always spoke very highly of you. It made me wonder what had happened between the two of you because she's been feeling quite down lately." Ryoji stared at Rika's mother in shock. Ryohei had a crush on him? He had no idea. Everything that Rika's mother had just told him made him so confused. He simply gave her a small smile before going upstairs.

Rika sat on her with her phone up to her ear. Ryoji entered Rika's room and sat down beside her. He placed his arm around her, but she pushed him away. Rika stood up and walked around. Her phone was still by her ear as she tapped her foot on the ground.

"Come on Ryohei. Pick up," Rika said with a sigh.

"The number that you are trying to reach is not available at the moment. Please try again later," the answering machine responded. Rika groaned as she threw her phone across her bed.

"Not available, my a**," Rika replied in a huff as she looked out the window. Ryoji looked at Rika in worry as he stood up from the bed and wrapped his arms around her from behind. "No, just stop." Rika pulled herself out of his grasp and tugged at her hair.

"Rika, babe, I just want to comfort you," Ryoji responded with a sigh.

"I don't need comforting! What I need is to know where my sister is and if she's ok!" Rika exclaimed in frustration.

"Your mom is going to notify the police. They'll be out looking for her. I'm sure she's fine," Ryoji reassured Rika.

"What if she's not?" Rika asked in worry. Ryoji sighed. "Look, just go. You beat Ryohei yesterday, so you probably don't give a s*** about her."

"Rika, yes, I am still mad at her, but that doesn't mean that I don't care about her," Ryoji argued.

"You didn't seem to care about her that much when you were beating her up mercilessly," Rika responded glaring at him.

"I was protecting you. She tried to beat you up," Ryoji said defending himself.

"She didn't try to hurt me. She would never do that. We were just talking," Rika replied with a frustrated sigh.

"Oh, sorry," Ryoji apologized sincerely.

"Why are you apologizing to me?!" Rika asked harshly, "Ugh, you know what?! Just go! Leave me alone!"

"But Rika-," Ryoji protested, but Rika cut him off.

"Go away Ryoji!!" Rika screamed as she pushed him out of her room and slammed the door. Ryoji stood there in shock. As he was about to knock on Rika's door, a hand reached out and stopped him. He looked up quickly to see Rika's mother standing there.

"Ms. Chikamoto?" Ryoji asked in surprise. Rika's mother smiled.

"We should probably leave her alone for now. I'll make sure she comes to school though. Don't worry," Rika's mother reassured Ryoji. Ryoji sighed heavily, but smiled gratefully at Rika's mother before walking down the stairs. Once Ryoji had left, Rika's mother came into her room. "Rika?" Rika turned around to see her mother standing there. She had tears in her eyes.

"Where is she?" Rika asked blubbering. Rika wanted her popularity back, but she never wanted it to go this far, to the point where Ryohei would go missing. Even if Ryohei's always cheerful attitude annoyed her, Rika missed her little sister and worried if she was ok. Rika's mother sat beside her on her bed and pulled her into a hug. She cried into her mother's warm embrace. "I didn't mean for this to happen. I just wanted to be the most popular one again."

"I know honey," Rika's mother responded rubbing her back, "I knew something was up when Ryohei was the one coming home looking upset instead of you." Rika let out a sob as she hugged her mother.

"I'm sorry mom," Rika apologized through sobs, "I'm sorry Ryohei. I promise I'll stop bullying people. I promise I'll make things right. Please just let us know that you're safe!"

"Shush~, it's ok," Rika's mother replied as she held onto her eldest daughter in her arms. Rika cried for a little bit more before pulling away and wiping away her tears.

"I'm ok now," Rika stated as she sniffled and wiped away remaining tears.

"Alright, I'm gonna go call the police and then I'll drive you to school once you've calmed down a little bit," Rika's mother said. Rika sniffled, but gave a small nod. Rika's mother kissed the top of her head before leaving the room and taking her phone out. She dialed 911.

"Hello? What is your emergency?" Someone asked on the other line.

"My youngest daughter has gone missing," Rika's mother responded, "Could you please track her?"

"Yes, ma'am. If you could give me your address then we shall we over in a bit," the person on the other end said. Rika's mother gave the person their address. "Thank you ma'am. We'll be over shortly."

"Thank you," Rika's mother thanked the person on the other end before hanging up. Soon Rika came out of her room. "Ready?"

"Yeah, I'm ok to drive though," Rika replied with a sigh.

"Are you sure?" Rika's mother asked in concern at her eldest daughter's gloomy expression.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Thanks though," Rika thanked her mom with a small smile, "See you later. Please tell me if they find Ryohei and tell her that I'm sorry."

"Of course I will honey," Rika's mother answered with a nod, "Have a nice day." Rika nodded as she walked out to her car and got in before starting the engine then she drove off. Just as Rika drove off, a police car pulled up in front of the house. Rika's mother approached the police car.

"Hello ma'am," the policemen greeted her.

"Thank you for coming," Rika's mother thanked the policemen. The policemen smiled back. "My youngest daughter as gone missing. I realize that it hasn't been 24 hours, but I would like if you could track her, so that I do not have to turn this into a missing person case."

"Of course ma'am," the policemen responded with a nod, "You did good by contacting us. We will make a thorough search for your daughter and report back to you."

"Yes, that would be great. Thank you," Rika's mother thanked them again. They nodded in response.

"Just doing our job ma'am," the policemen replied with a smile. Rika's mother smiled back as she nodded. "Do you have a picture of your daughter, so that we may track her?"

"Yes, I do," Rika's mother answered with a nod as she took a small picture out of her wallet and handed it to the policemen.

"Thank you ma'am," the policemen thanked her as they waved and left in their cars. Rika's mother waved to them as they left before heading back inside the house. She decided to work from home just in case if Ryohei showed up at home instead of school. Rika parked in her usual parking spot when she arrived in the school parking lot. She turned off the engine and sat in her car for a moment before getting out and slowly making her way towards the school. Yu's car and Keiichiro's motorcycle were already parked. She remembered getting out of her car and watching Ryohei and the boys walk off chatting away. Even though it annoyed her, she missed seeing the happy smile on Ryohei's face whenever she talked to them. Ryohei really did like those boys. Rika couldn't understand why Ryohei hung out with them. She entered the school and walked straight to her locker, ignoring the girls rushing over to her.

"Hey babe," Ryoji greeted Rika with a wink. Rika grimaced as she closed her locker before pushing her way past him and the other boys. The others scoffed.

"What the f*** is her problem?" Akira asked glaring at Rika's back.

"Apparently Ryohei's gone missing," Ryoji explained simply. For some reason when he said Ryohei's name his thoughts went back to what Ryohei's mother had told him about Ryohei having a crush on him in elementary school. He couldn't help, but wonder why. The others looked at him in surprise.

"Wait, seriously?" Yu asked in shock. Ryoji nodded.

"Yeah, Rika was freaking about it this morning and threw me out of her bedroom," Ryoji added.

"She freaked out?" Rei asked in confusion.

"Yeah, she looked like she was about to cry and she kept calling Ryohei's cell," Ryoji responded with a nod.

"God, Rika is so f***ing bipolar!" Keiichiro remarked in annoyance.

"I know right," Akira replied with a sigh, "I mean, one minute she's all like let's make this b**** pay and another minute she's like crying over her sister. I honestly don't get those two."

"They're different than most siblings that's for sure," Yu answered with a shrug. The others nodded in agreement. Just then the bell rang signaling that classes were about to start. "Let's go. We can talk about this in class." The others nodded as they walked to class. When they came to their first class they sat down.

"Wait, so, when Ryohei left on her motorcycle yesterday after lunch, she never came home?" Keiichiro asked in curiosity.

"No, apparently not and she apparently didn't show up at the house this morning either," Ryoji responded with a shrug. The others glanced at each other.

"You know when she said that she was done trying?" Rei asked curiously. The others nodded. "You guys don't think that she would, you know, try to commit suicide, do you?"

"Ryohei, committing suicide?!" Yu asked in disbelief before shaking his head, "No, that just doesn't seem like something she would do."

"Yeah, I agree. She may be an untrustworthy, manipulative b****, but I don't think she would go so far as to kill herself," Akira commented scoffing.

"Ok, just making sure because if anything happens or if she does try to kill herself the blame will be on us for pushing her to the point of doing that," Rei remarked with a shrug as he glanced over at Ryohei's empty seat. The others glanced at each other in worry before glancing at Ryohei's empty seat as well.

"She's probably feeling sick or something," Yu answered with a nervous chuckle. The others shrugged as they turned their attention to the front. Yu stared at Ryohei's empty seat. An image of Ryohei's bright smiling face popped up in his head. He found himself smiling until finally he snapped out of his day dreams and shook his head. All through class both Rika and the boys kept glancing at the door to see if Ryohei showed up yet, but she didn't. In each class, whenever someone would show up Rika and the boys would have some hope, but then sigh when they saw that it wasn't Ryohei. Finally the lunch bell rang. Rika popped out of her seat and the boys followed after her.

"Rika! Wait up!" Ryoji called after Rika. Rika stopped walking and pulled out her phone. She dialed Ryohei's number again. "Rika?"

"Not now Ryoji," Rika snapped as she glared at him before stepping a few feet away, "Ryohei, please, just pick up."

"Wow, you're right. She really is freaking out," Akira  commented in surprise.

"She's an impossible person," Rei responded shaking his head disapprovingly. The others nodded.

"Rei, shut it!" Ryoji exclaimed glaring at Rei. Rei rolled his eyes.

"Ryohei, please, answer the phone" Rika said as she sniffled. The boys watched Rika in curiosity.

"Hi!" Ryohei's voice greeted Rika over the phone. Rika sighed in relief.

"Ryohei! Thank goodness!" Rika exclaimed as she smiled. The boys also sighed in relief.

"Lol, gotcha didn't I. Ahaha, sorry that I couldn't get to the phone," Ryohei's answering machine responded with a chuckle, "I promise I will get back to you as soon as possible. Well, unless if I'm dead. Lol. Anyways, please leave a message after the beep. BEEP. Heehee." Rika's hope was lost when she realized it was just the answering machine. Rika sighed as she let her phone fall to the ground. The boys approached her.

"Rika, what's wrong?" Ryoji asked worriedly, "Is Ryohei ok?"

"It was just her answering machine," Rika replied not making eye contact. Ryoji turned Rika, so that she was facing him and the others. She had tears in her eyes. Ryoji frowned at this before pulling her into a hug. Rika didn't do anything, but stood there.

"It's ok. It's not your fault," Ryoji stated as he hugged Rika to him. Rika sighed as she pushed him away.

"That's the thing, it is my fault," Rika responded as she looked away. Ryoji looked at her with a weird expression. He wondered if what Rika's mother said perhaps had some truth to it.

"Rika, whatever it is, stop blaming yourself for this," Ryoji argued as he tried to push what Rika's mother said to him this morning out of his head.

"Ugh! Ryoji! Just shut up already! It's my f***in fault, so yes, I'm going to blame myself!" Rika yelled as she glared at Ryoji. Ryoji and the others stared at her wide eyed. Other students stared in alarm as well. "Will you please just let me sulk in my sadness and leave me alone?!" Ena listened behind the corner to all of us in confusion.

"Excuse me, are you Ryohei Chikamoto's sister?" A male voice asked from behind them. They all turned around to see two police officers standing there.

"Yes, I'm her," Rika responded approaching the police officers, "Have you found my sister yet?" Ena's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Not yet. We are still in search of your missing sister," the police officer responded neutrally. Rika sighed heavily. "Ms. Chikamoto, could you tell me when was the last time you saw your sister?"

"Yesterday at lunch in the parking lot of the school," Rika replied nervously. The police officers nodded as they jotted that down on a small notebook.

"Do you know who was the last one to see her?" The other police officer asked curiously.

"It was only me and the boys," Rika answered pointing to the boys. The police officers glanced over at the boys. The boys nodded in response.

"I see and what were you doing in the parking lot?" The first police officer asked. The boys bit their lips nervously when they remembered that Ryoji had beat up Ryohei.

"I was just talking to her," Rika said as she glanced over at the boys. The police officer noticed this and he turned to the boys.

"What were you boys doing in the parking lot?" The police officer asked raising his eyebrow. The boys glanced at Rika in hope that she would come up with something, but she stood there staring back at them.

"Um..... we were....... uh.......," Yu responded nervously as he looked down at the ground. The others looked away as well.

"Boys, if you know something then we need to know in order for us to find her sister, so if you know something then tell us," the police officer instructed with a stern voice. The boys gulped as they gave fearful nods.

"When we came out to look for her and Rika...... she...... ran off on her motorcycle and never came back to school," Ryoji explained hesitantly. The police officers eyed him and the others suspiciously.

"Are you sure that's everything?" The police officer asked curiously. The boys and Rika nodded. "Alright, we'll find your sister as soon as we can." Rika nodded as she and the boys watched the police officers leave. Other students looked at them with questioning looks. Ena looked at them with curiosity. Ryohei was missing? Ena thought back to Ryohei and Rika's conversation that she had eavesdropped on and taken a video of. She had seen Ryoji beat Ryohei up. She had seen Ryohei leave on he motorcycle and hadn't come back to school that day, but she had figured that she had gone home or something. She wasn't sure why she felt worried, but she did. Ryohei had saved her a couple of times from the boys hitting her. She hadn't shown any sort of action of gratitude towards Ryohei after that. Sighing, she rushed to her locker and grabbed her things before heading to the front. She got into her car and drove off down the road. She had no idea where to look, but she knew that Ryohei couldn't have gotten far after Ryoji had beat her up. She drove a ways down the road until she found a parking lot. She parked in there before getting out and searching the area.

"Ryohei!" Ena called out, but there was no response. She sighed as she started walking around, looking down every side street and every alleyway she came across, but she could find no trace of Ryohei anywhere. "Geez, where the f*** did she go?" All through the day she walked up and down streets and alleyways looking for Ryohei. Luck was not on her side and she could see the sun starting to set. The once bright alleyways and streets were becoming darker. She was running out of time. She knew she had to keep searching though. After all the kindness Ryohei had shown her the least she could do is find her and make sure that she was ok. She reached a street filled with many buildings. She sighed heavily as she walked inbetween each building. It was hot out and she had been walking around all day. "Ugh, Ryohei, where are you?" She was getting tired beyond belief and she was beginning to loose hope.

As she heaved another sigh she came into a new alleyway. It was rather dark and creepy in there. It was a slightly harder to see than the other alleyways she had been in, but perhaps that was because the sun wasn't shining in the alleyway. She shrugged as she slowly walked down it. She peeked her head in every turn she came across, but she found nothing. Finally she came to the last turn. She saw something black peeking out from around the corner. She furrowed her eyebrows in curiosity as she approached it. As she approached the black object became more and more clearer to her. It was a black motorcycle. She gasped as she hurried over and looked around the corner. She looked at the motorcycle and analyzed it carefully. She remembered seeing Ryohei on that motorcycle. She knew it was Ryohei's because it had a purple colored handles on it. Indeed this motorcycle in front of her had purple handles as well. She sighed in relief that she had at least found Ryohei's motorcycle.

As she turned her head to look down the alleyway her eyes widened at the sight that she saw at the very end of the alleyway. There lying, all beat up, in a pool of her own blood was Ryohei. Ryohei was not moving nor did she look like she was breathing. She practically looked dead. Ena rushed over to her side in panic. She flipped Ryohei's body over, so that she was on her back. Blood poured out from Ryohei's nose and mouth. Even blood seemed to be slowly falling from her eyes. Blood seeped out of Ryohei's body everywhere. Ena could find a single spot where there was no blood that spilled out.

"My god, Ryohei, what the h*** happened to you?" Ena asked in complete shock as she stared at Ryohei's bloody, unmoving body in horror. "Ryoji didn't do all of this. I know because I saw him beat you up, but this is worse. Who the h*** did this to you?" There was no response. Ena leaned down and opened Ryohei's mouth a little bit. Ena placed her ear close to Ryohei's mouth. She waited for a while and for a while she felt practically nothing, but she then felt a small, soft breath escaping Ryohei's mouth. "Oh my god, you're still alive. Thank goodness." Ena sighed in relief when she felt Ryohei's breath on her ear. Ena noticed Ryohei's phone sticking out of her pocket. She glanced at Ryohei before removing it from her pocket and opening it. Ena's eyes widened at how many missed calls and unread messages Ryohei's phone had from Rika. Ena ignored them as she went into Ryohei's contact list and pressed on Ryohei's mother's cell number. She dialed Ryohei's mother's number and held the phone up to her ear. The phone rang a few times before Ryohei's mother finally picked up.

"Ryohei?!" Ryohei's mother asked in relief, "Honey, where are you right now? Are you alright?"

"Hi Ms. Chikamoto, this is Ryohei's friend Ena," Ena introduced herself.

"Oh, hello Ena, it's nice to meet you. Why do you have my daughter's phone?" Ryohei's mother asked worriedly.

"Because I found her," Ena responded with a sigh as she glanced down at Ryohei's unconscious body.

"You found her?! Oh, thank goodness! May I talk to her?" Ryohei's mother asked pleasingly. Ena paused as she stared at Ryohei's body.

"I think you should come see her right now," Ena replied.

"Oh, alright, where are you right now?" Ryohei's mother asked curiously.

"55 Pikachu Lane," Ena answered, "I'm in the alleyway."

"Alright, I'll be there in 5 minutes," Ryohei's mother remarked before hanging up. Ena closed Ryohei's phone and placed it in her pocket. She waited patiently for Ryohei's mother to show up. About 5 minutes later, Ena heard the sound of rapid footsteps coming towards her. Ena turned around to see a lady with short hair rushing towards her. Ena stood up quickly and turned to face the lady. "You must be Ena. I'm Ryohei's mother."

"Nice to meet you," Ena responded as they shook hands.

"Where's my daughter?" Ryohei's mother asked in concern. Ena sighed as she stepped to the side, revealing Ryohei's bloody body. Ryohei's mother's eyes widened in shock before she gasped. "Ryohei!" Ryohei's mother collapsed to her knees beside Ryohei and gently placed her daughter's head on her lap before gently stroking her daughter's cheek. "No~, please no."

"She's still alive," Ena commented. Ryohei's mother looked up at Ena in surprise. "She was barely breathing, but she was still breathing."

"Thank you so much for calling me Ena," Ryohei's mother thanked Ena, "You're a very good friend. Ryohei's lucky to have you after everything she's been through."

"Well, she saved me a few times. I figured I should do the same," Ena explained with a smile. Ryohei's mother smiled back as she turned her attention back to her daughter. She quickly hugged Ryohei's body to her chest and kissed the top of her head. Tears fell down her face in happiness and relief to have found her daughter. As she composed herself, she pulled out her phone and dialed 911.

"Hello? What is your emergency?" A female voice asked over the other line.

"I need an ambulance to 55 Pikachu Lane please," Ryohei's mother instructed, "My daughter is severely bleeding."

"Alright, we shall be there soon," the female voice replied before handing up. Ryohei's mother placed her phone back into her pocket before holding Ryohei's in her arms again.

"Oh, also, here's her phone," Ena said as she took Ryohei's phone out of her pocket and handed it to Ryohei's mother.

"Thank you Ena," Ryohei's mother thanked Ena with a grateful smile. Within 10 minutes, the ambulance and the police came zooming into the alleyway. Police officers got out of the car and approached them.

"Ms. Chikamoto, is this your daughter?" The police officer from the morning asked curiously.

"Yes, this Ryohei, this is my missing daughter," Ryohei's mother responded with a nod as she let paramedics place Ryohei's body on a long bed and bring her into the ambulance.

"Do you know what happened to her?" The police officers asked.

"No, her friend Ena here found her like this," Ryohei's mother responded glancing at Ena. The police officers looked at Ena.

"Alright, I suppose we shall have to wait until she wake up to ask questions," the police officer replied with a sigh, Do contact us if you need any more assisstance." Ryohei's mother nodded.

"Of course. Thanks for all your help officers," Ryohei's mother thanked them with a grateful smile. They smiled back as they left in their cars and followed the ambulance. "Thanks again Ena. I would drive you home, but my main attention is on my daughter right now."

"That's alright Ms. Chikamoto. I have my own car," Ena reassured her. Ryohei's mother nodded in understanding as she waved goodbye to Ena before making her way back to her car. Ena walked back to her car as well before heading to the hospital. When they arrived at the hospital they followed after Ryohei and waited outside of her room. Ryohei's mother called up Rika.

"Mom?" Rika asked in confusion, "Where are you right now? Why aren't you at home?"

"Rika, honey, I found Ryohei," Ryohei's mother responded.

"You did?! Oh my god, is she ok?" Rika asked in worry, "Where is she and where are you right now?"

"Rika, I'm at the hospital right now," Ryohei's mother replied with a sigh.

"The hospital? What the h*** are you doing there?" Rika asked in confusion.

"Language," Ryohei's mother scolded. Rika sighed.

"Sorry. I mean, what are you doing at the hospital?" Rika asked again.

"Ryohei was found unconscious in an alleyway," Ryohei's mother explained, "She was found all beat up from head to toe, lying in a pool of her own blood."

"Oh my god!" Rika exclaimed in horror, "Ok, I'm coming over right now."

"Alright," Ryohei's mother answered with a nod. Rika hung up and got back in her car before hurrying over to the hospital. Once at the hospital, Rika quickly got out of her car and ran into the hospital. When she entered she saw her mother and her eyes widened when she saw Ena sitting there.

"Ena? What are you doing here?" Rika asked in confusion. Ena and her mother looked up at the sound of her voice and stood up.

"Ena was the one who found Ryohei," her mother explained curtly as she smiled at Ena. Ena smiled back. "She contacted me right away when she found her." Rika looked at Ena suspiciously.

"Are you sure Ena wasn't the one who did this to Ryohei?" Rika asked suspiciously, "I mean, after all, you did hate Ryohei."

"Rika," her mother said in a firm tone.

"No, that's alright Ms. Chikamoto," Ena reassured her, "Rika, I didn't hate Ryohei. I never hated her, but I didn't exactly like her."

"Ok, then why did you save her?" Rika asked in confusion. Ena sighed as she looked into the operating room where the doctors were busy operating on Ryohei.

"She saved me quite a few times. She showed me mercy when I really did deserved what I had coming," Ena explained with a small smile, "She showed me kindness when no one else ever did. She never looked at me as if I was a slut, like everyone else did. She showed that she is the exact opposite of what you are Rika." Rika clenched her jaw as she scowled at Ena.

"Oh, really and what would that be?" Rika asked curiously as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"A lying, backstabbing, manipulative, b**** who only cares about herself and nobody else," Ena remarked as she glared at Rika. Rika's mother stared in shock at this and looked at Rika in curiosity. Rika stiffened and clenched her hands into fists. "All you ever cared about was being popular even if that meant hurting your own sister. What kind of sister turns her sister's friends against her and then tells false rumours about her all over the school?" Rika gritted her teeth in anger. "Ryohei's bright and cheerful personality may be super annoying at times, but she didn't deserve this, any of this. She didn't deserve to be beaten to death and land in the hospital! You're the one who deserves to be beaten up and end up in the hospital! That should be you in there not Ryohei!" By now Ena's eyes burned with anger. Rika glared back at Ena with same look of anger burning in her eyes.

"Look at you, going from slut to hero," Rika commented with a sneer, "Congratulations!"

"Alright, that's enough you two," Rika's mother instructed in a stern voice. Ena and Rika said nothing, but sent each other occasional glares.

"I need to get home right now," Ena remarked with a sigh, "I'll come back tomorrow morning."

"Alright, I'll let you know if there is any improvements," Rika's mother responded with a nod. Ena nodded back as she started to leave.

"Oh and Rika," Ena said looking back over her shoulder.

"What?" Rika asked coldly as she gave Ena a death stare.

"I'm not going to give to you anymore right now, but you may not want to go to school tomorrow," Ena commented.

"And why wouldn't I?" Rika asked scoffing.

"Because you're gonna have a group of angry boys on your tail after they find out the truth," Ena explained smirking.

"Wait a minute, what?!" Rika asked in protest as she rushed after Ena, but Ena had already rushed out to her car and drove off. Rika groaned in anger as she kicked at the rocks on the pavement. It was true. Once the boys find out the truth they will be on her like stink on big pile of poo. She bit her lip nervously. She knew this day would come at some point, but she had hoped it would be when her sister wasn't in the hospital. She sighed as she sat with her mother in the waiting room for her sister to wake up. She dreaded for what tomorrow would bring.

************************************************************************************************************************ *************

Hi everyone!

So, here is chapter 20!

I hope you all liked it!

So, Ryohei has finally been found by Ena! Ena's gonna be good for the rest of the book because I felt like.😂😂

Yes, the chapter you have all been waiting for will be the next chapter. The chapter where the boys find out the truth. Get pumped everyone!😎😎

Anyways, please vote and comment if you liked this chapter.👍💬

Stay tuned for the next chapter coming soon! :)

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