Bad Boys In Love ✔

Por atlas-carter

44.8K 1.5K 5.8K

[COMPLETED] In elementary school they were bullied. They were the targets of humiliation, but that is the pas... Más

1: The Chikamoto Sisters
2: Humiliation Attempt
3: Let's Get Physical
4: Tutor Ryohei and Plan B
5: The Assignment
6: The Basketball Team
7: The Decision
8: The Field Trip
9: Rooftop Love
10: The Motorcycle Ride
11: A Kiss On The Beach
12: Back Stage Action
13: The School Concert
14: The Truth
15: Special 2k+ Reads
16: The False Accusation
17: The Fake Apology
18: Back to Square One
20: From Slut To Hero
21: Streaming The Truth
22: The Apology
23: A New Leaf
24: Sleepover Decisions
Epilogue: Rei Ending
Epilogue: Keiichiro Ending
Epilogue: Akira Ending
Epilogue: Ryoji Ending
Epilogue: Yu Ending
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 1
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 2

19: Good Girl Gone Bad

1K 45 101
Por atlas-carter

(Don't listen to the video yet. Wait until it's the right moment.😉😆)

Ryohei woke up feeling gloomy and pretty much emotionless. She looked around her room. Her usual clean and neat room was now a complete pigstie. She sighed as she threw her covers off of her. She sat on the edge of her bed staring at the wall with a blank expression. She felt a sharp pain in her stomach making her groan in pain. She lifted her tank top slightly. Her semi healed wound had been reopened again a little bit. She sighed heavily as she slowly got up and walked into the bathroom. She cleaned off her wound and placed new bandages and gauze over top. She took some advil to sooth the pain before trudging her way downstairs.

She knew Rika and Ryoji were downstairs because she had heard them come together last night. He had been coming over a lot lately. At this point she just didn't seem to care anymore. She had given up hope. She became an emotionless wreck. As expected, when she came downstairs into the kitchen, out of the corner of her eye she saw Rika and Ryoji having a full on makeout session on the couch. Ryohei ignored them as she made herself oatmeal and some coffee.

"Better not have too much coffee or you'll be as clumsy as a drunk person," Ryoji commented with a smirk as he and Rika stopped making out. They both stood up and walked into the kitchen. Ryohei waited for her oatmeal to be done before taking it out of the microwave and sitting at the table. Ryoji and Rika sat at the table too. They glanced at each other before smirking and started making out again. Ryohei kept her head down and rolled her eyes. She sat in silence, slowly eating her oatmeal and sipping her coffee. "What's your deal? Aren't you going to tell us off?"

"Why should I have to be the one to tell you guys off?" Ryohei asked with a blank expression, "I really don't care. If you want to makeout at the table then makeout at the table. Besides I'm not your parents. I have no right to tell you off." With that she went back to eating her oatmeal. Ryoji and Rika stared at Ryohei in shock before glancing at each other.

"Are you feeling ok Ryohei?" Rika asked in concern. Ryohei looked up and stared at Rika with a blank expression.

"I'm fine. What about you?" Ryohei asked curiously.

"Uh.... I'm ok," Rika responded awkwardly. Ryohei nodded as she took her last bite of oatmeal before standing up and bussing her dish over to the sink. Ryoji and Rika watched her in confusion.

"Ok, see you guys at school," Ryohei said as she started walking back up stairs.

"Wait, Ryohei, your skateboard is broken," Rika protested in worry.

"So, I'll walk then," Ryohei replied with a shrug as she walked up the stairs. Ryoji and Rka glanced at each other.

"I guess we should get going," Ryoji stated. Rika sighed as she gave a nod. They stood up from the table and grabbed their stuff before heading out. Ryohei stood staring into her closet. She had no idea what to wear.

(Ok! Start the music!😁😁)

She found herself wearing ripped jeans, a tight tank top, black and white converse, a leather jacket, leather gloves, and black eyeliner. She felt emotionless like that of a motorcycle chick and in result she ended up dressing like one. She left her hair slightly messy. She had told her mother about her broken skateboard. Her mother gave her some money for another one, but she found herself being rebellious and buying herself a motorcycle. She had parked it out back, so Rika wouldn't see it. Once she was done getting dressed she looked outside to see that Rika and Ryoji were just getting into Rika's car.

Ryohei rolled her eyes as she walked back downstairs. She snuck out the back and hopped on her new motorcycle. She placed her helmet over her head and started the engine. She slowly drove it to the front. Rika and Ryoji had left. She kept her blank expression as she sped up and drove to school. She had recently heard of rumour going around the school about her. She had ignored them though. She had no idea who started the rumours and she had no idea who spread the rumours, but she didn't care. They thought she was cruel as a bad girl then fine. She was going to be a bad girl. She drove into the parking lot of the school. She saw Yu's car and Keiichiro's motorcycle parked in their usual spots. Yu, Rei, Akira, and Keiichiro all waited by their car for Rika and Ryoji who got out of their car and approached them. Ryohei sighed as she took deep breaths and drove towards them.

"Is Ryohei already here?" Yu asked curiously.

"No, she said she was walking," Rika responded as she and Ryoji stood in front of the others. The others nodded. Ryohei roared her engine as she parked into a parking spot.

"Whoa, who's that?" Keiichiro asked in surprise.

"Hey, he's just like you. He's got a motorcycle as well," Akira answered nudging Keiichiro. Keiichiro rolled his eyes. They all stood there watching as Ryohei got off her motorcycle. She slung her bag over her shoulder and started walking towards them.

"Yo, dude, cool motorcycle," Ryoji remarked. Ryohei ignored Ryoji as she walked past all of them and towards the school.

"Hey! He was talking to you man!" Yu protested as he glared at Ryohei's back. Ryohei stopped walking and turned around.

"Geez, what an a**h***," Rika commented scoffing. Ryohei rolled her eyes as she turned around.

"That would be woman to you," Ryohei responded neutrally as she removed her helmet and shook her short hair out. The boys and Rika stared in shock.

"Ryohei?" Rika asked as she stared at her little sister in disbelief, "When in h*** did you get a motorcycle?"

"Since yesterday when someone thought that it would be funny to put trash in my locker and break my skateboard, my only way of free transportation," Ryohei replied raising her eyebrow at them. They all glanced at each other before looking away.

"Wait, are you wearing eyeliner?" Rika asked in shock.

"Yeah, so what? You wear eyeliner all the time," Ryohei replied with a shrug.

"Yeah, but you never wear eyeliner," Rika answered. Ryohei shrugged.

"Well, it just so happened that I felt like wearing it today," Ryohei responded keeping her neutral expression.

"Oh, well, you look good," Rika commented with a small smile. Ryohei gave a nod.

"Thanks," Ryohei thanked her sister as she turned around and started walking towards the school again with her helmet under her arm.

"Wait, Ryohei! I get wearing eyeliner, but what's with the whole getup?" Rika asked curiously. The boys looked at Ryohei curiously as well. Ryohei turned her head slightly and looked over her shoulder at them.

"You say I'm cruel as a bad girl fine. Then you'll get a bad girl," Ryohei answered as she walked off into the school. Rika and the boys stood there staring in shock.

"Well, that was unexpected," Yu responded awkwardly.

"Maybe this is a good thing," Akira replied with a shrug.

"She kind of looks good as a bad girl," Keiichiro commented, "I mean, she has the hair and the body to be a bad girl."

"Boys! You aren't seriously complimenting her are you?" Rika asked in disbelief.

"No, of course we're not. Right guys?" Ryoji asked giving the others a stern look. The others sighed.

"No," the others responded looking away.

"Good. You better not be," Rika warned glaring at them. They rolled their eyes as they headed towards the school. Ryohei entered the school. When she entered all heads turned to her. As she walked down the hallways, the other students stared in shock.

"Is that Ryohei?" A girl asked in disbelief as she stared wide eyed.

"Man, Ryohei looks hot yo," one guy commented as he glanced at his friend. His friends nodded in agreement.

"Dude, Ryohei is hot," his friend stated, "But now she's double the hotness." The others nodded in agreement as they all stared in awe.

"I want to be like her," a girl said as she watched Ryohei.

"Damn, look at that tight a**," another guy remarked staring at Ryohei's butt. Ryohei ignored all the stares as she walked into her locker bay. When Rika and the boys entered the school a group of girls and boys came rushing over. Rika smiled.

"Rika, your sister looks so hot as a bad girl," one boy commented, "She's like a cute, but hot bad girl now." Rika tensed up at this. She had tried so hard to get her status back, but it seemed as if making the boys hate Ryohei only made her more popular.

"She is so cool. I want to be like her," one girl said. Rika frowned. Back at their old school every girl wanted to be like Rika. She didn't like to hear girls say that they wanted to be like Ryohei.

"Yes, my sister the good girl has gone bad," Rika responded with a scowl.

"Rika, let's go," Ryoji suggested as he pulled Rika along. Rika let him as they approached their locker bay. When they came into their locker bay they saw Ryohei already there. She was placing books in her locker and placing other books in her bag before she closed her locker. They stood there staring as she turned to face them. She looked up at them. She chewed on a piece of gum in her mouth as she walked past them. As she walked past them, Rika grabbed onto her arm.

"Outside in the parking lot at lunch. We need to have a little talk," Rika instructed in a firm voice. Ryohei looked at her sister for a moment.

"Sure thing. Later sissy," Ryohei replied with a smirk as she blew a bubble in her gum and then popped it with her teeth before walking off. Rika and the boys watched as Ryohei walked off.

"My sister doesn't even know how to blow a bubble in gum," Rika said with a sigh.

"Maybe she did, but she just didn't show it," Rei suggested with a shrug. The others shrugged as they walked to their first class. When they arrived in class Ryohei was already there. She was talking to the teacher, who was nodding, before she sat down and pulled out her phone. Rika and the boys sat in their usual spots. They couldn't trip Ryohei because she was already sitting down.

"You may dress like a bad girl, but you're still the teacher's pet," Ryoji remarked scoffing.

"Nothing wrong with being a bad girl and being the teacher's pet," Ryohei replied with a shrug, "I can be bad, but get away with it." Ryohei had a point. The boys and Rika turned around as class started. The lunch bell came and Ryohei packed her things.

"Ryohei, front now," Rika instructed in a firm tone. Ryohei simply nodded as she followed Rika to the front. Once they were outside Rika turned around to look at her little sister, who chewed on her gum.

"So, what's up?" Ryohei asked curiously.

"What is all this about?" Rika asked curiously.

"I'm just giving everybody what they want," Ryohei explained with shrug.

"What the f*** are you saying? I don't want this for a sister!" Rika exclaimed disapprovingly. Ryohei eyed her.

"Well, then what kind of sister do you want?" Ryohei asked curiously. Rika looked at her in confusion.

"What kind?" Rika asked in confusion. Ryohei nodded. "I want my sister back!" Ryohei eyed her sister suspiciously.

"Really now?" Ryohei asked raising her eyebrow. Rika nodded. "That's very interesting. You know, I heard that a rumour is going around about me being a lying, backstabbing, slut and that nobody should trust me."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that," Rika apologized both sincerely and insincere.

"Are you because after I heard this I got curious as to who had started the rumour," Ryohei replied with a serious look. Rika tensed up a little bit. "I started asking around on who told them. Most of them said they heard from a friend who heard from another friend. I wasn't really getting anywhere until finally I got to the people who spread the rumour around." Ryohei started circling Rika, who stood there frozen in place. Rika bit her lip nervously. Ryohei was onto her. Her plan had been working for a little bit, but it seemed that right now it had backfired.

"W-w-who were the people who spread the rumour?" Rika asked curiously even thought she already knew the answer.

"I think you know who and they are some great friends you got to go and betray you like that," Ryohei replied with a firm look. Rika gulped.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Rika replied trying to act innocent.

"I think you do because I just found myself the rumour spreader," Ryohei remarked crossing her arms. Rika's body started to tremble in nervousness. "At first, I asked myself why would my own sister do such a thing to me and then I realized something you may be my sister, but that doesn't mean that you're not still a bully."

"Ryohei, I don't know what you're talking about," Rika lied looking away.

"You know what's funny? I actually believed you when you apologized to the boys for bullying them and when you apologized for not being there for me. How stupid could I be to trust you?" Ryohei asked glaring at Rika, "You have escalated from bullying others to bullying your own sister. What is wrong with you?" Rika gritted her teeth as she let go of her innocent act.

"Fine. You got me. I was the one who spread the rumour, but I did that so that you would come to me and we would be close again," Rika explained with scowl.

"That's not how you make us close Rika," Ryohei responded with a sigh.

"Well, that's all I could think of," Rika said with her arms crossed. Ryohei chew her gum while glaring at Rika.

"That only half explains the rumours," Ryohei responded. Rika looked at her in confusion. "I know there's another reason for why you did it."

"That's the only reason," Rika replied. Ryohei sighed heavily.

"I'm smarter than you think Rika and I know that status and popularity is everything to you. If someone becomes more popular than you then you will stop at nothing to make sure that they are ruined. I remember you doing that to a girl back at our other school," Ryohei explained with a disapproving look, "You don't think I hear what people say about me? I was more popular than you for a little bit and you couldn't stand the thought that your own sister was more popular than you, so you told the school rumours and pretended to be there for me, but really deep down you wanted to ruin me just like that girl." Rika glared at Ryohei.

"Popularity and status is all I ever had and all I ever need," Rika replied with a sneer. Ryohei scoffed as she shook her head disapprovingly.

"Tell me something," Ryohei said with a curious look. Rika looked at Ryohei curiously as well. "Were you sincere? Were you really sorry about bullying the boys?" Rika looked at Ryohei before grimacing and crossing her arms.

"Of course not. I don't regret bullying them at all. They are the same pathetic, weak, losers that they were in high school," Rika answered scoffing. Ryohei glared at her sister.

"And Ryoji? Do you really like him?" Ryohei asked through gritted teeth. Rika smirked.

"I'd never fall for a loser like him. I don't understand why you had a crush on him in elementary school. He's boring and complete loser," Rika remarked with a scowl, "I knew you had a crush on him, but he was in love with me, so I used it to my advantage.

"So, you basically used Ryoji to get back at me?" Ryohei asked. Rika nodded. "Why did you apologize to them then if these are your true feelings?" Ryohei asked curiously.

"You really want to know?" Rika asked in surprise. Ryohei nodded. "I did it for status. Once those boys stopped hanging out with you and believed that you were going to betray them then everybody would stop hanging out with you and not trust you."

"That was you who told them that I had apparently fooled them?!" Ryohei asked in disbelief. Rika smirked.

"I had to make them not trust you anymore. It was rather easy to make them believe that you were cruel," Rika answered with a grin, "I had to make them believe that their kindhearted Ryohei was actually cold-hearted."

"You know I'm nothing like that!" Ryohei exclaimed pointing at Rika.

"I know, but they apparently didn't trust you enough to believe you," Rika responded with a smirk.

"How could you do that?!" Ryohei asked in shock, "I never once did anything to you. Not ever. You know why? Because you are my sister! I never hurt family and I never hurt friends!"

"Then you're an idiot Ryohei just like you were in elementary school when you saved-," Rika started, but got cut off by Ryohei.

"Don't you dare say it!" Ryohei protested glaring at her.

"Ryohei, trust me. I did you a favor by making them hate you," Rika said as she placed her hands on her hips.

"How is doing all of this possibly you doing me a favor?!" Ryohei asked throwing her hands up in the air in defeat.

"Because they're still the same losers that they were in elementary school," Rika responded with a shrug, "All of them are boring and losers." Ryohei's expression hardened even more when Rika talked badly about the boys.

"They are not losers Rika!" Ryohei protested in anger, "They are human beings like you and me and they have feelings. You can't go around messing with their feelings like that!" Rika scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Ryohei, hanging out with them will only bring you down," Rika argued with a sigh.

"I don't care!" Ryohei yelled in frustration. Rika looked at her in irritation. "They are my friends Rika! I like them for who they are! I would never and will never betray them!" Rika scoffed.

"Ryohei, listen, if they were your real friends you would have told them long before now that you were the long haired girl who always said HI to them and who always saved them from my bullying in elementary school," Rika commented raising her eyebrow. Ryohei looked at her and sighed.

"I didn't tell them because I didn't plan on telling them. I wanted them to like me for who I am, not as their savior from elementary school," Ryohei explained, "I didn't want them to feel obligated to be friends with me. I wanted them to be friends with me because they wanted to be friends with me." Rika shook her head.

"They're losers. Why the f*** would you want to be friends with them?" Rika asked in confusion.

"They aren't losers Rika!" Ryohei exclaimed in annoyance.

"They ran you over with their car! Why are you still defending them?!" Rika asked in irritation.

"Because it wasn't there fault," Ryohei stated with a shrug.

"Yu said that it was his fault and that he ran through a red light," Rika argued.

"Maybe, but it was also my fault. I stood there. When I saw them coming I didn't quickly move out of the way. I just stood there," Ryohei defended the boys. Rika rolled her eyes.

"Whether it was your fault or not they aren't your friends," Rika stated.

"I don't care what you do or say Rika! They are my friends!" Ryohei shouted as she glared at Rika.

"Hey! Get away from her Ryohei!" A male voice yelled in anger. Both Rika and Ryohei turned to see the boys approaching them.

"Ryoji?" Both Rika and Ryohei asked in shock as they both stared at the pissed off looking boys approaching them. Ryoji stormed right over to the two girls, but his gaze was on Ryohei.

"You b****!" Ryoji yelled as he punched Ryohei in the stomach. Ryohei coughed.

"Ryoji, stop!" Rika shouted glaring at Ryoji, but Ryoji ignored her as he kicked Ryohei, sending her flying into a car in the parking lot. Ryohei groaned as her body made impact with the car. She sat up slightly and looked at the boys.

"This is a new low Ryohei even for you," Ryoji said with a sneer, "Beating up your own sister. What the f*** is wrong with you?!"

"I wasn't trying to beat her up," Ryohei answered as she spat out blood.

"Like I'd believe your lies. You lying w****!" Ryoji exclaimed glaring at her, "Stay away from Rika!"

"That's it. I'm done trying," Ryohei responded with a sigh as she raced to her motorcycle, ignoring the immense pain in her stomach that she was feeling. She hoped on it and started the engine before driving off.

"Ryohei, wait!" Rika called after her, but she sped up and drove off. As she drove she placed her hand on her stomach. Blood was seeping through her shirt. She had a scratch on her cheek and blood dripped from her mouth. She hadn't put her helmet on, but she didn't care. The tears that she had held in for so long started pouring down her face like a waterfall. She just couldn't hold them in anymore and she let the tears fall as she drove off.

"Did she hurt you Rika?" Ryoji asked in worry.

"No! Of course she didn't! She's my sister! She would never hurt me! God, you jacka**!" Rika shrieked as she pushed him away. The boys all glanced at each other in confusion as Rika rushed inside the school. The boys all sighed in annoyance as they followed after Rika. Once they were inside Ena snuck out from her hiding spot. She had been out there when Rika and Ryohei had come out. She was a sneaky one. Despite not liking Ryohei, Ena hated Rika and now she had a way to show who Rika really was. She had recorded and made a video on her phone.
Ryohei zoomed off down the road. She had no idea where she was going, but she kept on driving. Tears streaming down her face. She couldn't stop crying. She knew though if she continued she would get in a car accident. Sighing, she pulled into an alleyway and turned off the engine of her motorcycle. She got off it and leaned against the side of a building. She sobbed into her hands as she let her body slide down the side of the building until she was sitting on the ground. She hugged her knees to her chest as she let it all go. Her body hurt all over, but the pain in her heart overpowered her physical pain. She cried for a long time. She cried until tears could no longer fall from her eyes. When she had finished crying she wiped away her tears and stood up.

"Hey!" A male voice called out to her. Ryohei looked up to see a group of thug looking boys around her age, maybe a year older standing there. One had dark brown hair, one had blond hair, one had red hair, and the last one had black hair.

"Hi," Ryohei greeted the thug boys back with a sad expression.

"Are you Rika's little sister?" The boy with blond hair asked curiously. Ryohei nodded.

"Good, can you give Rika a message for us?" The boy with red hair asked raising his eyebrow.

"Sure," Ryohei responded with a small nod. The thug boys smiled evilly at her. "So, what's the message?"

"This," the boy with dark brown hair said as he punched her in the face. Ryohei fell backwards and landed on her butt. The thug boys laughed. Ryohei spat out blood and looked at them in confusion. "She is going to regret the day she ever bullied us." With one solid motion the group of thug boys started punching and throwing hard kicks at Ryohei. Ryohei's body flew every which way at each impact. She was so weak after Ryoji had beaten her up that she barely had the strength to fight off these thug boys. As the thug boys beat her up Ryohei felt the last bit of her strength leave her. She felt her hope and her energy drain out of her. She felt herself give up and she let these thug boys beat her up senseless. As they continued she felt her body become still and her eyes began to close. All she saw within her eyes were the faces of the boys, who she was once friends with and now they will never know the truth that she was innocent all this time. That her sister was the mastermind behind the whole thing. "Let's go." She heard the thug boys leave quickly, leaving her there to bleed out. Her body hurt like crazy, but she didn't care. She had nothing left. No energy, no strength, no nothing to get her help. She just laid there motionless, in a pool of her own blood that spilled from her body.

"I'm sorry guys," Ryohei whispered in a weak voice as she let her eyes fully close. The last thing she saw was the faces of the boys, the boys she cared so deeply for, the boys she wanted to protect from her sister's cruelty, but she had failed to do so and there was nothing she could do to make it up to them.


Hi everyone!

So, here is chapter 19!

I hope you all liked it!

Please don't kill me please don't kill me!!🙏🙏🙏

I was really on a role, so I decided to publish a new part a lot quicker than I usually do, but I guess that's a good thing.☺☺

I know I'm leaving you all with a cliffhanger on if someone is going to find Ryohei or not, but you shall all see in the next chapter.😏😏

Hey, on the bright side, Ryohei did figure out that it was Rika who told the boys not trust her and spread rumours around the school.😃😃

Shippings are still not an option yet. Sorry guys, but I promise it will come again soon.😄😄

The chapter where the boys are going to regret everything is coming soon. It's not necessarily next chapter, but it's coming real soon.😉😉

Anyways, please vote and comment if you liked this chapter.👍💬

Stay tuned for the next chapter coming soon if I am not already dead and have gone to heaven after all these chapters where Ryohei is getting bullied.😅😅

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