Bad Boys In Love ✔

By atlas-carter

44.8K 1.5K 5.8K

[COMPLETED] In elementary school they were bullied. They were the targets of humiliation, but that is the pas... More

1: The Chikamoto Sisters
2: Humiliation Attempt
3: Let's Get Physical
4: Tutor Ryohei and Plan B
5: The Assignment
6: The Basketball Team
7: The Decision
8: The Field Trip
9: Rooftop Love
10: The Motorcycle Ride
11: A Kiss On The Beach
12: Back Stage Action
13: The School Concert
14: The Truth
15: Special 2k+ Reads
16: The False Accusation
17: The Fake Apology
19: Good Girl Gone Bad
20: From Slut To Hero
21: Streaming The Truth
22: The Apology
23: A New Leaf
24: Sleepover Decisions
Epilogue: Rei Ending
Epilogue: Keiichiro Ending
Epilogue: Akira Ending
Epilogue: Ryoji Ending
Epilogue: Yu Ending
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 1
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 2

18: Back to Square One

861 42 58
By atlas-carter

It's been about a week since Ryohei's friendship with the boys had been wrecked by Rika. It's been a week since Ryoji and Rika became a couple. Rika hadn't been home very much since then. It had mostly just been Ryohei and her mother at home. All through the week Ryohei had tried to keep a smile both at school and at home, but she found it hard whenever she saw Rika and the boys together. She couldn't understand why the boys wanted to hang out with Rika. From what they said, they hated her. Yet there they were every day this week together. Ryohei couldn't help, but feel jealous.

Her wound had healed over a little bit better, but a new wound within her heart had opened. She had tried so many times to talk to the boys, but they ignored her or pushed her aside. She had tried asking Rika what was going on, but the boys always pulled Rika away before Ryohei could ask. She still had no clue what she had done to make them mad at her and she didn't seem to be finding out anytime soon.

Her eyes opened into little slits as she heard her alarm clock go off. She reached over and turned it off before getting up. She sat up in bed and stared at the wall. She checked her phone for messages, but there were none. She scrolled through her contacts and looked at every one of the boys' numbers. She looked through her gallery. Her eyes fell on a picture that had all of them in it. They were all smiling happily. She missed the day that they took the picture. Tears brimmed in her eyes when she remembered the look in the boys' eyes whenever they saw her. They truly hated her.

Sighing, she took deep breaths before wiping away her not fallen tears yet before getting and getting ready for another depressing day at school. Yu had stopped his tutoring sessions with her as well. She felt sad about this as she got ready. When she was ready she trudged her way down the stairs. When she reached the bottom of the stairs she heard talking and giggling in the kitchen. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she peeked inside. Her eyes widened when she saw Rika in the kitchen with Ryoji. Her expression saddened when she saw Ryoji hugging Rika from behind.

"Ahaha, Ryoji, stop it," Rika protested laughing. Ryoji chuckled as he turned Rika around.

"Not gonna happen babe," Ryoji responded as he lifted Rika's chin and kissed her on the lips. They kissed for a moment. Ryohei watched with new tears in her eyes. Ryoji smirked as he lifted Rika and placed her on the counter top. Rika's legs wrapped around Ryoji's torso. They began to have a full on makeout session. Rika had been lucky that her mother had left early otherwise she would have never let her daughter do this. "I love you Rika." Ryohei's eyes went wide and her body trembled. She turned away, not being able to look anymore.

"Yeah. Anyways, I have to go wake Ryohei up," Rika answered as she pushed Ryoji away. Ryoji pouted. "Stop pouting already." Ryoji sighed as he went and sat on the couch. Ryohei quickly grabbed her skateboard and rushed upstairs as Rika walked out of the kitchen. Ryohei hurriedly got her stuff all ready before opening up her window. She could hear Rika's footsteps coming up the stairs. "Ryohei! Wake up!" Ryohei wiped away her remaining tears before jumping out the window with her bag slung over her shoulder and her skateboard under her arm. She landed on her two feet and looked around. "Ryohei! Wake up!" Ryohei looked up at her window and sighed as she walked a little ways to the window in the kitchen. She peeked in and saw Ryoji sitting on the couch. She stared at him in sadness before giving a long sigh. "Ryoji, did Ryohei come down here?" Ryoji got up at the sound of Rika's voice. Ryohei's eyes widened as she sprinted away and got on her skateboard before skateboarding to school. Rika entered the kitchen looking around.

"What's up?" Ryoji asked as he pulled Rika towards him, but Rika pushed him away.

"Did Ryohei come down while I went up?" Rika asked curiously.

"No, trust me I would have seen her if she did," Ryoji responded with a frown. Rika scowled.

"Call her," Rika instructed. Ryoji looked at in confusion.

"What? I blocked her though," Ryoji replied.

"You idiot! Just because you blocked a number that doesn't mean you can't call that number," Rika answered as she groaned in annoyance.

"Oh, really?" Ryoji asked in surprise, "Cool."

"Gah, just give me your phone," Rika instructed extending her hand out.

"Why?" Ryoji asked curiously. Rika groaned in frustration.

"Just give me your damn phone Ryoji!" Rika ordered as she glared at Ryoji. Ryoji sighed as he handed Rika his phone. "Thank you! God, you'd think I'm dating a 5th grader!" Ryoji scowled at that. Rika sighed as she called Ryohei's number.

"Ryoji?" Ryohei asked in surprise on the other end of the phone.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but it's your sister," Rika answered with  a chuckle.

"Oh, hey Rika," Ryohei greeted her sister, "What's up? Why are you calling me on Ryoji's phone? What happened to yours?"

"Whoa, ok, one question at a time," Rika responded. Ryohei sighed.

"Sorry," Ryohei apologized, "So, what's up?"

"Where are you right now?" Rika asked curiously.

"I'm heading to school," Ryohei explained briefly.

"What? How'd you sneak by us?" Rika asked in disbelief.

"Sneak by us?" Ryohei asked in confusion. Ryohei knew exactly who Rika was talking about, but she didn't want Rika to know that she had seen.

"Yeah, me and Ryoji," Rika answered in an obvious tone.

"Wait, Ryoji is there? No wonder you're calling me on his phone," Ryohei replied, "I don't know. I must have woken up earlier because when I came down I didn't see Ryoji there."

"Oh, ok then. Never mind. Just wondering where you were," Rika said with a sigh of relief.

"Well, thanks for checking in," Ryohei thanked Rika with a sigh, "See you at school. Say HI to Ryoji for me."

"Sure. Oh and Ryohei," Rika protested.

"Yeah?" Ryohei asked curiously as she waited for Rika's response.

"I'm sorry I haven't been there for you this week," Rika apologized sincerely. Despite her lust for being the most popular she still cared for her sister in her own twisted way. "I'll try to be a better sister from now on." There was a little pause.

"Thanks Rika. I appreciate it," Ryohei thanked Rika cheerfully, "See you at school. Have fun with Ryoji. Just don't tell me the details because that's always an awkward thing to talk about." Rika stifled a laugh.

"Haha, ok, see you soon," Rika responded as she hung up. Rika smiled in content. It would seem her plan to be the most popular and to make her and her sister closer was working. They were so close when they were younger, but they had grown apart by grade 7 and then they never grew closer. She was happy knowing that maybe that could change.

"You look happy," Ryoji commented as he wrapped his arms around Rika.

"I am," Rika responded with a nod. Ryoji smiled. "Come on. Let's head to school." Ryoji nodded. "Oh and by the way. Ryohei says HI." Ryoji stared at her for a moment before looking away. Rika smirked as she pulled on his hand and together they went out to her car. Ryohei arrived at school quite early, but that was also for a reason. Yu had practice this morning. Ryohei really wanted to watch him in practice again. She hadn't seen him practice for a while. She carried her skateboard under her arm and entered the school. Nobody seemed to be around, except for teachers. She smiled in relief that nobody else was around and she headed to her locker. When she reached her locker she placed her skateboard in her locker before heading to the gymnasium. When she reached the gymnasium she peeked her head in. The basketball team were in the middle of their practice. She snuck in and sat in the bleachers.

"Go Yu go!" Yu's coach cheered him on. Ryohei watched in amazement and excitement as Yu dribbled the ball and threw the ball. The ball went into the net. His teammates cheered. "Excellent Yu! Alright water break boys!" The basketball team all went to the bench and got their water bottles. As Yu drank he noticed Ryohei sitting up in the stands. His eyes widened in surprise.

"Hey, Yu's girlfriend is here," one of the players teased as he elbowed Yu. Yu glared at him as he put his water down and climbed the stairs of the stands.

"Ryohei, what are you doing here?" Yu asked in a stern tone.

"I haven't seen you practice in a while, so I thought I'd come and watch you," Ryohei explained with a shrug and a smile. Yu missed looking into that smile everyday. He shook his head to ignore his longing.

"Look, Ryohei, I don't think you should come see me practice anymore," Yu responded in a harsh tone. Ryohei's expression saddened.

"Wha-? Yu?" Ryohei asked in a hurt voice.

"Please just leave," Yu said as he stepped aside.

"Yu, please," Ryohei pleaded with sad eyes.

"I can't let anything get in the way of practice and right now you being here is distracting me from my practice, so please leave and don't come back," Yu replied with a serious tone.

"If that is what you want then I will. I'm sorry if I'm a distraction to you. I won't come back if that's what you desire," Ryohei answered as she bowed her head. Yu simply nodded back. "Yu, I don't know what I did to make you guys hate me, but whatever it is I'm sorry. I truly am. I never meant to hurt you in any way or make you mad."

"Ryohei-," Yu started, but got cut off by Ryohei.

"Please Yu. I'm really sorry. Just give me another chance to make things right. I really miss hanging out with you and the others," Ryohei said cutting Yu off, "I miss talking to you and the others. Can we start over maybe? Or maybe we can-."

"Ryohei! Shut the f*** up and leave now!" Yu shouted angrily as he glared at Ryohei and pointed to the door. His teammates stared in shock at this. Ryohei's eyes widened.

"Alright," Ryohei responded in a sad voice as she slowly walked down the stairs of the stands and out of the gymnasium. Yu sighed heavily as he went back down to the bench.

"What was that about?" One of his teammates asked curiously.

"I don't want to talk about it," Yu responded as he took another sip of water. Even after all that, Yu still felt bad for yelling at Ryohei like that in front of his teammates. Ryohei walked sadly to her locker. She had stopped the tears from flowing down her face. As she leaned against her locker she wiped the tears away. The bell rang and she trudged her way to her first class. As she walked down the hallway she saw the boys and Rika coming. Her eyes widened. She turned around and started walking the other way, but she saw Yu walking towards her. Her eyes widened again and she looked in either direction to decide which way to go. Looking back and forth, she felt someone pull her out of the way. Surprised, she looked behind her to see Ena standing there.

"Ena?" Ryohei asked in surprise. Ena glanced at her as she waited for the boys and Rika to pass by. The boys and Rika looked at them.

"Good choice of friends Ryohei," Keiichiro remarked scowling at Ryohei.

"Yeah, now you can be slut like Ena," Rei added grimacing at both Ena and Ryohei. Ena glared at Rei.

"Piss off Rei," Ena snapped as she glared daggers at Rei. Rei rolled his eyes as he turned away. Ryohei watched them leave feeling hurt. Yu had joined them as well. Once they were gone Ena turned to Ryohei.

"Thank you," Ryohei thanked Ena with a sad smile.

"Stop it," Ena instructed in a serious tone.

"Stop what?" Ryohei asked in confusion.

"Stop with the sad looks. Where's the bright and cheerful Ryohei that I found so incredibly annoying?" Ena asked with a sigh. Ryohei looked away.

"I'm sorry. I haven't really been myself since I angered the boys, but the thing is I don't even know what I did to make them mad," Ryohei explained with an exasperated sigh.

"Did you ask?" Ena asked curiously. Ryohei nodded.

"Yeah, but I didn't understand it at all," Ryohei responded with a shrug, "They said that I fooled them once and that they're not going to be fooled again. I mean, what the heck is that supposed to mean?" Ena nodded in understanding. Ena couldn't interpret what the boys meant either.

"Well, I can see if I can get them to elaborate," Ena offered. Ryohei looked at Ena in surprise.

"Really? That's really nice of you Ena. Thank you," Ryohei thanked Ena with a smile. Ena nodded as she started to leave. "Wait, Ena."

"What's up?" Ena asked curiously.

"Why are you doing this for me?" Ryohei asked curiously. Ena stared at her for a moment.

"Because I owe you for saving me when both Akira and Ryoji were going to hit me. You could have let them hit me, but you didn't," Ena explained with a shrug, "The least I can do is get  you the truth about why the boys seem to hate you now." Ryohei smiled gratefully at Ena.

"Well, thank you Ena," Ryohei thanked Ena with a smile, "You know, you're not so bad to talk to."

"Yeah yeah, whatever, see you later," Ena replied as she waved and walked away. Ryohei smiled as she watched Ena leave before she headed to her first class. The boys once again ignored her as they had all week. Soon the lunch bell came. Ryohei sighed as she packed her bag and left the classroom. As she left the classroom she felt people staring at her. She looked around in confusion. Other students stared in disgust. She ignored the other students stares as she made her way to her locker. When she opened her locker piles of garbage came spilling out along with her skateboard that was in pieces. Ryohei bit her lip to stop from crying or yelling. She reluctantly picked up the garbage and her broken skateboard and placed them in the garbage.

"What you got there Ryohei?" Ryoji asked with a sneer as he, the others, and Rika approached Ryohei.

"Just old homework," Ryohei responded with a forced smile. Ryoji scoffed. Ryohei glanced at Yu, who did his best to avoid eye contact.

"Then you're disgusting if you stick gum to your old homework," Keiichiro replied as he looked at Ryohei with disgust. Ryohei looked away, unsure about how to respond to that.

"Not gonna talk now are you?" Akira asked harshly, "It's funny. Before all you ever did was talk. It annoyed the h*** out of us." Ryohei sighed heavily as she looked up.

"I'm sorry," Ryohei apologized sincerely, "I truly am sorry for whatever it is that I did to make you so angry at me. I truly didn't want to hurt any of you or make you mad at me. I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me because I miss hanging out with you guys and talking to you guys." The boys all stared at her in surprise, except for Yu who had already heard Ryohei say that this morning.

"You think we'd let you fool us again?" Ryoji asked in irritation.

"I still don't know what you mean by fooled you because I never once tried to fool you guys," Ryohei answered with a sigh.

"There you go again, acting all innocent," Rei remarked crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm not acting anything. I've never fooled you guys and I never will. I truly liked being friends with you guys," Ryohei argued with a sigh of exasperation, "Why is that so hard to see?"

"It's not hard to see, but our instincts were correct when we decided not to trust you when you first came," Yu answered with a shrug.

"Alright, if you believe that I fooled you guys then so be it, but here I am apologizing at the bottom of my heart and yet still you won't give me another chance?" Ryohei asked in disbelief. The boys eyed her suspiciously.

"Do you really think an apology will make us trust you?" Ryoji asked in a stern tone.

"Well, it worked for Rika when she just simply apologized," Ryohei stated as she gestured to Rika. The boys glanced from Ryohei to Rika. "When she apologized you all trusted her in the blink of an eye and she only had to apologize once, but here I am apologizing for about the 10th time and it doesn't look like you have any intention of forgiving me, so why does Rika get a pass?" The boys stared at Ryohei for a moment. What she had just said made a lot of sense. Why did they automatically trust Rika when she had bullied them all through elementary school, but not Ryohei who hadn't really shown any sign of cruelty other than from what Rika had told them?

"Look it doesn't matter what the f***ing reason is! We trust her! We trusted you and you broke our trust!" Ryoji exclaimed as he glared at Ryohei. Ryohei looked at him in confusion and disbelief.

"How did I break your trust? You won't even really tell me what it is I did!" Ryohei protested as she threw her hands up in defeat, "Ok, you say I broke your trust. How?"

"I think you know very well how," Ryoji responded through gritted teeth. Ryohei sighed in defeat.

"Fine. You don't want to explain it to me then fine, but don't get mad at me when I keep asking what it is that I did to make you mad," Ryohei replied shrugging as she walked back into the locker bay. The boys watched her as she placed her bag in her locker and got out her wallet before heading to the cafeteria. The boys stood there with mixed feelings. Ryohei had made some very valuable points that made their actions look quite unreasonable.

"Don't worry boys. It's lunch time. There are plenty of ways to humiliate her," Rika reassured the boys with a smirk. The boys nodded as they all headed to lunch. As Ryohei went to go find a table Rika walked up behind her and tapped on her shoulder. Ryohei quickly turned around and her eyes widened when she saw Rika standing there.

"Oh, hey Rika," Ryohei greeted her sister with a small smile. Rika gave a small smile back.

"You ok?" Rika asked curiously. Ryohei sighed as she looked down. Rika gestured with her head to the boys. All of them came up behind Ryohei and cracked eggs on top of her head. The eggs drizzled down Ryohei's head. Some egg fell on Ryohei's hand. Ryohei looked up to see that all the other students were laughing. She lifted her hand up to her head and felt the jelly like substance of eggs on her head. Ryohei turned around and frowned when she saw the boys behind her.

"There. Perfect. All your hair needed was a little yellow to it," Ryoji commented with a smirk. Ryohei sighed as she removed the egg from her hair.

"That was pretty good Ryoji," Ryohei responded with an impressed expression, "Definitely surprised me. It was better than the first time you tried to humiliate me. I guess I deserve this after I ruined your shirt with spaghetti sauce." This time the other students laughed at Ryohei's response. The boys frowned at this. They remembered the same thing happened when they tried to humiliate her.

"You deserve a lot worse than that you slut," Akira replied with a sneer.

"Fine. By all means, egg me until you're sick to death of it," Ryohei suggested as she placed her tray down and stood there with her hands up in the air, "What are you waiting for? Do it." The boys stared at her in surprise.

"Do it! Do it! Do it!" Other students cheered. The boys glanced at each other in wonder.

"She's volunteering to do it. You might as well do it," Rika said with a shrug. The boys simply nodded as they took more eggs and started throwing them at Ryohei. The eggs cracked against Ryohei's body. Ryohei simply stood there with a blank expression. The students cheered as the boys threw the eggs.

"W****!" Keiichiro exclaimed as he threw an egg.

"Slut!" Akira yelled as he threw an egg.

"Liar!" Rei shouted as he threw an egg.

"Backstabber!" Yu exclaimed as he threw an egg.

"B****!" Ryoji yelled as he threw an egg. One by one Ryohei took the hits. Once they were done they all laughed. Ryohei stood there feeling emotionless. She looked down at her body that was completely covered with eggs. Her eyes widened when she saw blood seeping through her white shirt.

"Oh no," Ryohei whispered as she placed her hand on her stained shirt. The boys, the other students, and Rika stopped laughing when they saw Ryohei's blood stained shirt.

"Ryohei?" Rika asked in shock and worry. The boys stared in concern as well. Yu bit his lip as he felt his hand tremble.

"Oh my god. She's bleeding," one girl commented.

"They must have hit her really hard with those eggs," a boy remarked.

"I..... I..... I need to go....," Ryohei said as she rushed out of the cafeteria. The other students glanced at the boys with fearful expressions.

"Did we really hit her that hard?" Keiichiro asked in surprise.

"No, it wasn't because we hit her with the eggs. Eggs can't do damage like that," Yu replied nervously.

"Ok, but she wasn't bleeding before," Rei answered.

"It was her wasn't it?" Akira asked curiously as he looked at Yu. Yu nodded.

"Wait, what are we talking about now?" Ryoji asked in confusion.

"Remember the guy I hit with my car?" Yu asked. The others nodded. "Well, it wasn't a guy. It was a girl."

"You ran over a girl with your car?" Keiichiro asked in shock. Yu nodded.

"Yeah and that girl....... was........ Ryohei....... and that's why she's bleeding," Yu explained hesitantly. The others' eyes went wide, including Rika's.

"You ran over my sister with your car?!" Rika asked in disbelief.

"We and Keiichiro were having a race and I didn't see the red light. Ryohei was crossing the street and I bumped into her," Yu answered looking down in shame.

"How could you?!" Rika asked in disbelief.

"You know. You are really bipolar Rika," Rei commented, "One minute you want to completely ruin your sister and then the next you yell at people who hurt her. Which do you want?"

"Shut up Rei!" Rika snapped as she glared at him. Rei scoffed and rolled his eyes. Rika thought hard. Sure, she would do anything to get her popularity back even by crushing her sister's popularity, but she never wanted her sister to get hurt physically.

Ryohei quickly ran to the nurse's office and got more bandages and gauze before patching up her wound again. She cleaned herself off completely before leaving the bathroom. She sighed as she headed to her locker and took her bag out before heading to class early. When she entered the classroom the bell rang. She sat through the last two period classes not bothering to try and talk to the boys. Rika had tried to talk to her, but she blocked out everybody else around her. At this point, she figured that since they weren't going to forgive her then there was no point in trying anymore. She realized that if they had so easily trusted Rika and not her then they hadn't trusted her at all. She felt sad that night that her friendship with the boys seemed to be gone forever and that it could never be restored no matter what she did or no matter how many times she apologized. She had simply given up hope.


Hey everybody!

So, here is chapter 18!

I hope you all liked it!

I'm still not dead after all these chapters! Whoohoo! Thanks for not killing me for making the boys believe Rika instead of Ryohei!❤❤

Still no shipping. Boohoo.😔😔

So, yeah, Ryohei has pretty much decided to give up, but don't worry her friendship with the boys isn't over.😉😉

I know the boys were pretty mean in this chapter, but I promise that soon they will find out the truth and completely regret not trusting Ryohei, so look forward to when that chapter comes.😃😃

Anyways, please vote and comment if you liked this chapter.👍💬

Stay tuned for the next update coming soon! :)

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