Bad Boys In Love ✔

By atlas-carter

44.8K 1.5K 5.8K

[COMPLETED] In elementary school they were bullied. They were the targets of humiliation, but that is the pas... More

1: The Chikamoto Sisters
2: Humiliation Attempt
3: Let's Get Physical
4: Tutor Ryohei and Plan B
5: The Assignment
6: The Basketball Team
7: The Decision
8: The Field Trip
9: Rooftop Love
10: The Motorcycle Ride
11: A Kiss On The Beach
12: Back Stage Action
13: The School Concert
14: The Truth
15: Special 2k+ Reads
16: The False Accusation
18: Back to Square One
19: Good Girl Gone Bad
20: From Slut To Hero
21: Streaming The Truth
22: The Apology
23: A New Leaf
24: Sleepover Decisions
Epilogue: Rei Ending
Epilogue: Keiichiro Ending
Epilogue: Akira Ending
Epilogue: Ryoji Ending
Epilogue: Yu Ending
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 1
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 2

17: The Fake Apology

815 44 294
By atlas-carter

Ryohei woke up feeling uneasy and upset. She had kept to her promise about continuing her snapchat streak with Yu, but he never responded. Then when she tried texting him and calling him he completely ignored her. Also when she contacted the others to see what was with Yu they all ignored her as well. When she had called all of them it had said on the screen that she could not contact them because they had blocked her number. Ryohei sat up in her bed staring down at her phone in worry. Yu and Keiichiro hadn't called or texted asking her if she wanted or even needed a ride to school today. It was like they were completely ignoring her. She wondered if she had done something to make them mad, but she couldn't think of anything that she had done.

"Well, no point in getting myself all worked up about it now," Ryohei mumbled to herself, "I'll see them at school anyways. I can ask them why they blocked my number then." Sighing, she got dressed before going downstairs. When she came into the kitchen her mother and Rika were already down there having breakfast. Rika was humming a song completely out of tune. Ryohei tried her best not to scrunch up her face at the sound as she entered the kitchen. "You seem to be in a more cheerful mood than you were yesterday Rika."

"Why yes. I am in a rather good mood," Rika responded with a smirk. Ryohei nodded and smiled at her sister.

"That's good to hear," Ryohei replied smiling as she took two pieces of bread and popped them into the toaster. Rika smirked evilly at Ryohei's back. Ryohei spread butter on her toast before coming to sit at the table with Rika and her mother.

"So, what's up with those boys of yours that you've been hanging out with?" Her mother asked curiously. Ryohei sighed heavily making a slight grin appear on Rika's face.

"Yes, do tell about these wonderful boys," Rika insisted as she spat out the word wonderful.

"They were ignoring my texts and calls," Ryohei explained curtly.

"Maybe they were just busy," her mother suggested with a shrug.

"I don't think that was it because they even blocked my number," Ryohei argued with another sigh. This had been about the 10th sigh this morning ever since she got up. Her mother looked at her in worry. Her youngest daughter seemed to be quite upset about this. She glanced at her eldest daughter who seemed to be smirking. She raised her eyebrow at her eldest daughter in curiosity.

"Rika, what's with the smirking?" Her mother asked. Rika's eyes slightly widened and her smirk fell to a frown.

"Tsk, it's none of your business," Rika said with a scoff as she stood up, but her mother grabbed her wrist and sat her back down.

"What was that Rika?" Her mother asked in a hard tone as she gave her daughter a harsh look. Rika tensed up.

"Nothing. I need to get to school," Rika responded as she rolled her eyes. Her mother sighed as she let go of her daughter. Rika scowled as she grabbed her bag and left the house, slamming the door behind her.

"That sister of yours is just like your father," her mother commented shaking her head disapprovingly. Ryohei simply nodded as she picked at her food. "Honey, are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm ok," Ryohei replied with a nod, "I've got to get to school."

"Alright, see you later," her mother answered. Ryohei nodded as she stood up and grabbed her bag before approaching the front door. "Oh and Ryohei."

"Yeah?" Ryohei asked curiously as she turned her head slightly.

"Show those boys that you don't need them," her mother remarked with a smile. Ryohei smiled back at her mom before nodding then leaving the house. Ryohei felt her mood lighten up a little bit after talking to her mother. She grabbed her skateboard and skateboarded to school. It was a rather cold day. She wore her hoodie this morning. Her hood covered her head and most of her face. She still hadn't thought of anything that she had done to make the boys mad at her, but whatever it was she was going to apologize and hope that they forgive her.

The roads weren't as filled with traffic as they usually are. There seemed to be quite a spread between each car that passed through the intersection. As the last car went the light changed signaling for her to cross. She got up on her skateboard again and started to cross. As she skateboarded across a car skidded around the corner. The car was going way above the speed limit. A group of boys were cheering and yelling. They seemed to be having a race along with a motorcycle that drove right beside them. Ryohei didn't seem to notice the car as she continued.

"Faster! He's gaining!" A male voice yelled cheering on the driver. The sound of the male voice and the sound of the engine of a car approaching made Ryohei look up in confusion. Before she was able to process or see who it was the car came rushing towards her. She did notice, however, that there were 4 boys in the car and none of them were looking ahead.

"Look out!" The boy on the motorcycle exclaimed as he pointed at Ryohei. The boys in the car looked ahead. The driver quickly put on the breaks, but it was too late. The car didn't break fast enough and the front collided with Ryohei. Ryohei went flying backwards and slammed into a nearby tree.

"Next time move out of the f***ing road dude!" One of them called out to her. They all laughed as the driver stepped on the gas. Ryohei coughed and spat out blood. Her nose was bleeding and she had a long tree branch jabbed in her stomach. She groaned in pain as she quickly pulled out the branch and used the tree to stand herself back. She hobbled out into the road again with her skateboard under her arm. She had taken her hood off. She stared at the back of the car and the motorcycle. Her eyes went wide when she recognized the boys in the car and on the motorcycle. She stared in horror and pain.

"Guys, I hit someone. Man, this is really bad," Yu said in a panicked voice.

"Yu, would you calm down? It wasn't your fault. That guy was out in the street," Ryoji responded with a sigh.

"No, it was my fault. I wasn't even looking at the road and I had a red light," Yu replied as he leaned his head back, "That guy had the right of way." Akira had been looking back the whole time. He had seen the hooded guy go flying into a tree and then stand back up. He kept glancing back to see the guy had removed his hood. He squinted his eyes. The guy's features became slightly clearer, but not much. His eyes widened when his vision made out a girl standing in the middle of the road, staring at their car.

"Well, I think you actually hit a girl Yu," Akira remarked.

"What?!" Yu asked in shock as he hit the steering wheel, "S***, I'm in so f***ing trouble. I told you guys that racing wasn't a good idea, but did you listen to me? No because you never listen to a damn thing that I ever say! If I get my license suspended you are all paying me for a new car or have fun taking the bus to school and home from now on!" The others stared at him in surprise.

"Sorry man," Rei apologized placing his hand on Yu's shoulder. Yu sighed heavily. Akira hadn't been paying attention. He kept staring at the girl who they had hit. Her features stood out quite a bit despite how far away they were getting. His eyes slightly widened when he stared at the girl.

"Ryohei?" Akira asked in a low voice. Before he could get a better look, the girl turned away and got on her skateboard before heading in the other direction.

"What are you babbling about now Akira?" Ryoji asked curiously. Akira turned around and sat back down with a confused expression.

"I could have sworn I just saw Ryohei standing there in the road," Akira responded with a shrug, "I could have been wrong though." The others glanced at each other. After hearing Ryohei's name their thoughts went immediately to what Rika had told them yesterday. Their expressions all hardened.

"You probably saw somebody else," Ryoji replied harshly. Akira nodded. Despite being angry, Yu bit his lip, wondering if perhaps Akira had been right, that he had crashed into Ryohei. He sighed as he continued to drive.

Ryohei skateboarded clumsily to school. She had removed the branch from her stomach, but blood had been seeping into her black hoodie. Despite the fact that black showed no color she knew that it wouldn't be able to keep the blood from seeping through. She pulled in just as she saw Yu's car and Keiichiro's motorcycle pull up into the usual parking spots. She wanted desperately to go see them, but she also couldn't let them see her like this. Sighing, she rushed inside.

"Hi Ryohei," a boy greeted her as she entered the school. She smiled at him before rushing to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom she made sure that no one else entered before cleaning off her injuries. She washed off her face. She took a deep breath as she took her hoodie off and then lifted up her shirt slightly. She gasped at the large whole in her skin. Blood was pouring out of the wound. She quickly took a bunch of paper towels and ran them under cold water with soap to disinfect her wound before gently patting it. She squeezed her eyes in pain as she felt the sting from the soap seep into her wound. As the soap began to disinfect, she felt the sting start to go away and she scrubbed the blood off. Once she finished cleaning over her wound she changed into some new clothes and stuck her blood stained clothes in the garbage before leaving the bathroom. When she left she headed for her locker.

Once Ryohei had left, Ena jumped off the toilet seat. She had been hiding in the bathroom ever since Ryohei came in. She got out of the stall and approached the garbage. She reached into the garbage and took out Ryohei's blood stained clothing. She stared at the blood stained clothing. She was curious as to why Ryohei had been so bleeding and what could Ryohei have possibly gotten herself into. She placed the blood stained clothes in a plastic bag before shoving them into her backpack and leaving the bathroom.

"Rika, what is it that you want now?" Ryoji asked in irritation. Ryohei stopped and hid around the corner when she heard Ryoji's voice. She looked around the corner to see the boys talking to Rika.

"I just want to talk," Rika responded crossing her arms. The boys glanced at each other before looking back at her.

"Ok, what is it?" Ryoji asked curiously.

"I know that it's way overdue, but I wanted to apologize for bullying you all those years," Rika apologized with insincerity. The truth was she wasn't sorry for bullying them. She had no regrets about bullying them and yet she did this just to toy with their heads and their emotions. She was truly the ultimate bully.

"Do you really expect us to believe that?" Keiichiro asked scoffing. Rika frowned at this. She found it a bit irritating that she was able to so easily get them to believe that Ryohei was evil, but she wasn't so easily able to make them believe that she was sorry even though she was only fake sorry. She sighed as she tried her best not to yell at them.

"I know it's hard to believe me, but I promise you that I am truly sorry and that I regret everyday for what I did to you boys," Rika lied as innocently as she could. The boys eyed her suspiciously. Ryohei watched and listened in confusion. She couldn't understand why her sister was apologizing to them. She found this whole situation confusion.

"Ok, fine. Let's say that we do believe you. Why did you bully us all those years?" Rei asked curiously raising his eyebrow. The others looked at Rika in curiosity. Rika grimaced at the thought of what she was going to say next, but she knew Ryohei was listening.

"The reason I bullied you was because I had feelings that I wasn't ready to accept," Rika explained with a scowl. The boys looked at Rika in confusion, as well as Ryohei.

"Huh?" Akira asked in complete and utter confusion. Rika took a deep breath before responding.

"The reason I bullied you is because I actually had a crush on you Ryoji," Rika lied as she looked down and gritted her teeth. The boys and Ryohei stared wide eyed at Rika. Ryohei couldn't believe what she was hearing. She had no idea that her sister had a crush on Ryoji. The boys all glanced at Ryoji, who stood there in shock.

"Wait, what?" Ryoji asked in disbelief.

"I like you Ryoji," Rika lied as she looked a bit past her to Ryohei. Ryohei hadn't noticed, she was looking away in wonder. Ryoji stared at Rika for a moment or so.

"Really?" Ryoji asked curiously in a soft voice. Ryohei looked back up.

"Yeah," Rika lied with a nod. Deep inside she was screaming to herself why she said that. Ryoji looked at her again before giving a small smile.

"I like you too Rika," Ryoji admitted smiling. Rika tried her best to give a genuine smile, but the disgust in her heart only made her give a small half smile. Ryohei's eyes widened when she heard this. She felt her heart stop. "Rika, I've wanted to ask you this for a long time. Will you be my girlfriend?" Rika showed a smile, but on the inside she was grinning evilly. Ryoji had believed her. Rika looked past at Ryohei who stared at them with a hurt expression.

"Of course I will," Rika responded as she placed her hands around the back of Ryoji's neck and pulled him in until their lips were on each others. They kissed. Rika let her eyes open a crack just enough to see Ryohei's eyes brim with tears. She smirked under Ryoji's lips.

"Ok, you two get a room," Akira commented scoffing. Rika and Ryoji pulled away smirking.

"Says the one who f***s girls out in the middle of the hallway," Rika responded raising her eyebrow at Akira.

"Whatever," Akira replied rolling his eyes.

"Akira, if you're so jealous then go find Ena," Ryoji suggested with a teasing grin as he placed her arm around Rika, "I'm sure she'll be thrilled to be your f*** buddy again."

"I'll pass," Akira answered scowling. The others chuckled at his response. Just then the bell rang.

"Alright, let's head to class," Ryoji said as they began to head to period one class. The others nodded as they followed. Rika glanced back at Ryohei, who stood there in sorrow. Rika smirked as she turned back around and kissed Ryoji's cheek. Ryoji smiled as he kissed her cheek back.

Ryohei sat leaning against the wall in sorrow. Ryoji had chosen Rika just like he did in elementary school. Despite all of that she still held the tears in and took deep breaths. Her wound from this morning hurt like crazy piled on top of what just happened, but she remained strong. She stood back up and took a deep breath before trying her best to return to her regular, cheerful personality.

Sighing, she slung her backpack over her shoulder and headed to class. When she entered class her eyes fell on the boys and Rika. They looked at her when she entered. Rika had a neutral expression like she usually does, but the boys scowled at her before ignoring her. Ryohei felt her chest tighten at this as she kept her head down and made her way over to her seat. As she walked down the row of seats, like the second day she came, Akira placed his foot out. This time Rika didn't make eye contact with Ryohei. Ryohei didn't see Akira's foot this time and she tripped over it, falling flat on her stomach and also hitting her head. When her stomach hit the ground she groaned in pain and remained on the ground longer than she had the first time. She felt dizzy. The class, the boys, and Rika laughed.

"Haha, is it that damn coffee again?" Keiichiro asked teasingly. The class laughed. Ryohei slowly got back up.

"Nope, this time it's just me being clumsy," Ryohei responded hoarse as she smiled weakly. The boys and Rika frowned at this as Ryohei sat in her seat. Ryohei took a deep breath as she placed her hand over her wound on her stomach. It stung again, but she tried her best to ignore it. All through class Yu noticed Ryohei gripping her stomach while making pained expressions. Yu bit his lip as he thought back to Akira saying that he had seen Ryohei standing in the road. He wondered if he had indeed run her over. He didn't like the fact that he still worried about Ryohei. When the bell rang Ryohei quickly stood up and grabbed her bag before rushing out of the classroom. Yu watched in curiosity.

Next period Ryohei didn't show up. She had gone to the school nurse for bandages and gauze before heading to the bathroom. She cleaned off her wound again before placing the bandage on her wound and then wrapping the gauze around her stomach. She took some advil and remained in the bathroom for the rest of class. Finally the bell rang for lunch. Ryohei decided to go for a walk. As she left the bathroom she wobbled her way down the hallway. Students filled the hallway. She tried her best to stay out of everybody's way. As she walked she felt someone bump into her. She looked up to see the boys and Rika. They all glared at her.

"Watch it," Ryoji snapped as he pushed her aside. Ryohei let him and she stumbled to the side. She caught herself though. She took a deep breath as she steadied herself. The boys and Rika walked off. Yu glanced back at Ryohei and his eyes widened when he saw a small bit of gauze peeking out from the bottom of Ryohei's shirt. He sighed as he ignored wanting to go ask her why she had gauze and followed after the others. Ryohei hobbled out to the nearby park and sat on the swing. Rika joined the boys this time at their table. Soon Ena entered the cafeteria and she headed straight for their table. When the boys saw her they frowned.

"What the f*** now Ena?" Akira asked in annoyance.

"I need to talk to you," Ena responded. Akira sighed as he gave a small nod.

"Come on boys. Let's leave these two to chat," Rika suggested gesturing with her head to her usual table. The others nodded as they began to stand up.

"I need to talk to all of you, except for you Rika," Ena replied looking at Rika. The boys glanced at Rika who frowned.

"Fine. I'll be over here when you're done," Rika answered with venom laced in her voice. The boys nodded as Rika left and Ena sat down.

"So, what do you want?" Akira asked. Ena didn't respond. She simply opened her bag and took out the plastic bag with Ryohei's blood stained clothes.

"The h*** is this?" Keiichiro asked in confusion.

"Just open it," Ena instructed with a blank expression. The boys looked at her suspiciously. "I'm serious. Open it." They glanced at each other before sighing and opening up the bag. They took out Ryohei's blood stained clothing and stared at it in disgust.

"What the f***?" Ryoji asked in disgust.

"You're f***ing disgusting Ena," Akira commented as he pushed the bag and the clothes towards her.

"Just hear me out!" Ena pleaded. The boys sighed heavily. "Look at the tag."

"Why?" Yu asked curiously as he raised his eyebrow.

"Just do it!" Ena exclaimed in frustration. The boys glared at her as they looked at the tag. Their eyes widened when they saw Ryohei's name on the tag.

"Why do you have Ryohei's clothes?" Yu asked in suspicion.

"And why are they all bloody?" Rei asked curiously.

"That's what I was coming to ask you guys about," Ena responded, "She came into the bathroom and threw these in the garbage. Did something happen to her this morning?"

"Why do you care?" Ryoji asked in curiosity.

"I don't, but I am a very curious person," Ena replied, "So, what happened? I saw her walking in the hallway with bandages and gauze."

"How the f*** are we supposed to know?" Akira asked in irritation as he threw his hands up in defeat.

"She had a huge hole on her stomach that was bleeding like crazy. Plus she had twig like things sticking out of her skin. It was pretty gross looking," Ena said as she scrunched up her face in disgust. Yu's eyes widened when he heard this. He remembered seeing the hooded teenager hit a tree. His suspicions that the hooded person that he hit was Ryohei were becoming more and more certain. He had hit Ryohei with his car. He bit his lip. He was mad at her, but he also never wanted to run her over. He was conflicted. He didn't know what to do, but he didn't have time to decide because the bell rang signaling that classes will be starting up again. Yu sighed as they all got up and headed to class.

Ryohei came back for third and forth period. The boys ignored her through both classes. Every time she tried to get their attention or tried to talk to them they would get up and walk away or they would start playing on their phones. She hadn't eaten and her head was spinning. By the end of the day Ryohei knew she needed to at least get the boys to tell her what she did that upset them. When the final bell rang she rushed after the boys. She caught up with them.

"Please wait," Ryohei pleaded as she ran in front of them. They glared at her, but they stopped walking.

"Go away Ryohei!" Ryoji exclaimed as he tried to push Ryohei aside, but she kept her stand.

"No. Not until you tell me why you're ignoring me and why you're mad at me," Ryohei responded with a stern look, "Don't you think I deserve to at least know what I did to make you so upset?" The boys glanced at each other and then back at Ryohei before sighing.

"Fine. You wanna know why we're so mad and why we're ignoring you then fine," Ryoji replied harshly, "We're tired of playing your games."

"What are you talking about?" Ryohei asked in confusion.

"You fooled us once Ryohei! You're not going to fool us again!" Ryoji shouted glaring at Ryohei. Ryohei scoffed.

"What do you mean fooled you?" Ryohei asked curiously.

"Stop playing innocent! You've always played innocent ever since the first day you came here and we're sick of it. We know that you're not as innocent as you pretend to be Ryohei," Ryoji explained scowling. Ryohei's eyebrows furrowed.

"But I don't-," Ryohei protested, but got cut off by Ryoji who slapped her across the face. Ryohei went tumbling to the ground onto her butt. She held her cheek with her hand and stared up at Ryoji in shock. Other students in the hallway stared in shock as well.

"Shut the f*** up you lying, backstabbing, w****!" Ryoji yelled glaring down at Ryohei.

"W-w-what?" Ryohei asked her voice trembling.

"Stay the f*** away from us Ryohei," Ryoji ordered as he scoffed before turning around and leaving. The others glanced at her before leaving as well.

"Yu.....," Ryohei said in low whisper as she reached out. Yu turned around and looked at her. When he saw small tears brimming in her eyes his expression softened for a moment.

"Yu, leave her," Ryoji instructed as he grimaced at Ryohei. Yu glanced from Ryohei to Ryoji. Yu sighed as his expression hardened again as he nodded and followed after the others. Ryohei stared in sorrow as she watched them leave. Students looked at her in confusion and curiosity. Ryohei stood up and walked out of the school with her skateboard in hand. As she started to skateboard home Yu's car and Keiichiro drove by.

"Take that you b****!" Akira yelled as he, Ryoji, and Rei threw water at Ryohei while cheering. Yu rolled his eyes while Keiichiro sighed.

"Let's go," Yu said as he glanced at Ryohei before stepping on the gas and driving off. Keiichiro followed right after. Ryohei stood there soaking wet. She sighed heavily as she quickly skateboarded home. Despite what Ryoji had explained to her, Ryohei still didn't understand what he meant by she fooled them once. When she got home her mother wasn't home, thankfully. She quickly took care of her wound and changed into different clothing. Rika hadn't come home until late that night. Ryohei had gone to bed early that night, but she didn't sleep very well. Her night was filled with never-ending nightmares. She didn't know how she was going to do it, but she was going to find a way to win the boys' trust back.


Hey everybody!

So, here is chapter 17!

Yes, I am not dead after last chapter. Hopefully I won't be dead after this chapter too.😅😅

So, does everybody hate Rika so much that they want to beat the living s*** out of her?👊👊

I know, Rika is a cruel b****, but she's the ultimate bully.😕😕

Oh and also I'm going to make Ena be good because...... just because I feel like it.😂😂

Sorry guys. Once again no shipping question because there was no shipping couple moments at all in this.😣😣

Oh, Yu kind of felt bad though, but then Ryoji had to go and ruin it. Stupid Ryoji.😒😒

Oh and also, I've reached 3k reads!! Thanks so much for everyone!!💖💖

Anyways, please vote and comment if you liked this chapter.😄😄

Stay tune for the next chapter hopefully coming soon if you haven't all killed me after the last two chapters.😆😆

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