Bad Boys In Love ✔

By atlas-carter

44.8K 1.5K 5.8K

[COMPLETED] In elementary school they were bullied. They were the targets of humiliation, but that is the pas... More

1: The Chikamoto Sisters
2: Humiliation Attempt
3: Let's Get Physical
4: Tutor Ryohei and Plan B
5: The Assignment
6: The Basketball Team
7: The Decision
8: The Field Trip
9: Rooftop Love
10: The Motorcycle Ride
11: A Kiss On The Beach
12: Back Stage Action
13: The School Concert
14: The Truth
15: Special 2k+ Reads
17: The Fake Apology
18: Back to Square One
19: Good Girl Gone Bad
20: From Slut To Hero
21: Streaming The Truth
22: The Apology
23: A New Leaf
24: Sleepover Decisions
Epilogue: Rei Ending
Epilogue: Keiichiro Ending
Epilogue: Akira Ending
Epilogue: Ryoji Ending
Epilogue: Yu Ending
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 1
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 2

16: The False Accusation

1.1K 36 249
By atlas-carter

Rika woke up feeling slightly annoyed and slightly hurt at the same time. She didn't like the fact that Ryohei was never home anymore and little time she was at home she barely ever talked to Rika. Rika knew she wasn't the best sister in the world, but she would at least like to have a conversation with her sister once in a blue moon. She felt hurt that Ryohei didn't seem to want to spend time with her or talk to her. She had noticed that Ryohei had been spending a lot of time with the boys. She wasn't too fond of the idea of her sister spending time with them when she had a hint that they were out for revenge. She didn't want her sister getting hurt again. She knew she had to talk Ryohei out of hanging out with them, but how could she when she couldn't even get near Ryohei without the boys being there. She couldn't talk to Ryohei alone when the boys were around.

Sighing, she got out of bed and got dressed. She curled her hair into cute, bouncy curls and sprayed them with hair spray to keep them in place. She then took out her makeup kit. She curled her eyelashes and applied mascara through her long, luscious eyelashes before applying a smokey black eyeliner and gel liner for the bottom. She applied a neutral colored lipstick to her plump, soft lips. She fixed a small red headband in her hair.

Once she was done she trudged her way down the stairs. When she reached the bottom of the stairs she heaved a heavy sigh before walking towards the kitchen. As she approached the kitchen she heard chitter chatter. She recognized her mother and her sister's voices coming from the kitchen. They sounded like they were talking in low voices, perhaps so she wouldn't be able to hear them. She was curious though and decided to eavesdrop on their conversation. She tiptoed towards the kitchen and stood behind the wall. She perked up her ears and listened in.

"So, you seem to be getting close to those boys," her mother commented smiling at Ryohei.

"Yeah, we've become closer than we were at the beginning," Ryohei responded with a nod. Her mother nodded with a cheerful smile. 

"And what about that boy Yu?" Her mother asked curiously.

"What about him?" Ryohei asked in question. Her mother gave a light-hearted chuckle.

"You seem very close to him and he's come picked you up several times," her mother started. Ryohei nodded.

"Yeah, he's offered to drive me to school a couple times," Ryohei replied with a shrug.

"It's been more than a couple," her mother stated with a small smirk. Ryohei stared at her mother in confusion. She didn't know what her mother was getting at.

"Ok, it's been more than a few times. So what?" Ryohei asked in confusion.

"I think he likes you," her mother answered with a smile. Ryohei's eyes widened.

"I... I... I don't know... what you're talking about....," Ryohei responded hesitantly as she looked away. Her mother stifled a laugh.

"Yes, you do because I think deep down you feel the same way about him," her mother remarked as she raised her eyebrow, "Am I right?" Ryohei's eyes went wide at this.

"Well..... I..... might, but..... ugh, I don't know!" Ryohei exclaimed in annoyance as she gave a heavy sigh. Her mother looked at her in concern.

"Honey, if having a crush on a guy is making you this agitated then maybe you should wait a little bit," her mother commented. Ryohei sighed.

"I'm not agitated. It's just complicated, that's all," Ryohei explained shortly. Her mother nodded in understanding.

"I understand," her mother responded with a gentle smile. Ryohei smiled back at her mother in response. "Now about that other boy that you had a crush on in elementary school. Do you still have feelings for him?"

"Wait, who are we talking about right now?" Ryohei asked in confusion.

"The boy Rika said you had a crush on in elementary school," her mother repeated, "What was his name? It was similar to your name. Ryota..., Ryoga..., Ryoichi..., Ryoma...?"

"Wait, are you talking about Ryoji?" Ryohei asked in surprise.

"Ah, yes. That's the name of that boy," her mother replied nodding, "Do you still have that elementary school crush on him or have you moved on to this Yu boy?" Ryohei stared at her mother for a moment before looking away.

"I can't say that those feelings have changed very much. I mean, I do like Yu a lot, but......," Ryohei said pausing. She didn't know what else to say. She did in fact have an attraction to Yu. She had an attraction to all of the boys, in different ways of course, but those feelings grew as she spent time with them. Here her mother was talking about feelings that she's held onto since elementary school. She indeed had a crush on Ryoji in elementary school, but now the question was did she still have that crush on him.

"I know. It's complicated," her mother finished her sentence with a warm smile. Ryohei gave a small nod as she sighed.

"I just need time to figure it out," Ryohei responded with a shrug. Her mother nodded in understanding.

"Well, let me know if you want to talk about it some more. I am always here to lend an ear," her mother remarked. Ryohei smiled at her mother. "Now, eat something. Here we are chatting away and you haven't had your breakfast yet." Ryohei nodded as she got up and made herself some oatmeal. Rika sighed as she leaned against the wall. She had just eavesdropped on her sister and mother having a heart to heart conversation. Sighing, she walked into the kitchen just in time to see Ryohei sit down at the table with a bowl of oatmeal in her hands. "Good morning Rika."

"Morning Rika," Ryohei greeted her with a friendly smile. Rika scowled at her sister as she took an apple and a piece of leftover blueberry pie before grabbing her bag and walking out of the house slamming the door as she left. "Ok, nice to talking to you too."

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," her mother commented with a scoff.

"Yeah, either that or it's that time of the month," Ryohei responded with a shrug. Her mother sighed. Ryohei quickly finished her oatmeal before placing her dish in the sink. She grabbed her bag and her skateboard before heading out. "Bye mom. See you later."

"Have a nice day sweetie," her mother responded as she waved to her daughter. Ryohei waved back as she left the house and skateboarded to school. Yu and Keiichiro had texted her offering her a ride, but she declined. She pulled up just as Yu's car and Keiichiro's motorcycle parked in their usual parking spots. She smiled as she skateboarded over to them. When they saw her they smiled.

"Ryohei!" They greeted her with smiles as they waved. She waved back as she approached them. When she was right in front of them she got off her skateboard and held it under her arm.

"Hey guys," Ryohei greeted them back. Rika watched in a distance from her car that was hidden in with the other cars in the parking lot. She watched as her little sister chatted away with the boys. She had been scowling the whole time. She gripped the steering wheel in her hands and sighed. She got out of her car as she saw Ryohei and the boys make their way into the school together. Rika followed behind them with a good distance apart. When she entered the school her clique of girls came rushing over to her.

"Hi Rika," one girl greeted her with a smile.

"You're looking on fleek today girl," another girl commented. Rika gave a small smirk.

"I know," Rika responded as she started walking down the hallway, her hips swaying from side to side. The girls followed after her as she walked to her locker bay. She placed some of her books in her locker and placed other books from her locker into her bag before shutting it closed. She walked back out into the hallway with her friends following after as she made her way to her first class. When she arrived at her first class she saw Ryohei already there with the boys and they were busy chatting away as usual. She had a bitter feeling within as she entered the classroom. She sat down in her spot, but she couldn't help but glare at the boys. The boys noticed and glared back at her.

"Why are you glaring at me?" Ryohei asked in surprise, "Geez, Ryoji, that was supposed to be a compliment."

"Sorry, I wasn't glaring at you," Ryoji explained as he glanced up at Rika. Ryohei turned around and she smiled when she saw her sister.

"Oh, hey Rika," Ryohei greeted her sister. Rika frowned as she turned her back to her sister and sat down in her seat.

"Tsk, what a b****," Akira commented scoffing. Rika grimaced as she turned around and glared at Akira.

"Shut your perverted a** up," Rika snapped as she glared daggers at Akira. Akira and the others glared at her. Ryohei simply sighed in exasperation.

"F***ing c***. Don't talk to Akira like that," Ryoji replied harshly.

"I can talk to whoever I want Ryoji," Rika answered as she flicked her hair over her shoulder and turned her back to them. The boys scoffed as they leaned back in their seats. Ryohei rolled her eyes at their behavior. Rika pulled out her phone as classes started. As class went on she payed no attention to the actual class, just the conversations that Ryohei was having with the boys.

"Ryohei, what's the answer to this question?" Ryoji asked in a low whisper. Ryohei sighed.

"Ryoji, shush," Ryohei instructed as she shushed Ryoji. Ryoji sighed.

"But I need the answer to this question," Ryoji argued.

"Ryoji, stop asking Ryohei for the answer," Yu said as he bonked Ryoji over the head.

"Ow! What the f***?" Ryoji asked in irritation as he rubbed his head.

"Figure out the answer on your own Ryoji," Rei instructed as he shook his head disapprovingly.

"I can't. You of all people should know that I'm the dummest out of the group," Ryoji remarked pointing at Rei.

"Huh? I thought Akira was the dummest," Keiichiro responded glancing at Akira.

"Whoa, hey now. That's not very nice Keiichiro," Akira protested as he glared at Keiichiro. Keiichiro shrugged.

"Guys, enough," Ryohei said with a sigh as she turned to Ryoji, "Ryoji, what question are you on?"

"This one," Ryoji replied as he pointed to the question. Ryohei looked over the question quickly.

"Ok, here you go," Ryohei answered as she took his pencil and wrote down the answer.

"What? Why would you give him the answer?" Yu asked in shock. Rika asked herself this too. Why would Ryohei give the answer to Ryoji? Deep down she knew the answer. Rika's explanation was that Ryohei gave Ryoji the answer because she still had a crush on him. Rika scoffed to herself and asked herself why on earth Ryohei would have a crush on Ryoji. To Rika, Ryoji was the same lame, nerdy freak that he was in elementary school.

"If I didn't then he would ask me for the answer on the next question," Ryohei explained with a shrug.

"He'll probably do that anyways even though you did give him the answer," Rei responded with a sigh.

"Yeah, but I'll let him figure it out himself first," Ryohei replied as she winked at Ryoji. Ryoji sighed heavily.

"God, I f***ing hate math," Ryoji answered with a heavy sigh. Ryohei giggled.

"I think everybody does Ryoji. It's just one of those things that you have to get through in order to graduate," Ryohei explained with a shrug, "Besides at least it's not as hard as grade 11 math. Grade 11 math is the hardest math in high school."

"I know, but I changed my grade. If I hadn't then I would have failed," Ryoji argued. Ryohei sighed.

"Right, I forgot about that," Ryohei responded with a sigh, "Well, just try and if you still don't get it then ask me."

"Alright," Ryoji replied with a nod and a small sigh. Rika listened to this with a frown. She didn't like that the boys were asking her sister for the answers to the questions and she didn't like that her sister was giving the answers to the questions. All through class she sat there scowling away. By the time lunch came Rika felt as if her jaw was locked into a frown from frowning all morning. She packed her bag and exited the classroom. She placed her things in her locker before heading to the cafeteria for some lunch. She stood in line at the cafeteria. Ryohei and the boys were just a bit ahead of her in the line. She glanced at them curiously.

"Here Ryohei," Yu said as he placed a cookie on Ryohei's tray.

"What's this Yu?" Ryohei asked curiously.

"I never payed you back for that cookie that you gave me," Yu explained with a smile. Ryohei smiled back.

"Aw, thanks Yu," Ryohei responded as she smiled. Rika rolled her eyes as she moved up in the line. She watched as Ryohei and the boys sat down at their normal table. Students stared at them. Some stared in awe, some in envy, and some in jealousy. She stared in anger as she got her food and went to go sit at her usual table with her friends.

"Ryohei is so lucky," one girl said from another table, who stared at Ryohei's back in envy.

"I know. She gets to spend so much time with the boys," another girl responded as she nodded in agreement.

"I wish I could spend that much time with them," another girl remarked with a heavy sigh.

"I know. I wonder if they would if they hated Ryohei," a different girl commented. Rika thought about what she said for a moment. What would happen if the boys hated Ryohei?

"Pffft, like that will ever happen. They adore her," another girl replied with a sigh. The other girls nodded.

"Well, who can blame them? Ryohei's hot," one boy commented as he stared at Ryohei's back.

"Yeah and she's super cute," another boy remarked, "Everybody knows her too at this school."

"Well, yeah, but everybody else knows Rika too," another boy added. Rika's ears picked up at the sound of her name. "Rika's hot too."

"Yeah, she is," a different boy said as he nodded in agreement. Rika smirked at this. "But I think Ryohei's hotter and cuter." Rika's smirk turned into a frown. This was the first time she had ever heard a boy say that Ryohei was hotter than her. She could feel jealousy rise within her. Rika's hands turned into fists and she gripped her soda tightly.

"Yeah, I can agree with you on that one," another boy replied nodding. Rika gripped her soda tighter to the point that her soda starting flowing out the top of the can.

"Uh, Rika, your soda is overflowing," one of her friends stated as she pointed to Rika's overflowing soda. Rika ignored her friend as she fully squeezed the can in her hand. The can popped and all of the soda came rushing out the top of the can. Her friends shrieked in shock as they stared at her. Rika's body was trembling in rage and annoyance.

"Rika, are you ok?" Another one of her friends asked worriedly. Rika left the can on the table as she stood up and placed her lunch in the garbage before storming out of cafeteria.

"Rika, wait for us!" Her friends exclaimed as they quickly followed after her. Ryohei noticed Rika storm out of the cafeteria and stared in wonder. She had noticed that Rika had been in a specifically foul mood today. She wondered why. She couldn't think of anything that would upset her.

"Geez, Rika's just being a complete b**** today," Keiichiro commented as he scoffed and plunged his fork into some chicken.

"Why is that a surprise to you?" Akira asked curiously.

"I don't know. She's just being a lot more b****y today," Keiichiro explained with a shrug.

"Isn't she always b****y?" Rei asked in confusion.

"True, but....... ugh, never mind," Keiichiro responded with an annoyed sigh. The others shrugged as they continued eating.

"Maybe she has her period," Akira suggested with a shrug. The others rolled their eyes at his comment.

"Akira, enough with all this period stuff," Yu scolded Akira with a scowl. Akira scoffed as he took a sip from his drink.

"So, Ryohei, have you reconsidered being the lead singer yet?" Akira asked curiously. Ryohei sighed.

"Akira, I told you before. That was only a one time thing," Ryohei replied.

"Yeah, she did that to save you from being humiliated in front of the school," Ryoji added with a smirk.

"Shut up Ryoji," Akira snapped as he glared at Ryoji, "I'm not talking to you right now." Ryoji rolled his eyes. "So, is that a yes or no?"

"That's a no Akira," Ryohei answered with an annoyed sigh. Akira frowned. He was disappointment. He knew he couldn't count on Ena to show up again to the end of the year concert, but he knew he could count on Ryohei to fill in because he knew how nice she was. He knew that she wouldn't leave him alone in a duet. The bell rang as they finished their lunch. They stood up and placed their trays on top of the garbage before exiting the cafeteria. Everybody stared at them as they left in envy.

"Ryohei, what are you doing this weekend?" Yu asked curiously.

"I have nothing planned. Why?" Ryohei asked curiously.

"Well, I was thinking of having a guys' night at my place over the weekend," Yu explained shyly.

"Yu, Ryohei's a girl. Don't you think it's a bit weird to call it a guys' night when you're inviting a girl?" Akira asked raising his eyebrow.

"Akira, leave him alone," Ryoji scolded as he crossed his arms.

"What? I'm just saying," Akira argued with a shrug.

"Who cares what I call it?" Yu asked in annoyance, "The point is I'm having a get to together and I'm inviting Ryohei."

"Well, I think you should rephrase it-," Akira began, but got cut off by Keiichiro.

"Akira...... Akira..... shut up will you?" Keiichiro asked cutting Akira off. Akira sighed heavily, but remained quiet.

"So, do you wanna come?" Yu asked with hopeful eyes.

"Sounds like fun. I'll have to ask my mom first," Ryohei responded with a smile.

"Great. I really like your mom. She's really nice," Yu commented smiling. Ryohei smiled back.

"Alright, let's head to class now," Ryohei instructed. The boys nodded as they walked to their locker bay and took their books out of their lockers. Once they placed all their books in their bags they walked to their next classes. Next two classes went by quickly and soon the end of the day bell rang. Students filled the halls in a hurry to go home. "Well, I'll chat with you guys later. I gotta head home now."

"Ok, we need to keep up our snap chat streak," Yu insisted with a cheerful smile.

"Yeah, sure, our 5 messages streak," Ryohei responded with a teasing grin.

"Eh, it's still a better than streaks with these guys," Yu replied pointing to the others. Ryohei stifled a laugh.

"Haha, alright, we can continue it tonight," Ryohei answered with a chuckle and a nod.

"Yes!" Yu cheered. Ryohei giggled as she waved goodbye to them before grabbing her skateboard and going to the front. As the boys watched her go they smiled.

"Hello boys," a female voice greeted them from behind. They turned around and frowned when they saw Rika standing there.

"Aw geez, what the f*** do you want now?" Ryoji asked in annoyance. Rika scoffed.

"I've noticed you boys have gotten rather close to my little sister," Rika responded with venom laced in her voice.

"Yeah, so, why do you care?" Yu asked harshly. Rika grimaced at him.

"You wouldn't be trying to get back at me for bullying you all those years ago?" Rika asked as she placed her hands on her hips.

"No. Well, before kind of, but then she realized that she is the complete opposite of you," Keiichiro replied glaring at Rika.

"Yeah, Ryohei is smart, kindhearted, caring, understanding, funny, and so much more than you will ever be Rika," Rei added. Rika scowled when she heard this. Suddenly she got an idea and she smirked. The boys looked at her weirdly when they noticed her smirking.

"You may think she's all pure and kindhearted, but I've known her a lot longer than you," Rika lied crossing her arms.

"We don't think. We know that she's pure and kindhearted," Yu replied scowling at Rika, "You may know Ryohei longer, but she doesn't seem to want to be hanging out with you very much."

"Fine. You may think you know that she's pure and kindhearted, but she's not," Rika lied with a sneer, "She's devious and sneaky. She'll try every chance she gets to get on people's good sides, but in the end she just ends up betraying them." What she was saying was in fact the complete opposite. She did know Ryohei the longest and she knew her sister was beyond the nicest person anyone would ever meet. Rika knew that her little sister's heart was pure as holy water. However, Rika's lust for being the most popular overpowered her love for her sister. Now that her sister seemed to be more popular, Rika could not help, but show her utmost jealousy.

"Shut the f*** up Rika!!" Akira yelled glaring at her. Rika scoffed. "You can hate us! You can s*** to us, but we will never let anybody say s*** like that about Ryohei! Let alone her own sister!" Rika stared in shock. The others nodded in agreement. Rika was impressed. Ryohei really had gotten the boys' trust. Although, she wasn't surprised that her sister's pure heart had gotten through to them.

"Really? Has it ever occurred to you as to why she's so impossibly kindhearted?" Rika asked curiously. The boys looked at her in confusion.

"Because that's who she is. Yes, she's impossibly pure and kindhearted, but that's what makes her so special," Yu explained with a shrug. The others nodded in agreement.

"Huh, you boys are so pathetic and completely oblivious to what she's doing," Rika lied as she scoffed.

"What the h*** are you talking about?" Keiichiro asked harshly.

"She doesn't want to be friends with you. She never did," Rika lied scowling.

"F*** you Rika," Akira snapped as he glared at her, "You don't know how many times she's proven to us that she wants to be friends with us."

"Yes, she's quite persistent when she wants something," Rika responded rolling her eyes, "I'll let you boys in on something."

"Oh, yeah, what's that?" Rei asked curiously.

"When you're a bully, persistence is everything. It is the key to being the ultimate bully," Rika said as she crossed her arms over her chest. The boys stared at her for a minute. They reflected on what Rika had just told them. Ryohei had shown lots of persistence when being with them and getting them to trust her. "See. She is not the pure and kindhearted girl that you think or know she is."

"Even if what you're saying is true, why should we believe you?" Ryoji asked through gritted teeth.

"Why would you tell us this too?" Yu asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Because I think it's time that people started seeing her for who she really is," Rika responded with a smirk.

"And what would that be?" Akira asked grimacing.

"A lying, two-faced, backstabbing, w****," Rika replied with a sneer. The boys stared at her in wonder. They wondered why Rika would turn on her own sister like that? They also wondered if they should believe her or not, however, she did say something that they had noticed. Rika looked at the boys in wonder if they believed her or not. "Well, will you join me?"

"So, she persisted in befriending us just so that she could betray us later, right?" Ryoji asked just to be certain.

"That's exactly what I'm saying and if you're smart you'll stop being friends with her while you still can," Rika instructed with a smirk. The boys glanced at each other for a moment before nodding to each other.

"Ok, we'll join you," Ryoji responded with a short nod, "Let's make that lying w**** pay."

"I can't believe I fell for it," Yu replied with a heavy sigh.

"Me too. She fooled us," Keiichiro remarked shaking his head disapprovingly.

"Never trust a girl like that again," Rei commented scoffing.

"Ena may be a slut, but Ryohei is a backstabbing b**** w****," Akira said through gritted teeth.

"Alright, start by not answering her messages, her calls then if she persists, block her," Rika instructed with venom laced in her voice. The boys nodded. "Actually no scratch that. Just block her and delete every message you've ever had with her." The boys nodded as they got their phones out and blocked Ryohei's number. They deleted every conversation they had with Ryohei as well before closing their phones and placing them in their pockets.

"It's done," Ryoji answered. Rika nodded.

"Alright, let's make my little devil of a sister pay," Rika instructed as she turned around and walked off. Rika smirked as she walked out to her car. The boys had believed her lie about Ryohei. She felt a surge of satisfaction as she started the engine of her car. She was going to get her ranking of being the most popular girl at school back. She smiled evilly at the thought as she drove home.

The boys all went home feeling betrayed and  deceaved. They never would have thought that Ryohei would be so heartless. Little did they know that they were trusting the wrong person. Little did they know that trusting Rika was going to cost them their friendship with a girl who was pure and kindhearted.
That night Ryohei had tried to snapchat Yu, but she had noticed that he had blocked her. She had tried multiple times to contact all of the boys, but they had all blocked her. She had gone to bed that night worrying about why they had blocked her and wondering if perhaps she had made them mad. Little did she know that she had something waiting for her tomorrow at school and it was not going to end well.


Hey everybody!

So, here is chapter 16!

I hope you all liked it!

Please don't hate on me. I know you probably all hate Rika to the moon and back for getting the boys to believe that Ryohei is evil. That was kind of my goal though, to make you all hate Rika. Just letting you all know ahead of time, you will hate Rika in more chapters to come meaning next chapter and the chapter after that and the chapter after that. Ok, anyways, you get my point. There will be quite a few chapters where you will want to kill Rika, this chapter included. Please do not hate on me though. I am just the author. Feel free though to hate Rika.

I'm not going to ask about shippings in this chapter and the next few chapters because there won't be any couples' moments.

Anyways, please vote and comment if you liked this chapter.

Stay tuned for the next update coming soon..... hopefully..... if you guys don't kill me first.....😂😂😂😂

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