Bad Boys In Love ✔

By atlas-carter

44.8K 1.5K 5.8K

[COMPLETED] In elementary school they were bullied. They were the targets of humiliation, but that is the pas... More

1: The Chikamoto Sisters
2: Humiliation Attempt
3: Let's Get Physical
4: Tutor Ryohei and Plan B
5: The Assignment
6: The Basketball Team
7: The Decision
8: The Field Trip
9: Rooftop Love
10: The Motorcycle Ride
11: A Kiss On The Beach
13: The School Concert
14: The Truth
15: Special 2k+ Reads
16: The False Accusation
17: The Fake Apology
18: Back to Square One
19: Good Girl Gone Bad
20: From Slut To Hero
21: Streaming The Truth
22: The Apology
23: A New Leaf
24: Sleepover Decisions
Epilogue: Rei Ending
Epilogue: Keiichiro Ending
Epilogue: Akira Ending
Epilogue: Ryoji Ending
Epilogue: Yu Ending
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 1
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 2

12: Back Stage Action

1.3K 43 278
By atlas-carter

Ryohei woke up the next morning feeling slightly flushed. She had constant dreams about both Yu and Keiichiro kissing her. Her cheeks were tinted a deep red. Her heart was beating a faster rate than usual. She bit her lip as she threw her covers off of her body. Just then her phone rang making her jump. She quickly answered it.

"Hello?" Ryohei asked into the phone.

"Good morning Ryohei~," Yu's voice sang over the other end of the line. Ryohei's eyes widened at the sound of his voice and the scene from yesterday afternoon popped into her head. She felt her face heat up. "Ryohei? Hello? Did you drop your phone again?"

"Oh, um, hi Yu," Ryohei greeted Yu back awkwardly.

"Are you ok? Your voice is a little shaky," Yu responded in concern.

"No, yeah, I'm fine. I'm just half awake and half asleep right now," Ryohei lied scratching the back of her head. Yu stifled a laugh.

"Haha, that's ok. I get it," Yu replied chuckling, "Anyways, I wanted to know if you need a ride to school or if you're skateboarding."

"Oh, yeah, sure. Thanks," Ryohei thanked Yu.

"No problem," Yu answered brightly. Just then a new call came in. "What's that sound?"

"Oh, wait, hold on. I got another call coming in," Ryohei explained, "Be back in a second."

"Ok," Yu responded. Ryohei answered the second call, putting Yu on hold.

"Hello?" Ryohei asked curiously into the phone.

"Hey, it's Keiichiro," Keiichiro's voice replied on the other end of the phone. Ryohei furrowed her eyebrows in surprise. Keiichiro never used to call her. In fact, out of all the boys, Yu was the only one who called her. However with what happened last night, Keiichiro may be wanting to talk about it. Ryohei didn't have an answer for him though. She had mixed feelings about all of this.

"Hey Keiichiro," Ryohei greeted Keiichiro back, "What's up?"

"You need a lift to school?" Keiichiro asked curiously.

"Uh, well, not rea-," Ryohei started, but got cut off by Keiichiro.

"Great. I'm heading over to your house now," Keiichiro remarked cutting Ryohei off.

"Uh... Keiichiro, I don'-," Ryohei began to say, but got cut off again.

"Ok, be there in 5," Keiichiro answered as he hung up the phone.

"Wait! Keiichiro!" Ryohei protested in panic, but she heard no sound coming from the other end, "Oh boy." Sighing, she went back to Yu's call. "I'm back."

"Yay!" Yu exclaimed happily. Ryohei giggled in response. "Ok, I'm going to leave now. Be there in 5." Just like that, without waiting for a response, Yu hung up.

"Whoa, wait, Yu!" Ryohei protested, but it was too late. Ryohei sighed heavily as she slowly got dressed and trudged her way down the stairs. Two guys were coming to pick her up and she was going to have to tell one to leave. She groaned in frustration about what to do as she slumped her way into the kitchen. Nobody was in the kitchen this morning. Rika had left a note saying that she had to go into school early and her mother left a note saying that she had to go into work early as well. Ryohei sighed as she made herself toast with Nutella and peanut butter before sitting down at the table. As she took her last bite of toast, she heard a honk from outside. Ryohei's eyes widened and she quickly stood up. She ran to the window and saw Yu's car parked in front of her house. Akira, Rei, and Ryoji were in the car with Yu. Ryohei's eyes widened even more when she saw Keiichiro pull up in front of her house on his motorcycle. "Oh fudge with a cherry on top." She sighed as she grabbed her bag and walked out of the house. She locked the door and approached them.

"The h***? Keiichiro, what are you doing here?" Ryoji asked curiously.

"I should ask you the same thing," Keiichiro responded, "I'm here to pick up Ryohei. What are you guys doing here?"

"Wait, say what?" Yu asked in confusion, "I told her I was coming to pick her up."

"Well, you already have Rei, Akira, and Ryoji, so I'll give Ryohei a lift," Keiichiro answered. Yu scoffed.

"I called her first and asked her first and she said yes," Yu argued scowling at Keiichiro. Ryohei saw this and sighed heavily. When they saw Ryohei approaching them they turned to her.

"Ryohei, I thought I was picking you up," Yu and Keiichiro said at the same time. All of their eyes widened when they saw Ryohei. She was wearing a brown tank top and light khaki shorts with white converse. It was different from her usual boyish look and they felt themselves staring at her in awe. Her was pinned back by bobby pins and a hair clip. She let a few strands of hair fall along the sides of her face. They had to admit that she looked cute.

"Uh, you guys ok?" Ryohei asked worriedly as she waved her hand in front of their faces. They shook their heads to break themselves from their trances and looked away in embarrassment. Their cheeks were all bright red.

"Sorry," Yu apologized shyly, "You just look really... cute in that outfit..." Ryohei's eyes slightly widened at this before she smiled warmly at him.

"Thank you Yu," Ryohei thanked him as she smiled at him.

"Uh... don't mean to break this awkward moment, but can we get going already?" Ryoji asked with an impatient sigh.

"Yeah yeah, we're going," Keiichiro responded rolling his eyes, "But seriously, I thought that I was supposed to drive you Ryohei."

"Well, Yu did ask me first and I said ok. Then you called me and I was going to tell you that I didn't need a ride because I was getting a ride with Yu, but you didn't even let me get a word out before you hung up on me," Ryohei explained with a shrug, "Then when I was going to tell Yu that you were going to drive me instead he didn't really give me any time to tell him either." After listening to this both Keiichiro and Yu looked away and sighed.

"Sorry about that Ryohei," Yu apologized, "I guess I shouldn't have just hung up on you right away."

"It's your choice now. You can either go with me or Yu," Keiichiro added. They stood there waiting for my response. The others waited in Yu's car and watched in excitement. Rei kind of wished that it was just the two of them together in a car, but at least she would be in the same car as him if she chose to go with Yu and the others. "So, what will it be?"

" er...," Ryohei started, but trailed off.

"Ryohei, just choose already!" Ryoji ordered impatiently. Ryohei scoffed.

"Fine then. I'll skateboard to school," Ryohei responded scowling at Ryoji. Ryoji rolled his eyes as Ryohei grabbed her skateboard and placed it by her feet. She got on it and started skateboarding away.

"Wha-?! Ryohei!" Yu protested as he glared angrily at Ryoji. Keiichiro and Rei glared daggers at Ryoji as well.

"Ryoji, what the f***?" Keiichiro asked in irritation.

"What's the big deal? You'll see her at school," Ryoji replied shrugging, "Good riddance." Keiichiro grimaced as he got on his motorcycle and rode off. Yu grumbled as he started his car and drove off. By the time they got to school, Ryohei skateboarded into the parking lot of the school. Yu parked the car and quickly rushed over to her.

"Ryohei!" Yu called out to her. Ryohei looked up and smiled when she saw Yu coming towards her. She stopped her skateboard from moving forward and picked it up in her arm. "Sorry about Ryoji."

"Don't worry about it. It's not your fault he's a sour gummy," Ryohei responded with a shrug. Yu cocked his head to the side at this statement before giving a small chuckle.

"Haha, sour gummy," Yu commented stifling a laugh. Ryohei giggled along with Yu.

"Well, he is. He's as sour as a sour gummy," Ryohei replied with a cheerful smile. Yu smiled along with her as the others appraoched them.

"What are you two getting all chatty about?" Akira asked curiously as he wiggled his eyebrows. Ryohei and Yu glanced at each other. They stifle a small laugh together.

"It's nothing," Ryohei responded with a shrug. She glanced over at Yu and gave a small wink. Yu smiled back shyly as he stuck out his tongue.

"I don't know. I feel like we're missing something here," Keiichiro remarked suspiciously. Ryohei and Yu shrugged as they walked ahead of the group. "They're hiding something I can feel it."

"Yo, Ryohei, Yu, what were you talking about?" Akira asked curiously. Ryohei and Yu glanced at each other before stifling laughs and looking at Ryoji.

"It's a secret," Ryohei responded placing her finger over her mouth. Yu silently chuckled.

"Seriously?" Ryoji asked in annoyance, "Just tell us already." Ryohei and Yu glanced at each other before bursting into laughter. "Geez, what did I say that was so funny?"

"You'll have to catch us first," Yu replied as he and Ryohei sprinted into the school. The others sighed heavily.

"Those two are so childish," Ryoji commented rolling his eyes as they followed after Ryohei and Yu into the school. Ryohei and Yu rushed through the hall to their lockers, laughing away. Students in the hallway stared at them in confusion. The others caught up to them in the locker bay and they all walked to class together. First two classes went by smoothly. Despite almost kissing Yu, Ryohei seemed to be not as awkward around Yu. In fact, she seemed closer to him than before. With Keiichiro, she was still a little bit awkward, but not as much as she was with Rei. Rei had been very distant from her lately. She didn't know why, but she felt in a way relieved because he didn't act all creepy around her. However, she felt uneasy about the fact that Rei not seeming to want to hang out with her or talk to her as much now.

By lunch time, they walked to the cafeteria together and sat together at their usual table. Students around them whispered about them, some jealous and some envious. Third period went by quickly as well. Ryohei and Yu had finished their work early as usual. With Ryohei as a tutor Yu seemed to understand things more in school. Finally the bell rang for fourth period.

"Yes! Music time!" Yu exclaimed excitedly. Ryohei giggled as she slung her bag over her shoulder.
"See you guys later," Ryohei said as she waved to Ryoji and Rei before following after Yu. Ryohei, Yu, Keiichiro, and Akira were all in music class together. Yu played the electric guitar while Keiichiro played the drums. Ryohei was in music for the singing. Singing was something that she enjoyed, but she did it mostly when she was alone or when she was with singing with other people. The boys had never heard her voice and they had wondered what her voice sounded like. Ryohei wasn't a bad singer, but she also wasn't an amazing singer. She considered herself to be ok. Yu and Ryohei walked into the music room. Keiichiro and Akira were already there. Keiichiro was sitting getting his drums all set up and Akira was busy talking to the dark haired girl, who was smiling flirtatiously at him. Ryohei rolled her eyes as she and Yu entered the room. Yu walked over to his seat and started setting up his guitar. Ryohei followed after him and sat beside him.

"Alright class, please have a seat," the teacher instructed. They all sat down in their seats. "As you all know, we have our school performance coming up tomorrow. We've only had this week to practice, so I hope within this week you have all worked hard. The acting class has worked exceptionally hard this week, so we must do the same in return." Everybody nodded in understanding. "Excellent. Now, if our leader singers could please step forward. Akira and Ena, please come forward, so that we may practice the song for the concert." Both Akira and Ena, the dark haired girl, stood up from their seats and came to the front.

"Oh, the dark haired girl is named Ena?" Ryohei asked curiously.

"Yeah, she's a b****," Keiichiro responded scowling at Ena. Ryohei stifled a laugh as she turned her attention back to the front of the class.

"Quiet down now class," the teacher instructed clapping her hands. The class quieted down. "Music please." The band players got their instruments ready and started a tune. The teacher gestured to Akira and Ena to start. Akira was the first to sing. He was quite good. Ryohei stared in awe at how good he was. Next it was Ena's turn to sing.

"Oh boy and here it comes," Yu commented under his breath. Keiichiro sighed heavily as he put his ear buds in. Ryohei looked at them weirdly, but she soon understood when Ena started to sing. Her voice was loud, but very squeaky and very off tune. The other students all covered their ears and frowned. Ryohei's eyes went wide and she found herself trying to not burst into laughter. Akira looked as if he really didn't want to be up there with Ena, but reluctantly he sang his parts all the way until the end of the song.

"Very well done Akira, Ena," the teacher said as she clapped, "We'll take 5." Akira and Ena nodded as they sat down.

"Aw man, that was so bad," Yu commented as he let his hands fall from his ears.

"Haha, it wasn't that bad. Sure she was a little squeaky, but she sang it better than I would have," Ryohei responded with a chuckle.

"A little squeaky?" Keiichiro asked in disbelief, "She's beyond belief squeaky and she's completely out of tune!" Ryohei shrugged as she flashed him a goofy smile.

"Well, at least she's able to hit high notes pretty well," Ryohei answered with a shrug. Keiichiro rolled his eyes.

"That's just the squeakiness in her voice," Keiichiro explained, "That's not her actually hitting the high notes."

"It seemed like she could though," Ryohei argued with a shrug. Keiichiro scoffed.

"Ryohei, that girl couldn't hit a high note if it bit her in the a**," Keiichiro remarked rolling his eyes as he glanced over at Ena and grimaced. Ryohei and Yu glanced at each other before bursting into a fit of laughter. Keiichiro looked at them weirdly for a moment before realizing what he said and he couldn't help, but laugh along with them. The other students stared at them in confusion, including Akira and Ena.

"Keiichiro, Yu, Ryohei, is there something that you would like to share with the class?" The teacher asked raising her eyebrow at them. They shook their heads. "Good, then please keep in mind that we are doing rehearsals here."

"We apologize," Ryohei apologized bowing her head politely while trying to hold in her laughter. The teacher nodded back gratefully as she gestured to Akira and Ena to come to the front again. As the teacher turned her back to them, Keiichiro, Yu, and Ryohei stifled laughs.

"Anyways, nevertheless, even if she may be squeaky and out of tune, she has a lot more courage than I do to go up there on stage and sing in front of the whole school," Ryohei said with a sigh, "I would be way too nervous to do something like that."

"Maybe, but you're probably better than her," Yu responded with a smile. Ryohei smiled back.

"Thanks, but there is no way you could get me to sing in front of a whole crowd like that," Ryohei refused as she shook her head.

"You never know. You might like it," Yu answered with a shrug.

"Yeah, well, you'll have to drag me up there," Ryohei retorted with a smirk. Yu chuckled in amusement. Akira and Ena started to sing again, making everyone get their earplugs out. "Aw, I feel really bad for Akira because he's a really good singer and yet he has to watch all of his classmates put earplugs in because of his singing partner."

"Yeah, he's had to deal with that for a while," Keiichiro responded with a nod. Yu shook his head disapprovingly as he looked at Ena.

"God, of all girls, why did Akira have to choose her to be his f*** buddy?" Yu asked sighing heavily and crossing his arms as he leaned back in his seat.

"Well... because she knows how to... fill his tendencies," Ryohei suggested with uncertainty. Yu and Keiichiro burst into laughter.

"Haha, the way you said that made it sound so much more disgusting than it already is," Keiichiro commented as he laughed.

"Yeah and that's exactly what he said when I asked him why he had to do IT right in the middle of the hallway," Yu said with a chuckle. Keiichiro looked over at Yu weirdly. "Akira was having his way with Ena right smack in the middle of the hallway."

"I thought he used the janitor's closet," Keiichiro responded furrowing his eyebrows.

"The janitor apparently found condoms lying around everywhere and I guess they decided to lock it," Yu explained with a shrug, "You would think that would be a sign for him to stop f***ing at school."

"Ugh, Akira's so nasty," Keiichiro replied with a look of disgust, "Were they naked?" Yu shook his head making Keiichiro sigh in relief. "Wait, Ryohei, did you see this too?"

"Yeah and that was about the 3rd time too," Ryohei answered with a nod. Keiichiro and Yu's eyes widened in shock.

"3rd time?!" They both asked in disbelief. Ryohei sighed.

"Yeah and I'm pretty sure I've completely lost my innocence," Ryohei responded with a joking grin. Keiichiro and Yu stifled a laugh at that. All through class, while Akira and Ena rehearsed, Ryohei, Yu, and Keiichiro joked. At the end of class Akira finally came over.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Akira asked curiously.

"Your singing partner is horrible," Yu responded blankly.

"Yu!" Ryohei exclaimed frowning at him. Yu shrugged.

"Don't you think I already know that stupid," Akira replied with a huff, "But she's the lead singer, so there isn't much that I can do about it."

"That's another thing I don't get. If she's this bad, how the h*** did she end up getting the role of lead singer?" Keiichiro asked curiously and suspiciously.

"Look at her Keiichiro. She's rich. Her parents probably got her the role," Akira explained scowling.

The others sighed heavily as they all got up from their seats and exited the classroom. They met Ryoji and Rei by their locker bays and grabbed their stuff.

"Alright, I gotta go. See you guys tomorrow," Ryohei said as she walked in the opposite direction.

"Ryohei! Where are you going?" Yu asked curiously. Ryohei turned around to look at him.

"I promised that I would go help the stage group set up everything for tomorrow's concert," Ryohei explained with a shrug.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Yu asked, "I could have asked to help you."

"That's ok Yu. I'll be ok," Ryohei reassured him with a gentle smile. Yu nodded back. Ryohei waved to them and walked off.

"Don't worry Yu. I'll be over there with her. I gotta help out as well," Akira remarked. Yu, Keiichiro, and Rei eyed him suspiciously. "What?"

"Don't you dare think about trying anything on her, got it?" Yu asked warningly.

"Aish, relax would ya?" Akira asked holding up his hands in defense.

"Akira, I am dead serious," Yu answered with a stern look.

"Alright alright, I won't touch her," Akira replied with a nod as he kept his fingers crossed behind his back, "Besides, I was just going to find out what I promised you that I was going to find out." The others stared at him in confusion. Yu looked at him in confusion as well. Akira gave a small wink to Yu. Yu smiled and gave a small nod. "Ok, later." Akira waved to the others before following after Ryohei. Akira entered the auditorium and found Ryohei on stage already setting up the lights. "Yo Ryohei." Ryohei looked and smiled when she saw Akira.

"Oh, hey Akira, what are you doing here?" Ryohei asked curiously as she stepped down from the ladder that she had been standing on.

"I thought I could help out," Akira explained simply as he shrugged his shoulders and got on stage, "It looks like you're gonna need it."

"What do you mean?" Ryohei asked in confusion. Akira gestured around her.

"Nobody else is here helping you out," Akira replied. Ryohei shrugged. "Besides, I shouldn't leave a damsel in distress." Ryohei scoffed as she turned around and got back on the ladder.

"I am far from being a damsel in distress," Ryohei responded with a frown, "I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself thank you very much." Akira gave a chuckle.

"Well, I can't just let a girl do all of this herself," Akira argued as he got a ladder and climbed up it.

"Akira, I may be a girl, but that doesn't mean I can't put up a couple lights by myself," Ryohei said as she fixed the light and then got down from the ladder. Akira fixed his light too and got down from the ladder.

"You're pretty sassy aren't you?" Akira asked with a smirk as he crossed his arms over his chest. Ryohei rolled her eyes as she turned around and walked back stage. "Not gonna answer me huh?"

"Nope because I'm busy right now and you are distracting me," Ryohei responded with a nod. Akira smirked and followed after her.

"How so? With my incredibly good looks?" Akira asked with a smug look. Ryohei scoffed.

"Pffft, not even close," Ryohei replied as she got a few more stage lights out of the closet, back stage. As she turned back around to head back on stage she came face to face with Akira. "Um... you're kind of in the way right now."

"Do you like Yu?" Akira asked curiously.

"Where did that come from?" Ryohei asked in surprise.

"I'm just curious since you spend a lot of time with him," Akira explained with a shrug.

"Well, sure I like him," Ryohei responded with a nod. Akira rolled his eyes.

"I don't mean friend wise Ryohei," Akira replied.

"What are you getting at?" Ryohei asked in confusion.

"Geez, you can be really dense sometimes, you know that?" Akira asked with a heavy sigh. Ryohei simply shrugged. "I mean do you like him more than a friend." Ryohei's went wide and she looked away.

"Well... I... um...," Ryohei began, but trailed off, "I don't know. It's complicated."

"Jesus! What's so complicated about it?" Akira asked in annoyance, "Do you like him more than a friend or not?"

"I don't know," Ryohei answered with a shrug. Akira sighed heavily. Akira then looked around. When he saw that they were completely alone he smirked. "What are you looking around for?" Akira looked at her and backed her up against the wall. "Whoa, Akira!"

"I never got you back for interrupting me all those times in the hallway," Akira responded smirking.

"Well, you were doing it out in the hallway, so that may be a sign to not do it out in the hallway," Ryohei replied awkwardly.

"Either way, you still interrupted me, so now I'm going to punish you," Akira remarked with a devilish grin. Ryohei's eyes widened at this.

"Punish me?!" Ryohei asked in protest. Akira quickly placed his hand over Ryohei's mouth to keep her from yelling out again.

"Keep it down," Akira instructed in irritation as he removed his hand from her mouth.

"Me? You're going on about punishing me for interrupting your make out session with Ena and you're telling me to keep it down?!" Ryohei asked in disbelief. Akira rolled his eyes.

"Look, for all the times that you interrupted me I didn't get to have an erection," Akira explained sighing, "Do you know how long it's been since I've actually had an erection?"

"So you go about a month or so without one. What's the big deal?" Ryohei asked shrugging.

"The big deal is that I have to fill my tendencies somehow, so if I'm always going to be interrupted with Ena then I'm going to have to make it up elsewhere," Akira answered with a smirk.

"I don't get it," Ryohei responded scratching the back of her head in confusion. Akira sighed.

"You ever been touched by a guy before?" Akira asked curiously. Ryohei's eyes widened.

"You touch me, you die," Ryohei warned pushing Akira away from her. Akira chuckled in amusement.

"I bet you've never been touched by a guy before," Akira commented eyeing Ryohei up and down.

"It's called waiting for the right time," Ryohei explained curtly. Akira stifled a laugh.

"No, it's called being a prude and you are a prude," Akira answered crossing his arms.

"I'm not a prude!" Ryohei protested in frustration, "I'm just not a slut."

"Yeah, I know Ena's a slut," Akira responded with a nod, "But if you won't even let a guy touch you then that proves that I am 100% right that you're a prude."

"You're a jerk, you know that?" Ryohei asked glaring at Akira. Akira shrugged.

"I am very much aware of that and I am going to be even more," Akira retorted as he approached Ryohei.

"What are you talking about?" Ryohei asked suspiciously. Akira backed Ryohei up against the wall again and kept her in a strong hold.

"I'm going to make you less of a prude," Akira responded with a smirk as he glided his finger up Ryohei's arm. This sent shivers up Ryohei's spine at his touch.

(A little bit of sexual content ahead. You have been warned!)

"W-w-what are you doing?" Ryohei asked stuttering nervously. Akira placed a finger on her mouth to keep her quiet as his other hand went under her shirt and touched her bare skin. Ryohei gasped in shock before she tried to push him away. "You jerk! Get off me!" Akira clamped his hand over her mouth as his other hand glided the surface of her skin under her shirt. Ryohei wiggled from under his hold, but she couldn't push him off. Akira made small circles on Ryohei's skin with his finger. Ryohei's body trembled. She hated to admit it, but what Akira was doing felt good. She could tell that Akira was good at this kind of thing. Ryohei bit her lip.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Akira asked smirking at Ryohei's reaction. Ryohei glared at him. "No? Ok, guess I'll have to try something else." Ryohei's eyes went wide and she tried to protest, but Akira's hand still covered her mouth. Akira slowly brought his face down into the crook of Ryohei's neck. Ryohei shivered when she felt Akira's hot breath on her skin. She tried with all her might to push him away, but he didn't budge. She soon felt Akira's lips caress her skin. His lips felt soft against her skin. She could feel her knees give out from under her. As Akira started placing soft kisses on Ryohei's neck he slowly glided his hand up her shirt to her bra. Ryohei's eyes widened and wiggled in alarm. Akira sighed in annoyance as he pressed his body into her to keep her in place. Ryohei could feel a pleasure surfacing inside her that she didn't want to surface until she was ready. Akira slowly removed his hand from Ryohei's mouth and slid it up her shirt as well.

"Akira, please stop," Ryohei pleaded as she felt her neck heat up. Akira didn't stop though. He glided his hands around to her back and slowly undid her bra. "Akira!" Akira didn't say anything. He lifted his head up from her neck and stared into her eyes. Ryohei's eyes held fear and nervousness. Reluctantly, Akira moved his hands down to her shorts and promptly pulled them down to the ground. "Akira!!" Ryohei tried again to wiggle her way out, but Akira tightened his grip on her. Akira then pulled Ryohei's shirt off with one solid movement. Ryohei gasped in alarm as she quickly covered her chest. Luckily, her bra straps still rested on her shoulders, so they kept her bra in place. She trembled and looked around for something to stop Akira. Akira looked Ryohei up and down. She had nice figure. Akira felt himself becoming lustful. He started unbuttoning his shirt. His eyes held lust in them as he stared at Ryohei's body, but he kept a blank expression on his face. "Akira, please don't do this. I promise I won't interrupt you and Ena again. Just please stop."

"Why can't you see that I'm just helping you?" Akira asked blankly. He pulled his shirt off once he had finished unbuttoning it.

"This isn't helping me Akira!" Ryohei exclaimed in anger, "You're just doing this for your own pleasure!"

"Maybe you're right, but either way I'm helping both of us out," Akira responded with a shrug as he knelt in front of her. Ryohei looked at him in confusion, but then her eyes went wide when Akira started trailing soft kissed on her stomach. She tried to kick him in the face, but he placed his arms around her back, keeping her close to him. She felt herself gasp and she clamped her hand over her mouth, but Akira reached and brought her hand back down. He held her wrists firmly in his hands. Ryohei could feel Akira's kisses intensify. "Trust me. You'll thank me for this later." Despite the immense pleasure that she was feeling, Ryohei didn't want to experience pleasure for the first time like this. She felt tears form in her eyes. She sniffled softly. Akira pecked Ryohei's stomach one more time before looking up at her. His eyes widened when he saw that she was crying. He let go of his wrists and stared at her. "Ryohei?" Ryohei quickly covered her exposed body with her hands.

"Please," Ryohei pleaded as tears began falling down her cheeks. The lust in Akira's eyes disappeared as he stared at her in shock. He looked at her and his eyes widened when he saw her in her underwear.

"I... I'm sorry...," Akira apologized as he grabbed his shirt and rushed off the stage. He left the auditorium in a hurry and stood outside leaning against the door. He couldn't believe he just did that to her. Ryohei stood there covering her body with her hands. She soon broke into tears as she slumped to the ground. She grabbed her clothes and held them to her as she curled up in a ball against the wall. She couldn't believe that Akira did that to her. She silently cried back stage as she slowly put her clothes back on. She turned off all the lights in the auditorium before grabbing her skateboard and quickly heading home. That night all she could think about was the feeling of Akira's hands and lips touching her body. She felt ashamed that she let him do that, that she didn't fight more. She felt ashamed that Akira was right, that what he did to her felt good. She didn't know how she was going to face him tomorrow.


Hey everybody!

So, here is chapter 12!

I hope you all liked it!

So, I know I told some of you that there wasn't going to be any inappropriate scenes or content, but I guess what I meant was that there wouldn't be any inappropriate scenes involving Akira and the dark haired girl, which you now all know is named Ena.

I know this chapter probably made you all hate Akira for trying to semi rape Ryohei. I'm going to tell you that Akira is a playboy and a pervert, so it shouldn't be surprising that he would do something like that.

Also, I know I told some of you that I would update yesterday, but I didn't. I'm really sorry for that. I was feeling a little depressed these past few days. Lots of my family members are dying and it just made me really depressed, so I found it hard to write this chapter. I'm sorry once again for keeping you all waiting.

Ok, onto the shippings!! Who do you ship or who do you want to ship?

1) Cute Couple: Ryohei & Yu 💙 (They are the top shipping couple so far.😊)

2) Tough Couple: Ryohei & Keiichiro 💚

3) Awkward Couple: Ryohei & Rei 💜

4) Heartbreaker Couple: Ryohei & Akira 💛 (This chapter and next chapter.😉)

5) Romantic Couple: Ryohei & Ryoji

Choose your ship or forever hold your peace.🙏🙏🙏

Anyways, once again I'm sorry for the late update. I'll try update sooner. Please vote and comment if you liked this chapter.

Stay tuned for the next update hopefully coming soon! :)

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