Bad Boys In Love ✔

By atlas-carter

44.8K 1.5K 5.8K

[COMPLETED] In elementary school they were bullied. They were the targets of humiliation, but that is the pas... More

1: The Chikamoto Sisters
2: Humiliation Attempt
3: Let's Get Physical
4: Tutor Ryohei and Plan B
5: The Assignment
6: The Basketball Team
7: The Decision
8: The Field Trip
9: Rooftop Love
11: A Kiss On The Beach
12: Back Stage Action
13: The School Concert
14: The Truth
15: Special 2k+ Reads
16: The False Accusation
17: The Fake Apology
18: Back to Square One
19: Good Girl Gone Bad
20: From Slut To Hero
21: Streaming The Truth
22: The Apology
23: A New Leaf
24: Sleepover Decisions
Epilogue: Rei Ending
Epilogue: Keiichiro Ending
Epilogue: Akira Ending
Epilogue: Ryoji Ending
Epilogue: Yu Ending
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 1
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 2

10: The Motorcycle Ride

1.1K 43 206
By atlas-carter

Keiichiro watched as Ryohei walked further and further away from the school towards the bus stop. He noticed that the bus was coming around the corner and Ryohei was still too far from the bus stop. He knew that she wasn't going to make it in time. He simply watched as Ryohei started to run to catch the bus, but she missed it and plopped herself down on the side walk. She sighed heavily. Keiichiro really just wanted to go home, but he realized that it would also be rude if he just went past her and didn't ask her if she wanted a ride. He groaned in annoyance as he got on his motorcycle and slowly approached Ryohei. Once he reached her he took his helmet off.

"Hey, you need a lift?" Keiichiro asked curiously. Ryohei turned around and seemed surprised to see Keiichiro there.

"Keiichiro?" Ryohei asked in surprise.

"No, it's the Hulk," Keiichiro responded sarcastically. Ryohei stifled a laugh. "What's so funny?"

"Haha, you kind of do resemble the Hulk because of how strong built you are," Ryohei explained giggling as she stood up. Keiichiro scowled at her. "Haha, why are you glaring at me? It was supposed to be a compliment."

"Don't resemble me to the Hulk," Keiichiro responded crossing his arms, "The Hulk is green. Do I look green to you?" Ryohei shook her head. "Well, then don't resemble me to something that I'm not." Ryohei nodded.

"Sorry. I know you were just being sarcastic," Ryohei answered with an apologetic expression. Keiichiro shrugged it off as he looked at her.

"So, it looks like you just missed your bus and I'm guessing since you don't have your skateboard that you have no way home," Keiichiro commented looking at Ryohei. Ryohei nodded.

"Yeah, unfortunately, one of the wheels on my skateboard is broken from going over a big curb and Rika never lets me go in her car," Ryohei responded with a sigh, "So, yeah, I'm kind of stranded."

"Why didn't you just stay and wait for Yu to finish his practice?" Keiichiro asked curiously. Ryohei paused before sighing.

"Because... I was trying to avoid one of them," Ryohei replied awkwardly as she looked down at the ground. Keiichiro raised his eyebrow in curiosity.

"And who is it that you're trying to avoid?" Keiichiro asked suspiciously.

"It's... Rei...," Ryohei answered nervously. Keiichiro furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Rei?" Keiichiro asked in confusion, "Why? What did he do? Does this have to with why Rei pulled you somewhere?"

"Kind of... I don't really want to talk about it though," Ryohei said as she bit her lip.

"Fine. Hop on," Keiichiro remarked as he reached in the back seat of his motorcycle and took out his extra helmet.

"Are you sure?" Ryohei asked in surprise, "Because you don't have to if you don't want to." Keiichiro sighed.

"Just take the helmet and the ride and don't question me why," Keiichiro responded in irritation. Ryohei stared at him for a moment before taking the helmet.

"Thanks Keiichiro," Ryohei thanked him with a gentle smile. Keiichiro rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," Keiichiro replied as patted the back seat of his motorcycle and placed his helmet over his head. Ryohei placed her helmet over her head as well before hopping onto Keiichiro's motorcycle. "You ready?"

"Yeah, thanks again Keiichiro," Ryohei thanked him again as she smiled through the helmet.

"Hold on tight," Keiichiro remarked as he turned around and looked at her with a slight smirk, "This is going to be a bumpy ride."

Ryohei nodded as she wrapped her arms around Keiichiro's waist. Keiichiro started the engine of his motorcycle and drove off. Ryohei could feel the breeze as it passed by her. It brushed against her skin. She smiled in content as she rested her head on Keiichiro's back. Keiichiro furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He couldn't see what Ryohei was doing, but it felt strange.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" Ryohei exclaimed as her grip around Keiichiro's waist got tighter. Keiichiro had just taken a sharp turn.

"Ow Ow Ow!!" Keiichiro protested in pain, "You don't have to hold on to me that tightly!"

"Sorry. I'm sorry," Ryohei apologized as her grip loosened.

"Jesus, you're stronger than you look," Keiichiro remarked smirking. Ryohei smiled at him brightly.

"I've never been on a motorcycle before, so this is kind of scary," Ryohei explained with a shrug. Keiichiro sighed as he nodded his head in understanding.

"Well, if this is your first time then you're doing better than most girls," Keiichiro commented, "Most girls would be freaking out and screaming at the top of their lungs." Ryohei giggled as in amusement.

"Well, lucky you. Looks like you don't have screamer with you," Ryohei replied with a laugh.

"Yup, lucky me," Keiichiro remarked with a small nod. Ryohei giggled as she took her helmet off and let her hair blow in the wind. She laughed in happiness to feel the soft breeze brush her skin.

"This is so awesome!!" Ryohei yelled as she let go of Keiichiro and threw her hands up in the air. A small smile appeared on Keiichiro's lips at the sound of Ryohei having so much fun. "Keiichiro, you got to try it without your helmet on! It's the best feeling ever!" At the sound of this Keiichiro's eyes went wide.

"Ryohei, do you not have your helmet on?!" Keiichiro asked in worry.

"No and it feels so cool," Ryohei commented as she placed both her hands on his shoulders. Keiichiro groaned.

"What the f***?! Ryohei, put your helmet back on," Keiichiro instructed.

"Why? It's so much fun," Ryohei responded curiously.

"Ryohei, it's dangerous. What if we get in an accident and you didn't have your helmet on? Now put it back on or you're walking the rest of the way home," Keiichiro warned in a stern tone. Ryohei sighed as she put her helmet back on. "Is it on?"

"Yup," Ryohei replied with a nod.

"Good, keep it on from now on," Keiichiro instructed.

"Aye ye sir," Ryohei said saluting him from behind. Keiichiro rolled his eyes. Ryohei rested her head on Keiichiro's back again and sighed in content. Her arms wrapped around Keiichiro again. Keiichiro froze at this. This was the first time he had taken anybody with him on his motorcycle before. He wasn't used to someone holding onto him.

"Ryohei, I wanna stop somewhere before I drive you home," Keiichiro announced, "You good with that?" As Ryohei was about to answer Keiichiro cut her off. "Wait, why am I even asking you? This is my motorcycle and I think I should be able to do what I want."

"Well, I wasn't going to object," Ryohei answered with a slightly confused expression.

"Oh, ok, never mind then," Keiichiro replied with a nod. Ryohei nodded back awkwardly. Keiichiro pulled into a parking lot near a neighborhood park. Ryohei raised her eyebrow in wonder. She wondered what could Keiichiro possibly want to do at a park.

"Oh, this is a cool park," Ryohei commented with a smile.

"Ryohei, just stay here ok?" Keiichiro asked. Ryohei furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"How come?" Ryohei asked curiously. Keiichiro looked at the park and then back to Ryohei.

"The guys... that I'm about to meet with... are kind of dangerous," Keiichiro explained hesitantly as he looked away. Ryohei looked at him for a moment. Keiichiro obviously didn't want Ryohei to come along with him and Ryohei could see that. Despite her curiosity, she understood that sometimes it was best not to ask questions.

"Ok, I'll wait here," Ryohei responded with a nod. Keiichiro seemed somewhat surprised by this.

"Wait, really?" Keiichiro asked in surprise.

"Yeah, just don't be too long," Ryohei replied with a chuckle as she winked at him. Keiichiro's eyes slightly widened before he looked away with blushing cheeks.

"Uh... ok, great," Keiichiro answered awkwardly, "I'll, uh... be back in a bit." Ryohei nodded as she watched Keiichiro walk into the park. Keiichiro walked behind the play structure, so that Ryohei wouldn't see him. He comes to this park everyday to come see something that he admires a lot. He wasn't there to meet with a couple of guys. He was there to see a stray cat that he had found about a year ago wandering around the park all alone. He was very fond cats. After finding the cat he decided to take care of it and come see it everyday. "Here Trusty." Soon a small cat with white fur walked out from under the play structure and approached Keiichiro. The small cat let out a small meow and rubbed up against Keiichiro's leg affectionately. Keiichiro smiled as he knelt down and petted the cat with his hand, gently stroking the cat's fluffy, white fur. He gently picked the cat up in his arms and cradled it to him. The cat purred softly as it rested it's head on Keiichiro's arm and closed its eyes.

Ryohei stood waiting by Keiichiro's motorcycle patiently. It had been 10 minutes since Keiichiro had gone into the park. Ryohei debated on whether or not to go and look for Keiichiro or to just remain waiting at his motorcycle like he asked her to. She wondered in worry if perhaps something might have happened to Keiichiro and he was in serious trouble. Biting her lip, she decided to go look for him. She wandered around the park until she finally found him kneeling on the grass. Her eyes widened when she saw a small, white cat in his arms. She watched as Keiichiro softly stroked the cat's soft pelt. She was surprised to see a kind and gentle smile on Keiichiro's face as he looked down at the cat. He looked happy.

She wondered why Keiichiro had lied to her about meeting with a few guys. Shrugging, she slowly approached Keiichiro.

"This doesn't look like a group of dangerous guys," Ryohei said as she stood in front of Keiichiro. Keiichiro looked up in surprise.

"Ryohei?!" Keiichiro asked in alarm as he stared at her for a moment before looking away, "I... uh... this isn't what it looks like." Ryohei smiled gently.

"You know you didn't have to lie to me," Ryohei responded. Keiichiro looked up at her. "Were you afraid that I was going to say NO or that I was going to make fun of you?"

"You wouldn't understand Ryohei. You don't know what it's like to be considered a bad boy," Keiichiro replied with a sigh, "Bad boys don't hang out with cats." Ryohei rolled her eyes.

"Keiichiro, despite being considered a bad boy that doesn't mean that you have to act like act bad boy," Ryohei answered with a sigh. Keiichiro looked at her with a confused expression.

"What do you mean?" Keiichiro asked in confusion.

"What I mean is, who cares if you like cats?" Ryohei asked with a shrug and a laugh, "If you like cats then you like cats. You shouldn't care what other people think. If being a cat person if who you are then cool. I don't care if you're a cat person."

"Ryohei?" Keiichiro asked in shock as he stared at her in disbelief.

"You shouldn't be afraid to be who you want to be," Ryohei continued with a kind smile, "Don't let the judgment of others affect how you think you should act because in the end you'll just end up unhappy with how you've become." Keiichiro thought long hard about Ryohei was telling him.

"I...," Keiichiro began, but then trailed off.

"Do you what you want to do. Do what makes you feel happy," Ryohei added smiling. Keiichiro stared up at her. Her short, jett black hair blew gently in the wind. Her eyes shimmered in the sunlight and her cheeks were a redish color from the heat. Keiichiro hadn't noticed before, but he found himself realizing why Yu and Rei were so fond of Ryohei. She was indeed beautiful and her words were that of someone with a lot of wisdom. He found himself smiling back at her.

"Thanks Ryohei," Keiichiro thanked her with a nod. Ryohei nodded back.

"You're welcome," Ryohei responded, "Stop hiding who you are behind a play structure because that only shows that you care about what people think of you." Keiichiro nodded as he stood up with the cat still in his arms. "So, is this your cat?"

"No, I found her about a year ago wandering around this park. She warmed up to me right away, so I decided that I would come see her everyday," Keiichiro explained as he kissed the cat's head. Ryohei nodded in understanding.

"What's her name?" Ryohei asked curiously.

"Trusty," Keiichiro answered. Ryohei smiled.

"Trusty. That's a cute name," Ryohei commented with a nod, "Why Trusty though?"

"Because she's very trusting," Keiichiro explained simply. Ryohei nodded in understanding. "Do you like cats?"

"I love cats, but I can't have any because Rika hates cats," Ryohei remarked with a saddened expression, "It's too bad because it would be nice to have a cat around." Keiichiro looked at her with a look of wonder. Hearing this made him think about his life motto, which was to never trust someone who hates cats. Rika hated cats and he was well aware that he couldn't trust Rika. Ryohei, on the other hand, liked cats, or so she said. "Can I hold her?" Keiichiro looked down at Trusty in his arms. Trusty lifted her head to meet his gaze and in a way she somewhat smiled as if to say that she trusted Ryohei not to hurt her. Keiichiro bit his lip as he gave a small nod and carefully handed Ryohei Trusty. Ryohei cradled Trusty in her arms and stroked the Trusty's head. She laughed as Trusty rubbed its head against her hand. "Aw, you're such a cutie patootie." Trusty meowed in content. Keiichiro watched as Ryohei set Trusty down and started playing with her. Keiichiro was surprised when he saw that Ryohei managed to get Trusty to do a couple of tricks that a dog would normally do. "That's it. Good Trusty. You're such a good girl." Ryohei gently patted Trusty's head before she reached into her bag and took out her lunch. She had a tuna sandwich today, so she tore off some of her leftover sandwich and rested it in her hand before placing her hand in front of Trusty's mouth. Trusty happily ate it. Keiichiro watched all of this with a small smile. Trusty glanced over at Keiichiro and seemed to nod. It would seem that Trusty was trying to tell Keiichiro that he should trust Ryohei. Keiichiro had spent so much time with Trusty that he had come to understand what she was trying to tell him. Keiichiro nodded back to her as he had come to realize that she was right, that perhaps he could trust Ryohei. "Come on Trusty." Trusty followed Ryohei back to where Keiichiro was standing.

"She seems to really like you," Keiichiro commented smiling at Ryohei. Ryohei nodded and smiled back.

"Yeah, Trusty is a good girl," Ryohei responded as she knelt down and picked Trusty up in her arms. She gently petted Trusty's head as Trusty purred in content. This was the first time Keiichiro had ever seen Trusty be so friendly with someone other than him. His feelings about breaking Ryohei's heart were fading as he saw how much Trusty trusted Ryohei and how much Ryohei seemed to care about Trusty. He nodded as his decision seemed clear that breaking Ryohei's heart would go against his life motto. She opened his eyes to what he never saw or never would have thought of is she hadn't said it. It was true. He had been embarrassed to be playing with a cat, but he was happy when he did so. He felt like he couldn't share the fact that he loved cats with his friends or anybody because he was too afraid about what they might think and yet here is someone who doesn't seem to care about what anybody thinks. He admired that about her. He admired the fact that Ryohei didn't seem to care what other people thought about her and he hoped that he could learn to be like that too.

"Well well well, Keiichiro, looks like you got yourself a girlfriend," a voice said from behind them. Keiichiro and Ryohei turned around to see a group of fierce looking boys, who looked even more like bad boys. They had piercings and tattoos printed all over their bodies.

"Keiichiro, do you know them?" Ryohei asked curiously. Keiichiro glared at the group of guys as he took a protective stance in front of Ryohei and Trusty.

"What do you want?" Keiichiro asked with venom laced on his voice, "I already gave you the money. What could you possibly want now?" One of the guys chuckled evilly. He looked as if to be the leader of the group.

"Oh, Keiichiro. Yes, you have paid the money that you owed me for that deal, but let's just say one of your little friends thought that it was ok to not pay me back," the leader remarked crossing his arms.

"Ryoji, that son of a b****," Keiichiro commented under his breath, "Look, I told him not to make any deals with you if he couldn't pay for them."

"Yes, well, what I deal does come with a price and he did not pay it, so either you get him to pay me back or you will have to pay me back," the leader warned. Ryohei looked from the leader to Keiichiro in confusion. "From the look on your girlfriend's face I'm guessing you haven't told her yet. Have you?"

"She's not my girlfriend!" Keiichiro exclaimed glaring daggers at him, "She's my friend."

"I don't f***ing care!" The leader yelled impatiently, "I want my f***ing money!"

"I don't have any money with me," Keiichiro argued.

"Humph, what about this friend of yours here?" The leader asked as he approached them and glanced at Ryohei curiously.

"Look, leave her out of this," Keiichiro responded as he stepped even more in front of Ryohei and Trusty. The leader smirked.

"I'll tell you what. This friend of yours is kind of cute. How about you give her to me and I'll forget about the price that your friend Ryoji has to pay," the leader suggested. Ryohei's eyes widened in surprise.

"No way in h***," Keiichiro replied as he shook his head. The leader frowned.

"Well, then pay up," the leader ordered as he extended his hand out.

"I don't have the money right now," Keiichiro said, "I can get Ryoji to give me some money and then I'll give it to you tomorrow." The leader chuckled and shook his head.

"You don't get it. In the adult life, people aren't going to give you until tomorrow to do something," the leader responded, "It's time you started to learn that. Now, pay up or you won't live to see tomorrow." Keiichiro bit his lip. He didn't know what to do. Here was the leader of a gang that he had made deals with asking him to repay him for something that Ryoji had done. Nothing was coming to mind. He glanced behind him at Ryohei, who had a worried expression and Trusty who hid within Ryohei's arms.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have the money and I refuse to give you Ryohei as payment instead," Keiichiro said in a hard voice. The leader grimaced at him as his gand members approached him until they were standing right next to him. Together, they slowly approached Keiichiro, Ryohei, and Trusty. Pulling out knives and weapons. They had blood thirsty eyes as they approached them.

"I tried to make this go smoothly without anybody getting hurt, but if you're refusing to pay for your friend I have no choice, but to put an end to your miserable life," the leader sneered.

"Keiichiro, what have you gotten yourself into?" Ryohei asked in shock.

"Ryohei, I need you to get out of here now," Keiichiro responded in a low, shaky voice.

"What? I can't just leave you here," Ryohei protested as she shook her head. Trusty also shook her head and gave Keiichiro a sad expression.

"Ryohei, please, I don't want you to get hurt," Keiichiro explained in a pleading tone. Ryohei looked at him with a somewhat sad expression. She almost looked like she was about to cry, but she gave a nod.

"Be safe Keiichiro," Ryohei whispered as she turned around with Trusty in her arms and began to walk away slowly. The leader noticed this and gestured with his head to a couple of his gang members. Those gang members nodded as they sprinted after Ryohei. Keiichiro saw this and his eyes widened.

"No! Ryohei run!" Keiichiro exclaimed in panic. Ryohei looked back, but before she could run away the members had caught up to her and placed firm grips on her arms making her drop Trusty. Trusty shrieked in alarm.

"Go Trusty," Ryohei said with a sad smile. Trusty looked at her with a sad expression, but gave a nod and ran to hide. The gang members placed Ryohei's arms behind her back. She squeezed her eyes shut in pain.

"No, leave her alone! She has no part in this!" Keiichiro yelled in protest as he tried to run towards Ryohei, but the other gang members stopped him and held him still in place. Keiichiro struggled under their grips. The gang members shoved Ryohei over to where the others were and placed her in front of their leader. The leader knelt down. He reached his hand up and lifted Ryohei's chin up with his index finger. He stared at her for a moment. "Please! Just let her go!" The leader then gave a small nod to his gang members. They nodded back with smirks as they each threw a punch at Ryohei's stomach and a kick at her shins. Keiichiro watched in horror and panic, but was surprised to see Ryohei not react. Ryohei bit her lip to keep herself from crying out in pain. She was hurting, but she knew that she couldn't show any weakness. The gang leader seemed to be impressed by this.

"You've got a tough one here Keiichiro," the leader commented. Keiichiro glared at the leader.

"You're fight is with me. Now let her go!" Keiichiro demanded. The leader chuckled evilly.

"Now where's the fun in that?" The leader asked in a taunting tone making Keiichiro squeeze his hands into fists. The leader turned to his gang members that held Ryohei and nodded. The gang leaders nodded as they forcefully threw Ryohei to the ground. Ryohei knew that they were stronger than her. She knew she wouldn't be able to win against gang members through strength. She did have her intelligence though and intelligence can go far even in danger. Ryohei knew what she had to do. Even if she had to give Keiichiro a little scare, she knew that this was the only way that they would stand a chance to get out of this situation. As she laid on the ground, she prepared herself for the painful impacts. They soon came. Strong fists and shoes came in contact with her body. She bit her lip to keep from crying out. With a deep breath, she closed her eyes and laid there completely still.

"Sir, she's not moving," one of the gang members stated. The leader smiled evilly. Keiichiro's eyed went wide in shock and horror.

"No," Keiichiro said in a low voice as he stared at Ryohei's unmoving body in disbelief, "NO! Ryohei!" The gang leader laughed out loud victoriously. Keiichiro glared at the gang leader in anger as his body trembled in rage. "You b*****d! She didn't deserve any of this!"

"Sir, what should we do with her?" One of the gang members asked curiously.

"Just leave her. She's unconscious and she has no use to us now," the gang leader instructed. The gang members nodded as they left Ryohei there lying unmoving on the ground. "Now, as for you. You might want to reconsider paying me now or you'll end up like your little friend here."

"I told you I have no money!" Keiichiro shouted in rage. The leader scoffed.

"Tsk, that's not what I wanted to hear," the leader responded crossing his arms, "Boys, finish him." The gang members nodded as they pushed Keiichiro to the ground. Ryohei smirked as she stood and took this moment to get in her plan into action. She hid behind the leader. The gang members threw a few punches at Keiichiro. The leader chuckled as he turned around. Ryohei had her fist ready and as soon as the leader turned around her fist made contact with his face and he went flying backwards into his gang members. The gang members groaned in pain as they turned to look around. Their eyes all went wide as they stared at Ryohei in shock to see her awake, but they had no time to say anything because she sprinted towards them and started throwing several different punches and kicked at all of them sending them flying away. Ryohei breathed heavily as she watched the gang members' groan in pain. Ryohei glared at them warningly. The leader gestured to his gang to leave. His gang members followed after him. Ryohei nodded as she turned her attention to Keiichiro, who laid on his back on the ground. Ryohei sighed in relief and knelt beside him. She placed her hand on his shoulder making him look up. His eyes widened when he saw Ryohei.

"Ryohei?" Keiichiro asked in shock as he sat up. He had blood near the edge of his mouth and his face was dripping with sweat.

Ryohei gave a warm smile as she extended her hand to him and pulled him up to a standing position. "You're alive."

"They never said I was dead," Ryohei replied with a small smirk. Keiichiro sighed in relief as he placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled her to him. He pulled her into a strong embrace and kept her close to him. "Keiichiro?"

"I thought I lost you," Keiichiro commented as he rested his chin on Ryohei's shoulder. Ryohei smiled and placed her arms around his back, hugging him back.

"I'm pretty hard to kill," Ryohei answered teasingly. Keiichiro gave a light hearted chuckle as they broke out of the embrace.

"You did what you did with us when we tried beating you up, didn't you?" Keiichiro asked curiously. Ryohei nodded.

"I knew that I'm not as strong as they are, but I am smarter than they are. I'm sorry if I scared you there, but I had to make them believe that I was unconscious in order for my plan to work," Ryohei explained with an apologetic look. Keiichiro gave her a gentle smile.

"I'm not mad. I am relieved though," Keiichiro replied, "In fact, I should be the one to apologize. It was my fault that you got involved in this and you didn't deserve any of this." Ryohei smiled warmly at him and placed her hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry Ryohei."

"Don't worry about it," Ryohei answered with a shrug.

"Thank you for saving me there," Keiichiro thanked her, "Even though I haven't treated you well, you still saved me and I'm indebted to you."

"That's what friends are for right?" Ryohei asked with a giggle and a bright smile. Hearing this, Keiichiro stared at Ryohei for a brief moment before smiling and nodding back at him.

"I'll take you home now," Keiichiro announced as he took out his keys to his motorcycle.

"Wait, we have to make sure Trusty is ok," Ryohei protested as she looked around for Trusty.
"I'm sure she's fine," Keiichiro reassured Ryohei.

"I know, but I want to say goodbye to her. It's not everyday that I get to see a cat," Ryohei explained as she walked around the play structure. Keiichiro gave a small nod as he helped her search for Trusty. Ryohei found Trusty hiding in the slide on the play structure. She approached the slide. "Trusty. It's ok girl. Those guys are gone now." Ryohei reached her hand forward to Trusty, who sniffed it at first before slowly making her way over to Ryohei. Ryohei petted her soft pelt and kissed her head affectionately.

"Did you find her?" Keiichiro asked curiously.

"Yeah, she's over here," Ryohei responded. Keiichiro followed to the sound of Ryohei's voice and saw sitting on the side of the slide. Keiichiro approached her and smiled when he saw Trusty. He patted her head.

"Come on, it's getting late. We should go," Keiichiro insisted. Ryohei nodded.

"Ok. Bye Trusty," Ryohei said as she gave Trusty a small hug before going to grab her stuff. Keiichiro watched her in awe.

"She really is a weird one, but she definitely is no Rika," Keiichiro commented as he glanced at Trusty. Trusty seemed to agree. "See you tomorrow Trusty." Trusty meowed as she watched Keiichiro and Ryohei leave the park. "This time don't take off your helmet." Ryohei stifled a laugh and nodded as she placed her helmet over her head. Keiichiro did the same before starting the engine. Keiichiro drove Ryohei home. Events of today ran through his head. Coming into the drive today he wasn't that pleased about driving Ryohei home, but after everything that happened today he knew that he could trust her and he knew that following Ryoji's plan was something that he could not follow through. Yu had been right. He didn't see the before, but now he did. Ryohei wasn't anything like Rika. After he had dropped her off he drove home with a new found feeling that arose within him.


Hey everybody!🙋🙋

So, here is chapter 10!🙌🙌

I hope you all liked it!😁😁

Yes, we now have 3 down and 2 more to go! Hiphip Horray!😃😃

So, a lot of action went down in this chapter. It actually went differently than what I had originally planned, but I like this version better.😇😇

Now onto the shippings~! Who do you want to ship or still ship?😀😀

1) Ryohei and Yu 💙 (This is the top ship so far.☺☺)

2) Ryohei and Rei 💜 (Lots of people thought that Rei was being too creepy in the last chapter.😂😂)

3) Ryohei and Akira 💛 (Coming soon.😉😉)

4) Ryohei and Ryoji ❤ (It will come at some point.😄😄)

5) Ryohei and Keiichiro 💚 (This chapter and next chapter.😊😊)

Choose your ship or forever hold your piece.🙏🙏

Lol, I'm probably going to say that after everytime I ask about shippings.😆😆

Anyways, please vote and comment if you liked this chapter!👍💬

Stay tune for the next chapter coming soon!✌✌

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Kira Kokoa was a completely normal girl... At least that's what she wants you to believe. A brilliant mind-reader that's been masquerading as quirkle...
1.3M 51.5K 55
Being a single dad is difficult. Being a Formula 1 driver is also tricky. Charles Leclerc is living both situations and it's hard, especially since h...
2.3M 120K 65
↳ ❝ [ INSANITY ] ❞ ━ yandere alastor x fem! reader ┕ 𝐈𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡, (y/n) dies and for some strange reason, reincarnates as a ...