Bad Boys In Love ✔

By atlas-carter

44.8K 1.5K 5.8K

[COMPLETED] In elementary school they were bullied. They were the targets of humiliation, but that is the pas... More

1: The Chikamoto Sisters
2: Humiliation Attempt
3: Let's Get Physical
4: Tutor Ryohei and Plan B
6: The Basketball Team
7: The Decision
8: The Field Trip
9: Rooftop Love
10: The Motorcycle Ride
11: A Kiss On The Beach
12: Back Stage Action
13: The School Concert
14: The Truth
15: Special 2k+ Reads
16: The False Accusation
17: The Fake Apology
18: Back to Square One
19: Good Girl Gone Bad
20: From Slut To Hero
21: Streaming The Truth
22: The Apology
23: A New Leaf
24: Sleepover Decisions
Epilogue: Rei Ending
Epilogue: Keiichiro Ending
Epilogue: Akira Ending
Epilogue: Ryoji Ending
Epilogue: Yu Ending
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 1
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 2

5: The Assignment

1.3K 50 181
By atlas-carter

The boys have been studying with Ryohei for the past couple of days now and their knowledge on math has become better and better. They're still going with their plan on breaking Ryohei's heart. So far, to them, their plan seems to be working, but Ryohei is well aware of their plan and will keep up the charade of not knowing until they finally see that she isn't like her sister. Rika had noticed that Ryohei had been talking to the boys more often now and it bugged her. She knew something was up, but she just didn't know what it was.

Ryohei slept peacefully in her bed, silently breathing, her chest rising up and down at a steady rate. She had been dreaming wonderful dreams about the past few days with the boys. Despite knowing that they were planning to break her heart, she still had hope in her heart that they would some day come to realize that she is nothing like her sister. As she slept a smile creeped up to her lips at the thought of them finally seeing her as a real friend, but her dreams were soon interrupted by her phone ringing loudly.

"Ahhhhhh!!! What?! Who?! What?! When?! Where?! How?! Why?!" Ryohei asked in alarm as she popped right up in her bed. She had her hands in fists. She looked like she was ready for a burglar attack. She sighed in relief when she realized that it was just her phone. She put her hand to her chest to try and calm herself down. She then picked up her phone that sat on her bedside table and looked to see who was calling her. It was unknown number. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion before shrugging and taking the call. "Hello?"

"Sup Ryohei," Yu's voice greeted Ryohei over the other line.

"Gah! Yu?!" Ryohei asked in shock as she dropped her phone out of her hand and it landed on the ground.

"Jesus!! Why are you yelling?!" Yu asked, "Maybe it's just me, but it sounded like you dropped the phone." Ryohei hurriedly got out of bed and grabbed her phone, placing up to her ear.

"Sorry Yu," Ryohei apologized, "I just wasn't expecting you to call me." Yu sighed.

"Sorry. Guess I should have told you yesterday that the guys and I got your phone number, so that we could get a hold of you," Yu commented. Ryohei furrowed her eyebrows.

"Wait... who did you get my number from?" Ryohei asked curiously.

"We have our ways," Akira responded joining into the conversation.

"Is that Akira? Wait, are all of you guys there right now?" Ryohei asked in confusion.

"Uh... define there," Keiichiro replied awkwardly. Ryohei sighed.

"There as in with Yu," Ryohei explained simply.

"Oh. Yeah, we're with Yu right now," Keiichiro answered. Ryohei nodded.

"Anyways, back to the subject on how you got my phone number," Ryohei said.

"Ryohei, we have our ways of getting what we want," Akira responded jokingly. Ryohei rolled her eyes.

"Akira, I'm being serious here," Ryohei replied in annoyance, "Who gave you my phone number or how did you get my number?"

"Er...," they all said awkwardly and nervously.

"Guys, this isn't rocket science," Ryohei commented impatiently.

"Uh... well... you see...," Yu said hesitantly. Ryohei sighed heavily.

"Oi, never mind," Ryohei replied rolling her eyes, "Anyways, why exactly did you call me?"

"Oh, yeah, we're just letting you know that we're picking you up for school," Yu answered. Ryohei didn't say anything for a moment. She was quite shocked that they were willing to give her a ride to school. "Hello? Ryohei?"

"That's sounds great. Thanks guys," Ryohei thanked them.

"No worries. Be there in 10," Yu remarked before hanging up. Ryohei let her phone drop from her ear and she smiled happily. She knew that even though this was part of their plan to break her heart she seemed to get happier and happier the more they tried to fake friend her. She certainly was a weird one, but she was nowhere anything like her sister. She would show them that she isn't like her sister and that was a promise. Feeling happy, Ryohei quickly got ready and rushed down the stairs. Rika was already in the kitchen slathering jam on her toast. Their mother had already left for an important meeting and their father was away on a business trip.

"Morning Rika," Ryohei greeted her sister with a cheerful smile. Rika groaned and scowled at her sister.

"I don't get how you can be so cheerful this early in the morning," Rika responded as she set her toast on the table and sat down.

"Rika, you've lived with me for how long and you still don't understand why I'm always so cheerful?" Ryohei asked with a teasing grin. Rika rolled her eyes as she took a bite out of her toast and went on her social media. Ryohei sighed as she got out two pieces of toast out for herself and placed them in the toaster. She waited patiently until the toast was cooked then she took them out and placed them on a plate. Suddenly there was a loud honking sound coming from outside.

"What in h***?" Rika asked as she got up and looked outside. Her eyes widened in shock when she saw the boys in their car outside of their house. "What the f*** are they doing here?"

"Oh, they're here already?" Ryohei asked as she looked at her watch, "Geez Louise, that was so not 10 minutes." Rika stared at her sister in confusion. "Ok, I got to go now." Ryohei quickly spread Nutella on one of her pieces of toast and peanut butter on the other piece before sticking them together and cutting them in half. She quickly wrapped them up in tin foil and placed it into her bag before hurriedly putting her shoes on.

"Wait, you knew they were coming here?" Rika asked in shock and disbelief. Ryohei nodded.

"Yeah, they offered to give me a ride to school," Ryoehi explained briefly as she waved goodbye to Rika and opened the door. Rika followed after her in panic.

"What and you trust them?" Rika asked in disbelief, "Have you already forgotten that they tried to humiliate you?" Upon hearing this Ryohei stopped walking and turned around to look at her sister.

"No, I haven't forgotten, but I'm also not one to hold a grudge. They apologized and want to be friends," Ryohei explained, "I want to be friends with them too."

"Ryohei, they're bullies. You can't trust them," Rika argued as she held onto Ryohei's wrist firmly. Ryohei grunted in pain as she wiggled her way out of Rika's grasp.

"Maybe so, but you're a bully too and I forgave you," Ryohei responded. Rika sighed.

"Just be careful with them," Rika replied as she glared at the boys. The boys glared right back at her.

"I'm not the same girl I was in elementary school. I'm strong now. I can take care of myself now," Ryohei reassured Rika with a subtle smile. Rika scowled.

"Ryohei, promise me you won't let them break your heart," Rika said as she places her hand on her little sister's shoulder.

"I promise," Ryohei promised with a smile as she waved to Rika and approached Yu's car. Rika watched as her little sister approached Yu's car. She narrowed her eyes at the boys warningly. "Hey guys."

"Hey Ryohei," Yu greeted her with a small smile as she got in the front seat next to Yu.

"What was that with you and Rika?" Ryoji asked curiously. Ryohei stiffened.

"It's nothing," Ryohei responded with a sigh. The boys knew very well that it wasn't nothing and by the looks of the two girls expressions while they were talking it didn't sound like something good. They had noticed that Rika had been glancing at them the whole time she was talking to Ryohei. Rika was onto them and they hoped that Ryohei didn't buy anything that Rika had told her. "So, can you guys tell me now how you got my number?" Their eyes widened and they all looked away.

"We asked the principal for your contact information," Rei explained blankly. Ryohei's eyes widened at this.

"Stop staring at us like that," Ryoji protested with red cheeks, "F***, this is so embarrassing." Ryohei giggled. They soon arrived at school and they all hopped out of Yu's car together. Other students were staring at them and wondered why the boys weren't acting as mean towards Ryohei. They walked into the school and to their locker bay. Grabbing their stuff out of their lockers, they headed to their first class. The first two class went by reasonably quickly and lunch time came. The boys sat together at their usual table while Ryohei sat with a few girls from her class at a different table. As they ate their lunch, the boys stared at Ryohei's back with mixed feelings.

"I feel like we should get in sit with us," Yu commented.

"Yu, when I said befriend her I didn't mean be all buddy buddy with her," Ryoji responded in irritation, "I meant don't bully her anymore and act as if we want to be friends with her."

"I'm not f***ing retarded Ryoji," Yu replied glaring at him, "I'm just saying that since we're acting like we want to be friends with her, we should get her to hang out with us more that way she trusts us faster." Ryoji stared at Yu for a moment before sighing.

"You got a point," Ryoji answered, "It's too late to call her over though. The bell is going to ring in about 3 minutes." The others looked at their phones to see that indeed they only had 3 minutes until lunch was over.

"Ok, maybe another time then," Yu said with a shrug. The others nodded as they got up and places their trays on top of the garbage before heading out of the cafeteria. They spotted Ryohei walking down the hall with her bag slung over her shoulder.

"Ryohei!" Akira called out to her. Ryohei turned around and smiled when she saw them approaching her.

"Hey, heading to class now?" Ryohei asked curiously. They nodded.

"Yeah, unfortunately," Keiichiro responded with a heavy sigh. Ryohei giggled.

"Come on Keiichiro. It's writing class," Ryohei replied with a smile, "You got to admit that it's better than math."

"Yeah, I guess that's true," Keiichiro remarked with a sigh. Together Ryohei and the boys entered the classroom just as the bell rang. "Wow, we actually made it to class on time for once."

"Of course because you're with the teacher's pet after all," Ryohei stated as she glanced at Ryoji and winked. Upon hearing this, Ryoji remembered when he had whispered to the others about Ryohei being a teacher's pet for completing her homework before everyone else. He looked away. He felt somewhat guilty for saying that, but he quickly pushed that feeling away.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Ryoji apologized. Ryohei shrugged.

"It's ok," Ryohei responded with a smile. Ryoji nodded as he didn't make eye contact with her because his guilt was slowly catching up to him.

"I need to take a piss," Ryoji announced as he left the classroom. The others watched him leave in confusion.

"What's up with him?" Keiichiro asked in confusion.

"Geez, didn't you just hear him?" Akira asked in annoyance.

"Well, sure, I heard him," Keiichiro responded shrugging.

"He said he needed to take a piss," Yu replied.

"I know that, but he was acting strange," Keiichiro commented.

"Doesn't he always?" Rei asked. Keiichiro shrugged. The others rolled their eyes and sighed as they went to go sit down in their seats. Soon the teacher came in.

"Alright class, I have prepared some writing assignments that you will do in pairs," the teacher announced as he took out the instruction sheets and started handing them out to the class. The entire class groaned in annoyance.

"Sir, can we at least choose our partners?" One student asked with hopeful eyes. The teacher shook his head making the student sigh heavily.

"No, I will be choosing the partners," the teacher announced, "First pair will be Ryoehi and Ryoji." Ryohei's face brightened when she heard this, but other students groaned.

"Aw, I wanted to be Ryohei. She's so smart," one boy said sighing, "Great, now my mark will definitely drop."

"She's so lucky. I want to go with Ryoji," one girl commented with a look of disappointment.

"Ms. Chikamoto, where is your partner?" The teacher asked curiously. Ryohei looked towards the door, but saw nothing.

"He went to the bathroom," Ryoehi explained shortly.

"Would you please go and see that he is not getting into any trouble?" The teacher asked. Ryohei nodded as she stood up and went to go find Ryoji. She walked up and down the halls.

"Ryoji! Ryoji, where are you?!" Ryohei asked with a heavy sigh.

"Hey, would you keep it down?" A voice asked from behind her. Ryohei quickly turned around and bumped into someone making them both fall to the ground.

"Ahhhh!!" Both her and whoever she bumped into yelled in unison as they fell to the ground together.

"I am so sorry," Ryohei apologized as she sat up. Her eyes widened when she saw that she had bumped into Ryoji, who was now underneath her. "Ryoji?"

"Jesus f*** Ryohei!" Ryoji exclaimed in annoyance, "Watch where you're going?" Despite Ryoji's harsh tone he had his arms around Ryohei in a protective way as if to shield her from the fall. Ryohei quickly got up from Ryoji with blushing cheeks as she extended her hand to help him up. Ryoji took Ryohei's hand and she pulled him up to a standing position. He brushed the dust from his shirt.

"Sorry Ryoji," Ryohei apologized, "You startled me." Ryoji sighed.

"Whatever. So, what was with the yelling?" Ryoji asked curiously.

"Oh, the teacher gave an assignment and it's a partner assignment," Ryohei began. Ryoji sighed again.

"And he partnered you and me together right?" Ryoji asked even though he kind of already knew the answer. Ryohei nodded. Ryoji tried his best not to scowl. "F***, I can't write s*** to save my life." (Lol, when I first wrote this I wrote "F***, I can't s*** to save my life." I had to go back to change it before publishing it.😂😂)

"Why do you think you have a partner silly?" Ryohei asked stifling a laugh. Ryoji rolled his eyes as they began to walk to class. When they finally came back to class the teacher scolded Ryoji while handing him an instruction sheet. The rest of class Ryohei and Ryoji worked together on the assignment, but Ryoji had no idea what to write.

"F*** my life," Ryoji commented with a heavy sigh as he threw his pencil on his desk in frustration. Ryohei sighed as she glanced over at Ryoji. "Come on Ms. Teacher's Pet, stop staring at me and help me!"

"Mr. Ryukai, this may be a partner assignment, but you must do your equal share of the work," the teacher responded giving Ryoji a stern look, "Don't go putting all the work on Ms. Chikamoto. I will be able to tell if she did your work for you." Ryoji scoffed and looked away while crossing his arms.

"A**h****," Ryoji said under his breath, but he said it loud enough for the teacher to hear.

"What was that Mr. Ryukai?" The teacher asked with a warning glare. Ryoji glared back at the teacher.

"Ryoji, stop it," Ryohei said in a low voice as she looked at Ryoji, "You don't want to get detention do you?" Ryoji stared at her for a moment before sighing.

"Nothing," Ryoji answered as he gripped his pencil in his hands. The teacher nodded as he sat back down in his chair. Just then the bell rang. Ryoji sighed in relief that class was over and quickly started packing up his bag.

"We're going to have to finish this for tomorrow," Ryohei remarked. Ryoji looked at her in shock.

"Are you f***ing serious?" Ryoji asked in disbelief. Ryohei nodded. "Ugh, f*** me."

"Do you want to come over my house to finish?" Ryohei asked suggestively. Ryoji shook his head.

"No f***ing way," Ryoji replied harshly, "I'll do anything if I don't have to run into your b**** of a sister Rika." Ryohei sighed.

"Ok, what about your place then?" Ryohei asked raising her eyebrow.

"Not happening," Ryoji responded shaking his head. Ryohei scowled at him.

"Well, maybe you should take that detention that way we can stay in school and finish it instead," Ryohei remarked in irritation. Ryoji stared at her in surprise. This was the first time he had heard Ryohei get annoyed like that. Ryoji stifled a laugh.

"Ok, fine. We'll go to my place," Ryoji answered. Ryohei nodded as she began packing her things. Yu gave them a ride to Ryoji's place. "Later dude."

"Bye Yu. Thanks for the ride," Ryohei thanked Yu with a smile as she waved to him. Yu waved back to both of them before taking off. Ryoji looked around conspicuously. "What are you doing?"

"Just checking to make sure my parents aren't home," Ryoji explained in annoyance, "F***, do you have to question everything I do?"

"Why does it matter if your parents are home or not?" Ryohei asked curiously.

"Because I don't want them seeing you," Ryoji responded in frustration as they walked towards the front door.

"Why don't you want them to see me?" Ryohei asked persistently. Ryoji groaned in irritation.

"Goddammit Ryohei! Would you stop with the f***ing questions?!" Ryoji asked glaring at her. Ryohei stared at him wide-eyed. "God, you're like a f***ing drill sergeant."

"I'm sorry," Ryohei apologized, "I was just curious." Ryoji let out a heavy sigh.

"Geez, you know how parents are. Whenever their kid brings home a girl/boy home they ask questions," Ryoji explained scowling, "I really do not have the f***ing patience right now to be asked a bagillion questions about if you are my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" Ryohei asked in shock.

"Yeah, parents get these stupid fantasy ideas in their heads and ask questions," Ryoji stated in annoyance. Ryohei nodded in understanding. "Now would you please do us both a f***ing favor and shut the f*** up?" Ryohei simply nodded as she followed Ryoji inside his house. When she entered her eyes widened at the decor. It was pretty nice looking.

"You have a nice house," Ryohei commented nodding her head with an impressed expression.

"Thanks," Ryoji thanked Ryohei as he walked up the stairs. Ryohei followed after him all the way up to his room. He had a sign on his door that said: IF I DON'T ANSWER THEN F*** OFF. Ryohei raised and eyebrow at that. "Sit wherever. I don't really give a c***. Just don't touch my things." Ryohei nodded as she sat on his bed.

"Alright, let's get back to work," Ryohei instructed as she pulled out her to her binder and took the assignment out. Ryoji stared at her as she rummaged through her bag. "Ryoji, stop staring at me and do your part of the assignment." Ryoji's eyes widened and he looked away with blushing cheeks. Ryoji soon put his focus to the assignment, but nothing came to his mind. He sighed and tapped his pencil against his desk in his bedroom. Ryohei glanced over at Ryoji. "Ryoji, do you want some help?"

"I'm fine," Ryoji snapped as he angrily continued to tap his pencil against the desk. Ryohei gave a small nod as she finished up her part of the assignment.

"Ryoji, I'm done my part, so if you want me to help then just ask," Ryohei said smiling. Ryoji ignored her as he stared out the window. Ryohei sighed as she sat on his bed. Ryoji sighed heavily as he rested his chin on his hands, trying his hardest to think. Within time, his eyelids started to become heavy. He shook his head slightly, but his vision blurred as sleepiness took over and his eyes fully closed. He drifted off to sleep. Ryohei glanced back up at Ryoji when she no longer heard sighing or the tapping of Ryoji's pencil. "Ryoji?" Ryohei stood up from Ryoji's bed and approached him. She placed her hand on his shoulder. Her eyes sligtly widened when she realized that he was asleep. She stared at his sleeping face in awe. She took a glance at Ryoji's assignment and shook her head when she saw that he had written nothing. The assignment was due for tomorrow and Ryoji hadn't even started. Ryohei wondered nervously about what to do. She knew Ryoji had to finish the assignment, but he looked so peaceful and she didn't want to wake him. Sighing, she came to a decision and got her pencil case back out. She took her pencil and started doing Ryoji's part of the assignment. She found his part to be rather difficult because she had to do it from his perspective. She thought hard, but within time she managed to pull it off and write something that was believable enough to be written by Ryoji. Smiling in satisfaction, she placed Ryoji's completed part of the assignment on his desk next to him. Just then her phone buzzed. She took the call. "Hello?"

"Ryohei, where the f*** are you?" Rika asked angrily over the other line. Ryohei groaned when she realized that she had forgotten to tell Rika that she was going over Ryoji's house.

"I'm at Ryoji's right now," Ryohei explained briefly.

"What the f*** are you doing over there?" Rika asked in shock.

"We had to finish an assignment for writing class," Ryohei explained shortly. Rika sighed.

"Whatever, just get your a** back home before mom comes," Rika instructed in a firm tone. Ryohei rolled her eyes as she packed her bag.

"Yeah, alright, I'm on my way," Ryohei responded as she hung up. She wrote Ryoji a quick note.

{Ryoji, you fell asleep, so I decided to leave you to sleep. I read over your part of the assignment and it's really good. I'm actually really impressed, but I knew you could do it if you out your mind to it. Anyways, don't forget to hand it in otherwise we'll get a 0 on the assignment. I had really fun working with you Ryoji. Hopefully we can be paired up again sometime in the future. Sweet dreams. I'll see you at school. ~ Ryohei}

Once she was done the note she placed it on Ryoji's completed assignment. She smiled as she took one more look at Ryoji's sleeping figure before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.


Hi everyone!

So, here is chapter 5!

I hope you all liked it!

Yes, for all those who are shipping Ryohei and Ryoji, I hope you guys liked it. It was a cute moment for them.😉

As the story goes on, after each chapter, I will keep asking you all who you are shipping because shippings can change. So, who do you ship or still ship?

1) Ryohei and Ryoji

2) Ryohei and Akira💛

3) Ryohei and Yu💙

4) Ryohei and Rei💜

5) Ryohei and Keiichiro💚

Remember there is no right answer on who to ship. There will be endings for all 5 boys, so feel free to ship whoever you want and to change who you ship whenever you want. No one is going to judge... well, at least I hope no one is going to judge.😅

Anyways, please vote and comment if you liked this chapter!

Stay tune for the next update coming soon! :)

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