Bad Boys In Love ✔

By atlas-carter

44.8K 1.5K 5.8K

[COMPLETED] In elementary school they were bullied. They were the targets of humiliation, but that is the pas... More

1: The Chikamoto Sisters
2: Humiliation Attempt
4: Tutor Ryohei and Plan B
5: The Assignment
6: The Basketball Team
7: The Decision
8: The Field Trip
9: Rooftop Love
10: The Motorcycle Ride
11: A Kiss On The Beach
12: Back Stage Action
13: The School Concert
14: The Truth
15: Special 2k+ Reads
16: The False Accusation
17: The Fake Apology
18: Back to Square One
19: Good Girl Gone Bad
20: From Slut To Hero
21: Streaming The Truth
22: The Apology
23: A New Leaf
24: Sleepover Decisions
Epilogue: Rei Ending
Epilogue: Keiichiro Ending
Epilogue: Akira Ending
Epilogue: Ryoji Ending
Epilogue: Yu Ending
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 1
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 2

3: Let's Get Physical

1.4K 58 134
By atlas-carter

When Ryohei woke up the next morning she felt the pain from the bruise that she got from Keiichiro punching her in the stomach. She groaned in pain as she got up from bed and walked into the bathroom. She lifted her shirt slightly. She scrunched up her face when she saw a huge, dark purple and red bruise covering a huge area of her skin. She sighed heavily. It hurt like crazy, but she knew that she couldn't show or tell Rika about this because she knew what her sister would do to the boys. Sighing, she put some polysporin and a big bandage over top of her wound.

"Ryohei, hurry up or you're going to be late!" Rika called from downstairs. Ryohei rolled her eyes as she walked out into the hall of her house.

"If you're not going to drive me then why are you telling me this?" Ryohei asked in annoyance.

"Ok, next time I won't tell you," Rika responded as she scoffed and left the house. Ryohei sighed and shook her head disapprovingly. She walked back into her room and grabbed a dark blue and gray, plaid, button shirt. She quickly got dressed and rushed down the stairs. She rushed into the kitchen to see her mother putting peanut butter on one side of toast and jelly on another side of toast.

"Good morning honey," Ryohei's mother greeted her with a warm smile and handed her the two pieces of toast.

"Morning mom," Ryohei greeted her mother back before taking the two pieces of toast and placing them together. She then took out a knife and cut the two pieces of toast in half before wrapping one of the halves in tin foil. "Sorry mom. I'm going to be late."

"Alright honey. See you after school. Be careful out there," her mother replied with a wave.

"Ok, bye mom," Ryohei answered with a nod as she slung her bag over her shoulder, grabbed her peanut butter and jelly toast, and rushed out the door. She grabbed her skateboard that sat on the porch and skateboarded as fast as she could to school, hoping that she won't be late again. She got to school in about 20 minutes with just enough time to get her books from her locker and be on time to class. As she carried her skateboard under her arm she noticed the boys getting out of their car and Keiichiro getting off his motorcycle. Seeing them made her bruised stomach tingle. She tried to ignore it as she walked into the school and headed for her locker bay. Once at her locker, she grabbed her books, placed them into her bag, and rushed off to class. She made it to class on time and sighed in relief when she sat down in her spot. She glanced over at the boys' empty spots beside, in front, and behind her. She had seen them outside the school and yet they weren't here.

"Boys, can you please start coming to class on time for once?" The teacher asked with an exasperated sigh. Ryohei looked to see the boys standing in the doorway with scowls on their faces. The boys attention went from the teacher to Rika to Ryohei. They stared at Ryohei with smirks on their faces as they approached their desks. Ryohei simply smiled her usual cheery and bright smile making them frown and turn away from her. Her cheeriness bugged them and it was hard for them to concentrate.

"Why the f*** is she so cheerful?" Keiichiro asked in disbelief, "I punched her twice in the stomach yesterday and here she is looking perfectly fine as if I didn't lay a finger on her."

"Yeah, what's her deal?" Yu asked in confusion, "We've tried pretty much everything on her and yet she still hasn't shown any weakness. It's like she's immune to weakness."

"I'll give her about a week until she finally breaks," Akira responded.

"Yeah, let's wait until the end of the week and see how well she's holding up then," Ryoji replied. The others nodded.

"What if she still doesn't break by the end of the week?" Keiichiro asked curiously.

"Come up with a new plan. I don't f***ing know," Ryoji answered in annoyance.

"Boys, outside now!" The teacher yelled pointing to the door. The boys rolled their eyes as they grabbed their things and walked out of the classroom. "Stay there until I come outside!" The boys had hoped to make an escape, but after hearing this they groaned in annoyance as they sat down on the ground. As they waited they each pulled out their phones.

"Akira," a female voice whispered. The boys all looked up to see a girl with long, dark brown hair wearing a crop tops and mini skirt. They scowled at her.

"The h*** do you want?" Akira asked looking at her in disgust. The girl gave him a flirtatious wink and giggled.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" The girl asked with a smirk. Akira glanced at the others to see them roll their eyes.

"Really dude?" Yu asked with a sigh, "Do you really have to f*** now?"

"Hey, it's better than sitting here bored out of my f***ing mind," Akira answered scoffing as he stood up and followed the girl around the corner. The others sighed and rolled their eyes.

"That f***ing playboy," Ryoji commented as he shool his head disapprovingly. The girl pulled Akira along with her to an empty hall and pulled him into a janitor's closet. She shut the door and locked it. She turned around and smirked at him.

"F*** me Akira," she instructed. Akira eyed her before giving a nod as he aggressively pulled her into him and kissed her forcefully. They had a full on make out session in the janitor's closet. Both started removing their clothing at lightening speed before making out again.

"Alright class, start the homework," the teacher instructed as he walked out into the hallway. The boys looked up at him when he came out from the classroom. The teacher looked around and frowned when he saw that Akira was nowhere in sight. "Where is Akira?" The boys didn't answer. "I will give you each detention slips if you don't tell me where he is." The boys stiffened at this, but still said nothing. They were in position to rat out their friend, so they remained quiet. The teacher sighed heavily as he peeked his head back inside the classroom. "Ms. Chikamoto."

"What?" Rika asked looking up in annoyance.

"Yes sir?" Ryohei asked also looking up with a questioning look.

"Ryohei, could you come here for a minute?" The teacher asked. Ryohei nodded as she stood up from her desk with her homework in her hand and walked towards the doorway of the classroom.

"Am I in trouble sir?" Ryohei asked worriedly.

"Of course not," the teacher responded with a light chuckle. Ryohei sighed in relief as she handed the teacher her completed homework that she had finished within 3 minutes.

"I completed the homework that was assigned," Ryohei explained with a small smile.

"Teacher's pet," Ryoji commented under his breath to the others. The others stifled laughs. The teacher heard this and glared at them.

"That's detention slips for all of you," the teacher said in a stern voice.

"What the f***?!" Keiichiro asked in shock.

"We didn't even do anything!" Yu protested.

"Sir, it's alright really. I am in a way a teacher's pet and I've acknowledged that. I don't mind being called that because that is who I am. I work faster than others sometimes," Ryohei remarked reassuringly with a shrug and bright smile. The boys looked at her in surprise and confusion.

"Ms. Chikamoto?" The teacher asked in surprise.

"Really, there is no need to give them detention slips. They did nothing wrong," Ryohei responded as she glanced at the boys with a small smile. The boys' eyes widened at this. "They simply spoke the truth and at school we are taught to always speak the truth. They did that." The teacher studied her long and hard before giving a sigh.

"Very well," the teacher replied. The boys' eyes widened even more when they heard this. Ryohei had just gotten them out of detention even after they had beaten her up. "I won't give you boys detention slips today, but you might not be so lucky next time. Am I understood?" The boys sighed, but gave nods. "Good. Now go back inside and do the homework." The boys nodded as they walked back into the classroom and sat down in their seats. "Now as for you Ryohei, Akira seems to have disappeared and since you're ahead of the class with the homework can I ask you to go look for him?"

"Of course," Ryohei responded with a nod. The teacher smiled graciously.

"Thank you," the teacher thanked her, "Please bring him back to class. I would like to have a word with him." Ryohei nodded as she turned around and went to go find Akira. She walked up and down the halls, searching in every room and every closet that she came across, but found no sign of Akira. She sighed heavily as she turned the corner into an empty hallway and walked down it slowly.

"Faster Akira!" A female voice exclaimed. Ryohei lifted her eyebrow in confusion as she looked around.

"Shut the f*** up!" A male voice, that sounded like Akira, yelled in annoyance. Ryohei smiled in relief that Akira was close by and she started looking in the rooms for him. She searched the rooms until she finally came to the janitor's closet. She felt that it would be weird if Akira were in the janitor's closet. She felt hesitant about looking in it.

"Akira! I'm coming!" A female voice exclaimed in pleasure. Ryohei's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"The heck?" Ryohei asked in confusion. It sounded like it was coming from the janitor's closet. Shrugging, Ryohei put her ear to the door and tried to listen in. Her eyes widened when she heard a loud gasp.

"F***!" Akira yelled in pleasure. Ryohei was confused about what she was hearing. Sighing, she tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. Frowning, she grabbed a bobby pin that she kept in her pocket at all times and tried to unlock the door. Within a few minutes the door unlocked. Ryohei smiled proudly as she opened the door to the janitor's closet. Her expression went from being all happy to shocked when she saw the sight in the closet. There in the closet was butt naked Akira on top of a butt naked girl with dark brown hair.

"Gah!!" Ryohei exclaimed as she stared in shock. Both Akira and the girl looked over at Ryohei in alarm.

"What the f***?!" Akira asked glaring at Ryohei, "Get out!!"

"I'm sorry," Ryohei apologized quickly with red cheeks, "I-I-I-I s-s-saw nothing." Ryohei turned around and walked a little ways away. The scene that she had just seen became an image in her head and her cheeks started to heat up. She had just seen Akira naked. Ryohei's cheeks brightened a deep shade of red and she tried to fan herself. Soon Akira and the dark brown haired girl came out from the janitor's closet with all of their clothes back on. Ryohei looked down at the ground awkwardly.
"The f*** did you interrupt us for?" Akira asked through gritted teeth. Ryohei looked up at him, but didn't make eye contact with him.

"Um, the teacher asked me to come find you and bring you back to class," Ryohei explained awkwardly, "He wants to talk to you." Akira grimaced and sighed heavily.

"How about we finish this some other time Akira?" The dark brown haired girl asked with a flirtatious smile. Akira looked at her for a moment before pushing her away.

"Get lost," Akira responded harshly. The girl pouted and looked at Akira in shock.

"But we didn't get to finish," the girl protested as she gave a small glare to Ryohei. Ryohei shrugged her shoulders as she placed her hands in the pockets of her dark blue jeans.

"Yeah, well, I don't give a f***ing s*** if we finished or not," Akira answered in irritation, "This was a one time thing. I don't do that boyfriend girlfriend thing. Don't f***ing come to me looing for a relationship more than sex." Ryohei stood there awkwardly twiddling her thumbs while listening to their conversation. She wished desperately that she could be back in the classroom right now.

"But Akira-," the girl argued with a pout.

"Go the f*** away you little slut!!" Akira yelled in frustration as he glared menacingly at the girl. The girl pouted and looked as if she were about to cry. Ryohei felt bad for her.

"F*** you Akira!" The girl shrieked.

"You just did," Akira responded with an evil smirk. The girl turned around and stormed off. Once she was gone, Akira sighed heavily before turning towards Ryohei. Ryohei gave him a small smile before gesturing for him to follow her back to class. He didn't argue. He walked beside her, but said nothing.

"You know, that was kind of cruel what you said to that girl," Ryohei commented. Akira looked at her before scoffing.

"I'll do what I want and I don't f***ing care what you think, got it?" Akira asked his voice laced with venom as he glared at Ryohei. Ryohei simply nodded. Akira looked away as they continued walking. Neither of them said anything as they walked back to class. When they arrived back to class the teacher thanked Ryohei before scolding Akira about leaving.

By the end of the day, Ryohei was feeling a little awkward. She was still the cheerful Ryohei that she always is, but she was a it more awkward after seeing Akira naked like that on top of a girl. She placed her books into her locker and closed. She put on her hoodie and grabbed her skateboard before heading to the front of the school. Rika had already left with a few of her friends.

The boys swiftly followed Ryohei, making sure that she didn't realize that they were following her. They were going to make one last attempt on bullying her. Ryoji had come up with an idea during fourth period and the others had all agreed on it. They all got into Yu's car and Keiichiro got on his motorcycle before following Ryohei as she skateboarded down the sidewalk. They followed her until they were far enough away from school for no other students to see before getting out of the car and Keiichiro got off his motorcycle. Ryoji grabbed a bandana before they ran after her. She was going at a slow enough pace that they managed to catch her. When they did, they quickly tackled Ryohei and held onto her tightly. Ryoji placed the bandana over her eyes before they brought her to their car and roughly threw her in. She fell back onto the car seat. She kept her head down and her face remained unseen because of her hood. The boys quickly drove to an empty parking lot before stopped the car and getting out. They pulled Ryohei out as well. They pushed her to the ground forcefully and they each gave her a good kick. She didn't budge or say anything.

"Why won't you f***ing break already?!" Ryoji asked as he kicked her again. Ryohei bit her lip as she tried to ignore the pain and simply stood back up. "What is it going to take to finally make you beg for mercy?!" Ryohei didn't respond. "Answer me!!"

"I don't know," Ryohei responded shrugging her shoulders. Ryoji scoffed as he pushed her. She stumbled backwards a little bit, but regained her balance.

"This is a waste of time," Rei commented in annoyance. The others nodded in response. Ryoji rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Fine," Ryoji responded as he kicked Ryohei again. Ryohei fell to the ground and laid there on the ground. She didn't move.

"Wait, did you just knock her out?" Yu asked in surprise.

"Hey, nice man," Akira remarked, "We finally took her out." Ryoji smiled proudly.

"So what now?" Keiichiro asked curiously, "We just going to leave her here?"

"Yeah, pretty much. Let her get lost," Akira replied. Nodding, they all turned around and got back into Yu's car, Keiichiro on his motorcycle.

"I can't believe it took only a single strike there to make her fall," Yu commented in surprise.
"Who f***ing cares?" Ryoji asked scowling, "We took her out and that's all that we wanted to achieve." Once the boys were out of sight Ryohei stood back up and brushed the dirt from her clothing. She wasn't actually unconscious. She had simply laid there on the ground and didn't move, making it look like Ryoji had knocked her out. She did have to admit that she was hurting from their kicks, but she ignored the pain as she slung her bag over her shoulder and grabbed her skateboard. She took a detour and came to the road. She saw Yu's car and Keiichiro's motorcyle approaching the intersection. She could hear the boys celebrating about having taking her down. It's just too bad that she was going to ruin their celebration. Yu's car and Keiichiro's motorcycle stopped at the intersection. Ryohei had the sign to go. She slowly skateboarded into the intersection.

"You have got to be f***ing kidding me?" Ryoji asked as he stared at Ryohei in shock. The others stared at her in shock as well. Ryohei looked up at them as she past them and smiled at them cheerfully. She gave them a small wave as she skateboarded across to the other side of the crosswalk.

"How in h*** did she wake up so fast?" Akira asked.

"I don't think she was actually unconscious to begin with," Rei commented. The others looked at him with questioning looks.

"What are you going on about Rei?" Keiichiro asked as he looked over at Rei. Rei rolled his eyes and sighed.

"I think she just wanted us to think that we had taken her out," Rei explained. The others glanced at each other with looks of wonder.

"Unf***ingbelievable," Ryoji responded with heavy sigh as he watched Ryohei's figure become farther and farther away. As the light turned green Yu drove his car into the intersection. The car ride back the boys were all silent and they thought in wonder. Once again their attempt at bullying Ryohei failed and she once again proved that their bullying didn't affect her. From what they've seen so far, Ryohei really was immune to showing any weakness or showing any emotion other than cheerfulness and happiness. Their plot for revenge wasn't looking so sweet for them now. Their hope in getting revenge on Rika was starting to fade. They were running out of ideas for revenge and new ideas weren't coming to them at all. They were truly stuck. Ryohei had once again not given them the satisfaction of seeing her beg for mercy and she planned on continuing that until they finally realize that she wasn't like Rika. That she was the same girl that had said always said HI to them everyday and that had always come to their rescue when Rika bullied them.


Hey everybody!

So, here is chapter 3!

I hope you all liked it!

Yes, I know the boys are probably really pissing you all off right now because Ryohei saved them from having to go to detention and now they're trying to beat her up. It will get better I promise, but for now just work with me until that time comes.

Anyways, please vote and comment if you liked this chapter!

Stay tune for the next update coming soon! :)

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