Bad Boys In Love ✔

By atlas-carter

44.8K 1.5K 5.8K

[COMPLETED] In elementary school they were bullied. They were the targets of humiliation, but that is the pas... More

1: The Chikamoto Sisters
3: Let's Get Physical
4: Tutor Ryohei and Plan B
5: The Assignment
6: The Basketball Team
7: The Decision
8: The Field Trip
9: Rooftop Love
10: The Motorcycle Ride
11: A Kiss On The Beach
12: Back Stage Action
13: The School Concert
14: The Truth
15: Special 2k+ Reads
16: The False Accusation
17: The Fake Apology
18: Back to Square One
19: Good Girl Gone Bad
20: From Slut To Hero
21: Streaming The Truth
22: The Apology
23: A New Leaf
24: Sleepover Decisions
Epilogue: Rei Ending
Epilogue: Keiichiro Ending
Epilogue: Akira Ending
Epilogue: Ryoji Ending
Epilogue: Yu Ending
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 1
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 2

2: Humiliation Attempt

1.6K 55 82
By atlas-carter

The next day, the boys discussed their plans on ways to bully Ryohei. Yesterday, it came to quite a shock for them that Rika had a younger sister, but it did give them a chance to hurt Rika in more ways than one. Ryohei seemed very different than Rika. Her body structure and her features were less fragile looking than that of Rika's. She was smart too, which they realized in writing class when she used a string of words that the boys had no clue about into a single sentence.

Yu parked his car in the usual spot and they all got out of the car. Keiichiro parked next to them and got off his motorcycle. He removed his helmet and shook his hair out.

"F*** school," Ryoji complained with a groan as they headed inside.

"Hey, well, look at it this way, we get to do some revenge today," Yu remarked with a smirk. Ryoji's face brightened and he nodded.

"F*** yeah we are," Ryoji responded smirking. As they entered the school, they heard the clicking sound of heels against the granite floor. Looking up, they saw Rika headed their way with a smug look. Her hips swayed from side to side and her hair bounced beautifully behind her. Many of the boys in the hallways watched her in awe.

"Hey, that's Rika Chikamoto right?" One boy asked staring at her, "She is so hot." Rika smirked at this and winked at him before blowing a kiss to his friend. Both of them blushed. She had a group of girls following behind her. The boys scowled at this and glared at her. Rika noticed and approached with a smirk. She flipped her hair back and stood in front of them with her hands on her hips.

"Hello boys," Rika greeted them with a sneer. The boys glared at her and pushed her aside.

"Rika!" The girls exclaimed as they caught her. Rika glared at the boys. The boys ignored her as they continued to their lockers.

"I can't believe Rika already has a f***ing army of minions following her already and it's just the f***ing 2nd day," Yu commented with a scowl.

"Rika has money dumba**," Keiichiro responded, "That c*** probably bought their loyalty with her piles of her f***ing riches."

"Or used her looks," Rei suggested with a shrug.

"Yeah, she's an obnoxious t***," Akira said as he nodded his head in agreement. The others chuckled as they continued to walk down the hallway. When they reached their locker bay their eyes widened when they saw Ryohei taking books out of her locker and placing them into her bag. Ryohei was wearing an oversized, purple tye dye shirt that looked like she could fit 3 of her in it. She wore black jeans and white converse. Her hair was tucked neatly behind her ears, showing her cute, puffy cheeks. She was in the same locker bay as them. This made them smile and they approached her. Ryoji slammed Ryohei's locker, startling Ryohei and she looked up in alarm, but then smiled when she saw them.

"Oh, hey," Ryohei greeted them, "You startled me." Ryoji gestured with his head to Akira. Akira nodded as he backed Ryohei up against her locker. He looked at her with menacing eyes. "Um... er... what are you doing?" Ryohei couldn't help, but stare into Akira's enchanting eyes. He was indeed handsome. He didn't even look like the nerdy Akira that she knew back in elementary school. Here he was a popular boy. She was happy for him, for all of them that they had gained new self-confidence, but she wasn't a big fan of their new found personality.

"Listen here," Akira replied harshly, "We weren't kidding when we said to watch your back."

"I know," Ryohei responded, "I'm not a threat though if that's what you're thinking." Akira glanced at Ryoji. Ryoji nodded as Akira and Keiichiro switched places. Keiichiro waited for Ryoji's go. Ryoji nodded and Keiichiro nodded back. Ryohei watched this in confusion, but she immediately knew what they were discussing when Keiichiro's rock hard fist slammed into Ryohei's stomach. Ryohei's eyes squeezed shut together in pain, but she kept a straight face and her body made as little movement as possible. The boys seemed impressed by her strength.

"You're stronger than we thought," Ryoji commented as he narrowed his eyes at Ryohei.

"So what?" Ryohei asked her voice more bitter than it was yesterday, "You just going to beat me up now to get back at my sister?" The boys stared at her in surprise that she had figured out their plan so easily. "I'm not scared of you guys and I know you're better than this. Beating people up isn't going to solve your problems, it's just going to make people hate you." Ryoji's jaw clenched and he nodded to Keiichiro. Keiichiro nodded back as he swung his fist into Ryohei's stomach again. Ryohei coughed in pain.

"You may be a girl Chikamoto, but that doesn't mean that we're going to take it easy on you," Ryoji remarked with his arms crossed.

"Yeah, we will treat you the way we treat all of our enemies," Keiichiro added as he kicked Ryohei's shin. Ryohei bit her lip to keep from crying out. She knew what they were trying to do. They were trying to get revenge for what Rika did to them in elementary school, but she knew better than to give them the satisfaction of seeing her cry out in pain. The boys stared at Ryohei in both confusion and annoyance. She wasn't breaking and it annoyed them. They wanted to see her cry in agony. They wanted to give Rika a message that bullying them was the worst mistake she ever made.

"What's going on over here?" A teacher asked as she came around the corner into the locker bay. The boys turned around and grimaced before turning their attention back to Ryohei.

"Nothing," Ryoji answered glaring at Ryohei, "Just talking to our friend here."

"Alright, well, get to class. The bell already rang," the teacher instructed. The boys nodded. The teacher then walked away.

"See you in class Chikamoto," Ryoji said with an evil grin as he and the others turned around and walked away leaving Ryohei leaning against her locker, clutching her stomach in pain. Ryohei watched them leave and tried her best to hold back tears. She knew that they had changed, but she didn't realize that they had changed this much. She was sad to know that Rika had pushed them to become bullies just like her. She didn't have the courage to go talk to them in elementary school, but she was going to make an effort now. She wasn't going to let them scoop to Rika's level of bullying. She would not give those boys the satisfaction that Rika always got whenever she bullied someone. She didn't care how much pain she was in, she was going to show them that no matter what they did to her she was not going to give in. Taking deep breaths, she grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder before heading off to class. She walked towards her class, taking deep breaths, and trying to regain her smiley personality. She tapped lightly on the door. The teacher opened it.

"I apologize for being late," Ryohei apologized as she bowed politely.

"That's alright Ms. Chikamoto, but I do hope that this won't become a daily thing," the teacher responded. Ryohei nodded.

"I promise it won't happen again," Ryohei reassured the teacher. The teacher nodded as he opened the door all the way to let her inside the classroom. When she entered her eyes met those of the boys who smirked at her and Rika who eyed her in confusion. She took a deep breath as she made her way over to her desk. Akira smirked and placed his foot out for Ryohei to trip over. The other boys smirked. Both Rika and Ryohei noticed. Rika glared at the boys. Ryohei glanced at Rika to see her pointing to Akira's foot. Ryohei nodded and gave a small smile. She had an idea. She was going to purposely trip over Akira's foot and laugh it off. Reluctantly, Ryohei followed through with her plan and purposely tripped over Akira's foot. She fell to the ground making the whole class burst into laughter. Rika looked at her as if she were a complete idiot, but she simply shrugged as she got back up and sat in her seat.

"Ms. Chikamoto, are you alright?" The teacher asked worriedly. The whole class looked at Ryohei and tried to contain their laughter. The boys gave smug looks. She ignored them and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Ryohei responded with a smile, "Although, I might have had too much coffee this morning. Having too much coffee can make me clumsy sometimes. Lol, haha, silly me." Ryohei gave a light-hearted chuckle. The entire class laughed along with her as well as the teacher at her good sense of humour. Rika and the boys stared at her in confusion and surprise. "I don't know. I mean, I almost bumped into a pole this morning. Or that could have been because I was looking at my phone the whole time." The class burst into laughter again at Ryohei's joke. "Eh, lesson of the day: Don't drink too much coffee or you'll end up falling on your face or bumping into a pole." The entire class, including the teacher, erupted into a fit of laughter while Rika and the boys sat there staring at Ryohei in disbelief. The boys' plan to make Ryohei a target for humiliation had failed. She somehow found her way around it.

"She's a tough egg to crack," Akira commented with an impressed expression, "Looks like we might have some trouble cracking this one." Ryoji's hand clenched into a fist and he huffed.

"We'll f***ing figure a way to make her crack," Ryoji responded scowling at Akira, "She managed to work her way around this one, but she won't for the next one."

"You got another plan?" Yu asked curiously. Ryoji nodded with a smirk.

"Right now we're just in the classroom with about 15 people, but will she manage to get out of being humiliated in front of the whole school?" Ryoji asked his smirk deepening. The others smirked as well and gave small nods. "We'll wait until lunch time." Rika watched the boys with a hard glare. The rest of class went by quickly and soon the bell rang. Everybody packed up their bags. Once Ryohei was out of the classroom, Rika quickly packed up her bag and approached the boys with a glare.

"Hey," Rika said with venom laced in her voice. The boys turned around to look at her. They frowned when they saw her.

"What the f*** do you want?" Ryoji asked harshly as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Don't think for a minute that I don't know what you're up to," Rika answered as she lightly pushed him.

"What the f*** are you talking about b****?" Keiichiro asked with a sneer. Rika scoffed.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," Rika responded fuming, "That little trying to humiliate my sister in front of the class thing. I won't stand for it!"

"What are you going to do about it huh?" Yu asked in a challenging tone, "It's 5 against 1 and you're as skinny as a twig. We would beat you with a simple punch and you would be down on the ground begging for us to spare you."

"I have my ways," Rika replied crossing her arms, "I'm warning you. Don't you dare try to hurt my sister or I will not stop as to make this whole school hate you."

"They already hate us, but the thing is. They may hate us, but they are also scared of us," Akira responded with a devilish smirk. Rika's jaw clenched.

"I can make your lives miserable," Rika warned with a glare. Ryoji lifted his fist up in the air, getting ready to punch her. Rika's eyes slightly widened at this. Ryoji went to punch her, but stopped with a teasing smile.

"See. Your threats are harmless to us," Ryoji remarked as he pushed past her. The boys followed behind him and they exited the classroom. Rika stomped her foot as she grabbed her bag and stormed out of the classroom. The next class was science and only Ryohei and Rei were in it. They sat next to each other, but they didn't talk. Rei was a quiet fellow and he focused on his work than on Ryohei. Ryohei seemed to do the same.

By lunch, Ryohei was packing her bag quickly and rushing to get out of the classroom. Rei swiftly followed her, but made sure that she didn't realize that he was following her. He followed her all the way to the locker bays where she placed her books into her locker and got money out of her wallet to go buy herself some lunch. He waited for her to leave. She placed her money in her pocket before heading off to the cafeteria. Rei took his phone out and sent a text to Ryoji telling him that Ryohei was on her way to the cafeteria. Ryoji replied with a quick thanks before he started to get his plan into motion.

"So, what's the plan?" Yu asked curiously.

"While she's eating we're going to dump our food on her," Akira explained.

"Can I do the f***ing talking?" Ryoji asked in annoyance as he glared at Akira. Akira rolled his eyes. "That's later. First we're going to either trip her, but if that fails then lift her tray up into her face. If neither of those work then we'll dump our food all over her." Yu and Keiichiro nodded as they waited for Ryohei to finally make an appearance in the cafeteria. Soon Ryohei appeared at the open doors of the cafeteria and walked inside. She looked around before heading right in line to the food area. The boys waited at a table for their chance to make their first strike. Rei soon joined them. Ryohei got her food quickly and went to go find a seat. Ryoji nodded as they all stood up and walked towards Ryohei. Ryohei saw them and she prepared herself for any types of attacks that they had planned. Once half an arms reach apart, Ryoji reached under and pushed the tray upwards, but Ryohei stopped it and it fell to the ground instead. Everybody in the cafeteria looked over at them.

"Aw geez, it's that darn coffee again," Ryohei commented trying to make things seem less awkward. The students stifled laughs at Ryohei's comment. "I really got to lay off the coffee because it is making me clumsy as a drunk person." The students stifled another laugh at Ryohei's joke. "Sorry about running into you. Didn't see you there Ryoji." The boys stared at her in shock. Rika smirked at this. She was content that Ryohei wasn't letting the boys bother her with their constant attempts to bully her. "I hope I didn't get any of the food on you. Oh, wait, I think there's some spaghetti on shirt." Ryohei pointed to a long piece of spaghetti on Ryoji's shirt. Ryoji looked down at his shirt and frowned when he saw the spaghetti. He looked back up and glared at Ryohei before storming out of the cafeteria with the others following after him. "I'm sorry Ryoji! I'll buy you a new one!" Ryoji and the others ignored Ryohei as they walked down the hall to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom, Ryoji took a piece of paper towel and wiped off the spaghetti. He glared at the mirror.

"I don't f***ing get it!" Ryoji exclaimed in irritation, "Why isn't she f***ing cracking?!"

"Who knows man," Yu responded with a shrug, "She's a tough one and it's going to be hard, but we'll figure out what it is that we need to do in order to make her crack." Ryoji sighed heavily.

"Well, we better f***ing think of it soon because revenge won't be looking to good for us if we don't even f***ing have ideas for revenge," Ryoji remarked as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Let's skip class," Akira suggested, "But not 4th period because I have music class and I don't want to miss that." The others nodded as they exited the bathroom and walked towards the entrance of the school. Outside of the school, something whooshed past them at lightening speed making their hair stand straight up. Alarmed, they look and to their surprise they saw Ryohei skateboarding up and down the parking lot, doing cool tricks. They watched her for a moment until she finally turned around and saw them. When they realized that she had seen them staring at her they quickly looked away and got into Yu's car. Keiichiro got on his motorcycle and placed his helmet on his head before starting up the engine on his motorcycle. Yu started up his car and backed out his parking spot before driving towards the entrance of the parking lot. Keiichiro followed close behind. As they approached the entrance of the parking lot, Ryohei skateboarded past them and she waved at them with a friendly smile. The boys all watched her skateboard away in both wonder and curiosity.

She definitely wasn't Rika that's for sure, but they couldn't quite come up with a word to describe Ryohei. Ryohei was definitely a lot different than Rika. She definitely showed that she was different from Rika. Despite that, there was still something about her that the boys still didn't trust. It was her calm and friendly personality that confused them. They weren't sure whether to interpret it as a false friendly personality or a genuine friendly personality. The more they thought about it the more curious they became. Who was Ryohei Chikamoto and why did she confuse them so much?


Hey hey hey everyone!

So, here is chapter 2!

I hope you all liked it!

I know what you're all going to say or ask: when are we going to get to the smut parts? Well, as much as I know you all love smut, that won't be for a while.

If you weren't going to ask that, well, then you can just ignore it.

Anyways, please vote and comment if you liked this chapter!

Stay tune for the next chapter coming soon! :)

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