In My Viens (Sequel to "Encha...

By Primadonnagirl25

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Logan and Jackie (You) have been seperated by Chris, you're in the hospital. You need a tranfusion and Chris... More

1 - In My Viens
2 - Long Time Friends
3 - The Condition
4 - I'm Sorry
5 - Beyond Amazing
6 - The Doll
7 - Left Out
8 - Replaced?
10 - Finished Off
11 - Half Across the World
12 - Embrace
13 - Here?
14 - Held by Him
15 - A Dance
16 - Clueless Rebound
17 - Scrubs
18 - Overtaken Mind
19 - Mere
20 - Because of Love
21 - Now or Never
22 - Alone Again
23 - Almost Complete
24 - A Vineyard
25 - The Proposals
26 - A Suggestion
27 - Reckless
28 - Stupid
30 - Cold
31 - Patronized
32 - Search
33 - Gone
34 - Vacant

29 - Wholly

539 23 5
By Primadonnagirl25

Chapter 29

My eyes almost bugged out of their sockets when the words escaped my lips. The next words came out swiftly without hesitation, much to my dislike.

"I know everything! I know that Chris threatened you just days before the blood transfusion to stay away from me. I know that you were going to be a son-of-a-bitch with me because of it." His lips twitched, and eyes sharpened looking at me. "But I loved you so much I just couldn't let you go through with it. That's why I kicked you out, that's why I would deny my feelings for you."

My head spin in a haze I had finally let everything out.

"You knew?" That's all he asked, I nodded gripping my hand onto my forehead beginning to sob.


"Why didn't you say anything?" He began to force himself slowly, I put my hand out motioning him to stop.

"Because I saw the phone calls, texts just brimming on your phone screen threatening you to stay away." I wiped the tears away. "I knew Chris contacted some lowlife to keep an eye in us. That's why I thought that maybe if I did all the negligence towards you it's make it easier on you."

"Easier? You thought it'd make it easier on me? I went through hell Jacqueline, I sulked into depression thinking that you didn't want me by your side." He closed his eyes tightly remembering the past. "I spent every second of every night just wallowing bec-"

"It sure seems like it when you have her sitting on your lap. When your shoving your tongue down her throat. When you deliberately ignored me when she's around. Nice way of showing you cared." I spat. With the little strength he possessed he managed to get up. Logan gripped his side and came my way. I was startled to see an abrupt recovery from him. I backed away backing up into a tree. He had me surrounded.


"You just don't get it, do you?" he groaned. I had him right in front of me. I could feel his breath on my neck giving me a spine tingling feeling.

"What?" I swallowed the lump on my throat, I had him so close. Our breathing was loud, hard.

"I'm still in love with you."

"But what about her? Aren't you happy with her?" His eyes moved wearily shaking his head no.

"How can I love someone else when I'm in love with you. Demi's a great girl but she and I don't reciprocate each others feelings." He murmured, he went on and about. "We only got together because we thought it'd be a good idea, and she'd help me get over you. We knew at the first kiss that we didn't belong with each other."

My mind took over my actions and I plunged my arms around his neck. I began sobbing uncontrollably craned onto his shoulder. He wasn't with her because he loved her, but because of publicity and because of me. "This is so stupid."

"What is?" He placed his hand around my waist and the other on my hair running it up and down.

"Why couldn't we just come out with it? Why did we have to suffer all this when there was no need to. I love you Logan, you're a pain in the ass but I always loved you." I confessed, his chest rumbled as he chuckled.

"Well you're no walk in the park either. But true, we could've saved all this pain if we sat down and talked about it." He removed his arm from my waist and cupped my face. "But you're so stubborn! You always want to do things on your own. Always wanting to find a solution without anyone's help."

I smiled, no one knew me better than him. He leaned down and kissed me softly, almost teasingly. I couldn't help but stretch out my neck and deepening our kiss. He chuckled onto our lips finding the situation comical. Our lips meshed together in synchronization, our tongues danced to a melodious speed. My breathing ragged as we only parted for breathing.

Those dark chocolate eyes made me lose all my inhibitions. How did he always do that? How did he make it possible to throw every single thought out of my head with one searing, burning kiss? I didn't know, and like I said I didn't care. What mattered was that his hand was fisted into my brunette hair as he plunged his tongue onto mine.


Logan was mine, again. Will he always has been mine. I just didn't know what to make of it. We both made it difficult loving each other, I was stubborn while he was relaxed.

But who cares when I have the most magnificent man right by my side. We challenged each other sure enough but that's how we balanced each other out.

"What about her?" I muttered taking a breather. Logan smiled plunging in for another kiss.

"She'll understand." I kissed him, my arm surrounding his side of the waist that was uninjured. "Derek?"

I shook my head kissing him, Derek was out of the question. Logan knew what was between us, just a friendship. My brain managed to get ahold of itself managing to pick up the scattered pieces that made it go bizarre.

"I love you." He moved all of the loose hair strands from my face behind my ear. My grin was as wide as the moon, it was almost cemented on it. "Aren't you gonna say it back?"

"You don't need me to say it, you already know."

He kissed me once more on my forehead, cheeks and nose. I couldn't contain my excitement, he made me feel alive, he made me feel invincible.

His groaning made me stop kissing him, he was in pain. I could feel his heat radiating off of him.

This was no ordinary heat this was influenza.

I had to get him out of this God forsaken forest and take him to a place where he'd get all the medical attention he needed. But I was weak, I had no nutrients in my system that could linger on in it to help me carry out. Of course it had only been two days out here, but with no fresh water or solid food to eat, it could really take someone down.

Someone like me.

I ripped a strip of cloth from my shirt once more and drenched it from the river water. I folded it in half and placed it on his forehead, his eyes seemed to roll back. "Thanks Jackie."

I smiled holding his hand in both of mine. "Just try to get some rest."

"Remember when you took care of me the first days we met?" he mumbled. I nodded even though his eyes were closed.

"Of course I do. That's when we first kissed." My cheek flushed crimson and my ears grew warm. Talking about Tia was t really part of the plan. Logan half smiled, nodding once.

"Now here we are again, you're taking care of me once more." I slipped down to my back ignoring the twigs and resting under Logan's arm as he cradled me. It was the middle of the day, Mia and Ryan were far away from us but yet the moment was so serene and perfect. My eyelids seemed to betray me, closing slowly, making fall into a deep slumber.


I'd never thought that I'd be wandering in a deserted forest for three days now. Logan was still limping but he made use of branches and made a makeshift cane. We walked miles and miles upward the mountain. We were out of breath, strength, and mostly hope.

They say hope is the very last thing that vanishes, ours was like the grains of an hourglass. Diminishing little by little. But to me it didn't matter really, having Logan's hand wrapped around me. It was really something beautiful. ...But it seemed like forever just trying to find a nearby highway or Ranger Station.

My clothes stuck onto my body as the sweat coveted it. Logan's hair -that once stood up perfectly with the help of gel- stuck onto his forehead. Mosquito bite marks adorned our arms almost making it possible for us to play a game of connect the dots.

My stomach growled and Logan stopped us when he heard it. He sighed and threw his head back. "You need to eat."

"Its fine. Lets just get moving." I waved off wearily as I continued pass him. He grabbed me by my forearm bringing me back to his side.

"Jackie please, you're weak."

I rolled my eyes and removed his hand, it was just to hot to be close to someone. I didn't even have enough saliva to spit. I was thirsty. Logan had warned me not to drink from the river. It could've been contaminated and I trusted his thoughts.

"So? We need to keep going, we're so close to the top. We might make it by nightfall." My protest had gone in vain as he shook his head no. He wanted me to eat, at least some berries he had picked out from a bush we passed miles ago. I took three but I was to weak to even hold them in the palm of my hand. My world spun, I felt - literally- the weight of world pressed down on my shoulders.

"Jackie? You okay?"

I nodded grabbing ahold of my forehead and resting on a nearby tree. Once I laid out my arm I let out a blood-curdling scream as felt a strong pinch on my lower left calf.

I had just been bitten by a snake.


I could feel my breath shortening, but I couldn't feel my entire left leg. Logan tried everything he could to possibly slow down the swelling and the bleeding. Through all the blood you could see the two points where the fangs had been inserted into my flesh. It was gross. It was just a matter of time before my whole body was bound to be paralyzed. That was no good, I had to be okay to continue our journey.

Of course there was no doubt in my mind that the gang had already sent out a search group out for us. But how long would it take? It had already been days since the accident and Logan and I were in no condition to continue. We were a complete wreck.

By the fourth day I could no longer breath through my nose my mouth was wide open and I gasped for air every other moment. That concerned Logan. He never left my side, he was sick as a dog be remained close. He always made sure my eyes were wide open. He was afraid that if I closed them I might never open them again.

I couldn't take it any longer my eyelids were halfway closed and Logan shook my shoulder rapidly. "Jackie, stay awake. Look!"

It could've been because he was afraid I would've died during the night or because of the sound of a nearby helicopter, finally coming to our rescue. But at that moment, at that precise second I closed my eyes letting the darkness consume me wholly.


Song: Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran (You know what part! ;)

Author's Note: So the truth has been revealed! It was a time bomb just waiting to happen. Hope you enjoyed.! Make out scenes are so awkward to write. Made it somewhat long so you guys could enjoy and leave me at it for the next chapter.

P.S. I want to thank everyone for sending me their Book Covers! They're beyond perfect and well-fitted. Make sure to read ALL my FanFics as they have been updated and some have 'Epilogues' you don't want to miss. ;)


Sonny x.

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