21 - Now or Never

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Chapter 21

Logan's POV

Once I reached the apartment, I slammed the car door I stomped up to the elevator and stomped towards the apartment door. But of course I didn't slam the apartment door, I didn't want to wake Ryan.

I found James with Ryan in arms half asleep on couch watching 'Entourage'. "Hey man, where's Carlos?"

"Room, asleep." James yawned. I held out my arms so James could hand him over, but he didn't.

"Give me my kid James." I ordered.

"No dude. I kinda wanna keep him tonight." he shrugged.

"You want to spend the night with Ryan?" I asked.

"Yeah, you mind?" he asked.

"No it's cool, gives me more space in my bed." I smirked. I patted his shoulder, making my walking towards my room.

I closed my door, feeling empty. I sat on the side of the bed, falling back onto the bed. I felt horrible.


I guess Jackie really has gotten over me, she's moved on from me.

And so have I.

I moved on from her, and now I'm 'into' Demi. Demi is now my current girlfriend, so in reality Jackie does have the freedom to whatever she pleases.

But it still hurts.

The fact that she was just inches from kissing Derek destroys me. Knowing that behind doors she may have given in temptation with Derek, kills me.

Everything in my world revolved about her, but like she said, why should I care?

All those things I said were because I was furious, but they were all lies. She looked beautiful in that dress, she made me jealous that I wasn't the one she was with, it was Derek. That's why I said she looked like a tramp, and that I too didn't want to be in her life.

Because I was enraged.

Soon enough I was lost in a world of weird and bizarre dreams.


Your POV

Breakfast wasn't awkward, just slow. Something I would've preferred to skip truthfully. Mia sat on the high chair between Derek and I .

"Jackie, about the news I mentioned earlier..." he began.

"Yes?" I asked plopping a bite of blueberry muffin in my mouth.

"I have to go back to England."


It wasn't a question, it wasn't a statement, just a word that hung in the air and I took it as a bucket of cold water down my back.

"This past few weeks have been an extraordinary vacation. I truly did love spending time with you guys. But I have to go. The art gallery is being run down by my PA, he's not doing so well with the place. That and I just learned my father was hospitalized." he said.

"I'm sorry Derek. I didn't know, is there something I could do to help?" I asked concerned.

"Not really love. I have to go, my mother and sister as there and I need to be there too."'

"Of course Derek, he's your father you need to be with him." I assured. Mia stared at us for what seemed hours, she didn't understand the magnitude of the problem, all she got was that Derek was leaving.

"When are you planning to leave?" I asked taking a sip from my java frappe.

"Tonight." he replied.

In My Viens (Sequel to "Enchanted")Where stories live. Discover now