13 - Here?

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Chapter 13

Your POV

I looked down to the floor, when I saw them, I shut the door behind me, walking towards them. I looked up, giving them a broken smile. "Excuse me."

"Hey Jackie, good to see your back on your feet." Demi said, I smiled nodding.

"Yeah thanks well its nice to be back doing something that I love, which is music." I replied, I looked behind her seeing Logan smiling at me. I hesitantly returned the smile.

"Well if you'll excuse me I need to start working." I said.

"Yeah sure I guess we'll see you around?" Demi asked, I nodded.

"Yeah, sure. Nice seeing you Demi."

"Same here, tell Mia I said hello."

"Yeah sure. Bye now... I guess." I said, I continued my way down the hall.

He's moved on, I thought to myself. Of course he did, he's Logan Henderson he could have anyone he wants, why should you be sad you wanted it to be this way.

"Shut up." I muttered to myself, entering the recording booth. Once I entered I looked around, going back in time reminiscing the first time I met him. When he walked in, saying hello and flashing me his million dollar smile and dimples.

Get over him, he's clearly forgotten about you, you noticed how he was in her arms, hugging her tightly. It's over. I thought to myself.

I got a grip and began to record some songs, tried the best I could. It's not easy singing when you have someone in you mind all the time.

As I finished working I headed to the break room, grabbing my purse from my locker and a water bottle. I ran my hand through my hair to the ends, analyzing my split ends, before someone called me.

"Jackie?" he hollered, I froze hearing Logan's voice. Turning around I looked at him, as he caught up to me.

"What's up?"

"Hey, it's my week with the kids, so I was wondering how are we going to do this?" he asked me.

"I could have one of my sisters drop them off at your apartment. Let me get home and I'll tell them to do so." I replied, crossing my arms.

"A-Alright then. Thanks Jackie."

"What are you thanking me for? They're also your kids, just as they are mine." I snapped. "Whatever, just be at your home in less than an hour."

I continued my way out, to my car, killing me how I had snapped at him without reason. I drove home, mindlessly.

I entered my home Leslie and Natalie coming with each kid. I kissed Mia's cheek, taking ahold of Ryan.

"So how'd your day go?" Leslie asked, I shrugged.

"Good, just tired. I was wondering if one of you could do me the favor of taking the kids over to Logan's? It's his week, so you know." I asked, Leslie put Mia down and nodded.

"I'll go, James and I were planning to do something together anyway. So we can plan once I arrive there." she said happily.

"Thanks Les, the car seats are in my car, I don't know if you want to take mine, or transfer them to your car?" I asked.

"It's fine I'll move them to my car, and I'll leave the seats with Logan. Does that sound okay."

"Sounds great, lemme just pack up a few spare changes of clothes and then they'll be ready to go." I finished. I started to head towards the stairs with Ryan when I turned around asking for Derek.

In My Viens (Sequel to "Enchanted")Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu