3 - The Condition

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Chapter 3

Logan's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing, I shot my eyes open noticing Ryan safely still sleeping on my chest. I carefully got him into his room, and into his crib, making sure he was still asleep. I passed by my room, Mia still asleep. My phone had stopped ringing, but it rang again, and it was Emma. I headed downstairs to the fridge.

"Hello?" i answered taking out the Caron of orange juice, and drinking directly from it.

"Goodmorning, I just want to let you know that Chris is okay now. So if you want to come and talk to him?" she said, I didn't reply, until seconds later.

"Yeah okay, let me see if I can get the guys to babysit then." I sighed, I put the carton back in the fridge.

"Kay fine I'll wait for you here then." she said, I hung up and started dialing James, answering at the first ring.


"Hey man, you think you guys can babysit? I need to head to the hospital." I said.

"Yeah sure, is something wrong?" he asked.

"No, Chris is able enough to talk and I need to go see him." I said.

"Yeah sure bro, we'll be there in 10 minutes." he said, I thanked him and hung up. I headed upstairs, Mia awake and watching tv. I changed into something quick.

"Where you going dad?" Mia asked, I sat down to put on my shoes.

"Going to see mommy, princess." I replied, grunting unable to put on my shoe quickly.

"Can I come?" she asked, I looked at her and shook my head no.

"I'm sorry but little kids aren't allowed there. Uncle Kendall, James, and Carlos will be here, they'll make you some breakfast." I said, Mia made a face.

"Okay, as long as uncle Carlos and James cook, because then uncle Kendall brings his disgusting crap cereal!" she exclaimed.

"Hey watch your mouth." I said laughing, she giggled.

"What? That's what it's called." she defended herself. The doorbell rang, Mia and I ran to it. I opened the door letting the guys in, James picked up Mia, twirling her around.

"Okay I need to leave now, Ryan's in his room sleeping. Once he wakes up he'll be hungry so make him a bottle, Mia hasn't eaten anything so you guys make something to eat for yourselves." I said.

"But we don't know how to make a bottle." Carlos whined.

"Well you better start learning." I said. "and Kendall?"


"Please don't give Mia your crap cereal, I mean c'mon give her real food, not seeds." I said, Kendall shrugged.

"I like it." he said.

"Holy crap!" Carlos exclaimed, and we laughed remembering old memories.

"Okay I need to go, bye princess." I kissed Mia's cheek, she was still in James' arms. James stuck out his cheek, also wanting a kiss. Which made Mia laugh until she couldn't breath, instead I slightly slapped him. I headed out getting into my car, and driving to the hospital.

Jacqueline and Chris where transferred to a different hospital, where I was in when I had my accident. Since it was much more well equipped than the rural hospital. I arrived at the hospital parking and walking through the automatic sliding doors. I headed to the third floor, where jJackie was at. I entered her room, and hated seeing her like this.

In My Viens (Sequel to "Enchanted")Where stories live. Discover now