By that___girl___

676K 16.5K 2.2K

HIGHEST RANKING: #4 in Abuse #7 in Undiscovered I fell in love with my husband in high school. He was the b... More

Must read!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
The Quiet
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 14

16.1K 365 58
By that___girl___

Chapter 14
May 28, 2023
Part 1

"Should I give him another chance?" I asked Ashton, playing with the hem of my shirt.

"I would say no if you didn't have Dawson, but you do. And he wanted to stay here for a reason, so yes." He answered.

"He has hurt me a lot though, he's unpredictable at times. I don't know what to do anymore." I grumbled, planting my face in my hands.

"He was making an effort before from what you told me, what happened?"

"I don't know, after Dawson cursed at him he changed. When I got to the car, Braxton was very angry at Dawson. I asked what happened but I got no answer back."

"Hmmm..." Ashton hummed. He looked at his watch and stood up. "I would love to say, but it's getting late." He opened his arms wide. I stood up and hugged him gently. Ashton showed himself out as I cleaned up our dishes.

Braxton was gone all day, at the moment it was around midnight.

I heard a scream from upstairs, I was startled and dropped the plate I was washing. I ran upstairs to Dawson's room to find him crying in his sleep. He was tossing and turning, but he was still asleep. "No! I'm not! I hate you, daddy!" He screamed. His loud voice scared me. I have never heard Dawson yell like that. And he was yelling about Braxton, that made it more strange.

I searched his room quickly, trying to find his teddy bear. Dawson would always carry it around the when Braxton wasn't home, thinking of his dad when he hugged the bear. When I found it, rushed to Dawson. I put it in his arms, he grabbed it and held it. His nightmare must have gone away because he was relaxed and quiet. My finger grazed the hair that lay on his forehead.

I sat next to his bed for a few minutes until I heard the front door open and close. I left the room and stalked to the stairs. Braxton was home and was heading to the living room. I followed him.

"What did you say to Dawson the day of the quinceanera? When you guys were in the car. What did you say?" I blurted out. He stopped in his tracks and turned around slowly.

"Why would you want to know? It's the past."

I ignored what he said and continued, "did you yell at him? Say he was a mistake or something? I want to know."

He didn't say anything. Braxton just looked down. "Did you say he was a mistake?" I asked again. He kept his head down and didn't answer.

"Why would you say that? He's a little boy. He just had a nightmare about you! He was screaming at you to stop. He said he hated you." When I finished I saw his head shoot up. He stared at me, his beautiful eyes getting lost in mine.

"I was angry, I know I wasn't thinking. When he said he hated me, I went off on him." He said.

"Are you taking your medicine? Because I don't think you are." He shook his head. "You promised me you would," I reminded him.

"I know. I'm sorry,"

"You always say you are sorry, don't say it if you don't mean it," I stated.

"But I am sorry, I'm just a screw-up." He admitted.

"I want the man I married. The one that used to send me black roses for nothing. The one who stared at me when I wasn't looking. But clearly, I won't be getting him back."

"There is only one more chance. Ashton was the one who convinced me, and he was right. If we really try maybe things will be the way we want it." I assured him. He walked very close to me and picked me up. He held me in his arms tightly yet in a gentle way.

"I won't screw this up. I will quit drugs and alcohol to save us. And I will take my medicine. You can watch me take them, so you will believe me." Braxton walked us up to our room. He kicked the door open and laid on the bed, with me still in his grasp.

"We have a bipolar relationship," I mumbled.

"We have always had a weird relationship." He chuckled. I felt my eyes close and my brain falls into darkness.

May 29, 2023

I was awakened by the sound of birds, I looked around and saw Braxton staring at me. "Hi," I greeted him. I'm surprised that he stayed until I woke up, he would always leave me. I would end up waking up to an empty cold bed.

"Good morning," he smiled. His smile was so bright and perfect. I wish my smile was like that. His teeth were perfectly straight and he admits he never had braces. I look down and I saw that he was shirtless, exposing most of his tattoos.

"Could you go get Dawson? I'm going to go and make breakfast." I asked. He eyed me but then nodded.

"He said he hates me."

"This is the perfect time to change that. Go apologize, you are his father. He can't hate you forever."

"Okay." I moved off of him and watched him as he left the room. I grabbed my phone and headphone as I headed downstairs. I liked listening to music as I cooked.

When I put my headphones in, We Don't Have to Dance by Andy Black started playing. I did little dance moves as I moved around the kitchen finding what I need. I sang the lyrics as I scrambled the eggs and moved the bacon around. One of my headphones was pulled out, I saw that it was in Braxton's hand. He motioned me to go to the table. Dawson was sitting at the table, smiling.

I guess they made up, I thought.

I sat down and Braxton continued cooking for me. I stared at him as he flipped over the eggs. He had tattoos all over him, which I liked. His messy hair looked so good on him. I couldn't help but bite my lip. "You like what you see?" My eyes snapped up to his face. He had his signature smirk plastered on his face.

"Yes I do," I admit. He chuckled and continued cooking.

When Braxton was done, I stood up and grabbed the orange juice from the refrigerator. I pour 3 glasses of it and put it back where it was. I took the glasses and placed them near everyone's plates.

I placed a piece of bacon in my mouth, it was still really hot. I pulled it out of my mouth and stuck my tongue out. Dawson and my husband laughed at me. I glared at them with my tongue still out.

"I was thinking that we should go to the zoo today," Braxton offered.

Dawson started jumping up and down in his seat. "Yes! Yes!" Braxton smiled at our happy son, then turned to me.

"So? You want to go?" Braxton asked.

"On 2 conditions," I countered. He let out a deep sigh and nodded.

"I get to ride your bike. And I get to wear your jacket," I added.

"That's it?"

"That's it" I replied.

"Fine," he gave me a small smile. "It's in the closet, top shelf."

"Yes!" I gleamed. I ran out of the kitchen and to our room. I quickly changed my clothes then searched for the sleeveless leather jacket. I slipped it on and felt comforted by the familiar feeling. Over the years the jacket had gotten a bit too small for Braxton. It still manages to fit large on me. I hugged myself, remembering old memories.

I left myself go and slipped my black all star Converse on. When I opened the door to leave I hit a body. I looked up and saw Braxton staring down at me. The keys to the motorcycle were dangling from his fingers. I tried to grab them but he lifted his hand higher. I jumped trying to get closer to them.

He laughed at my expense. "I will give you the keys if you kiss me." I gave him a quick kiss. "That's not a kiss, I guess you aren't riding the bike." I frowned and gave him a long passionate kiss.

When I pulled away slowly and grabbed the keys quickly. Before I headed downstairs, I felt a little tug on my leg. I looked down and saw Dawson staring at me with his soft beautiful blue eyes. "Mommy is Ashton going?" He asked.

I heard Braxton's breathing hitch. My eyes glanced at his hands, they were in tight fists. I gave him a side hug, hoping it would calm him down.

"Grey, I don't think he would be able to go. And plus today is a family day." He nodded his head and hopped down the stairs, out of sight. I turned my attention to Braxton, his eyes were closed and he was breathing heavily. Without hesitation, I gave him a bear hug. My hands wander his back, soothing him. "Don't be mad."

"I'm not mad," he breathed out. "Come one let's go, we don't want to get there late." He laid his hand at the bottom of my back, leading me downstairs. "You know I get to drive your car," he smirked.

"That was not part of the deal!" I gasped. My car was everything to me, a matte black Audi R8.

"I drive the car or no bike," he said. I looked down and grumbled under my breath. I went to our large garage where most of our cars were stored. Car collecting was Braxton's hobby. My hands dialed the code and the garage door lifted itself up. I saw the bike, it was fairly close the entrance of the garage. My legs carried me towards it and jumped on it. I took the helmet off of the handle and put it on.

I started the motor and drove it out of the garage. The motion sensor activated and closed the door. I headed towards the gate, right behind Braxton. The breeze felt so nice on my face, alone with my blowing behind me.

After a few minutes, we stopped at a traffic light. There was a black SUV in the lane beside me. There no other cars besides the black car. The person rolled down their window and pointed something out the window. I tried to focus my eyes on what it was. The helmet over my head made it hard for me to see.

Then I heard a gunshot.

Maybe you can die now, Bones laughed.


Hey, guys! Remember to comment and vote on the chapters so I know if the story is good, because why would I want to continue a story if it wasn't good :/


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