Bad Boys In Love ✔

By atlas-carter

44.8K 1.5K 5.8K

[COMPLETED] In elementary school they were bullied. They were the targets of humiliation, but that is the pas... More

2: Humiliation Attempt
3: Let's Get Physical
4: Tutor Ryohei and Plan B
5: The Assignment
6: The Basketball Team
7: The Decision
8: The Field Trip
9: Rooftop Love
10: The Motorcycle Ride
11: A Kiss On The Beach
12: Back Stage Action
13: The School Concert
14: The Truth
15: Special 2k+ Reads
16: The False Accusation
17: The Fake Apology
18: Back to Square One
19: Good Girl Gone Bad
20: From Slut To Hero
21: Streaming The Truth
22: The Apology
23: A New Leaf
24: Sleepover Decisions
Epilogue: Rei Ending
Epilogue: Keiichiro Ending
Epilogue: Akira Ending
Epilogue: Ryoji Ending
Epilogue: Yu Ending
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 1
End of Story Bonus Chapter Part 2

1: The Chikamoto Sisters

2K 59 76
By atlas-carter

*********4 Years Later********

It's been 4 years since the boys had sworn that they were going to get revenge on Rika, but they never got their chance because Rika's family moved and she went to a different high school. Over the years, the boys had forgotten about Rika and about getting their revenge, but it didn't stop them from changing. They had changed dramatically over the years. They no longer wore glasses. Rei only wore glasses when he was reading. They dressed better too. In elementary school they were the targets of humiliation and now in their fourth year at East Tokyo High School they were the most popular boys. They had changed so much that they themselves became popular. Not only that, but they were considered the bad boys of the school. The way they dressed and the way they acted were that of bad boys.

"Hey Ryoji! You coming or what?!" Yu asked as he waited in his car outside of Ryoji's house. Akira and Rei sat in the car with him both playing on their phones. Keiichiro had a motorcycle, so he rode to school by himself at his own time. Ryoji rushed out of his house and ran towards the others.

"F*** off Yu," Ryoji snapped as he glared at Yu. Yu rolled his eyes.

"Hey man," Akira greeted Ryoji.

"Hey, what up Akira?" Ryohei asked as he gave a little movement with his head and gave a brother shake to Akira.

"What do you think is up?" Akira asked scoffing, "I got girls calling me 24/7 and teachers scolding me for f***ing them in the janitor's closet. I got a 2 month punishment of cleaning the gym floors. F***ers."

"You got it bad, don't you Akira?" Ryoji asked rolling his eyes. Akira scoffed.

"Whatever, get in here you little f***," Akira replied in annoyance. Ryoji ignored Akira's snide comment and tossed his bag into the car before getting in the front seat next to Yu. As Yu drove them to the high school, Ryoji blasted the radio on and changed the channels until he finally came to a rock channel. Ryoji looked at the time to see that it was already 8:55.

"Dude, we're going to be late. Step on the gas already," Ryoji commanded.

"I am not getting my license suspended!" Yu exclaimed in irritation, "I don't f***ing give a s*** if we're late! I am not getting my license suspended!"

"You're such a p****," Ryoji responded crossing his arms over his chest in annoyance.

"I'm not a p****!" Yu protested glaring at Ryoji, "I'm just not as rebellious as you."

"Maybe, but your hair says otherwise," Ryoji commented rolling his eyes. Yu scoffed.

"Whatever. Look, you wouldn't understand," Yu replied with a sigh, "When you finally get a car you'll understand." Ryoji rolled his eyes. "Speaking of which, I'm getting f***ing tired of driving you everywhere. Get a f***ing car already!"

"Yeah, Ryoji, you're the only one who doesn't have a car," Akira pointed out.

"Hey, it's not my f***ing fault that my parents are f**s and won't buy me a car!" Ryoji snapped scowling, "And besides it's Yu's week to drive us around."

"Oh, yeah, that's true," Akira answered nodding in agreement. Yu sighed heavily.

"You can be a real @$$ you know that?" Yu asked grimacing at Ryoji. Ryoji ignored Yu and turned up the speakers of the radio. Rocking out to the music, they approached the entrance to the school's parking lot. Another car was coming towards them and had their signal lights on to go into the school's parking lot as well. Both cars approached the entrance. The other car was just a little bit more ahead than Yu's car and it started turning into the entrance.

"Step on it!" Ryoji exclaimed smirking. Yu sighed as he stepped on the gas pedal and the car went zooming ahead of the other car. The other car beeped the horn as Yu's car went in front of them.

"Suck it mother f***er!" Akira responded as he gave the other driver the middle finger. They couldn't see the other driver's face, but they could tell that it was a girl, a girl with long, dark brown hair that had curls in it. Yu parked the car in a parking spot just as Keiichiro came riding on his motorcycle and parked next to them. He removed his helmet and shook his hair out.

"Yo, Keiichiro, you're late," Yu commented with a slight smirk. Keiichiro scoffed.

"So are you jack@$$," Keiichiro responded smirking back. Ryoji, Rei, Akira, and Yu got out of the car. The boys did their usual fist pumps before walking towards the school. The 5 minute bell rang once they entered and the halls were filled with students running around to get to their first class. Together, they walked down the hallway to their lockers. People stared at them as they walked.

"Dude, out of the way," a boy said as he pulled his friend out of the way, "You don't stand in the way of them." The boys glanced at the two boys and scoffed before walking into their locker bays.

"Hey Akira," a girl with long blond hair greeted Akira with a flirtatious smile and a wink. Akira rolled his eyes and sighed.
"Get lost you little skank," Akira responded harshly, "It was a one time thing."

"How can you say that?" The blond asked gasping.

"You knew what you were getting into," Akira replied blankly.

"Akira, you're an a******!" The blond yelled as she turned around and ran off with tears streaming down her face. Akira rolled his eyes as he turned back to the others.

"They just never get it," Akira commented shaking his head. The others rolled their eyes as they slammed their lockers shut. The bell rang signaling that classes were about to start.

"F***, late again," Keiichiro remarked in annoyance.

"Aren't we always?" Yu asked in confusion.

"Hey, I'm tired of getting detention slips," Keiichiro responded. The boys made their way to their first class, math. Not even knocking on the door, they simply waltzed into the classroom.

"Thank you for joining us boys," the teacher remarked with an annoyed expression on his face. The boys ignored him as they sat down in their seats. They removed their bags from their shoulders and hanging them on the back of their chairs.

"Sorry I'm late," a female voice said. The boys all looked up curiously to see a girl with long, wavy, dark brown hair standing in the doorway of the classroom. Their eyes widen in shock and disbelief. It was the girl that they had hoped to forget about. The girl who made their lives miserable throughout elementary school. Rika Chikamoto stood in the doorway with her usual resting b**** face. The boys' expressions hardened as they stared at Rika.

"Ah, you must be the new student here," the teacher responded with a welcoming smile, "Please come in." Rika nodded as she walked in.

"I am so sorry that I'm late," another female voice said. Everyone turned to the doorway to see a girl with short, jett black hair standing in the doorway panting. She wore a red plaid shirt with a gray hood sowed into it, sky blue jeans that were ripped at the knees, and camel coloured timberland boots. Her outfit was so boyish that the boys almost thought that she was a boy. She had a round and cute face. She was cute. The boys stared at her for a minute or so. She had a sky blue packet with cartoon donuts slung over her shoulder.

"You must be the other new student," the teacher replied. The girl nodded. "Please come in." The girl smiled as she walked in.

"About time you've come," Rika commented. The girl scoffed as she glared at Rika.

"Hey, you just went off and left me at the house," the girl retorted, "I had to take the bus to school, so of course I was late."

"Why didn't you take your skateboard?" Rika asked.

"Well, I would have, but someone ran over it with their car last week," the girl responded as she scowled and lifted her eyebrow at Rika. Rika scoffed.

"Oh, boohoo, it was just a skateboard," Rika commented.

"It was not just a skateboard," the girl protested, "Grandma gave me that skateboard for my birthday. Now what I'm going to tell her the next time she comes over?" The class watched this argument in both confusion and entertainment. None of them were sure who these two girls were, but their argument was certainly keeping them from having to start class.

"That's not my problem," Rika answered, "Just buy a new one."

"You are unbelievable," the girl responded throwing her hands up in frustration, "That was my favorite skateboard too."

"Look, I said I was sorry," Rika stated grimacing at the girl.

"That doesn't mean anything because now I have to take the bus and use my own allowance to pay for it," the girl replied crossing her arms and glaring at Rika, "Plus you won't even let me ride in your car. You pretty much took away my only free transportation."

"I'll buy you a new one on the weekend," Rika said with a sigh. The girl frowned and turned her head away.

"Um, girls, would you two like to introduce yourselves?" The teacher asked awkwardly.

"No," Rika answered with coldness in her voice. The girl sighed as she gave a small nod. Rika sighed and rolled her eyes. "I'm Rika Chikamoto." The boys narrowed their eyes at Rika in anger. Their vengeance that had been locked away due to not seeing her for so long began to resurface again. They stood up and glared at Rika.

"Yeah, we know who you are. We know exactly who you are," Ryoji responded with a sneer. Everybody looked at them, including Rika and the girl, in surprise.

"Really now and who might you be?" Rika asked crossing her arms over her chest.

"Elementary school," Ryoji answered. Rika stared at the boys in confusion for a moment before her eyes slightly widen.

"Ryoji?" Rika asked in shock. The girl also stared at them in shock. The boys smirked at Rika.

"Surprised to see us Rika?" Ryoji asked. Rika didn't respond. She was shocked by their change in appearnce. She almost felt regret about bullying them if they were going to turn out this attractive looking, especially Ryoji who she bullied the most. She simply scoffed and looked away.

"Boys, please sit down," the teacher instructed. The boys frowned as they sat back down. "Well, it's good to have you here Rika Chikamoto. Now, what about you?"

"Um, hi, my name is Ryohei Chikamoto and I am Rika's younger sister," the girl, whose name is Ryohei, introduced herself with a small wave and a smile. The boys' eyebrows furrowed in surprise and confusion. They couldn't recall Rika ever having a younger sibling.

"Since when does Rika have a younger sister?" Keiichiro asked in a low voice to Yu, Akira, Rei, and Ryoji.

"Since when does Rika have a sister?" Yu asked in a low voice. The others shrugged in response.

"Wait, younger?" A girl with long, red hair asked in confusion, "You're not the same age?"

"Nope, I'm younger," Ryohei responded.

"Like a month younger?" A boy with light blond hair asked. Ryohei shook her head.

"Nope, a whole year younger," Ryohei replied, "I skipped a grade."

"So what? Are you showing off that you're smarter than everyone else?" Akira asked scoffing. Ryohei glanced at Akira for a moment.

"No, I'm not a show off, but when Rika and I moved and Rika was about to start grade 9 I just decided to start with her instead of doing my last year of elementary school in a new school," Ryohei explained with a shrug. Akira didn't respond. He simply stared at her curiously.

"I do hope that a student younger than you doesn't get a higher mark than all of you otherwise that will be a bit worrisome," the teacher commented. Rika snickered while Ryohei scratched the back of her head awkwardly. "Alright, how about you two ladies go sit beside those boys over there." The teacher pointed to empty spots beside the boys. The boys frowned when they heard this. Rika and Ryohei nodded as they walked over to where the boys were seated. The boys scowled at Rika. Rika scoffed as she sat in the seat beside Rei. Ryohei sat down in the seat behind Ryoji and the seat in front of Yu. "Alright, class, so today we'll be starting our first unit on parabolic equations."

"S***, I hate parabolic equations," Keiichiro commented with a sigh.

"We all do Keiichiro," Rei responded with a blank expression, "This is just one of those things that we have to juggle in order to finish high school. The less we complain about it the less harder it will be."

"Rei, you're such a teacher's pet," Yu commented rolling his eyes. Rei shrugged.

"Boys, quiet back there," the teacher instructed. The boys scowled, but didn't say anything else. The rest of class the boys found it rather hard to concentrate due to their minds wandering off about having Rika in their class. When the bell finally rang the boys remained in their seats while everyone else popped out of their seats and rushed to go to their next class. They waited patiently as Rika and Ryohei packed their bags. Rika packed her bag first and started to walk to the front of the class. Ryoji took this time and quickly stood up. He blocked Rika's way and the others all stood in a circle around her. Rika glared at them.

"Move," Rika commanded in a cold tone.

"We aren't the nerds that you used to bully all the time in elementary school Rika," Ryoji responded with venom laced in his voice, "We run this school now and we're not about to let you come here and act like you own it. You no longer have your squad of friends. It's us 5 against you."

"I got people to be my minions in elementary school. That doesn't mean I can't make people be my minions here too," Rika replied with a smug look on her face, "After all, I can always seduce the popular boys." The boys chuckled as they smirked at her.

"We're the popular boys at this school and if you think for one minute that you can seduce us then you're out of your f***ing mind," Akira answered crossing his arms. Rika gritted her teeth.

"Yeah, we can easily get everybody at this school to hate you," Yu added scowling at Rika. Rika scoffed as she pushed past Ryoji, but Ryoji gripped her wrist hard. Rika grunted in pain and glared at Ryoji. Ryoji pulled her closer to him and brought his lips down to her ear.

"You better watch your back Rika because revenge is tasting pretty sweet for us right about now," Ryoji warned in a low whisper in Rika's ear. The others smirked as well as they watched Rika's somewhat fearful expression. Rika tensed up and she ripped her arm away from Ryoji before glaring at him.

"Ryohei, let's go," Rika instructed gesturing to Ryohei, who watched the whole scene with worry. Ryohei simply nodded as she grabbed her bag. Rika glared at the boys one more time before storming out of the classroom. Once out of the classroom, the boys turned to Ryohei in wonder and curiosity. Ryohei sighed as she slung her bag over her shoulder and looked at them.

"So, you're Rika's younger sister huh?" Ryoji asked curiously as he crossed his arms over his chest. The others crowded around Ryohei with curious expressions.

"Yeah," Ryohei replied with a small nod. The boys grimaced at her.

"We don't know much about you, but if you're anything like her you might want to watch your back too," Keiichiro commented as he stared down at Ryohei with a warning look. Ryohei simply gave a warm smile.

"It's good to see you boys again," Ryohei responded in a gentle voice, "I definitely miss those glasses of yours. They made all of you look really cute." The boys' eye slightly widen at this.

"Uh... thanks...," Yu thanked her awkwardly. Ryohei gave a small giggle and gave a cute smile to them. Their eyes slightly widen at this. Her giggle and her smile made her doubly cute along with her appearance.

"No problem," Ryohei replied, "Anyways, I'll see you guys in writing class."

"Wait, how do you know we have writing class?" Keiichiro asked suspiciously. Ryohei stifled a laugh as she pointed to their desks that had their binders wide open and their time tables on it.

"While you were busy threatening Rika, you boys left your books wide open on the table and I couldn't help, but peek at your time tables," Ryohei explained with a shrug, "Looks like I have at least 3 classes with each one of you."

"Oh joy," Ryoji commented frowning. Ryohei's expression somewhat changed to a sort of sad expression when she heard Ryoji say that. The boys noticed and looked at Ryohei in confusion, but Ryohei soon gained her cheerful composure again.

"Well, see you boys later," Ryohei said as she smiled at them one more time and waved. She walked past them and exited the classroom. The boys watched her leave in confusion and suspicion.

"Who wants to bet that she's exactly like Rika and that she's just playing us right now?" Akira asked glancing at the others.

"She's probably not exactly like Rika, but they are sisters. I don't trust her," Rei responded. The others nodded in agreement. They were quiet for a moment.

"Hey, you boys thinking what I'm thinking?" Ryoji asked raising his eyebrow at others.

"Revenge time?" Yu asked smirking. Ryoji nodded.

"Revenge time," Ryoji replied, "Looks like our knuckles are going to get dirty." The others smiled evilly as they each cracked their knuckles. "Rika Chikamoto, prepare yourself because we are coming for you and it is not going to be pretty." The boys all smirked at each other before packing their bags, slinging them over their shoulders, and leaving the classroom to their next class.

Hey everybody!

So, here is the first chapter!

I hope you all enjoyed it!

Things are already starting to get into drama quickly. Lol, but that's ok because everyone loves drama, especially in books.

Anyways, please vote and comment if you liked this chapter.

Stay tune for the next update! :)

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