Cruel Trick (BadBoy!Dean x ne...

By brookemccreaa

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Dean Winchester, the bad boy of your school. He's known as a womanizer, heartbreak and a joker. Dean planned... More

Chapter 1: Partners
Chapter 2: Embarrased
Chapter 3: Protector?
Chapter 4: stalker alert
Chapter 5: Comfort
Chapter 6: Feelings grow stronger
Chapter 7: The truth comes out
Chapter 8: Revenge is a dish best served cold
Chapter 9: Step 1: Make dean fall for "Eliza"
Chapter 10: Step 2: Standing up Dean
Chapter 11: Dirty dream
Chapter 12: oh great
Chapter 13: Dean confesses
Chapter 14: Guilt
Chapter 15: A crush?
Chapter 16: Too Far
Chapter 17: Oh Crap
Chapter 18: The truth comes out
Chapter 19: hanging out
Chapter 20: kiss
Chapter 21: stop teasing
Chapter 22: Curse you winchester!
Chapter 23: What the hell happened?
Chapter 24: We need to talk
Chapter 25: How i became who i am (Dean's POV)
Chapter 26: More trouble stirs
Chapter 27: Amnesia
Chapter 28: Hospital visit
Chapter 30: date night part 1
Chapter 31: date night part 2
Chapter 32: shocking news
Chapter 33: Liar liar, pants on fire
Chapter 34: You have no humanity
Chapter 35: Nightmare part 1
Chapter 36: nightmare part 2
Chapter 37: It wasn't your fault
Chapter 38: fuck my life
Chapter 39: Nothing to Lose
Chapter 40: Dear Dean
Chapter 41: telling Dean
Chapter 42: Escaping the hospital
Chapter 43: Trouble stirs
Chapter 44: What the fuck
Chapter 45: Big happy family my ass
Chapter 46: Wedding prep part 1
Chapter 47: Wedding Prep part 2
Chapter 48: wedding prep part 3
Chapter 49: Mr. And Mrs. Winchester?!
Chapter 50: Someone Save me from Hell
Chapter 51: SOS
Chapter 52: What do i do?
Chapter 53: anger
Chapter 54: I'm sorry
Chapter 55: the baby bump
Chapter 56: shopping
Chapter 57: back at the hospital
Chapter 58: Home
Chapter 59: How i became who i am (your pov)
Chapter 60: the dinner part 1
Chapter 61: the dinner part 2
Chapter 62: the dinner part 3
Chapter 63: the dinner part 4
Chapter 64: Operation rescue is a go part 1
Chapter 65: operation rescue is a go part 2
Chapter 66: operation rescue is a go part 3
Chapter 67: Not here
Chapter 68: You lied to me
Chapter 69: i have no family
Chapter 70: i'm sorry dean
Chapter 71: The babies
Chapter 72: Don't ever come here
Chapter 73: mom?
Chapter 74: getting out
Chapter 75: Reality or fantasy?

Chapter 29: yeah right

807 41 11
By brookemccreaa

You: good one Sam.
Sam: it's the truth y/n.
You: yeah and I'm actually the princess of hell.
Sam: y/n, seriously. Dean is in love with you. He's been in love with you since you were both kids!
You: and like I said, I'm the fucking princess of hell. So good one Sam. I'm going home.

You leave the hospital, Dean heard you, he wanted to get out of the bed, but his injuries were bad, Dean was in pain. He wanted to go to you, tell you hat Sam wasn't lying.

Dean's POV:
I hated laying in this hospital bed, I had to fix my car. I can't even sleep, I still replay that moment in my head, over and over. The truck hitting my precious baby, knocking me unconscious. My poor baby.

Dean wakes up from his nap and was panicking, re living the accident over and over in his mind. He tried to think of something else, he thought of sports, you, reading car magazines, pie. Nothing worked.

He thought about you again, he remembered how he treated you, his joke with Crowley, him kissing you, then touching you inappropriately.

Dean: did I do that?
Sam: do what Dean?
Dean: did I hurt y/n by doing that joke?
Sam: yeah you did, you pissed off cas and myself.
Dean: I did?
Sam: y/n went to mom's funeral when we were kids, she was always nice to you, but you were a huge dick to her Dean. That's why she didn't bother to talk to you after middle school.
Dean: I need to see her.
Sam: rest, I'll text her to come by later.
Dean: thanks Sam.

Sam left the hospital and went home, John was still in rehab, he would go visit the boys, he found out about Dean and waited for Sam to come home so he wouldn't touch the alcohol.

Sam: dad?
John: hows Dean?
Sam: he's good, you didn't drink did you dad?
John: no, I couldn't.
Sam: come on, I'll take you to see Dean.
John: what happened to that y/n girl?
Sam: she goes to the same school with us dad.
John: I haven't seen her since your mother's funeral and she left before I could thank her for coming.
Sam: I'll bring her along with us.

Sam texted you, you saw John and Sam pulling up in John's pickup.

You: mr. Winchester?
John: hello y/n, my you've gotten beautiful.
You: uh thank you sir, I wanted to congratulate you.
John; for what?
You: you stopped drinking for your sons so they could have a good role model, like their mother.
John: thank you y/n, that means a lot and I appreciate you coming to Mary's funeral a few years ago.
You: I actually go visit her grave sir.
John: you do?
You: yes sir, I do. My mom isn't home much since she went back to school then got a job. I go visit your wife's grave and talk to her, almost like she's there listening to me.
John: I wanted to thank you for watching my sons.
Sam: uh dad?
John: yeah?
Sam: about Adam, he's in jail.
John; what did he do?
You: he nearly raped me sir.
John: oh my god.
You: Dean got there before he could do anything and the cops were called.
John: I'm sorry y/n.
Sam: dad, Adam had a shrine to y/n.
John; oh my god.
You: it's okay sir, but there's something  else you should know.
John: what's that?

You told John about Dean and Crowley's joke on you, John was pissed that Dean did that. Then you, Sam and John headed to the hospital and saw the doctors running to Dean's room.

They had the defibrillator out and we're trying to make dean's heart start up again.

A few hours later

You were about to leave when Sam caught you.

Sam: y/n.
You: Sam, I want to go home.
Sam: you can't.
You: why not Sam?
Sam: because you're going to listen to Dean.
You: look, he needs only his family. I'm not his family.
Sam: y/n, please.
You: Sam, your brother needs you and your dad. I'm not your family, I'm your friend and he's acquaintance.
Sam: y/n please.
You: fine, then you stop bugging me about coming to see him!
Sam: why do you hate him so much?
You: your brother was my first and I know what he does! He'll just toss me to the side!
Sam: you slept with Dean?
You: I'm going home.

You the left the hospital, you actually ran away from the hospital, you didn't want to look at Sam or Dean.

Dean woke up and he saw John and sam.

Dean: where's y/n?
John: she went home.
Dean: why?
John: why did you play that stupid trick on her Dean?

Dean then hits his head on the pillow and groans. He didn't want John to find out what happened.

Dean: Crowley and I made a joke and a stupid bet to do it. He blackmailed me.
John; with what Dean?
Dean: me smoking a joint.
John: are you kidding me?!
Sam: dad calm down.
John: this girl has been so nice to us Dean! But you treat her like trash! I'm so disgusted with your behaviour young man!
Dean: dad I told her I was sorry! We even made love dad!
John; I hope to god you had a condom!

You arrive to your place and text Cas.


You: hey Cas
Cas👼🏻: hey y/n, what's up?
You: I was thinking, what do you wanna do on our date? 😚
Cas👼🏻: Maybe get 🍕 or 🍔. Go to the park, look at the stars.
You: that sounds awesome Cas ❤️
Cas👼🏻: y/n, there's something I wanna tell you, but I'm nervous 😔
You: what is it Cas?
Cas👼🏻: can I call you?
You: yeah sure, you know I'm always here for you and Sam Cas.😊

Cas then calls you.

Cas: y/n?
You: Cas what's wrong?
Cas: y/n, I'm in love with you and I wanna be more than friends. I want us to be boyfriend and girlfriend. I wanna make you smile, hold you hand, kiss you.
You: Cas I need to tell you something, please don't hate me.
Cas: what is it?
You: I...I slept with Dean. I regret it so so so much cas. I honestly wish it never happened and I know you'll hate me and I'm sorry Cas.
Cas: thank you for telling me y/n.
You: what do you mean?
Cas: most girl would lie, but you told me the truth, I honestly wished I was your first.
You: Cas, you'll meet someone who you will want to express your love that way.
Are you honestly ready for sex?
Cas: no, not really.
You: just listen to your heart. Well I shouldn't be talking.
Cas: it's okay y/n, we all make mistakes, we all learn from them.
You; maybe we can have our date now cas? I kinda don't wanna be alone right now and I'm pissed at Sam.
Cas: why?
You; I don't wanna talk about it, can you be in here in five minutes?
Cas: yeah, you need me to bring anything?
You: just get over here, I just need you Cas.
Cas: see you in five!

Five minutes later

Cas knocks on your door, you answered the door and Cas pulls you into a hug.

You; thanks Cas.
Cas: it's no problem y/n.

You let Cas in and you both go to your room and watch funny movies, you and Cas cuddles together and you fell asleep. Cas was about to leave when you spoke up.

You: stay the night?
Cas: you sure?
You:'please Cas, I don't want to be alone and you always make me feel better even though I'm a lousy person.
Cas: you aren't lousy y/n. You're smart, beautiful, loyal, caring, sexy as fuck, adorable, funny and perfect.
You: C...Cas.
Cas: shhh

Cas then leans closer and gently presses his lips against your lips. You both didn't tug on each other's clothes, you both just kissed sweetly, gently, passionately.

Your POV; Cas, why couldn't of you been my first? I wanna be your girlfriend so, so badly.

You: Cas?
Cas: yeah?
You: I wanna be your girlfriend.
Cas: really?
You: yeah.

Cas smiles at you and you smile back at him.

Cas: would it be early to say I love you.
You: maybe give it 3 months okay Cas.
Cas: make it two months.
You: one month.
Cas: deal.

You and Cas kissed again and cas' phone goes off.

You: whose calling?
Cas: sam.
You: what does he want?
Cas: let me answer and I'll find out.
You: okay.

Cas: hello? Oh hey sam, no man I'm at home right now.

You looked at Cas, Sam was obviously trying to get a hold of you, but you turned your phone off after calling Cas.

Cas;'okay I'll go see if y/n is home and tell her. Okay bye sam. *hangs up*

You: what did Sam want?
Cas: he wanted you go back to go see dean.
You: why?
Cas: Dean was wondering where you went.
You; I'm not going.
Cas: why not?
You: I don't wanna see that jerk, I'm mad at Sam, plus I'm comfy laying here with you Cas *smiles*

DIDN'T EXPECT THAT DID YA??? So now, how are you and Cas gonna tell Sam about your relationship or are you both gonna keep it a secret??? ;)

Jeez This chapter has over 1600 words 😱 I must of been wanting to write this chapter badly lol, anyway let me know in the comments, if the relationship between the reader Cas should be a secret one or if they should tell Sam! I'll talk the votes in the next chapter!!

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