His Playboy Ways

Oleh Bookworm_Tina

2.4M 42.8K 14.3K

"Please don't leave." he pleaded. His once arrogant, obnoxious, confident gaze looked so vulnerable, helpless... Lebih Banyak

A New Beginning
Hello California
Mr Cocky Jerk
A Sweet Gesture
Changing Rooms and an Old Friend
Mason Behaving Badly
Getting Even
An End of a Growing Friendship?
A Charitable Event
My Childhood Bestie
Deals and Bets
Carly in the Club
From Makeover to Boyfriend
Disaster Date
Down Memory Lane
** Authors Note**
Operation Breakup Part 1
Operation Breakup Part 2
Coming Clean
Back To His Playboy Ways
Daddy Mason and Mommy Carly
Too Many Doses of Drama
You're Not Alone
Pokerfaced Playboy
Something Like Déjà vu
Secrets out of the Turkey
Why So Distant Mr Playboy?
Hangovers, Shopping and A Surprise
The Playboy's Game
Standing As Strangers
The Breaking Point
The Sleeping Angel
Goodbyes Are Always Hard
Making it Memorable
An Unexpected Twist
Stuck In The Past
All Grown Up
The Doctor and The Playboy
Revelations, An Old Friend and Planning with the Playboy
A Little Like Old Times
Too Late For Confessions
A Twist Of Fate
This Was Meant To Be
Finding Something New - His Playboy Ways Extra
His Playboy Ways spin off
Author note

A Fresh Start

45.7K 847 443
Oleh Bookworm_Tina

"Wake up Carly; you've been asleep for far too long now." I faintly heard a masculine voice speak softly.

My body seemed to respond to the voice and it felt like it was the first time I heard a voice in ages, my mind was a blank and I tried to think but it hurt every time I did so I decided to remain as I was but hearing a voice created some sort of movement in me, I wanted to respond to the voice, I wanted to open my eyes but I couldn't.

"Sir, you are going to have to leave, it's almost time for her sponge-bath." Another unfamiliar, female voice spoke.

No, I thought. I didn't want this person to go, I had a feeling that if he stayed I would be able to open my eyes and I wanted to open my eyes so badly but it was impossible, I was in too much of pain and I felt far too weak to lift my lids. But this familiar voice had an effect on me, I was responding and I knew if I heard more of this person's voice I would find the strength to wake up.

"Alright." The voice spoke in the same soft tone.

I felt something warm over my motionless hand and I figured it was the person's hand; I wanted to move a finger or something to show that I could hear him but again I couldn't. He gave my hand a squeeze and I realized then that not only his voice but his touch felt so familiar too, I wondered who he was.

"Get well soon Carly." he whispered and I felt something warmer, softer and plumper on my forehead. He must've been kissing my forehead.

I could still feel his hand on mine and I was doing all I could to move even my pinkie, I needed someone to see that I could hear and feel them around me, I needed to reassure my loved ones that I was getting better, that I wasn't planning on leaving just as yet. All I needed was a little motivation and this person seemed to be just that.

"Sir." The female's voice sounded sterner. "You have to leave, please."

Ugh, shut up woman, I thought. I didn't want this 'sir' to leave but this woman was insisting.

"Yes." He whispered and I felt the warmness of his hand over mine disappear.

'No, don't leave just yet, please stay even for five more minutes. I need you here so I can open my eyes.' I mentally shouted but I knew it was futile as no words left my mouth.

I was putting in all I could to just move something, to show some sign that I wanted him here with me; I tried and tried so he could see before he left.

And with what felt like eons of hard labour work I managed to move my index finger by maybe half an inch before it collapsed again. But before I could get happy I heard the shutting of a door and I knew that my visitor had left, all my efforts were in vain and I knew he didn't see anything.

I was disappointed but moreover exhausted, I felt as if I'd run a hundred mile marathon and all I needed was a good night's sleep and sleeping is what I did, I let myself get swallowed by the darkness, shutting off all my conscious surroundings.


It felt as if I've been asleep for eons when my mind was conscious again, I wanted to wake up so badly but it felt like something strong was holding me back, but somehow today I felt stronger than I previously did, I felt like I could make myself wake up, I knew I had to, I wanted to see daylight so badly again and I would use every ounce of my power and strength to do so.

I allowed my ears to take in any surrounding sounds but I heard nothing other than a steady beeping. My body temperature seemed to be normal, I wasn't cold or too warm, I was quite comfortable but I could feel someone's breath steadily fanning over my palm. I wondered who was with me so with all the might I could muster I attempted moving my hand to only fail.

I couldn't just give up on the first attempt; I had to fight until I was the stronger one. I tried moving my fingers over and over until I was exhausted, it was all futile.

Maybe I was destined to just lie here with my eyes closed forever and be nothing but a cabbage, it was useless thinking otherwise.

'Giving up is for the weak and there is no place in this world for the weak, you have to keep on trying until you succeed and then can you only taste the sweet essence of victory. The moment you think of giving up, always remember the reason you held on for so long.' My mind played back one of many wise words my Gramps told me and it all made sense. I held on for who knows how long solely because of the people I cared about so there was no way I was going to give up now.

I used all my strength that I could muster and lifted a finger, I laid it back again and after a few minutes I did it again.

"Carly?" I heard a voice breathe beside me.

This time I was motivated, I felt stronger and moved two fingers.

"Carly, if you can hear me do that again." The voice spoke with a tint of excitement, shock and mostly hope in his tone.

I moved my fingers again and I felt a large hand over mine. "God, you can really hear me can't you?" The voice sounded elated.

"Hmm." I managed to croak from deep within my throat. I had no idea I would make a sound but I just did and I was proud of myself. Now, if only I could open my eyes.

"Carly!" The voice was simply excited now. "Oh God, Carls you're coming back!"


"Doctor!" the voice shouted. "Doctor, Carly is responding to me! Doctor!"

"What's the racket about?" A female voice was heard.

"Nurse, Carly...she was... oh thank God!"

"Calm down boy and explain to me what happened." The female said.

"Come here and look!" The male spoke.

"Carly, can you hear me?" The voice asked gently.

I tried to answer by my voice got stuck and couldn't come out.

"Carly, come on, do what you did just now. Please get up!" The voice was becoming more and more recognizable, I knew, I just needed to think properly to identify it.

"Carly, come on!"

"Patients in a coma do move their hands at times but it doesn't necessarily mean they're coming out of it dear, I'm sorry." The female said.

"No!" The male yelled. "She didn't just move a finger she spoke to me, I heard her voice."

"You probably need some sleep, go home and get some rest."

"What are you saying, I was imagining things? I heard Carly's voice; I'm not crazy!" He yelled.

The yelling was getting far too loud; I hated yelling unless I was the one doing it. I instinctively frowned.

"This is a hospital and I will not tolerate your yel-"

"Hmm." I groaned louder this time. "Mmm...wher..." I attempted mumbling.

There was a pause before I heard the female voice speak. "Dear God, you're right." She said sounding astounded. "Wait here while I go get the doctor."

"Carly." I felt a pair of hands engulf mine. "Hold on, you're coming back to us aren't you?"

I recognized the voice now I just needed to confirm it by looking at his face. I had to open my eyes; my mind felt the most conscious in what felt like years. I felt the movement from my eyeballs under my lids as they moved from left to right.

I felt my hands being lifted and the person held onto my hand tightly. "Thank God!" he breathed.

"Close the curtains, she seems to be regaining consciousness. Her eyes won't be accustomed to the sunshine straight away." I heard a voice who I assumed was the doctor say. "And you young man, have to leave, I need to check up on her."


"Her vitals are looking good, you can see her when I'm done; please let me do my job for now." The doctor said.

My hand was gently placed on the side again. "See you soon Carly." He whispered and left.

I began moving my eyes again as I felt people moving my hand and placing something cold on my chest.

Slowly, gradually my lids lifted upwards and dropped again.

"Carly." The doctor said softly. "Can you hear me?"

I groaned under my breath because my head was feeling heavy and very sore. "Hmm...ye..." I slurred.

"Very good, now can you open your eyes?" He asked.

I groaned again and managed to lift my lids half way. "Alright, excellent. Now be careful, I know the light is going to affect your eyes but you're going to have to get used to it gradually."

I swallowed and gave a half nod.

"Right, now at the count of three, I want you to open your eyes fully."


It took me a long moment after three to open my eyes fully and when they were open I saw a very blurry faced Dr Singh.

My eyes averted elsewhere and all I saw were blurry mixed up hues of blue and white. I attempted to sit up but I felt two hands hold me back. "Easy there honey, let the doctor examine you fully first."

I squinted my eyes to try and make out who this woman was.

But my concentration was disrupted when the woman moved away and strapped a thick, band-like thing around my arm and pressed a button that caused the band to tighten around my arm, so tight I could barely feel my it.

I wanted to ask what she was doing but I couldn't find my voice, I was feeling very muzzy and my throat was burning, I could kill for a drop of water.

The woman and doctor took a while, examining me with different instruments and machine-like things. I felt too weak and confused to enquire or object so I let them do as they liked.

"Alright Carly, I'm going to ask you a few questions." Dr Singh said after he was done examining me.

I nodded. "But I c-cant see you." I whispered. God my throat hurt, it was so dry. I needed water.

"Can't you see?" Doctor Singh asked. "Tell me what you can see."

"Everything is b-blurry." I croaked huskily.

"But you can see me right? You can see some sort of images; you're not only seeing black are you?"

I shook my head not having the energy to speak.

"Good, seeing blurry is normal after coming out of a comatose state." He seemed to mumble to himself.

"Right, what's your name?" He asked me.

"W-water." I needed water so badly that I couldn't care less what my name was.

"Water?" He asked for a second and then he looked to shake his head. "Alright, nurse, please bring the patient some water."

"Right away." The woman who I learned was the nurse said.

I soon felt a glass at my lips and with the help of the nurse I tilted the glass and savoured each drop that fell into my mouth and down to my throat. I never realized how much I should appreciate things like water, drinking those few drops felt like I was breathing in a new life.

"That's enough for now." The nurse said and pulled the glass away. I knew I had enough but my throat still ached for more but I was too weak to fight so I let her take to glass away.

"Carly." I swallowed. "My name is Carly Edwards." I spoke in a firmer voice but I still failed to recognize it and I also caught onto how husky and hoarse it was.

"How old are you?"

"Um, eighteen."

"What state do you live in?"


"Good, you're doing very well Carly." Dr Singh said sounding pleased.

"How many siblings do you have?"

"One, a brother, he's name is Liam and he's in his second year of college." I answered.


"Doctor, I know who I am and can remember almost everything about my life, what I want to know is why am I here and how did I land here?" I cut him off.

Doctor Singh took a brief moment before he spoke. "You don't remember what happened to you?"

The last thing I remembered was coming home from school and not feeling very well, everything after that was a blur.

I shook my head. "N-no, not really and when I try to think too much my head hurts." I reached for my head and felt a gauze dressing over it.

I frowned. "Why am I here Doctor? Did I have the surgery? Was it a success? Are all the clots gone? Am I going to be alright now? Will I live a long life now? Am I no longer dying?" I ranted in one breath.

"Easy Carly, you don't want to strain yourself." Dr Singh said calmly.

"But I want to know." I said softly.

"I understand your anxiousness but there's only so much I can explain to you right now. We need to conduct a few more tests post your coma to see how well you are."

"Coma?" I asked.

"Yes Carly, you've been a coma for almost three weeks. Your family has been worried sick for you but they will be much relieved now that you've woken up." Dr Singh said.

I opened my mouth to speak but Dr Singh cut me off. "And to answer your question, yes the clots are gone and you look to be stable, after a few tests which will be conducted in a few hours, I will be able to conclude just how well you are."

I felt relief wash in. The blood clots were gone, there was a possibility that I could live again, I was given a second chance at life. I felt so happy that I could jump and do the marimba.

"Now, I think you have a visitor who's very anxious to see you outside. I am going to let him in but only if you promise to take it easy and not strain yourself, I don't want you falling into a coma again." Dr Singh said.

I half smiled. "I promise."

Dr Singh looked to smile at me before he turned on his heel to leave the room but I heard his footsteps stop and he spoke, "Welcome back Carly." He threw over his shoulder.

"It's good to be back." I murmured with an attempted smile.

Dr Singh left and the nurse was in my sight again. "Right girly, I want you to take it easy and not get overly excited or anything. You're still very fragile so if I see you getting too hyper or worked up, I am kicking your visitor out."

"Okay." I whispered.

I would give in to anything just to see my visitor, I remembered his voice and I wanted to so desperately see him. I couldn't remember when the last time I saw his face was.

"Carly." I heard his voice whisper.

I squinted my eyes so I could get a better look, he looked the same except he looked sleep depraved and his hair was very messy, but overall he looked just like my big brother. "Liam!" I smiled as widely as I possibly could.

Liam rushed towards me and automatically wrapped his arms around me. "Carly, you have no idea how worried I've been - how worried everyone's been." He said as his arms tightened around me.

I hugged my brother back but not as tight as he hugged me. I didn't have much energy in me.

"Okay young man, you're going to have to let her go, she's still too weak for your strong hold." The nurse spoke. I seriously didn't like her; she was far too strict!

Liam pulled away and looked at me with what I could comprehend as concern. "How are you feeling little sis?" He asked.

"Blind to be honest." I replied honestly.

"Why? Can't you see? The doctor didn't say anything-"

"Calm down, I'm not literally blind Liam, you're just very blurry." I cut him off.

Liam let out a breath and then chuckled nervously. He seemed to reach for something beside me and I soon realized what when he placed my glasses over my eyes. "Better?"

I blinked a few times and everything looked so much clearer. "Much." I smiled.

Liam grinned at me and I could see the relief evident on his face and when I looked closer, his eyes looked extra red and puffy. "Were you crying Liam Gregory Edwards?" I asked with a gasp.

Liam swallowed. "Under any normal circumstances, I would've called you crazy and slapped that crazy idea out of your bizarre head but not now." He said with a small smile. He held onto my hand and looked at me with a straight and slightly pained expression. "Do you have any idea what you put us through over these two and half weeks? There were times we thought we were going to lose you, your vitals dropped so much that at one stage Dr Singh said there was no hope and you could..." he trailed off not being able to finish the sentence.

He shook his head and gave my hand a slight squeeze. "Anyway, that's all gone and you're better Carly, you're friggin better, I could scream and shout that my little sister is back and she's going to be alright!" He exclaimed.

I couldn't help but tear up, seeing the love and concern from my big brother. I knew if I came back it was because of him and everyone else that mattered to me. "I'm back." I said softly with a tear running down my cheek.

"What happened to me?" I asked. "I can't remember much."

"You were in a coma for two and a half weeks."

"I heard that but I don't remember coming to theatre or anything."

"You had an attack, a stroke to be precise. You were with Amber at the tennis courts and you suddenly had an attack and when you were brought to the hospital you were rushed into emergency surgery. From there, the clots were successfully removed but you slipped into a coma and left us hanging in worry and anxiety."

I tried recalling everything but my head hurt when I strained myself into thoughts. "Ah." I breathed and shut my eyes.

"What's wrong?" Liam asked with worry coating his voice.

"Nothing, my head just hurts when I try to think too much. That's all." I said and slowly opened my eyes.

"That is why the doctor told you to take it easy Miss Edwards. You just woke up and I think you need to rest for a while before any other visitors come to see you." The nurse spoke.

"I've had enough rest; I want to speak to my brother." I demanded.

"You'll have plenty of time for that, for now I think you should be left alone if you don't want any more head pains." She sternly spoke.

Liam looked at me sheepishly. "She's right, Dr Singh only allowed me in because he knows me otherwise I doubt I would've been allowed until a few hours later."

"But I feel fine." I insisted.

"And that makes me very happy Carls but for now you need to relax." He bent over and kissed my forehead. "I will be back later, with everyone else." He smiled at me and turned to exit the room.

"Hey Liam." I called out to him. Liam stopped walking and looked over his shoulder at me. "I could hear and feel you, believe it or not but you helped me come back. I even heard a voice a few days ago, you told me to wake up and get well soon and I guess you wanted to stay longer but I think it was time for my sponge bath."

Liam frowned. "I was never around at the time of your sponge bath Carly, that's normally done early in the morning - way before visiting hours."


"Enough Miss Edwards, Dr Singh will want to conduct some more tests, you can speak to your brother another time." The nurse cut me off.

Looking defeated Liam offered a smile and left.

"Nurse." I said.

She looked at me. "It's Sister Martha to you." she said sternly.

"Right, Sister Martha, could I have been hallucinating and hearing things because I am certain I could feel someone else's presence a few days ago or was it yesterday...I can't say for sure, but all I know is I heard a voice but you kicked him out."

Martha looked at me for a moment then to the little clipboard in her hands and after scribbling something down she looked at me again. I took that time to examine her features, she was a plump lady with dark skin and eyes, and even though she looked stern and unfriendly there was something about her that told me she could be nice if she wanted to.

"See that rose on the counter beside you." She pointed to the counter and I looked to see my favourite rose in a vase there. "The boy who brings over that rose every morning is the one whose voice you probably heard, he only visits in the early parts of the morning or late at night, that's why your brother looked so baffled."

"How did the hospital allow him in and what does he look like? Did he mention how he was related to me?" I asked.

"He's your boyfriend of course, your long distance boyfriend." Martha smiled a rare smile I supposed. "You're a lucky girl; he's not only handsome but a charmer; why else do you think he was allowed in?"

"Now enough of your questions, I have to prepare you for some tests." And just like that stern Sister Martha was back.

Boyfriend eh? I looked at the rose and frowned. I surely didn't remember having a boyfriend.


"And you should've seen her, I swear she's putting on the pounds as the days go by, her normally tight skirt looked tighter and I can see those love-handles through her shirt."

"Maybe she's on some type of steroid medication for a STD, that's it, I am certain Ashley Spencer has a nasty STD. Ew, if she does, it would mean Mason would too, or maybe he gave it to her."

"I sure hope while fake dating you guys didn't do anything."

"Well did you?"


"Carly!" Amber shouted at me.

"Huh?" I asked startled by her sharp voice. "What?"

"Well, yes or no?" Amber asked with a raised brow.

"Uh, yes." I said hesitantly.

Amber's eyes widened and her mouth opened. "When?"

"Um, last week I think."

"Where?" She breathed and her eyes widened as she quickly let go of the side of my hospital bed. She pointed to my bed. "In here, on this bed?" She whispered scrunching her face.

"How the hell did Martha allow it?" She asked.

I sighed, giving up with pretending to listen to whatever Amber was ranting about. "Okay now I'm confused, what exactly happened in this room on this bed?"

Amber placed a hand on her hip and gave me a look. "You didn't hear a word I said did you?"

I bit onto my lip. I've been phasing out of many conversations over the last couple of days, but it happened mostly with my conversations with Amber. "Sorry." I muttered sheepishly.

Amber lost her stern look and softened her expression. She made her way closer to my bed and looked to put her hand on the bed but she stopped midway and looked at me. "You and Mason didn't well...do anything on this bed right?"

"What?" I exclaimed. "Why the hell would you think of such a thing?"

Amber let out a breath. "Good. Just forget I asked anything." She smiled.

"Nothing will make me happier." I muttered. "Besides why would Mason and I do anything when not once had he come to visit me, does he even know I was in hospital?"

"The whole school did so I'm assuming so." Amber replied. "Why, does it bother you that he didn't come see you?" Amber asked and when I looked at her, I saw no sarcasm whatsoever on her expression so I knew she was serious.

I looked away. "N-no, I don't care, we're no longer friends remember?"

Amber placed a hand over mine. "You miss him don't you?"

I slid my hand from under hers and crossed my arms. Mason hadn't visited me once, not once had he sent a card or a flower or even called so no, I didn't miss him when he obviously didn't care. "I don't."

"You don't have to lie to me Carly; I know you're hurt because he hasn't seen you once over the last three weeks." Amber said softly.

Amber was right but I didn't want to think let alone talk about Mason and she of all people should know that. "Just drop it Amber."

"Carly, I don't like the guy but if he makes you happy then-"

"I said drop it Amber!" I snapped and shot my gaze her way. "Did you forget what happened the last time you were pestering me about Mason?"

I watched as regret and hurt flashed across Amber's face and I felt guilty for bringing that up. I knew she was just trying to be helpful and a good friend but I took out my frustration of being stuck in this hospital for far too long on her.

It had been a good week since I awoke from the coma and according to all the tests conducted I was recovering well and all my vitals looked good. The blood clots were gone, I was awake and everything was in order in my body but I still wasn't allowed to go home as yet. Dr Singh insisted I should stay in hospital and be kept under observation until he was certain I was one hundred percent fine.

I, on the other hand felt as fit as a fiddle, sure my head still hurt a little when I strained myself but that was normal because my head was still semi-healing after surgery so other than that one problem, I didn't see the need to be trapped in this horrible hospital.

"I'm sorry Ambs, I shouldn't have snapped at you, I'm just..." I trailed off and ran a hand through my hair. "So irritated at being stuck in this horrid hospital and restrained to this little room and bed! Nevertheless, it was wrong to take out my frustration on you, I'm really sorry."

"No, I shouldn't have pushed you so much, I'm silly to forget that I was the reason you're in this state in the first place so I'm sorry Carly, I really am."

"Don't be ridiculous Amber, you aren't responsible for me being here, I was meant to have surgery the following week before the stroke, I was just admitted sooner than expected."

"But still if I hadn't pushed you that day-"

"Not again Amber Skyes!" I warned with a playful glare.

Amber had apologized and cried and repeated doing so on every visit over the past week, she blamed herself for my condition. I had to explain over and over that it wasn't her fault at all and today after a whole week she finally gave in and started talking about something else but I was too annoyed with my state to pay any attention.

Amber looked at me sheepishly. "The full name huh?" She grinned. "Fine, sorry, I'll no longer take the blame but only if you smile."

I couldn't help but smile. I knew as much as a bad day I was having; Amber could brighten it with just her crazy antics.

"Right so what was I saying earlier on? You know the bits that you didn't hear?" Amber was back with her high pitched voice and cheery mood. "Oh yeah, Ashley and how strange she's been behaving lately. I swear it's either because Mason doesn't give her attention anymore or because of her weight gain or, maybe it's both. I think she's so depressed because of Mason's lack of attention so she's eating away her woes and getting frustrated because of her weight gain or-"

"Amber!" I cut her off.

Amber stopped talking and looked at me with a wide eyed gaze.

"Don't you have to get ready for prom tonight?" I asked. "You wouldn't want to stand Nate up now would you?"

Tonight was St Katherine's prom night, I wasn't too disappointed that I couldn't go but I did feel a little bad; after all a girl only has one prom night.

Amber's expression dropped. "I don't feel like going to be honest." She mumbled.

"You're kidding right?" I asked feigning surprise. "How can the prom queen not feel like attending prom? It would be unfortunate if Cinderella didn't attend the ball right?"

Amber rolled her eyes. "You're crazy Carly, what makes you say I would be prom queen?"

I shrugged. "What makes you say you wouldn't?"

"Two words, Ashley Spencer."

"Ashley, you mean the girl with the STD that's been gaining weight because of a guy that was never interested in her?" I asked. "Yeah because I can see her reigning as queen of St Katherine's already."

Amber laughed. "I'm glad you heard at least half of what I said."

"I try." I grinned. "Now get going, I'm sure you're going to look gorgeous tonight. Nate better keep you at his side all night before someone else snatches you from him."

Amber smiled at me and wrapped her arms around me. "I wish you could make it, it would've been so much better." She said after pulling away.

"Dancing and I don't exactly get along, besides I really don't feel like playing dress-up and drinking punch that is definitely going to be contaminated with cheap alcohol." I sat back and rested my head against the soft pillows. "I'd much rather sit here and watch Pretty Little Liars." I grinned at her.

Amber looked as if she was about to cry. "You suck at lying you know that?"

I fake gasped and put a hand over my chest. "I'm offended."

Amber laughed. "You hate Pretty Little Liars."

"Hey I'd watch the show just to see Mr Fitz; I have no hate towards Ian Harding." I teased.

Amber raised a brow. "I thought Ian Somerhalder was your man?"

I dismissively waved. "Nah, we're so over since months now."

Amber and I both laughed at our craziness and shortly she rather reluctantly left leaving me alone in my hospital ward. Whenever visitors would leave, the room would go very still and quiet, so quiet that I could hear the beeps of machines from surrounding rooms.

I sighed and made myself comfortable on the rather uncomfortable bed. I really craved my own bed that was vacant for far too long at home.

Other than Amber and a quick visit from Liam and Nicole that morning I had no other visitors which were quite a relief. I'd gotten too many visitors after I woke up, every few hours my room was crowded with my parents and friends. Some people I hardly spoke to at school came to visit which was sweet but I really didn't like all the attention I was getting, it was becoming suffocating.

My eyes averted to the many flower bouquets, cards, chocolates and little gifts on the side table. Everyone was so sweet to send so many 'Get Well Soon' gifts but the one gift that I was most intrigued was the single rose that was brought every morning by a mystery person. Every morning when I got up I would see a fresh rose in the vase and when I asked Martha, she said it was my long distance boyfriend. I didn't ask anyone about it mostly because I was too preoccupied convincing everyone I was fine now but I also didn't ask because no one mentioned it and I somehow liked that I had a secret carer, it seemed too personal to share with anyone else. I knew I'd eventually find out who my 'boyfriend' was.

As usual the rest of my day was boring and went by really slowly; I kept myself occupied thanks to my laptop that was brought over by Liam, so I watched movies and some of my favourite shows. I didn't know how long I was busy until I felt my eyelids get heavy and slowly began closing. I let out a yawn, closed my laptop and allowed myself to fall off to sleep.

"Carly." I blocked out the voice and squeezed my eyes tight. I didn't want to wake up so whoever was calling my name could just go away.

"Carly, you have a visitor." I heard Martha's voice.

"I'm sleeping." I mumbled.

"Well then you better wake up, I'm a busy man and I took out time of my very busy schedule to visit you." Another voice spoke.

Rather reluctantly I opened one eye and saw two blue eyes looking down at me amused. I closed my eyes and after deliberating for a moment if whether waking up was worth it, I opened both my eyes.

"Well good morning to you."

I yawned and sat up straight stretching my arms. I looked towards the windows and saw the moon high in the sky and the stars were out. I looked at my visitor as if he'd lost his mind. "It's already dark outside, so good evening to you Damien."

Damien chuckled and put down a bag before taking a seat beside me. "Somebody seems grumpy, did I disturb Sleeping Beauty?"

I glared at him. "Yes you did, I happened to be having a really good dream." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Aw I'm sorry, maybe my method of waking you up was wrong, I should've taken a page out of Prince Charming's book and awoken you Princess."

"If you did that then you'd have to..." I trailed off and rolled my eyes knowing exactly what he meant. "Ha ha, nice try Mr Brinson, but my lips are off limits to sleep deprivers."

Knowing that a somewhat awkward conversation was going to surface I changed the subject. "What are you doing here anyway? Aren't you supposed to be at prom?"

"Probably." Damien shrugged. "But I decided to not go."

"Why?" I drawled. "Couldn't nab yourself a date?"

Damien gave me a look. "You're so funny." He said sarcastically.

I looked at him innocently and shrugged. "Just looking at the possibilities."

Damien sighed. "I just didn't feel like going, that's all. I'm not much for dancing anyway."

I raised a brow. "Really?" I drawled. "Says the guy who's ever ready to show off his moves on the dance floor."

Damien grinned. "Yeah well I only show them off to certain people... special people. Besides how could I possibly go when you're not there?"

"Um with a car, car's normally transport people around you know."

"Again, you're hilarious Carly." Damien muttered.

I laughed at Damien's expression. I took it that he wasn't too used to sarcasm so I decided to stop being sarcastic and speak more seriously. "You didn't have to worry about me Damien; I was having fun here in the hospital."

"Really?" Damien drawled and picked up the DVD cover of my Pretty Little Liars Season Two. "Because watching reruns of a series you've probably seen over a hundred times is so much fun."

I grabbed the cover out of his hands. "Yes, it happens to be really entertaining. You got a problem with that?"

Damien leaned over towards me. "Yes I do." He said softly. He then tucked a strand of hair behind my ears. "Because you shouldn't be stuck in this hospital watching boring shows, you should rather be dancing the night away at the one and only prom you'd ever attend."

I somehow managed to squirm a centimetre or two away from his slightly uncomfortable closeness and cleared my throat. "Beggars can't be choosers right?" I said lightly, hoping Damien would move away from my personal space.

And thankfully he did with a grin. "I missed your sarcastic smart-ass answers Carly."

"Now come on, you can't possibly want to watch that show when I brought us things to do?" He asked with his normal Damien-like tone again.

Damien dug into the bag he brought and pulled out The Avengers DVD. He flashed the DVD at me with a grin. "I think this is a better source of entertainment, don't you?"

I smiled widely. "Chris Hemsworth and Iron Man in one, a much better resort!" I exclaimed. "You're awesome Damien!"

Damien rolled his eyes. "And here I thought you liked The Hulk but you turned out to be just another Chris Hemsworth and Iron Man fan." He sighed and then grinned faintly. "But I won't say anything because you got one thing right, I am awesome."

"Oh don't be such a guy, Chris Hemsworth is hot and everybody loves Iron Man, he's the coolest."

"Not cooler than Hulk." Damien mumbled sulkily. "And that Hemsworth dude is probably old enough to be your great grandfather." He added.

I laughed. "Aw don't get jealous Damien, you're still the sweetest." I let my smile drop and looked at him seriously. "Now shut up and start the movie." I demanded with humour.

"Yes ma'am." Damien saluted while I laughed. Damien really did have his cute moments.

Damien sat beside me and we were soon engrossed in one of my newly favourite movies. Damien was right, it was way better than watching reruns of a show I didn't really like and having company with me was even better. Damien was really sweet to skip prom and spend the night with me.

Damien was even sweeter to bring along a whole lot of snacks and chocolates and he brought my favourite red velvet cupcakes. After all the hospital food I'd eaten over the week, I could kiss Damien out of gratitude for bringing along so much junk food.

I was about to take another bite out of my cupcake when Damien paused the movie and pulled out his phone. I looked at him annoyed. "Why did you do that?"

Damien showed me his phone and I saw it vibrate. He had a phone call. I nodded in understanding and Damien answered. When he did I soon realized it was a video call.

"I'm surprised you remembered." Damien spoke.

On the other side of the screen I saw one of Damien's friends, dressed in a tux. "You'd kill me if I didn't. Anyway they're going to announce the prom king and queen."

I frowned and looked at Damien. "I thought we could see the crowing of His and Her Prom Highness." He shrugged with a goofy grin.

I laughed. "How considerate."

"You know me." He replied cheekily. I took a second to wonder where this new funny and cocky Damien came from. I wasn't complaining though, I happened to like this Damien.

"Okay here it is." Damien's friend who I remembered was named Thomas said. "Oh and hey Carly, glad to know you're better."

"Thanks Thomas and hello to you too." I chuckled.

"And St Katherine's prom queen for this year is..." I saw one of our teachers announce. "Is, Amber Skyes."

The crowd cheered and so did I. "Oh my God, she's the queen!"

I watched a surprised Amber slowly make her way to the stage. Amber's face was priceless; she looked as if she would faint from astonishment.

I smiling so widely that my cheeks hurt as I watched on Damien's little screen, Amber trying to find words to speak. "Uh, well...wow!" She breathed. "Thank you so much, to all of you who thought I was worthy to be your prom queen... just wow, I never saw this coming." She let out a nervous laugh. "Now I wish my best friend Carly was here, that would've made this night even more perfect but even though she's not, she's very much on my mind... so yeah thank you so much."

I felt my heart warm at Amber's speech. She truly was the sweetest friend anyone could have.

I blew a kiss at Damien's screen as Amber waked aside.

"Now St Katherine's prom king is..."

"I'm sure it's Nate." I mumbled and hoped it was.

"Mason Clarke." I widened my eyes and I felt something churn inside of me at the mentioning of Mason's name.

"Well that's awkward." Damien mumbled beside me. "The queen literally hates the king and would kill him if she had the chance... I'd help her if she asked too."

I would've laughed and agreed with Damien but I was too engrossed, watching the screen in front of me. I didn't know why but I was anxious to see Mason's face, I hadn't seen Mason in weeks and as weird as it sounded but I wanted to look at him - even from a distance.

I swallowed as I watched the back of Mason's head walk onto the stage as the crowd cheered for him - even louder than they did for Amber. Mason slowly turned around and I saw his face, his hair was neatly combed backwards bringing out his sparkling eyes, he was wearing a smart, well fitted black tux and I couldn't help but admire just how good looking my best - my ex best friend was.

Even though Mason looked handsome, something was lacking and I knew what it was, Mason wasn't showing off one of his best assets, his smile. Mason wasn't smiling and flashing those trademark dimples of his and it didn't complete his look at all, instead he looked very popular-jerk Mason like, nothing like Mr Speckles. But then again I knew too well, he wasn't Mr Speckles anymore.

Mason was about to be crowned but he stopped the girl who was about to place the crown on his head and took it in his hand instead. Mason cleared his throat. "Well, I definitely saw this coming so it's no shocker." He stated coolly and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his cockiness. "But as much of a compliment this is, I can't accept this title."

The room filled with gasps and I gaped at him with my mouth slightly open. I was surprised, Mason was giving up something that only added to his ego and popularity and he refused to accept it? Did I miss something? I thought I was the one who faced death but it seems that he suffered the effect, Mason seemed to have maybe seen the light or perhaps he just fell over and hit his head.

"Let's be honest, I'm no king or whatever. I might be highly popular, rich, and good-looking and a whole lot of other things but at the end of the day I'm just Mason." He shrugged. "And I know for a fact that Mason isn't king material, I remember when I was a freshman in this school and nobody bothered to remember my name, I was no one important, I was just another guy. That is Mason, not the guy who you elected to be your prom king."

"I have learnt a lot in this year and I could say I've grown, I might've went astray for a while but something - or rather someone - brought me back to the ground and helped me realize who I really am. Apart from the fact that I don't like the chosen queen, I know I've done terrible things that I regret and those things make me unworthy to even be a highschool prom king, therefore you deserve someone better."

I was taken aback with his speech, it touched my heart and for the first time in months I saw the old Mason, the Mason I once knew in him. Maybe Mason was growing up after all.

Mason walked off stage and the teacher was back. He cleared his throat. "Well, since Mr Clarke doesn't accept the crown, we have to go with a very close runner up. Nathan Montgomery."

"Much better." Damien remarked beside me.

I didn't pay much attention to him; all I heard was Mason's speech play back in my head. Was Mason sorry for what he did? Did he really turn over a new leaf?

"May I have the pleasure of dancing with you Miss Edwards?" I was broken out of my reverie by Damien, who was standing opposite me with his hand held out.

I blinked and looked at his phone which was lying beside me. I saw Amber and Nate slow dancing to a sweet song.

"We're in a hospital and I don't feel very dance-worthy."

"So, neither do I but who says we can't dance just because we're not at prom?" Damien said.

"No one but..." I looked down at myself. "I'm wearing pyjamas."

"So, I'm not in a tux either." Damien stated and with his hands still held out he added, "Now don't hurt a guy's feelings and may I have this dance?"

I smiled and took his hand before jumping off the bed. Damien grinned at me and took my hand and walked me to the middle of the room.

Just as we were about to dance the music from his phone went off. "Sorry man, my battery's dying." Thomas said before the phone call cut.

"Now what?" I asked.

Damien walked over to his phone and played a similar slow song. "Plan B."

Damien grabbed the rose beside my bed and broke off the stem before he walked over to me. He placed the flower in my hair. "Who needs St Katherine's? Because from where I'm looking, you're our strong, fighter of a queen."

I smiled at his sweet words and he took my hand in his and placed the other hand on my waist. "You can waltz?" He asked cocking his head to the side slightly with a small grin.

"The question is can you?" I asked mimicking his moves.

"We'll have to just see." Damien smiled wider and we moved to the slow beat. We first did the basic box-like steps but after a while we were varying it, Damien - as I knew - had moves and I was having fun. I was giggling and laughing as he spun me around and we danced to not one but two songs. The first was a slow song but the other was more of a upbeat one so we sped up the waltz moves and I had to admit I was having a lot of fun.

I was a little worked out by the end of our dance so we eventually just stood there moving slowly to a beat. I looked up at Damien. "Thank you." I softly said with a smile.

"For what?" He asked.

"For giving up your one and only prom night to entertain me, it really means a lot."

"I probably had more fun here than I would ever at the prom." Damien shrugged and grinned. "So you're most welcome and well, thank you for being such a sport."

"Of course I would be a sport; I'm just awesome like that." I teased with a smug grin.

Damien chuckled. "Oh yeah, I think someone is becoming too cocky for their own good."

"I know right, what is up with you and your cockiness?" I asked, using his own words against him.

"You think you're so smart eh?"

"I know I am."

Damien slowly spun me around and when he did my eyes averted to the door. I frowned when I saw that it was open, I swore Damien closed the door behind him when he entered my room and ever since Damien was over, no one entered, not even a nurse.

I looked closely and saw that something was lying on the floor, just at the entrance of the door.

"What happened?" Damien asked.

I let go of him and walked towards the door. Ignoring Damien's question I bent down and looked to see a black night rose lying there. I picked it up and looked at it.

"Did you bring this?" I asked Damien while still looking at the rose, I could tell it was fresh.

"No." Damien answered.

"Then who?" I asked myself but before I could think over my question I realized that the person who brought the rose couldn't have gone that far, I could see who my so called long distance boyfriend was.

I ran out of my room ignoring Damien and down the empty hospital hallways. I took a turn and when I did I saw a young man walking down the hallway. I knew that stride, I knew it too well so I quickened my steps and as I got closer I caught a glimpse of the back of his head and I knew that head - or rather literally and figuratively big head too well. I stood still and watched as he took a turn towards the exit of the hospital, his tuxedo coat swaying behind him. As he turned I got a glimpse of the side of his face and I knew I was right, it was Mason, Mason was the one who brought me roses every morning before I got up, it was him who visited me early in the mornings while I was in a comma. It was Mason all along.

"Carly." Damien was beside me and asked in a pant. "Where were you off too in such a rush?"

Ignoring Damien's question I looked at the rose in my hand and smiled. Mason did care didn't he? He still cared for me but Mason being Mason refused to show it.

"Carly?" Damien asked. "Where'd you get that rose?"

I smiled wider and touched the soft petals of the rose. "Mason." I whispered under my breath.


"Congratulations honey!" My mother exclaimed pulling me into a bone-crushing hug. "Oh my babies are all grown up now."

"Alright mom, Carly just got out of the hospital; you don't want to put her back in." Liam said and I was grateful because my mom let go of me.

My mother wiped away her tears and Nicole looked ready to throw her arms around me too.

"And the same goes for you too Nicole." Liam told her.

"Oh shut up Liam" Nicole said before throwing her arms around me, but thankfully she didn't hug me as tightly as my mom.

"Congratulations Carly." Nicole smiled and pulled away.

I returned a smile. "Thank you."

"Now ready for my big bear hug?" Liam asked with a grin.

"No." I playfully scoffed and hugged my brother.

Liam kissed the side of my head and let go of me. "You might be eighteen and just graduated school, but you're still the baby in this family."

I narrowed my eyes at my brother. "I am not a baby!"

Liam, to annoy me further, pinched my cheeks. "Yes you are."

"Leave her alone Liam." My dad said.

"Thank you daddy." I smiled gratefully at my dad and stuck my tongue out at my brother.

"Baby." Liam mumbled and before I could reach over to slap him he ran behind my mom with a laugh.

I had just graduated and was standing in my school grounds with my family who were sipping juice. It had been a week since prom and I was discharged from the hospital a few days ago, just in time to attend my graduation. I smiled contently. Just a few weeks ago I was thinking I wouldn't make my graduation yet here I was, smiling with my family after being capped and handed my diploma. I was given a second chance to live and I couldn't be happier.

I looked around my surroundings and saw many familiar faces with their friends and families, smiling and laughing. This was the last time I was to stand on this school's grounds; I was done with school and ready to start a new life. My eyes ravelled through many faces and I caught a glimpse of Amber with her parents, Nate with his mom and Damien with his dad, they all looked so happy.

My eyes then landed on a familiar face, his tousled hair and bright eyes were noticeable. Mason was standing with a grin on his face next to his mom, his mom looked to be smiling with him and they were talking civilly. I smiled seeing that scene, seeing Mason and his mother getting along made me really happy.

My eyes then landed on a familiar head topped with neatly combed grey hair. Grandpa Mitch was a few feet away from where Mason and his mom were standing and seemed to be engrossed in a very important conversation with a woman. I rolled my eyes and chuckled, thinking Grandpa Mitch would never change his ways.

Grandpa Mitch caught my gaze and grinned widely and waved me over. I nodded at him and looked at Nicole. "I'll be right back." I told her and walked towards Grandpa Mitch who left his conversation and the woman he was conversing with.

"If it isn't the salutatorian!" Grandpa Mitch smiled and hugged me.

He pulled away and kissed my forehead. "Congratulations my dear. I am so proud of you and I know your grandfather would be too." He smiled at me.

I smiled back. "Thank you Gramps, but I would've preferred being valedictorian."

"Being valedictorian is quite an honour yes, but in my opinion you are far more honourable Carly." Grandpa Mitch said earnestly. "You have gone through so much this year, you fought an illness and nearly died, you came out of a coma, you moved cities and had so many other things to deal with, yet you came out on top. You even skipped out on writing two exams nonetheless you were named salutatorian; I am more than proud of you dear."

"You make that sound so great but it's really not much, I only got dismissed from those exams because of all the extra credit I put in. You make me sound like a genius Gramps." I mumbled feeling my cheeks warm. "I'm nothing special, just hard working I guess." I shrugged.

"And that's why I'm so proud of you."

I smiled, feeling myself blush at the compliment. "Thank you Grandpa Mitchy-kins."

Grandpa Mitch tapped my shoulder. "Only giving out credit where it's due."

I watched as Grandpa Mitch's eyes avert to something behind me and before I could look he looked at me again. "Just keep on making your parents, your grandfather and me proud." Grandpa Mitch looked at the bracelet he gifted me on my wrist and then at me. "I am lucky to have you in a form of a granddaughter Carly, remember that you are no different to me than Mason, I love you as much as I love him."

I swallowed and felt myself at the brink of tears. Tears of joy and sorrow, I was sad my own Gramps wasn't here with me but I was more than happy that I found him in Grandpa Mitch.

Grandpa Mitch kissed my forehead again. "Always remember that okay?" He whispered.

I nodded and smiled. "I will."

"Good, now I think I saw something wrapped in bacon over there, excuse me won't you?"

I laughed and Grandpa Mitch walked off.

I turned on my heel but as I did I bumped into a hard chest. "Oomph!"

"Whoa there, I know I'm hot but no need to make it that obvious you want to touch me." I heard him say as he held onto my shoulders.

I shrugged out of his hold and looked into those blue-grey eyes, which were so arrogant and cocky. "I should've known, only Mason Clarke would say something like that."

Mason chuckled. "The one and only." He winked.

"Will you ever change your ways Clarke?" I asked with a sigh. "Really, you need to get out of that cloud filled with self-conceit. It surely isn't very healthy."

"I'll change when you stop being so judgmental." Mason retorted.

"I am not judgemental!"

Mason raised a brow. "Really?" He drawled.

"Really." I adamantly stated.

"You've got to accept you're bossy." Mason said.

"Do not call me bossy!"

"Yup, a judgemental bossy know it all." Mason mumbled under his breath.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "And you're a cocky, big headed jerk!"

"You forgot hot in that description."

I groaned. "Mason-"

"Okay I thought of being humble but if you insist, I'll add sexy, handsome, irresistible, sex appealing," He inched closer to me, so his face was a mere centimetres away from mine and whispered in a husky voice, "and very, very alluring." He finished with a smirk.

I ignored the weird effect his proximity had over me and bust out laughing. I couldn't remember when last I laughed so much. "You're... c-crazy!"

When I stopped laughing I caught Mason grinning at me. I gave him a look. "What?"

He shook his head with that same grin. "Nothing, I'm just really glad you're perfectly healthy now and going to live for a long time."

I realized just at that moment that I got carried away arguing and laughing with Mason that I forgot we didn't share the same relationship anymore, in that moment it felt so normal and easy but I knew better, things weren't that normal and easy, things between us had gone terribly awry over the past few months and had drastically changed.

I took a step backwards, distancing myself from him and plastered on a small smile. "Thanks, I'm glad too."

After prom night Mason hadn't brought me any flowers and it was currently the first time I was seeing him.

"What a year huh?" Mason asked, breaking the brief awkward silence.

I nodded. "Yeah, some year."

"At least being a know-it-all paid off for you." Mason casually said. "I mean you are salutatorian and that's quite an achievement so um, well done."

"Uh, thanks?" Even though it was a statement but it somehow sounded like a question.

"Well done to you too."

Mason frowned. "For? I didn't achieve anything special."

"Oh I think you did, I mean you actually made it through high school, Mason Clarke actually graduated with decent grades too. That deserves an applause from Obama himself."

Mason glared at me in response. "You're welcome." I grinned innocently.

"You make it sound as if I'm stupid or something."

I shrugged. "Your words, not mine."

Mason reached over towards me, his hand heading for my neatly curled hair. I ducked and flashed a warning finger at him. "Touch my hair and I'll kill you, it took my hours to get it like this!"

"All the more reason to ruin it." Mason said with a smirk and reached for my hair again.

"Mason!" I warned but it was too late when he managed to ruffle my hair.

Mason laughed when he was done and I blew a strand out of my eyes. I glowered at him. "I hate you!"

"No you don't." Mason laughed.

"Yes I do!" I spat between gritted teeth.

I took a step towards him, readying myself to mess up his hair but his fast reflexes and strong hold held my hands. I glared at him and he looked down at me with a smirk.

"You-" I began but stopped when I realized just how close we were. I felt my heart hammer in my chest and I didn't like the feelings I was getting, it was weird and strange.

"I?" Mason asked in a whisper.

I opened my mouth to reply but a voice from behind me cut me off. "Carly!"

Mason let go of me and backed away giving me the chance to turn around and see Amber looking at me with a confused look. "Yeah?" I asked.

"We're taking pictures; I just came to call you." Amber said.

I nodded. "I'll be with you in a minute."

Amber nodded and with one last stare she strolled off. I turned to look at Mason and he had his hands in his pockets. I pointed behind me, "I got to-"

"Yeah, I heard." Mason cut me off. "You should go."

I nodded. "Yeah." I turned to go but Mason's voice cut me off.

"Hey Carly?"

I turned to look at him. "Yeah?"

"Congratulations, not only for your brilliant graduation but for being so strong throughout this year, I'm proud to have had you as a friend."

I smiled at him. "Thank you and not for the compliment but for being there for me this year, whether it was genuine or not, for me it was real and I was lucky to have you with me every step of the way, through the laughs, cry's and even arguments. I really do appreciate everything you've done for me this year and the year's before, if I'm here today it's because of having a good friend like you Mason, so right back at you, I'm not only proud but privileged to have had a friend like you."

Mason genuinely smiled at me and took a step closer to me. "It was my pleasure." His smile dropped. "And as for what I di-"

I shook my head with a small grin. "It happened and there's nothing that can change that, I've been given a second chance to live my life and I've decided to forget about everything negative in my life, I want to start off anew and to do that I have to let go of all grudges and anger."

"So it means-" Mason began.

"It means that I've forgiven you Mason, I let go of the past and only want to focus on my new shot of life and future now."

"But?" Mason asked.

I chortled under my breath. "You know me that well eh?"

Mason shrugged.

I let my smile fade. "But I think you and I both know things can never be the same between us again, we've just grown too far apart. We're too much different, we come from different worlds, we have different outlooks and perspectives, and it's time the both of us started fresh, it was easy when we were little but as you grow you realize that you just can't be with someone, even in the name of friendship, because of how incompatible we are. I will however forever treasure all our good memories."

He took a long moment and just gazed at me, probably letting my words sink in and he probably agreed with me and saw where I was coming from too.

"I will too Carly." Mason smiled. "So where to from here?"

I took in a breath. "Well it's Hawaii for the summer and then Harvard for me." I smiled. "I got accepted into Harvard Medical School and well, a couple of other places I applied so I'm off there to start a new chapter of my life."

Mason smiled. "Wow, I'm really happy for you Carly. I hope you and your family enjoy Hawaii, I think you need that after this year."

I nodded. "Yeah that's what Damien said. He kept pestering me over and over until I gave in when he got my family to side with him."

Mason frowned. "Damien?"

"Yeah, I'm not going with my family, it's Damien and I and Nate and Amber will be joining us a week later."

"What about you?" I asked when Mason remained quiet. "What's your plans?"

"Well the world is my oyster; I can spend my summer anywhere I wish. I'll just go where all the hot chicks are." He smirked and I rolled my eyes. "I might attend Business College and see from there afterwards."

I extended my arm with a smile. "Good luck Mason, I wish you all the best for the future."

Mason looked at my extended arm then up at me and then at my arm again before he slowly shook my hand. "You too Carly." he said with a half grin.

Mason and I held each other's hands for a long moment before we pulled away after clearing our throats. "Goodbye Carly." Mason said with a small smile.

"Bye Mason and thank you for everything." I returned the smile and slowly turned around but stopped midway. I turned to look at Mason who was turning to walk away too. "Hey Mason." I called out to him.

Mason turned to look at me. "Yeah?"

"Thank you for those roses long distant boyfriend." I grinned.

The colour drained from Mason's face. "Well...uh, you see, I just thought you wouldn't want to see me so after my mom told me to visit I thought-"

I laughed. "I'm not complaining, I'm thanking you dummy."

I swore Mason's face went pink for a second. I laughed. "Bye Mason." I said and this time I walked off to get my pictures clicked with Amber and the rest.

I stood between Amber and Damien and smiled at the camera Nicole was holding. "You've forgiven him?" Amber whispered from beside me.

"Some time ago." I whispered back.

"So you're all goody goody, best friends with him again?"

After smiling one more time for the camera we moved away from our standing positions and I fully faced Amber as Nate and Damien walked off somewhere. "I said I've forgiven him, I didn't say we were friends again." I clarified.

"Mason has earned my forgiveness but I'm a new Carly now, and this new me has no place in her life for people who aren't 'real', I am done with drama and pretence, Mason has lost my trust in him and trust cannot easily be won back."


A few days had passed since graduation and I was at the airport where the Brinson private jet was parked and getting evaluated for one last time before we were to take off to Hawaii.

"The plane should be ready for take-off in about ten minutes." Damien told me.

I nodded.

"You're nervous?" Damien asked.

"You know this is the first time I'm travelling out of the city without my parents, so a little."

"Don't be, this airplane is one of its kind, my dad uses it to travel all around the world."

"I'm not nervous for that." I said. "I'm nervous about being far away from home for two months."

I was also nervous about going to an island alone with a guy, I knew that I could trust Damien, he was a very good friend of mine and one of the very few gentleman I knew but it was still weird to spend an entire summer alone with him. Sure Amber and Nate would be joining us but they were only coming a week later and I knew they'd want to spend time alone together so I didn't want to be a third wheel.

"Don't be nervous, it will be fun. You'll see." Damien smiled reassuringly.

I smiled. "I know, we are sleeping in separate rooms right?" I asked with a raised brow.

Damien chuckled. "Yes, I'm not like those types of guys...like Mason for example."

I frowned. "Mason might be a player but he knows his limits, not once has he made me feel uncomfortable or pressured me into anything." I couldn't control my urge to stick up for Mason.

"I was just saying, sorry if I offended you." Damien put his hands up defensively.

"No, I'm sorry. It's the nerves talking, I shouldn't have snapped at you."

'No worries." Damien smiled. "I'm going to see how far they are, I'll be right back."

"Sure." I said and watched Damien walk off.

While waiting for him I remembered I had to put my phone on flight mode so I took the opportunity then and at the same I time I could send a text to Nicole, saying we were about to leave. I pulled out my phone and frowned when I saw I had ten missed calls from my mom.

I got a little worried, my mom wasn't one to panic, she never tried calling me ten times in a row, she'd normally try once or twice and knew I'd call back when I saw the missed call but for her to call ten times meant something was definitely wrong.

I put my phone to my ears and felt myself anxious as the phone rang on the other end. "Carly?" My mom sounded worried. "I hope you haven't left as yet."

"No, what's wrong mom? Is everything alright?" I asked feeling myself getting more worried.

"I'm afraid not. Mason-"

My heartbeat picked up. "What happened?" I cut her off.

Everything froze around me as did my heart when my mother spoke, as each word left her mouth I felt as if I fell deeper and deeper into a hole that was once familiar, only this time I knew I wouldn't be able to climb out of it.

"Carly?" My mother's worried voice spoke. "Carly honey, are you alright?"

"I'll... I uh, I'm coming there now." I said breathlessly before hanging up.

I ran a hand through my hair; I couldn't think straight, all I knew was that I had to get out of here.

"Carly, we have to board the plane..." Damien stopped midway probably seeing my distressed condition. "Carly, what's wrong?" He asked with worry coating his voice.

"I can't go with you Damien, I'm sorry." I said hastily. "I have to leave right now, I have to go."

"Okay, but where? What happened?" Damien asked in an attempt to calm me down.

"I just have to go." I mumbled and started walking away.

Damien caught up with me and held onto my arm. "Carly, you can't go; you have no means of transportation. Let me take you but first tell me what happened and where do you need to go?"

I stopped and looked at him. "The hospital, I need to go to the hospital." I said weakly.

Damien's eyes widened. "What happened?"

I shook my head and felt myself on the brink of tears. "I will explain later, just please take me there before it's too late." I choked and felt a tear roll down my cheek.

Damien nodded. "Alright, okay, let's go." He hastily said and grabbed my hand.

As we walked towards the car my mind played back words my Gramps once told me, 'When you think you've got everything all planned out, fate taps your shoulder and stops you by saying, hold on there, where do you think you're going, I have other plans for you.'

A/N so I wasn't so happy with this chapter, I hope you guys found my writers-block-attempt okay.

I also want to thank all you beautiful people for all the love I get on each chapter, you really motivate me to write and update faster so thank you so much, you have no idea how much your reads, votes, comments and follows mean to me. You guys call me awesome but I have to disagree, you my friends are simply awesome! :'D

'Till Then



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