Home (book four)

By ConWeCallLove

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"Love isn't always perfect. It isn't like a fairy tale or a story book, and it doesn't always come easy. Love... More

zero: wedding planners
one: a birthday party
two: pregnancy tests and private investigators
three: the rehearsal dinner
four: pre wedding jitters
five: the wedding
six: the reception
seven: road trip
eight: cheesy mornings
nine: a walk on the pier
ten: home sick
eleven: pizza and the guilty confessions
twelve: the homecoming
thirteen: the mother in law
fourteen: ultrasounds'
fifteen: naked babies
sixteen: finders keepers
seventeen: cuddle puddles
eighteen: fight night
twenty: the stubborn idiot
twenty-one: a business trip
twenty-two: the break-in
twenty-three: the search party
twenty-four: a business meeting and a phone call
twenty-five: mud pies
twenty-six: elevators
twenty-seven: ice cream and chicken nuggets
twenty-eight: no explanation
twenty-nine: conspiracy theories
thirty: perfectly content
thirty-one: the big reveal
thirty-two: the crazy train
thirty-three: the downfall
thirty-four: bloody footprints
thirty-five: statements
thirty-six: the rant of a villian
thirty-seven: the sounds of the broken
thirty-eight: a deal with the devil
thirty-nine: a plan of attack
forty: daddy dearest
forty-one: road trip
forty-two: the cabin in the woods
forty-three: the bombers
forty-four: hospital waiting rooms
forty-five: one last thing
forty-six: baby blues
forty-seven: a funeral
forty-eight: baby blankets and rocking chairs
forty-nine: one golden year

nineteen: unload

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By ConWeCallLove

nineteen: unload

Louis didn't actually leave, he just went outside and sat down on the front door step. He sat there for what seemed like hours, silently crying as he buries his head in his hands. He wasn't even sure how long he was out there and for the time being he could honestly care less. He didn't want to go back inside, far too angry at Zayn right now to do so. Zayn kept calling him and Louis kept ignoring the calls, he didn't want to talk to Zayn. In a way, he understood why Zayn did what he did... but Louis was still angry that he'd lied to him. 

"Louis? What the hell are you doing out here?" Harry's voice causes Louis to jump a little before he looks up at his best friend with tear stained cheeks. Louis wipes at his eyes as he gives a tearful laugh, shaking his head as he finally looks away. 

"I should be asking you the same thing." 

"Zayn called, he was worried about you." Harry says, sitting down next to Louis on the stairs. Louis scoffs at that, shaking his head again.

"Let him worry. He's the one who's too much of an idiot to realize I'm just outside." 

"Can I ask why you're so angry with him?" Harry asks and Louis takes a deep breath because he can already feel the anger bubbling up again. 

"He lied to me about something pretty big, so I'm angry."  Louis whispers, looking back over at Harry as he runs his hands through his hair. He lets out another laugh because saying it like that made it sound stupid. 

"What about?" Harry asks, even though he knew exactly what it was about. Louis needed to get something off his chest, Harry was more than willing to let Louis use his shoulder to cry on. 

"A few months back, Zayn found the tape of Liam doing... well you know what. He lost it a few days later and neglected to tell me for a few weeks. When he finally did tell me, it was only because his mother had found it and she was using it as leverage to get what she wanted from him. I told him to tell her to go f uck herself and he told me that was exactly what he was going to do. Yesterday, I came into his office to pick him so we could go to the doctors... and low and behold, his mother is there. She gave some bullshit excuse that she was there to see how the company was going, but Zayn didn't even act like he was surprised to see her. He promised to tell me about it later, but he did his lovely thing where he acts like there's nothing to talk about which put me in a mood. This morning I went to apologize, but he was on edge. He left in a rush and I noticed that stupid disc sitting on his desk. When I asked him if he was keeping anything from me, he lied. We fought, I stormed out and here we are." Louis finally finishes talking, shrugging a little as he lets out a long sigh. Harry doesn't say anything for a few moments, feeling a little guilty because Harry knew Zayn had the disc. Zayn had told him what he'd done and he told him he wasn't going to tell Louis... and Harry was on board with it because he wanted Liam to pay for what he did just as much as Zayn did. 

"You have to understand that he has his reason, Lou. He wants to keep you safe, he wants to keep all of you safe. He didn't do this just to piss you off, he didn't keep it from you just so you could hate him for it. He did what he thought was right and he felt that he'd eventually tell you when the time was right." 

"He wasn't going to tell me is the thing Harry, he never tells me any of these types of things. And don't you dare say it's because he was waiting for the right time because that's bullshit. We're married now and even if we weren't, if something involves me it's not his choice to make. I get why he did what he did, I get the fact that he did what he thought was right but that doesn't make me any less pissed that he went behind my back to do it. If he wants this to work, he needs to stop keeping things from me." 

"Well maybe you should go inside and tell him that..." Harry offers but it didn't take much for him to realize that wasn't what Louis wanted to hear. Louis glares over at Harry because that was the last thing Louis wanted to do right now. Even if he had told Harry everything, he was still angry. 

"I'm not going back inside, not until he comes out here looking for me." Louis says stubbornly, pulling his legs up against his chest and resting his chin on top of them. He keeps his gaze on the drive-way, watching as the sun starts to set. Harry makes no move to leave Louis alone outside, leaning back on his hands to watch the sun set with Louis. They sat in silence, neither of them having anything else to say. 


ha. it feels like forever since I last updated...

I mean I've watched an entire season of the Vampire Dairies since I last updated, but that doesn't say much because I tend to binge watch. Honestly, Damon is my favorite character. I don't care if he's a dick 99% of the time, he's my little sad puppy. 

Dedication goes to warzoneziam

QOTC: so how do you guys think Louis will react if he finds out Harry knew about Zayn's plan? 




Connie xx 

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