Little Photographer (Diabolik...

By L_A_Studios

986K 35.5K 10.7K

Meet the Sakamaki's. 6 Vampire males who have lived a pretty luxurious life. But what happens when they are f... More

Information-Before You Read
Photograph 1: Country Girl vs. City Boys
Photograph 2: Dinner with the Sakamaki's
Photograph 3: Torture?
Photograph 4: This is How We Do
Photograph 5: Blood, Vampires, and Tractors
Photograph 6: Sleeping Beauty is Prince Charming
Photograph 7: Lessons?
Photograph 8: Her Spell
Photograph 9: The Breakdown
Photograph 10: Secret Secret
Photograph 11: Calm Place
Photograph 12: Goodbye?
Photograph 13: The Employers
Photograph 14: Pricked by a Thorn of Truth
Photograph 15: In the Garden
Photograph 16: Photo Shoot
Photograph 17: Isn't it Obvious?
Photograph 18: Fangs aren't the Only Sharp Weapons
Photograph 19: Well isn't this a Cliché?
Photograph 20: First Day on the Job
Photograph 21: Well that was Scary
Photograph 22: I Write Tragedies
Photograph 23: The Case of The Mystery Idol
Photograph 24: Punishments and a Reward
Photograph 25: Worse than Vampires
Photograph 26: You Should've Known
Photograph 27: Kidnapped
Photograph 28: Save Me
Photograph 29: Payback?
Photograph 30: Painful Memories
Photograph 31: The Attack
Photograph 32: Blood Moon Intruders
Photograph 33: New Students?!
Photograph 34: Ouch!
Photograph 35: Bring Your Enemy to Work Day!
Photograph 36: Loosen Up
Reader x Characters
Photograph 37: To Go or Not To Go
Photograph 38: Good to be Home
Author Facts!
Photograph 39: Getting Rid of the Parents
Photograph 40: Stitches
Photograph 41: Livestock...Literally
Photograph 42: Behind Blue Eyes
Photograph 43: Number Seven
Random: Little Fandom Stuff
Photograph 44: That's Why
Photograph 46: The Missing Tsun!
Photograph 47: Bright
Why Must You Make Me Feel This Way
Photograph 48: The Stranger
Photograph 49: Brotherly Reunion...Or Not?
Photograph 50: Bully
Photograph 51: Together
Photograph 52: There's Nothing Wrong with Old-Fashioned
Photograph 53: The Mouse and The Lion
Photograph 54: Hater Tater
Photograph 55: Respect-Protect-Love
Photograph 56: Final Interest
Coming to a Close
Photograph 57: Rained In
Movies from Rained In
Photograph 58: Her Strength (Prt.1)
Photograph 59: Her Strength (Prt.2)
Photograph 60: Don't Get Too Close
Photograph 61: The Snake's Awakening
Collaboration Stories
Photograph 62: Kiba Key
Photograph 63: Gone Just Like That
Photograph 64: Can a Bloodsucker Love?
Last A/N
ENDING 1/14: Subaru
ENDING 2/14: Shuu
ENDING 3/14: Nick
ENDING 4/14: Laito
ENDING 5/14: Ruki
ENDING 6/14: Ayato

Photograph 45: The Johnston Twins

8.7K 361 76
By L_A_Studios

(A/N: I'm gonna give you guys a bit more information on Nick and Gracey through this chapter. Enjoy~)

-Y/N's Truck-June 21-
Y/N, Yui, and all twelve vampiric males were driving towards the area that Gracey's -and Nick's- birthday was being held at. Y/N and Yui were in the two front seats, with Reiji, Ruki, and Carla squished together in the back seat, while the other nine were in the bed of the truck.
The reason that all the Vampires were packed like sardines was because, Y/N had learned, they're not able to teleport to places that they've never been to before.
"Here we are guys!" Y/N exclaimed, much to the relief of the brothers, and parked in front of a Victorian styled building.

"It looks a little bit like home~!" Laito exclaimed in an excited manner as everyone began to get out.
"It does...look...old." Azusa nodded his head in agreement.
"Are you saying our house looks old, Half-blood!?" Ayato questioned in annoyance.
"Of course this place looks old." Y/N instantly spoke up, not wanting a dispute on this day of all days. "This is the pack house from when Nicky's great grandfather came to Vixen just about 400 years ago." Y/N explained.
"That explains the smell of wet dog." Shuu muttered, the others nodding in agreement with disgusted expressions.
"Are you sure it's ok for us to be here?" Kou asked while Y/N handed the gifts that the group had brought to Subaru to carry.
"Of course!" Y/N exclaimed. "Gracey insisted that ya'll come. Which reminds me, how come you get along with her but not the other Werewolves?" The (H/C) questioned curiously.
"We get along with a few of them." Kanato stated.
Though they all knew that one reason they got along well with Gracey is because she acted a lot like Y/N. In fact, there were barely any differences between the two, other than the fact that Y/N acted a slight bit more mature than the brunette female.
"Anyways, the party is held out back. So you guys need to just go this way!" Y/N exclaimed, tugging Yui in the direction, holding the cake made the day before.

"Y/N! Yui!" Said two females were tackled into a hug by none-other than the birthday girl herself when they got to the back. -The cake flew into the air and Kanato thankfully caught it-
"Gracey, you're killing me here!" Y/N laughed, though hugged her childhood friend back while Yui was still frozen in her state of shock.
"But ya love me~" Gracey teased as she let go of the girls and winked. "Speaking of love, Nicky will not come out of his office, do ya mind helping me get him out?" Gracey looked at Y/N hopefully.
"I guess." Y/N sighed, then began to walk to the pack house's back door. "Oh! And can you show Subaru where to put the gifts?!" She called out.

~Gracey's POV~
"Sure thing!" I put two thumbs in the air, and chuckled as I watched my best friend go inside to retrieve my brother.
How troublesome he really is. I thought, before my eyes widened as I saw the mountain of presents in Subaru's arms.
"Ah! Let me help you with those, they look really heavy!" I said, wondering why he was the only one carrying the boxes.
"No, I've got it." Subaru stated.
"Huh? Oh, I almost forgot ya'll are Vampires." I laughed as I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment. "I'll show you where to put 'em down. Kanato-kun, just out the cake with the other foods. The rest of ya can just hang out. We got an endless buffet over there, and I'm sure N/N told ya'll to bring your bathing suits so you can swim." I waved to the males, and Yui, before leading Subaru to the table that the presents were supposed to go.
"How has the stay been with those others?" I questioned curiously as I helped put the presents onto the table.
"Others?" I could hear the confusion in his voice, and since I couldn't see his face just yet from the presents he'd been carrying, I guessed he really had no clue what I'd been talking about.
"The half-bloods and full-bloods. It must be hard having to fight for N/N's attention and affection." I chuckled.
I suddenly yelped as I caught the presents that Subaru dropped in his shock.
"How did-Why do-Huh?!"
I laughed as I put the remaining presents on the table. Out of all of them, I got along best with Subaru. "I'm not some idiot, Subaru. I can read my surroundings a lot better than most people, especially Y/N, poor thing." I shrugged. "Any ways, I gotta go greet other guests, so go enjoy yourself, this is a party after all!" I beamed and waved, before walking away.
Those poor boys. I thought as I glanced at the foreign males. If only they knew more about our little N/N.

~Nick's POV~
"Nicholas Alexander Johnston, open this door right now!"
I groaned as I lied my forehead against my desk. "N/N, just leave me alone, I got work to do." I whined out.
It was quiet for a few minutes, and I used my enhanced hearing to pinpoint the sound of her leaving footsteps.
I sighed in relief and went back to doing my paperwork.
Suddenly the door swung open, revealing Y/N with a bobby pin in her hand and a triumphant smirk on her beautiful lips.
I defiantly did not just scream like a girl in my surprise.
"Y/N!" I growled in embarrassment.
"I don't wanna hear it. You're going to get out of this stuffy office and enjoy your nineteenth birthday!" She ordered, slamming her hands onto my desk as if to prove her authority over me.
Damnit, usually I'd fight back but I can see her bathing suit through her shirt. I thought, blushing as I looked away and tried not being a pervert. She'd probably slap me if she knew too.
"Y/N, I have too much paper work to enjoy anything as stupid as a birthday party." I insisted.
"Geez, you sound like your father." I heard her mutter.
I could almost read the regret on her face as soon as I tensed up.
"I'm sorry Nick, I didn't mean it like that...No, actually I did. You're acting just like him! Closing everyone out and doing anything to keep your mind busy!" She stated, an angry look in her eyes.
It was true though, when I was five my father took over from my grandpa. Since then he shut everyone out, including my mother. He only ever talked to me when it came to training to be the next Alpha. I don't know why, but the memories of that bastard made something in me snap.

~3rd POV~
"Shut up!" Nick shouted, standing up so quickly that the chair he'd been sitting on had flown back and hit a wall. Creating a dint there.
Y/N's eyes widened in horror. This was not the boy she'd know for almost sixteen years, she realized as she stared into his now golden colored eyes.
"N-Nick, calm down." She stuttered out, slowly walking to where he stood and placing her hand on his forearm.
It seemed to do the trick, as it often did when they were children and he threw a tantrum.
The two looked into the other's eyes, Y/N's (E/C) ones searching for any signs of danger, while Nick's now emerald ones filled with regret.
"Is everything alright in here?!" A frantic voice questioned, causing both to look at the doorway in surprise.
"Everything is alright Ma." Nick nodded, not moving an inch away from Y/N who still had a hold on his arm.
As if realizing what had just happened, as this often did between herself and her husband during the worst of times, Betsy Johnston smiled sadly and nodded her head. "Alrighty then, I'll be down at the pool with the others if ya need anything. It was nice seeing you again Y/N." Smiled the blonde.
"You too, Ms. Johnston." Y/N warily said back, before Nick's mother walked away.
"I'm sorry." Nick sighed, fully calmed down as he glanced down at Y/N.
"If you're really sorry then you'll come down to the party instead of being shut up in here." Y/N muttered, glancing away from him as she let go of his arm.
Nick instantly grabbed both of Y/N's hands, causing her to look up at him in surprise.
"Fine. But can I ask what you got me for my birthday?" He cheekily smiled at Y/N.
This caused said female to look upset. "You told me not to get you anything!" She exclaimed.
Nick chuckled. "That's because I only want one thing from you." He whispered as he leaned his face closer to hers.
Y/N face erupted into a dark shade of pink. Is he-Is he going to kiss me!? She internally freaked out, but found that she couldn't move herself away.
"W-what would that be?" She managed to squeak out as Nick brushed his lips against her own.
Nick smirked. "Well, you see," He suddenly picked up Y/N and slung her over his shoulder. "Your bathing suit just needs to be used."
Y/N eyes widened in realization. "Nick, you better not-"
But it was too late, as Nick had already run out to the back and thrown the poor girl into the pool.
"Nicky!" Y/N gritted her teeth as she glared at a laughing Nick. Though a smirk then crossed her lips as Shin and Kou casually pushed Nick into the pool as they walked by.
"Oi! Come back here ya demons!" Nick shouted, scrambling to get out of the pool, only to get pulled back in by Y/N and Gracey.

By the end of the day, Y/N was glad she had Carla hold onto her camera.

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