First (H.S.)

By kindastupidkindanot

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(COMPLETED!) (EDITED!) We always do almost everything together. But after that incident 5 years ago, I've nev... More

First (H.S.)


1.1K 20 7
By kindastupidkindanot

(Harry's P.O.V.)

I sighed deeply when I feel her fingertips playing with my hair gently, I tugged her close then snuggled my head against her side.

I heard her giggled making me smile then open my eyes trying to adjust my sight and looked up to her, I noticed that she's now leaning her upper body over the headboard and I'm hugging her thighs and snuggling against her waist.

She's now wearing my black and red Manchester United tee shirt that looks so big for her, tucked in her red high waist jean shorts, plain black knee high fuzzy sock, with her necklace hanging on her neck and black cord bracelet over her left wrist.

Half of her hair is now tied in a messy top knot bun and the other half were cascaded down to both of the side of her neck without her glasses.

"Good morning." She said then chuckled, I palmed my face then sit up beside her "Good morning gorgeous." I greeted then tugged her close against my chest and hugged her tight making her squirmed when I kissed the right crook of her neck.

"You can still walk after what I did to you last night?" I asked in disbelief with my voice a bit raspy causing her laugh and tugged my hair slightly causing me to groan "You dork." She muttered while laughing then hit my stomach with her left elbow slightly making me grunt lowly and chuckled.

"I need to go to the university to grab an application form and pass my requirements before 12 and straight to the café to finish the murals." She said trying to free out of my grip "No." I whined causing her to laugh "I already did you mercilessly good last night right? You're supposed to not be able to walk for long." I groaned in annoyance earning a slapped on my head with her right hand making me wince.

"I baked chocolate muffins for you, I used some of the truffles to make it and it's already quarter to ten in the Sunday morning." She said then chuckled, I smiled goofily then peck on her lips making her crinkle her nose adorably and giggle.

"I swear I'm the luckiest." I said then kissed both of her cheeks "Can I go with you? Please?" I asked childishly causing her to laugh and nodded her head 'yes' making me grin happily, I climb out of the bed and grab my stuffs from the nightstand then slipped on my slippers.

I run my way to the door then open it "I love you!" I yelled then heard her laugh while I go straight to my room, I throw my stuff over the bed and entered the bathroom.

I stripped and put my dirty clothes inside the hamper then take a quick cold shower, I grab my towel then wrapped it around my torso and start brushing my teeth and stuff.

I walked out then go across my closet and grab my black Calvin Klein boxers, plain black tank top, black and red Manchester United varsity jacket, black cargo shorts, and white socks.

I put it all on then grab my black Nike running shoes and slipped it on, I wear my black strapped wristwatch over my left wrist then snatched my phone, keys and wallet and put it in my pockets.

I grab my black snapback and Ray ban sunglasses then walked out of my room and run my way to the hallway and downstairs.

I entered the kitchen and noticed that she's now sitting over the stool while braiding some pieces of her hair, with her red Nike rubber shoes on, black jacket tied around her waist and her red and black Manchester United snap back over the island beside her black Michael Kors leather backpack.

I walk my way and take a seat beside her, I grab one of the fancy looking muffins over the plate and started eating it.

"Uhmm, this is awesome." I complimented honestly making her shrugged and chuckled then I continue devouring it.

"Do you mind?" she asked pointing over my hair "Huh?" I asked her with a frown "Can I tie your hair?" she asked again while trying to stop herself from laughing.

"Oh God." I muttered groaning then continue eating and nodded at her in approval making her laugh and stand up, She take off my snapback and put it over the island.

She started to brush my hair gently while I grab another muffin and continue eating "Did you take your medicines already?" I asked her "Yes, And it taste horrible as always. But I like my new electrolytes because it's different than the one that I usually drink at the hospital, It taste like an actual apple juice." She said then chuckled while doing stuffs to my hair.

"Good." I said then finish eating and grab the glass of apple juice then drink it all, I put the empty glass down while she started to laugh.

"Look at you! Now we look like twins!" she said jokingly then handed me a mirror while laughing, I frowned then grab the mirror and stared at my reflection.

Half of my hair is tied up messily and the other half were down and has a few braids just like hers, I stared at her in disbelief making her laugh even more.

"You've got to be kidding me." I said in amusement and started laughing too then she snatched the mirror and put it inside her backpack, she zipped it close and grabbed her snapback then put it over her head lazily.

"Don't you dare take that off." She said while laughing "Who says I'm going to?" I said then chuckled making her laugh even more, I grab my snapback and put it on then carry her bag.

"We look like an idiots." She said then chuckled and leads the way out while I followed her behind, We exited her house and walked our way to her black 4 doors Jeep Wrangler.

She hopped in the driver's seat while I hopped in the passenger seat and put her bag behind over the back seat, She open the gate with her remote and started to drive out then lock it again.

"Are you sure you're okay now?" I asked her making her roll her eyes and chuckled "Obviously." She muttered while chuckling.

"So you're going to attend at the university this coming school year?" I asked her then smirked "Damn you." She muttered making me laugh "What?" I asked her with a fake innocent tone.

"I'm just going to fill it up, doesn't mean that I'm actually going to." She said then chuckled making me frown at her "Just go enter college! Geez woman, Education is a must!" I scolded her jokingly.

"Says the one who ditched high school and become a super famous and rich band member of One Direction, You inspired me so much Mr. Styles. Thanks for your wonderful words." She said sarcastically making us both burst into fits of laughter.

"Hey! I'm still planning to finish it all! I'm still thinking about taking law, physiotherapy degree or sociology and business!" I said defensively while laughing "Nice, Go get your own degree then I'll say yes." She said then smirked making my jaw dropped in disbelief.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I asked in horror "It took a bunch of years to finish law and pass the board exams! Physiotherapy and sociology too! And I wouldn't be able to do that within ten years because of my current career!" I whined then crossed my arms making her laugh hysterically.

"I'm debating whether to take it online and travel the world or attend the actual uni." She said while laughing then shrugged "Oh! Just take it online then go with us on our next tour! We're going to visit Asia." I asked her suggestively.

"No thank you." She said then chuckled making me frown and pout "Boo! Why?" I asked her childishly.

"As I said, I'm still debating. And my mum wants me and Reese to visit our grandmother at Barcelona next summer, Granny Leona wants me to stay there for college too because I'm her favorite grandchild you know." She said crinkling her nose and chuckled.

"But of course I don't want to stay in Spain, I don't really understand their language that much. I love my life here in L.A. now, and dad wants me to visit some of our business branches in Asia too, I'm one hell of a busy woman!" she groaned making us both laugh.

"The reason why you're Dora." I said jokingly while laughing "Of course." She groaned dramatically "I think I'll just start it all once you disperse for your tour, I was thinking of travelling with Reese. We'll do what dad suggested because it's an all expense paid trip and then visit our granny." She said with her eyebrows furrowed then shrugged.

"I think I'll just take it up online, But I still need to fill up the form and take the scheduled entrance exam." She groaned "You're nerd, you can do that!" I cheered making her chuckled "You're secretly nerd too so shut up!" she said then snorted and rolled her eyes.

"True." I muttered making us both laughed, I notice that we're already inside the parking lot of the university.

She parked the car on the available spot for the visitors then turned off the ignition and grab her keys, she untie her black varsity jacket and put it on then grab her backpack and open it.

"I should have called Chase, I have no idea where the hell is the administration office located at." She muttered then grabbed a brown envelope and zipped it closed again "What university is this?" I asked her in confusion.

"U.S.C., CC graduated business here remember? I'm going to sign up myself and try their entrance exam here for Computer Science in Multimedia Arts and Creatives. If I pass then I'm going, but if I don't then I'll go attend CalArts." She said coolly then shrugged and snatched her Ray ban sunglasses from the small compartment and hung it over her neckline.

"If you want you can wait here, I'm just going to submit this and fill up the application forms there." She suggested "No way, I wanna go too. I barely walk in an actual uni except when Gem graduated." I said then chuckled making her shook her head in amusement and we both hopped out of her car.

She locked it while I walk my way and stopped beside her, I wrapped my right arms around her waist then she put on her sunglasses while I copied her. She chuckled then we both started to walk our way.

"Charlie!" she called the familiar strawberry blonde lad who's wearing a white v-neck shirt, black jogger pants, varsity jacket and white Supras standing beside his lime green sports car.

"Bitch!" he cheered with his Aussie accent then run and engulfed her in a hug making me laugh "Oh! Hello there Harry!" he greeted me then pulled me in a manly hug then turned to Tori.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she asked him making him chuckled "I'm with Chad, he decided to give it a shot here for his coming college years." He said motioning for the lad beside him who looks exactly like him but a bit taller and his hair is styled up, he's wearing a gray Adidas sweater, black ripped jeans and light blue Nike basketball shoes.

"Hey Tori!" He greeted her nicely "Hey Chad! This is Harry, he's my boyfriend." She said pointedly at me, we shook our hands gladly then let go "He's my brother and still in senior high, he's only 17." Charlie said to me making me nodded and smile at them genuinely.

"Oh, What are you doing here anyways?" he asked Tori "Gonna try to apply here for this coming school year." She said then shrugged "Is it okay if we go with you two? I have no idea where the hell does the admin located at." She explained "Of course!" he groaned then rolled her eyes jokingly making us chuckled.

They both lead the way while Tori and I followed them behind.

"I've heard what happened to you yesterday, aren't you supposed to take rest bitch? But to be honest, you didn't seem like you just went out of the I.C.U." Charlie said making her laugh.

"I'm totally fine now, I don't really feel like I just got bailed out of the hospital." She said while laughing "You're impossible." He said in disbelief "You have no idea." I groaned making him laugh.

After a few minutes, we entered a massive hall and an old lady greeted us. Charlie told her that they're going to get an application form, the lady handed a folders each to Tori and Chad.

Tori pulled out a black pen from her pocket then lean against the counter and fill up the forms from the folder while Chad did the same.

Charlie and I waited on the side while talking about Tori's modeling offers.

"You have no idea how many offers from different high end fashion that she always got, she's not really into it though. I will never forget that day when CC and I forced her to do all the trial shoot, we literally bribed her stuffs." He muttered then laughed silently.

"Chase actually sent me one of her picture." I muttered while chuckling then pulled out my phone and show him Tori's picture as my lock screen "Did she tried to kill CC?" he asked in amusement.

"Yeah, she even threatened him about some picture of him that she'll post in her accounts if he didn't delete her picture but Chase sent it to me before he even deleted it." I muttered then laugh

"Do you mind if I share the rest of her pictures from my phone to yours?" he asked with a smirk then wave his phone and chuckled "I don't mind at all." I muttered then smirked, he passed the pictures to my phone using Bluetooth then he put his phone back inside his pocket.

"She desperately wanted me to delete that, Of course I didn't." He muttered then rolled his eyes, I nodded at him then thanked him while I open my gallery and open the first picture making my jaw dropped in awe.

She's wearing a black Calvin Klein triangle laced bra, black floral kimono, low waist light washed distressed boyfriend jeans showing the waistband of her Calvin Klein underwear, thin black strapped bracelet over her right hand, her silver crossed necklace, a few rings and big silver and black loop earrings with her feet bare against the grass.

Her golden brown hair is pushed over the left side of her neck, her eyes has a black smudge and brown eye shadow, her lips were painted with nude lipstick and the rest were natural.

It's a photo of her right side while leaning against the brick wall, holding her cross necklace up with her left hand and staring at it, she's biting her lower lip with her right hand tucked inside her jean pocket and her right foot against the wall.

She looks so breathtaking as always.

"Wow." I breathed out making him chuckle silently "I'm the one who choose all of her clothes there and take that photos, it's only a candid picture while we're taking a minute break." He muttered proudly.

"You have a serious talent." I said genuinely making him grin happily "Thank you, but admit it mate, she's so beautiful and looks so natural in the camera." He muttered.

"I agree, She's so beautiful even before, she's just too in denial and insecure to accept it." I said then chuckled "True that." He said and chuckled as well.

I set it as my new lockscreen and wallpaper, I was about to scroll through the other pictures when Tori called me. I locked it immediately then slipped it inside my pocket causing Charlie to laugh in amusement.

"We're done, They scheduled us both for the exam next Saturday." Chad said then shrugged and Tori nodded her head 'yes', We all walked out of the hall then Charlie and Chad separated their way since they're gonna visit their sister who's studying Mechanical Engineering here too.

Tori and I said our goodbyes to them then I thanked Charlie, we both sauntered our way back to the parking lot with my right arm around her waist while she's humming 'Chasing Pavements by Adele'.

"I know you're hiding something." She suddenly muttered making me gulped and bit my lower lip "Confirmed." She muttered then chuckled and rolled her eyes "Charlie sent you my photos didn't he?" she asked causing me to stare at her in horror while she smirked at me.

"I open my phone then texted Chase and saw that my Bluetooth is open, I was about to turn it off but his name and yours were in my list. I saw you two talking with your phones out on the corner, if I wasn't busy filling up the form I could have beat the shit out of you both." She muttered making me groan in defeat.

"Damn it." I muttered causing her to burst into fits of laughter "Care to show me what picture is it? I actually haven't seen any except for the one that Chase sent you." She said then shrugged.

"I won't delete it." She muttered reassuringly "Fine, Just the lock screen though." I said then smirked and grab my phone from my pocket and showed her picture "What the fuck?" she muttered in disbelief while blushing making me chuckled then slipped my phone back inside my pocket.

"That was the time when Chase became a part of the Calvin Klein campaign and I followed him there because I forgot my house keys with me to borrow his, they asked me to do a trial shoot for them and I couldn't say no because the actual designer was there that time." She said defensively.

"But I couldn't remember that I have that kind of photo though." She muttered with a frown "Charlie said it's just a candid photo while you're taking a break, stolen picture." I said then shrugged.

"Ah, I do remember that now." She said then sighed deeply "What were you thinking that time?" I asked her cheekily making her blush even more "I-I was thinking about how stupid am I to agree to that shoot, that's it." She stuttered for a bit causing me to laugh.

"You're not good at lying baby girl, honest answer please." I said teasingly then we stopped once we're both in front of her car, she turned to me with her arms crossed while frowning.

"I was thinking the 'what if's' and all the stupidity that can happen once you discover that your childhood best friend who are supposed to be dead were doing a trial shoot for Calvin Klein or Victoria's Secret lingerie in magazines, Can you imagine that? That would be so fucking awkward and shame on me." She muttered making me burst into fits of laughter then we hopped in her car and buckled up.

"So you're not mad about that picture." I said then raised my eyebrows, she chuckled and started driving "Why would I?" she asked making me frown "Because you nearly killed Chase the last time." I said then chuckled.

"I look so sexy in that picture, send it to me please. I'm gonna use that as a profile picture for my accounts." She said cheekily then smirked "I agree about you being so sexy and stuff but are you serious?!" I asked her in disbelief and amusement making her laugh "Just kidding." She said while laughing.

I smirked then grab her phone from her pocket and send the picture to her phone, I filtered it with black and white then used it as a profile picture to her accounts.

"Nice, you want other lads to see that picture." She said jokingly without a care "I don't give any flying fuck about them, just showing those twats what you've got and what I have." I said cheekily then put her phone back to her pocket while I put mine inside my pocket.

"Of course." She said rolling her eyes her phone suddenly rings then she answered it over the earpiece.

"Tori speaking... Oh, mum!... Yeah... I went to the uni with Haz... I'm fine mum, don't worry... Application form... No, University of Southern California... Just trying... Next Saturday with Chad Hempshire... Coffee shop, gonna finish the murals today... I don't mind... Okay... Yeah, Bye!" she speak then the call ended.

I open the radio and a song 'Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana' played causing her to raised her eyebrows and smirked.

"Don't change that!" she swatted my hand away making me laugh "Can I open the window?" I asked her, she chuckled then press something to tap down the roof and windows.

"That's better." I said then smirked and crossed my arms while leaning my back against the backrest and my feet crossed over the dash board.

After a few minutes of driving, we reached the café and parked her car to her usual spot then tap the windows and roof closed.


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