Home (book four)

By ConWeCallLove

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"Love isn't always perfect. It isn't like a fairy tale or a story book, and it doesn't always come easy. Love... More

zero: wedding planners
one: a birthday party
two: pregnancy tests and private investigators
three: the rehearsal dinner
four: pre wedding jitters
five: the wedding
six: the reception
seven: road trip
nine: a walk on the pier
ten: home sick
eleven: pizza and the guilty confessions
twelve: the homecoming
thirteen: the mother in law
fourteen: ultrasounds'
fifteen: naked babies
sixteen: finders keepers
seventeen: cuddle puddles
eighteen: fight night
nineteen: unload
twenty: the stubborn idiot
twenty-one: a business trip
twenty-two: the break-in
twenty-three: the search party
twenty-four: a business meeting and a phone call
twenty-five: mud pies
twenty-six: elevators
twenty-seven: ice cream and chicken nuggets
twenty-eight: no explanation
twenty-nine: conspiracy theories
thirty: perfectly content
thirty-one: the big reveal
thirty-two: the crazy train
thirty-three: the downfall
thirty-four: bloody footprints
thirty-five: statements
thirty-six: the rant of a villian
thirty-seven: the sounds of the broken
thirty-eight: a deal with the devil
thirty-nine: a plan of attack
forty: daddy dearest
forty-one: road trip
forty-two: the cabin in the woods
forty-three: the bombers
forty-four: hospital waiting rooms
forty-five: one last thing
forty-six: baby blues
forty-seven: a funeral
forty-eight: baby blankets and rocking chairs
forty-nine: one golden year

eight: cheesy mornings

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By ConWeCallLove

eight: cheesy mornings

Louis wakes up to the feeling of sunshine on his face and the feeling of someone's lips pressed softly against his shoulder. Louis smiles at the feeling, keeping his eyes closed for another minute as Zayn continues to press soft kisses into Louis' exposed skin.

"Good morning." Zayn whispers after Louis lets out a soft hum. Louis turns around, laying on his back as he blinks open his eyes. 

"Good morning." Louis whispers back, continuing to smile up at Zayn who is now hovering over him. 

"What does my husband feel like doing today?" Zayn asks, earning another soft hum from Louis as he once again closes his eyes. Zayn falls back onto the bed, laying down on his side and pulling Louis close to his chest. Louis' smile grows even more due to the sound of Zayn's heart beat, he could never ever grow used to that sound. It always sounded like home... 

"Laying in bed all day sounds nice, but so does the beach...." Louis says after a moment, opening his eyes again and sitting up a little in the bed. Zayn props himself up on his elbow as Louis sits up completely, a smirk finding its way onto his face. 

"What?" Louis asks when he sees the way Zayn is looking at him. Zayn doesn't say anything for a moment, continuing to stare at Louis like he was the most interesting thing in the entire world. Louis quirks an eyebrow when Zayn still refuses to answer his question.

"You're beautiful." Zayn finally whispers, earning an eye roll from Louis but that doesn't mean a faint blush didn't find its way onto his cheeks. 

"You're cheesy." 

"Hey, I'm allowed to call you beautiful whenever I want to, not that I wasn't allowed to call you beautiful before... but you're my husband now, so be prepared for me to be cheesy as hell when I wake you up in the morning. You're beautiful." Zayn says, leaning up to give Louis a soft kiss on the cheek. 

"I like it when you say that." Louis whispers, a small grin on his face. 

"That you're beautiful?" 

"No... that you're my husband. I honestly never thought we'd ever get here..." Louis says honestly, shrugging a little when Zayn gives him a curious look. 

"What do you mean by that?" Zayn asks, now sitting up in the bed as well. Louis shrugs again, biting his bottom lip before he looks down at his hands. 

"I don't know... We were just touch and go for so long, you know? I figured it was only a matter of time before something came along and ruined everything... I'm glad it didn't though, I'm glad that we've finally gotten to this point in our lives... I literally feel like nothing can touch us right now, not your mom, not Liam... It's just us and our family." Louis looks back up at Zayn, unable to keep the smile off of his face because he was genuinely happy. He felt like he was on top of the world and nothing was going to bring him down. 

"I'm glad that we've made it to this point too." Zayn says, smiling back but it was a little more forced than Louis' due to the fact that he knew a few more things than Louis did. He wasn't going to focus on those today though or really for the next week because this was his honeymoon and he wanted to spend every minute of it with a happy Louis.

"So what are we going to do today?" Louis asks, noticing a lull in the conversation. 

"Let's go to the beach. I could use the sunshine and the water sounds great right about now. I wanna take a shower first though, care to join?" Zayn asks, already rolling out of the bed before Louis even got the chance to respond. 

"Do you even need to ask?" Louis asks, rolling his eyes before he too rolls out of the bed. Zayn walks towards the bathroom to turn on the shower, but his phone goes off before he gets the chance to. Louis shakes his head, but he's got a small smile on his face still.

"Go ahead and answer it, I'll be waiting." Louis says, turning on the shower for Zayn as the older walks back into the hotel room. Zayn grabs his phone off the nightstand, accepting the call without even bothering to look at the caller ID.


"Mr. Malik? It's Todd. Is now a good time?" Zayn's private investigator was on the other line, causing Zayn's heart to skip a beat. He looks over towards the bathroom, biting his bottom lip nervously. If Todd was calling, it meant one of two things... He'd found something on Liam and Zayn wasn't sure if he wanted to hear what it was quite yet. 

"I guess..." Zayn says after a minute, walking as far away from the bathroom as he could. He knew that the chances of Louis hearing him were slim, but Zayn really didn't want this to ruin their honey moon. 

"Excellent, now as you remember you hired me yet again to find your step brother and I'm happy to report that I have done just that. He's staying at the same place as that Louis guy was at... That house down in Yorkshire." Todd says like it's the greatest thing in the world, but Zayn didn't like it all. 

"Thanks." Zayn says, hanging up the phone before clenching it in his hand. He closes his eyes, taking in a deep breath. He doesn't know how long he stands there like that, but it must have been for a little while.

"Zayn? Everything alright?" Louis asks and Zayn looks over towards the bathroom. Zayn gives Louis a soft smile, clearing his throat before nodding.

"Everything's just fine." 


so fluffy.

i cry.

also, y'all aren't funny with the whole 69 kids thing. although I should've seen it coming cause you're all a bunch of sarcastic little shits but i love you guys anyways.

i mean if you guys have read Shiver... I wouldn't be f ucking surprise if we got to 69... BUT TO BE FAIR, IT'S NOT THAT UNCOMMON FOR PEOPLE TO HAVE BIG FAMILIES. I MEAN FOR GODSAKE LOUIS HAS LIKE SEVEN SIBLINGS. 

okay. i'm done now.

dedication goes to slayzarryslay

QOTC: do you guys think Zayn will tell Louis about the whole Liam thing?




Connie xx 

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