First (H.S.)

By kindastupidkindanot

195K 3.5K 1.1K

(COMPLETED!) (EDITED!) We always do almost everything together. But after that incident 5 years ago, I've nev... More

First (H.S.)


1.2K 23 7
By kindastupidkindanot

(Harry's P.O.V.)

We already reach the house and park my car to it's previous spot then turn off the ignition and slipped my keys inside my pocket.

"Okay kids, We're here." Tori said while chuckling and unbuckle their seatbelts then we all hopped out of the car.

We entered the house silently and saw the lads, Reese and Gemma sprawled across the couch while busy watching a horror movie 'The Ring'.

Chase sauntered his way behind Gemma who's sitting on the couch beside Reese, She motion for the girls to walk silently beside her. 

They nodded then followed him and stopped behind Reese, Tori and I stifled a laugh while watching them in amusement.

I immediately pulled out my phone and video them, Chase lean down near Gem with his arms crossed.

"Boo." he said cooly making them all jumped in shock and scream.

"You dumbass!" Gem yelled in annoyance then hit him with a pillow.

"Hello Reese!" Gin, Mav and Meg greeted in unison, Reese turned to them and stared at them in horror with her jaw dropped.

"Can someone please pinch me? I think I'm starting to have an hallucinations." she muttered in obvious shock.

Mavin and Megan suddenly pinched her in cheeks causing her to wince and swatted their hands.

"Since when did you two get in here?!" she asked in disbelief "A few hours ago, Surprise!" they both cheered in unison then run their way to Reese and engulfed her with hug.

"They're staying here for good, Aunt Rachell is with mum and dad today. Welcome back to the hell Reese." Chase said jokingly causing her to groan.

I close my phone then walk our way to them while Gin run to Niall.

"Princess!" Niall cheered then sit her down to his thigh and hugged her making her giggle "Nialler!" she greeted and hugged him back, Chase sit beside Gemma while laughing.

"I thought you were going back here tomorrow?" she asked him "Well, Dad is too eager to go home because of the event tomorrow. He couldn't wait so he used the private plane of the company to fly all the way here." he said then shrugged.

"Reese! Is he your boyfriend? Chase showed us a picture of you two from his phone!" Megan asked her referring to Liam who's sitting on her right side causing us to laugh "No Meg, he's not my boyfriend." she said in horror then poked Megan's side making her squirmed.

"Hello! I'm Megan! It's totally fine with me if you date my sister!" Meg said then shook Liam's hand while he's staring at her in amusement and Reese groaned "It's nice to meet you Megan, I'm Liam." he said while chuckling.

"I'm Mavin! Do you like my sister?" Mavin asked bluntly making us all burst into fits of laughter while Reese is blushing and staring at them both in horror "Hi Mavin! She doesn't know, But since you asked. Yes, I do like your sister." Liam said cheekily then shook her hand causing us to stare at him in amusement.

"You've been here for only a few minutes but you're burning me already!" Reese whined in frustration "You're not on fire, We don't have fire so technically we aren't burning you." Meg said innocently with a frown while all of us laugh.

They all introduced themselves to the lads and we all take a pictures with them on Reese cell phone.

"Here's your tank top Tori!" Ginri said handing her a tank top with a Statue of Liberty and a word 'ILoveNYC' printed on it "Nice, Thank you baby girl!" Tori said then kissed her cheek making her giggle, She handed Gem and Reese too with a same exact design like Tori's causing them to laugh.

"What about us?!" Zayn asked her while pouting "I bought a tank tops for you all too! Here!" she said then handed us a plain white tank top each with 'ILoveNYC' printed on it making us laugh "Thank you!" I said to her then pinch her cheeks slightly.

"Let's swim there!" Megan said excitedly referring to the pool outside "Aren't you tired?" Tori asked in disbelief "Please Tori! We want you to teach us how to swim!" Mavin pleaded.

"You have a mini pool there! we aren't going to swim in that big one, That's scary!" Ginri said making us all laugh.

"Did you bring your swimwears and arm floaters?" Tori asked in defeat "Yes! We're always ready!" Meg said while giggling "Okay, Let's go upstairs so you can change." she groaned then stand up and lead them three upstairs.

"Hold the fuck up Payne, You like me?!" Reese suddenly asked in realisation and shock making us turn to her "I wouldn't repeat myself to you Evans." Liam said smugly while chuckling "What the fuck?" she muttered while blushing causing us to laugh.

"I'm gonna go change first, What a great way to admit it to Reese that you like her Liam. I'll be back later." I said dismissively while chuckling then walk my way upstairs.

I entered my room then put my stuff above the bed and change my pants with a green and white basketball shorts. I take off my button down long sleeves and shirt then grab my phone.

I exited my room and entered Tori's, I spotted her still wearing her white crop tee shirt but with a gray Calvin Klein spandex shorts, black slippers and her reading glasses.

She's helping Mav with her arm floaters while Gin and Meg were already wearing their swim wear, arm floaters and slippers with their goggles hanging on their necks while putting on a lotion and the towels beside Tori.

"Why aren't you wearing a tee shirt?!" Ginri asked in horror making me and Tori laugh "That's how he is Gin, He doesn't like wearing tee shirts around the house." Tori explained "You're just like Chase! He always walks around our house without tee shirt." she said while giggling then I sit beside Tori.

"You're hair is so curly and cool." Meg said in amusement while giggling making me chuckled then shake my hair near her causing her to squirm and laugh.

"Geez, I feel like a mother whenever I'm with you three." Tori groaned then lay down to the bed.

"I feel so lazy." she groaned making them all giggle and tugged her up "Get up! We want to swim! You need to teach us how!" Gin said while laughing.

"Tori!" Megan whined then they kissed her cheeks "Okay I'm up." She said then sit up "Or not." she muttered then launched back on the bed.

I laugh when the girls whined trying to tug her up "Harry! Help us!" Gin whined causing me to laugh even more "Don't you dare!" Tori yelled while laughing.

"I gave you a tank top! Carry her in return or I'll hide her away from you!" Gin said smugly at me making me stare at her in disbelief.

"Get up gorgeous, You're sister is scaring me!" I yelled jokingly while poking Tori's side causing her to squirmed while the girls were watching us with their arms crossed "No!" She groaned "Fine." I said then carry her up over my right shoulder effortlessly then grab the towels.

"Put me down Harold!" she yelled trying to wiggle out of my grip while Gin, Mav and Meg were laughing "Off to the backyard ladies!" I cheered then they all run out of the room while I followed them "Put me down Haz." she groaned "Nope, You'll run back to your room if I did." I said while chuckling.

We walk downstairs and heard the lads, Gem and Reese laughing at us. "Bro! Help me!" Tori squirmed "No." Chase said while laughing "No one wants to volunteer as a tribute!" Reese said while laughing.

I walked straight to the backyard while the girls stop in front of the round shaped mini glass pool beside the infinity one.

I throw her over the pool and the girls were all laughing "Harry! You're so gonna regret this!" She screamed while gasping for air and put her glasses, slippers and phone on the ground making me laugh, I grab it then place her phone and glasses over the counter of the bar along with the towels and my phone then put her slippers on the ground.

I take off my slippers then walk back and hopped in the pool with the water only stop on my waist.

I was taken by surprise when Tori tripped me with her right foot causing me to slammed down the water backwards.

I pushed myself up and gasped for air "Oh God." I winced when I feel my nose sting, I pinched the bridge of my nose and cough.

"Oops? Sorry." she said guiltily while chuckling then examine my face and push my hair back away from my face "It's just a water dork, Hop in kids." Tori called them, They take off their slippers then sit over the edge of the pool and put on their goggles.

"Tori!" Gin called her, She lift her up and carry Gin "It's not that deep, Tell me if you can reach the ground." Tori said while chuckling then put her down gently while Gin is gripping her right arm "I couldn't reach it!" She squirmed making us laugh.

I carried Mav and Meg then put them down gently while they're gripping my forearms "Ah!" Meg squirmed.

"Swing your legs gently." Tori instructed them while laughing, They nodded then obeyed her.

"I'm going to let go of you Gin, You know what to do. Just move your arms gently like this." She showed Gin, Gin nodded then she pulled her up and lay her over her forearms.

"Start." Tori command, she started moving while Tori is guiding her "On three, One, Two, Three." she said then let go of her.

I noticed that the twins were watching Gin in amusement then giggles, Tori shrugged then Ginri swim up and gasped for air.

"Ha! I can swim now!" she said proudly then stuck her tongue out making us laugh.

"You can do it alone now?" Tori asked her "Yes!" she said then giggle "Very good." Tori said while chuckling.

"Come here Meg, You're next." She said then Meg gripped her waist and let go of my right forearm while Mav is still gripping my left forearm.

"I will be your instructor, Just do what Tori said." I instructed Mav, She nodded then I lift her over my forearms while she's moving her legs against the water.

"Okay, Move gently so you wouldn't hurt yourselves. I'll bake for you later if you do this right." Tori said while chuckling they do what she said while we're guiding them.

"On three we'll let go of you two, I've already teach you this before. You know what to do, Just do how Gin did." Tori instructed.

"One, two, three." she said then we both let go of them as they swim easily.

"Very good cuties." Tori said while chuckling.

"Nice, You can be a great teacher." I complimented "Nah, They just listen to me. If you let Chase and Reese teach them, They'll just throw a tantrums and leave them." she said then both of us laugh.

"We can swim now!" Meg squeals happily "Tell me if your ankles feel stiff or something okay?" Tori said "Okay!" They said then swim near Tori and hugged her over her waist.

"I want strawberry cheese cupcakes later!" Mavin cheered "Strawberry!" Ginri squeals making us laugh "Me too! I want!" Megan said the giggle.

"Just like what Haz asked me to bake for later but you want it to look like a cupcakes, Wow." she said in amusement making me laugh "I'm still waiting for you to bake again though." I said while laughing.

"Of course, Anything else you want me to bake or cook cuties?" Tori asked them "Chocolate chip cupcakes!" Megan said "Oh! Red velvet cupcakes and we will decorate it with icings and stuff!" Ginri said excitedly.

"Wow, That's too much. Okay, I'll do it. Thank goodness my kitchen is ready for the three of you." Tori said jokingly making them giggle.

"You're always making me feel like I'm your mother, I feel so mature!" She groaned causing us to laugh "Your parents aren't paying me for this!" she complained then rolled her eyes jokingly "Oh come on! You love us that's why!" Ginri said while laughing.

"Geez! How did you know that?!" she asked playfully "Because." Mav answered then giggle "Good reasoning Mav." Tori said sarcastically "I know." she fired back while laughing.

"You can swim now?" Chase asked, walking his way to us and now wearing only a pair of gray cargo shorts and slippers, While the rest of the gang go straight to the infinity pool and started swimming.

"Yes! Watch this Chase!" Gin said then swim all the way to the edge of the pool easily "Very good Gin, What about you two?" he asked the twins, They copied Gin and stopped beside her.

"Nice to know that you've learned immediately from T, I've been teaching you three for the past few days in New York but you keep on telling me you can't." Chase said in disbelief "Because you nearly drowned me!" Gin yelled then splash a water on him causing us to laugh.

"It's your fault! You said you know what to do!" He said defensively "I only said I get your point but you didn't warned me that you'll let go of me!" Gin fired back "You're insane." Tori said in amusement while we're both laughing.

"Fine, My fault. Wanna swim there?" Chase asked them pointedly at the infinity pool while smirking "No way!" the three of them yelled in unison making us laugh even more "I thought you already know how to swim?" he asked challenging them.

"Cut it Chase." Tori said while laughing "Just challenging them sis, If you can swim there I'll buy you a tub of ice cream that you want tomorrow." he bribe them, The girls immediately hopped out of the water then stand in front of him "Deal!" They all said in unison then run over the infinity pool.

"No!" Tori yelled in panic then we both hopped out of the pool and she flick his brother's forehead "You're so childish!" Tori scolded him while I followed the girls over the pool.

"Mav! Meg! Gin!" I called them "Lads!" I called their attention, They all laugh then swim over the edge and stopped the three little girls. I immediately jump in and stopped in front of them.

"This pool is a lot more deeper than that one girls."I scolded them "Carry?" Gin asked making me chuckled then motion for her to jump, I catch her then she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my torso.

"Come here Mav and Meg." I said then I let them grip my shoulders while Tori and Chase jumped along "Gotcha." Chase said then carry Mav over her shoulders causing her to squirm and giggle.

"Megan!" Lou called Meg then lifted her up and put her over his shoulders while she squirmed, I carry Ginri over my shoulders too causing her to scream and laugh.

"Niall!" Liam yelled when Niall shoot him with the water gun on his face making us all laugh "You are so dead!" Liam said then swim his way to Niall then dragged him down the water.

They both launched up and gasped for air while we're all laughing "Reese! Your future boyfriend is hurting Nialler! Control him!" Ginri yelled jokingly making us laugh even more while Reese is staring at her in horror.

"Yeah! Your future boyfriend!" Mav and Meg tease her "I'm going to kick you two back in Florida if you didn't stop!" Reese taunted them but they just laugh "Sure! Mommy and Daddy will kick you out of the house if you did." Mav said with victory smile.

"I wanna end my life now." Reese groaned causing us to laugh again "Gin!" Niall yelled when Liam attempted to push him down again "Li! Stop that!" Gin scolded him while all of us were laughing, Niall swim his way to us then motion Gin to hopped off of me.

I lifted her of then placed her around Nialler's shoulders then he handed her the water gun "Aim for Reese's future boyfriend!" Niall yelled while Gin aimed the water gun to Liam who's watching them in amusement "Fire!" Niall yelled childishly.

My jaw dropped in disbelief when Gin really did fired it on Liam's face causing him to squirmed and stumbled backwards making him launched down the pool.

"Ginri!" Tori scolded her while everyone is laughing "I just followed him!" she said pointedly to Niall while they're laughing, Liam gasped for air then started laughing along "Oh my God, She can aimed well." he said in disbelief.

"I'm sorry!" Gin said while laughing "You're teaching her to be violent Horan!" Li said while laughing "You started it Payne!" Niall fired back.

I squirmed when a splash of water hit my face hard, I gasped then started to whoever did that and saw Tori with a water gun while aiming it to me and smirking deviously.

"First you tripped me over the mini pool, And now this?! You're so dead Victoria!" I yelled making them all laugh while Tori squirmed and swim away.

I immediately swim my way to her and wrapped my right arm around her waist causing her to wiggle out of my grip but I just tighten it and launched us up and gasped for air.

"Bingo." she muttered devilishly then fired the water gun straight to my face repeatedly making me yelp and loosen my grip around her while all of them were laughing even more "Stop it!" I yelled trying to block my face with my hands.

"Oh shit." she whispered when the water gun stopped signalling that there's no water any more "Nice." I said then smirked at her, She yelp then swim away quickly and hide behind Gemma.

I swim my way to them then stopped in front of Gem, My sister smirked evilly at me and suddenly raised her water gun then fired it on my face.

"Where on earth did you get those water guns?!" I yelled while blocking my face and all of them were laughing "Mini bar! It's only three." Niall said while laughing, I noticed that Tori swim under then poked my side making me squirmed at the contact of her nail.

She launched up then push her hair back in unintentional seductive way then smirked at me and raised her water gun.

"Reloaded, Fire." she said evilly then fired it again on my face repeatedly "Damn it Tori!" I squirmed while blocking my face and they're all laughing.

She stopped then handed the water gun to Reese, She's laughing at me then ruffled my drenched hair. 

She suddenly smirked deviously then dig her nails against my scalp and push me down the water then swim away immediately, I gasped for air and stared at her in disbelief while everyone is laughing.

"I'm gonna start baking kids! Are you gonna join me?" she asked the three little girls then she raised herself up off of the pool "Yes!" they all cheered in unison they Chase, Niall and Lou put them on the edge of the pool.

"We'll just wait for those baked goods!" Chase said while chuckling "Let's take a shower together! Let's use Tori's bath tub!" Mav cheered making us all laugh, Tori grab the towels and wrapped it each around them then she put on her glasses and grab her phone.

They put on their slippers and Tori guided them inside.

"She sure do looks like a mother with her kids." Gemma said while chuckling "Nah, That three little demons just loves her to death that's why they're too nice to her and follow her. And she enjoys it whenever she's with them three." Reese said then chuckled.

"She even complained earlier about how she feels so mature and she feels like she's their mother whenever Gin, Mav and Meg were around." I said while laughing "Man, That three little monsters transforms into angels when they're with Tori." Chase said rolling his eyes jokingly then chuckled.

"So, You seriously did your proposal speech when you're only both 4 huh?" He suddenly asked cheekily then smirked making my face heat up "You didn't forced her this time right?" he asked jokingly "Dude, Why would I force her?" I asked in horror making them all laugh "You proposed to her?!" Lou asked in disbelief

"When they're only both 4 years old, She forced her to wear that unicorn ring that she's wearing now on her left pinky. That's epic, Tori looks like she wants to punch him in face and was about to cry in shame because he did that infront of our mums and us, Chase and I we're both 7 that time." Gemma said while laughing causing them to laugh even more while I feel my whole body burning.

"Damn it you two!" I yelled then splash the water to Gem and Chase while they're laughing "I'll never forget that! Tori didn't get out of her room for about weeks! Then you keep on bugging her to get out but she's so stubborn and always push you away." Chase said then splash a water on my way.

"You said you'll take her out to her dream date, buy her a unicorn stuffed toy and asked her to be your girlfriend once you grow taller. You even said that you wouldn't take a 'No' from her! You're creepy when you're only 4 you dork, And you live that promise up!" Gemma said while laughing along with them.

"I even saw you having a fight with one of the lads back in our old school before! You're only in 8th grade that time and Gem and I were on our 11th grade, I heard you man! You said she's only yours and no other lads is allowed to go near her except from you! You're more overprotective to her than me!" Chase said in amusement

"He's possessive." Gem corrected him while I palmed my face and groan "Wow." the lads said in unison then started to laugh again "I'm not possessive!" I yelled defensively.

"Yes you are!" I heard Tori yelled, I looked up and spotted her from the balcony of her room while laughing.

"No I'm not!" I fired back "Just admit it Harold, You deleted all my contacts to those lads that I've met on my dad's events and parties without my permission!" She yelled then stuck her tongue out and walk back inside her room.

"Told you, He's possessive." Gem said while they're all laughing "She doesn't even need those!" I said defensively "Sure bro." she said then shook her head while laughing "I've never imagine you being that kind." Niall said in disbelief.

"I know you gave her that necklace for a reason." Chase said while smirking at me. "She already knows why dude." I said then smirked back and crossed my arms.

"Your stupid secret mark to tell everyone that she's yours and she's so clueless, Because she just recently discovered the reason behind that necklace." he said then rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"I'm out." I said dismissively making them all laugh while I swim over the edge and hopped off of the pool.


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