First (H.S.)

By kindastupidkindanot

195K 3.5K 1.1K

(COMPLETED!) (EDITED!) We always do almost everything together. But after that incident 5 years ago, I've nev... More

First (H.S.)


3.4K 59 67
By kindastupidkindanot

(Harry's P.O.V.)

"I know you really do like my sister, I told her last night but she wouldn't believe me." Ginri whispered with her small voice, only I can heard her making me freeze.

My jaw dropped for a bit nearly choking the air, as I feel my blood drained.

"W-what are you t-talking about? I-i don't like her." I lied whispering while I stuttered "Oh, My mistake, sorry." she answered whispering with a frown.

I sighed deeply then palm my face with my left hand.

"I'm just speculating things you know, yesterday Gem asked Tori twice about her having no friends or boyfriends, Even Aunt Anne and Uncle Robin asked her the same question. I noticed when you walk out of your kitchen, You're blushing like mad. When her nose bleeds, You look so scared and worried and you panicked, You helped her willingly even though she wasn't asking for any help. You keep on stealing glances over my sister while smiling, You looked so happy when she kissed your cheek yesterday. And I saw her through my window sitting at our mini bar last night, She's talking over the phone then sing with her old guitar and she looks so happy. I assumed it was you who called her because she rarely gets any calls at night except for text or emails from our parents or her job. Whenever she said 'Let me go' You'd always answered 'Never', Everything in just one and half day. So Let me rephrase what I said earlier. You don't like her, You are in love with her. You're way too obvious but my sister is too clueless to notice that." she suddenly whispered giggling making me freeze on my spot again.

This kid seriously are a smart observer and too clever.

"You're too young to know that stuff." I muttered not denying the facts that she just said because it's all true.

"Just like what Tori said, and my answer to that is Blame the Disney movies. I have an I.Q. of millions, why do adults always make things complicated?" She mumbled then sighed deeply making me chuckled.

"I'm still waiting for you to deny though." she whispered cheekily while wiggling her eyebrows making me laugh silently "You got me there, I won't deny anything as long as you keep it as a secret." I muttered at her "Ha! I knew it." she whispered then giggles.

"I trust you with my sister you know, even though I've only met you personally yesterday." she muttered patting my hair with her small hand, making me smile gladly "I know, Thank you."

"Wait, Are you single?" she asked whispering as I stared at her with amused expression plastered across my face "Yes." I answered whispering "Good." she whispered nodding then climbed down to the couch to sit again with her arms crossed and a smug smile across her face.

I can't believe I just had that conversation with a 5 years old kid.

"Are you sure you're only 5?" I asked jokingly "Yes, I assure you that I am only 5 years old." she nodded without looking making me chuckled.

I stand up and grab a gallon of ice cream and three small flat wooden ice cream scoop, technically it's a spoon but doesn't look like it so Liam is totally fine with it.

I sat back to the couch from my previous spot then handed Gin a wooden spoon which she gladly snatched away from my hands making me chuckled, I tapped Tori's shoulder then caught her attention, I handed her the other spoon she nodded then grab it from my hand.

"Thanks." she said then smiled "You're welcome." I smiled back then nodded at her, I take off the lid then placed it on top of the coffee table.

Tori, Gin and I shared the same gallon of chocolate flavored ice cream then finished it.

Tori took off the handkerchief hanging on the neckline of Ginri's shirt then used it to wipe away the ice cream stain from her sister's chin. She folded it neatly then placed it inside her bag.

Someone suddenly knocks on the door, "Come in!" Louis yelled making us all laugh. The door open revealing Lou our hair and makeup artist, Caroline our stylist and her assistant Lydia.

"Hello everyone!" Lou greeted cheerfully making us all chuckled "Hey Ladies!" me and the lads greeted

"Anne! Robin!" they greeted my parents, mum and dad greeted them back with a hug. I stand up then introduced them to Tori, Chase and Gin.

Lou called me to sit in one of the stool in front of the vanity table, I obeyed then just sit there then she started fixing my hair and stuff. While the other lads were changing their clothes that Caroline and Lydia picked for them.

"You're a YouTuber right?" Lou asked Chase "Yep." he nodded politely "Cool, I've watched one of your vine compilations a week ago I think? And it's antic." she said chuckling "I'll take that as a compliment." Chase shrugged with a genuine smile.

"Tori, I have a question." Ginri suddenly spoke, I can see them through the mirror "What is it sweetie?" Tori asked with a frown.

"Did Harry gave you that necklace? Because he's also wearing the same one like yours." Gin asked out loud with a mischievous grin while staring at my reflection, making them all chuckled.

I just started at her with disbelief, That kid seriously knows what she's saying and doing.

"Yeah, why?" Tori answered her question with her eyebrows raised "Nothing, I just noticed it." Ginri shrugged still staring at me with her arms crossed.

"Harry, when did you gave that necklace to my sister?" she asked me "Her 14th birthday." I answered then shrugged "Sweet." she said then leaned over the couch making them all laugh.

"The first thing that caught my attention is the necklace around her neck, Now I know why you wouldn't take yours off." Lou muttered then chuckled while spraying stuff on my hair making me groan.

"Matching necklace huh? You're so hopeless and too obvious salt." Lou muttered again jokingly "Shut up." I mumbled making her laugh silently

"I want a bubble gum or candy." Ginri blurted out making us all laugh "I have a bubble gum here but it's a mint flavored." Tori said then shrugged "No thank you, You know I don't like the taste of the mint. It's making my nose and mouth feel so cold." She said then pouted

"I have a strawberry candy here. You want?" I offered her, She grinned then nodded. I grab the candy from my pocket then motion for her to stand beside me, She stand up and walk her way then stopped beside me.

I unwrapped the candy then handed it to her, She gladly snatch it from my hands "Thank you!" she said then kissed my right cheek "You're welcome princess." I smiled at her then she run back to her previous seat, then popped the candy in her mouth.

"May I borrow your phone Tori?" she asked her sister "Why?" Tori asked frowning "I'm going to play Plants vs. Zombies!" She squeals making us all laugh while Tori groaned "Fine." she said then handed her phone to Ginri.

Gin suddenly burst into fits of laughter adorably when she unlock her sister's phone making Tori laugh as well.

"He looks like he was about to drool over his cheek!" Ginri gasped with her eyes wide while laughing "Where did you get this?" she asked Tori "Gemmy send me that last night." Tori answered, making Gemma laughed.

"I used it as a wallpaper and lock screen!" Tori said trying to stop herself from laughing "Me either, I used the one you send as a wallpaper!" Gemma said while laughing.

"Mind if you share?" Mum asked them, Tori nodded then handed her phone to my mum. My parents started to laughed too when they glance at the screen then handed it back to her.

"That's mean." mum said trying to stifled a laugh "What's that?" I asked them, Ginri grab the phone from her sister then walk her way beside me again then show me the screen.

My jaw dropped when I saw a picture of me last night while sleeping with my phone beside me, I heard Lou laughed behind me when she glanced at the screen too then patted my back signaling that she's done.

I stand up then Niall sit down to the stool, I stare down at Ginri who's laughing so hard, she ran back to her spot then handed the phone back to Tori.

"Where did you get that from?!" I asked in horror making them all laugh even more "Gem." Tori said pointing to my sister who is laughing like mad

"You're impossible." I groaned to Gem then rolled my eyes "What? I sent that to her as an exchange! Just be thankful that I only took a photo of your upper half!" Gem answered while laughing making my blood rushed to my face "Exchange of what?" Chase asked curiously.

"Your picture while sleeping on the couch last night." Tori said while smirking evilly to her brother making Chase snorted then rolled his eyes while Gemma is laughing so hard.

Damn it! I just recently discovered that seeing her smirking or biting her lower lip has an insane effect on me, making me want to slam her again against the wall and seriously finish what she started earlier, But then again, I'm trying so hard not to.

"Yeah, keep laughing." Chase said sarcastically to Gemma then leaned back on the couch with his arms crossed "Both of you really loves making fun of us." I said to Gemma and Tori "Yes." they both answered then laugh

"Lunatics." Both me and Chase answered in unison making them all laugh.

"Harry, go change your clothes with this and put back your wraparound on. " Caroline instructed, handing me a black and white graphic button down long sleeves and clean pair of black skinny jeans. I nodded then walk my way to the loo then knock the door.

"Hey! Move faster Liam!" I yelled knocking the door "Just change there outside! I'm still changing here Haz!" He answered while chuckling "Dude no!" I said then bang the door.

"You always walk naked around the house! Why can't you just change your clothes there?!" he yelled cheekily making them all laugh as I feel my blood rushed to my face.

"You wouldn't mind, right Tori?" Gemma asked her jokingly "No, I don't mind at all." Tori answered deviously then stared at me while smirking with her eyebrows raised.

"You're blushing Harold." she said with a devious smirk plastered across her face making them all laugh, I groan then hide my face against my palms.

She seriously needs to stop smirking like that! Does she know it's killing me inside?!

"Just move Harry, I'm giving you 5 minutes." Caroline said with a deadpan, I groan then slumped down my shoulder.

I take my shirt, jeans and boots off, leaving me with my black Calvin Klein boxers and ankle socks on. I grab the clean black jeans then slipped it on and button down shirt that Caroline handed me then put it on quickly leaving a few buttons open showing a bit of my chest, tattoos and my cross necklace. I put the wraparound on my head, then slipped on my brown Chelsea boots again.

I grab my phone and the Polaroid picture that Ginri handed me earlier from the pocket of the jeans that I wore earlier then placed it inside the pocket of my wallet.

I stared back at Tori who's staring blankly on the aircon hanging on the other side of the wall, Her cheeks were red and breathing deeply making me smirk.

"You're blushing love." I said making them all laugh, she stared back on me with her eyebrows raised.

"That aircon failed to reach my spot that's why I look like I'm blushing, Don't assume too much love." she answered back mocking my nickname to her with that devious smirk across her face, earning an 'Ohhhs' from them making my blood rushed to my face again.

"Oh, Sassy!" Louis yelled making them all laugh.

"You're the one who's blushing now, love." She said mockingly then chuckled with her legs crossed, her right elbow leaning against the armrest, her right fist resting on her temple and her left arms resting across her stomach.

All of them were laughing, while I on the other hand huffed then walk across the room and sat between her and Ginri with a frown on my face.

"Why are you so mean today?" I asked Tori jokingly making her raised her eyebrows "Sorry, You started it." she shrugged then smirk.

Gin patted my back with a fake sympathy "I hate to say this but, You're attempt to shame my sassy sister didn't workout well. Better luck next time!" She said then pouted making them all laugh.

"May I lower the temperature of the aircon for a bit?" Tori asked suddenly with a hint of seriousness and frown on her face "I'll do it." I said then grab the remote and lower the temperature for a bit "Okay?" I asked her "Yeah, That's fine. Thanks." she said then sighed heavily then leaned her back on the couch.

"Are you okay?" Chase asked her with a frown "Better." she smiled then raised her thumbs up to Chase, He smiled then nodded.

She grab a small can of mint gum and popped some to her mouth then started chewing "Want some?" she offered to me, I nodded 'yes' then she smiled and handed me 2 pieces. I gladly accepted it then popped it in my mouth.

"I don't understand why do other people loves mint gum! Strawberry tape gum are the best!" Ginri said with a frown on her face making us all laugh "Because mint can make your breath smell fresh." Tori answered

"But it's too icy for me." she huffed "Of course." Tori said rolling her eyes jokingly.

Gin crossed her arms then leaned her head against Tori's left forearm while staring to Chase and Gemma.

"Chase, I have a question." Gin suddenly blurted out staring at her brother "Shoot." he nodded at her "You don't have a girlfriend right?" she asked with a mischievous grin on her face making his brother frown while all of us were waiting for her next words.

"Why did you asked?" Chase asked him back "Answer my question first." Ginri said then stared at Gemma who's staring back at her amused.

I already know what she's trying to do, asked her brother then interrogate or tease him with Gemma.

"I don't have a girlfriend Gin, cause if I do, You would have met her already." he answered while chuckling "I think I've already met your future girlfriend my dear brother." she answered while smiling confidently making us all chuckled

"Oh really? Care to share me a bit of information about my future girlfriend?" Chase asked jokingly making me and Tori stifled a laugh, She knows what's running on her little sister's mind. She stared at me then shrugged while biting her lower lip.

"She's brunette with blonde strikes, super pretty, wearing a cheetah print crop top, high waisted skinny jeans, and black boots, She's actually sitting beside you. Hello Gem!" Gin said waving at Gemma.

We all burst into fits of laughter while my sister and Chase freezed on their spot, both staring at Ginri in horror while blushing.

Gin grab her camera and snapped a photo of them making us laugh even more.

"You are so dead Ginri Mae Mckenzie!" Chase threatened her, She squealed then hide behind Tori, who's laughing so hard, She slipped the photo inside the back pocket of Tori's shorts quickly.

"I'm just messing up with you Chase!" she squeaks while hugging Tori behind making us all laugh "Don't scare her dude, She's only a kid, No need to be affected much." Tori chuckled defending her little sister.

"You're both blushing." Tori and I said in unison then high five, making us all laugh while Gem and Chase groaned.

"Mum!" Gemma whines then pointed at me and Tori "Don't act like a baby Gem." I said rolling my eyes then chuckled

"Ginri, Where did you learned that kind of stuff?" mum asked while trying her hardest not to laugh, I already know what she's going to answer.

"Disney movies!" Gin answered with a grin plastered across her face making us all laugh.

"No Disney movies for you for the rest of the week then." Chase said making her jaw dropped "Please explain to me why." Ginri said with her eyebrows raised.

"You're learning stuff that isn't appropriate for your age." Chase said while smirking "I'm not learning stuff brother, I'm just stating the obvious. Not my fault that you're affected to what I've said!" she complained.

"I am not affected Ginri Mae." Chase answered with a frown "I'm not asking if you're affected or not Carter Chase!" Ginri fired back making us all laugh even more.

"Enough, Ginri stop answering Chase like that, he's older than you. And you Chase are old enough for an argument against 5 years old kid. Not here." Tori called them down both.

"She started it first." he muttered "Dude, I said enough. If you aren't affected then stop reacting, Sometimes you act like a tattooed toddler and making me feel like I am the one whose eldest child in our family." she said calmly making him rolled his eyes then snorted.

"But I wouldn't mind if you and Gem both date." mum said teasingly with a smug smile causing us all to laugh while Gem and Chase stared at her in shocked.

"Unbelievable!" they both groaned in unison.

"They're both affected, They wouldn't stop reacting." Tori muttered while smirking, "Stop smirking." I grunted lowly making her stare at me with her eyebrows raised "Why would I?" she asked while smirking.

"Just, Stop." I groaned then rest my palms on my face "Sure." she said then chuckled.

"Okay boys, we're done here. Just wait for Paul's signal okay?" Caroline said making me and the lads nodded then the three of them exited the room.

"Are you mad at me? I'm sorry." Ginri mumbled to Tori, her arms were still wrapped around Tori's neck with her head snuggled up against the left crook of her older sister's neck.

"It's okay Gin, I'm not mad at you. Just don't answer Chase like that infront of someone else, Is that clear?" Tori lectured her little sister calmly "Yes Tori." she mumbles making me smile at the sight of them.

"Am I still allowed to watch Disney movies?" she asked causing me and Tori to chuckled "Of course." Tori answered "Thank you!" she squealed then kissed both of Tori's cheeks.

I stood up then grabbed one Sharpie from the table then sit back.

"May I have an autographs of you guys on my shirt? Please!" Ginri asked causing us all to laugh, Me and the lads signed up to her shirt making her smile from ear to ear.

"Thank you! Tori may you please take us a picture?" she asked Tori "Sure." Tori smiled then grab Ginri's Polaroid and take a picture of Gin, me and the lads.

Ginri snatched the photo then started fanning it and put it inside the pocket of her black denim jumper, Tori handed her her camera back.

I sat beside Tori then wrapped my right arm around her shoulders, She stared at me then make wacky face causing me to burst into laughter.

"You're insane." I muttered still laughing "I know right." she answered then chuckled.

"One for you, and one for you." Ginri handed me and Tori a Polaroid picture each.

I glanced at the photo, making me smile. She's making faces while I'm laughing and my arm around her.

"You can be a great photographer you know." I said to Ginri, She giggled then shrugged "I agree." Tori nodded at her with an impressed smile then placed it inside her pocket "Thank you!" Ginri said then wiggled her eyebrows making us laugh.

I put it inside my wallet along with the first Polaroid picture that she handed me earlier.

The door suddenly opened revealing Luke, Michael, Ash and Calum, They entered the room then greeted us then I introduced Tori, Ginri and Chase.

"They're our front acts later." I explained to them three "We're 5 Seconds of Summer." Ash said then nodded at Chase "I know." Chase said then chuckled

Ginri asked for a picture with them which they gladly do. "Thank you!" Ginri smiled then ran back and sit on my lap making me chuckle then hug her.

Someone knocked on the door again, Liam opened it revealing Paul and Simon.

We all greeted them both then introduced Tori, Chase and Ginri to Simon. We catched up for a bit and stuff.

"I just stopped by to check how were you all doing, But I gotta go now boys. So many things to do, Break a leg and have a nice vacation. I'll just call Paul for your next schedule. And it's so nice to meet the three of you." Simon sighed while smiling at Chase, Tori and Ginri then said our goodbyes, He hugged each of us then walk out of the room with his guards leaving Paul with us.

"I'm here to inform you that the meet and greet will start in a minute, I'm out." He said chuckling then exit the room.

"We're gonna go back to our dressing room too, It's nice to meet you Tori, Ginri and Chase." Luke said then we all said break a leg to each other then they exited the room.

After a few minutes, The meet and greet started. Ginri,Chase, Gem and my parents were just having a chat and a few banters at the corner while Tori is busy with her DLSR taking a photos.

"Smile!" Tori yelled making us turned to her then pose like an idiots making them laugh.

"Gorgeous!" she praised sarcastically making us all laugh even more.

The meet and greet goes on for about an hours or so. When were done, Paul entered and called us to get ready.

"The 5SOS lads were going to start now, You already know what to do boys!" Paul said then exited

"We're going to our seats now, Break a leg boys!" Gem yelled then pulled Chase's right arm whose carrying Tori's bag, while my parents were chuckling then followed them both.

"Why do they keep on saying break a leg? I don't understand." Ginri asked with a frown making me, Tori and the lads burst into laughter "It's like a good luck baby." Tori explained making her shrugged

"Okay, Break a leg boys!" Gin squealed, we thank her then kissed her cheeks making her giggle then hug Tori's side hiding her face.

"You heard the kid." Tori said then hug the lads and me for the last

"Thanks love." I answered mischievously making her laugh.

I was a shocked when she leaned closer then kissed the left outer corner of my lips making me freeze and she leaned over my ear.

I feel an electricity jolted through me whole body, My breathing were fucking unstable, I'm fucking unstable.


"Just finishing what I've started earlier, That's what you wanted right? Don't worry Curly, My lipstick is a hundred percent smudge proof." she whispered playfully over my ear then chuckled, Her minty breath tickling me.

She back away then crossed her arms "This is my first time to watch a concert so you better impress us." She said jokingly then patted my right cheek slightly.

"Break a leg baby." She said mischievously then winked at me with a devious smirk plastered across her face and walk out of the room with Ginri who's busy with her camera.

Leaving me dumbfounded with my jaw dropped in shocked, my heart pummeling so bad and blood rushed to my face while the lads where laughing like mad.

Never in a million years I've imagined her being a flirt, I'm starting to doubt her about her nonexistent social life.

But damn that was so fucking hot.

"Looks like you're not the only one who can play the flirting shenanigans Haz! She knows how to play well too!" Liam said with a tone of amusement then patted my left shoulder "Your face! Priceless!" Louis gasped then laugh even more.

"Eh, Looks like you do really need to impress her tonight mate, It's her first time." Zayn said jokingly while wiggling his eyebrows "That's kinda dirty lad." Liam said making them all laugh

"Come on mate, We need to go now if you want to impress your best friend." Niall said emphasizing the word 'best friend' then chuckled and dragged me out of the room, I sighed deeply not noticing that I've been holding my breath that long.

The 5SOS lads were now on stage and we're waiting down while Lou were helping us for retouching and stuff.

Even though it was only on the left outer corner of my lip, I can still feel the ghost of her lips.

Tori knows what she's doing to me, She's messing the fuck out of me and it's driving me to insanity!


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