Rightfully Ours

By blanket_burrito_thou

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She's an orphan, she has tattoos, she's a natural red head, and her cooking will most likely hiss at you but... More

Chapter 1: Because All Good Things Happen In The Woods
L-Chapter 2: So I Turned Around And Went Home
Chapter 3: There's a reason I trust them."
Chapter 4: "I Have To Be Up By Seven So Wake Me-"
L-Chapter 5: A Cold Shower
Chapter 6: And Snuggled Into His Side
Chapter 7: "We're Really Sorry Maddy." I Heard Seb Say.
L-Chapter 8: But Then All The Breakable Things In My Living Room. Broke.
Chapter 9: Finally, I Have My Afternoons Back.
Chapter 10: Another Shot Glass Was Pushed In My Face.
L-Chapter 11: ...Jen, really?
Chapter 12: Then Everything Went Black
Chapter 13: I Knew They Were Mates.
Chapter 14: I just got out of a coma, let's eat some greasy burgers."
Chapter 15: "we've been expecting you."
L-Chapter 17: Perfect Timing.
Chapter 18: For a pregnant fairy, Jen sure eats a lot.
Chapter 19: See the Guys Dragging Logan Away.
L-Chapter 20: "Why do you have glitter all over you?"
Chapter 21: Best Wedding Ever
Chapter 22: "My Mate Was So Upset After You Guys Did That."
L-Chapter 23: Jackass.
Chapter 24: Silently, Wordlessly Wrote His Promises In Stone.
Chapter 25: He Stood To Do My Bidding
L-Chapter 26: One.
L-Chapter 27: You've Got To Be Fucking Kidding Me.
Chapter 28: Bastard Better Not Impregnate Me Again.
L-Chapter 29: I Have An Adorable Daughter.
Chapter 30: "Did You Know The Kids Were Secretly In A Boy Band?"
Chapter 31: And We Did Our Damnest Not To Look Back.
L-Chapter 32: Calm my Sobs.
L-Chapter 33: Crap.

L-Chapter 16: Even from yourself."

1K 20 1
By blanket_burrito_thou

Jen Watson as Hayden Panettiere. I think she's perfect. 

"It's so great to meet you all!" The witch cheered. Apparently, we have a royal sorceress, Celeste Alder. "Lorenzo! Dear, call the others to get their bags and prep their rooms." Lorenzo nodded and snapped his fingers. In an instant about a dozen young men strutted out of no where dressed in penguin suits took our things away. 

"You majesties," an older man with dusted white hairs politely bowed to his knees to us. "I'm Lorenzo Bottanini the third. I'm your head servant, the castle manager, and I deal with everything you don't have to. I serve the royal family and only the royal family." 

I nodded once but couldn't close my mouth from catching flies. Logan cleared his throat, "pleasure to meet you both, I hope you don't mind if we have a room to ourselves to digest everything." 

Lorenzo had kept a straight face without a microexpression of anything. I couldn't tell if we were annoying him or amusing him. He was worse than Michael and Logan. 

"Of course, you majesty. This way." He lead the way down the hall. 

Huge doors as if it was a cathedral. The entrance had a high ceiling and a dangling chandelier, gold and brown colors decorated the floors and walls. It was extremely elegant. 

"I will be glad to give you the grand tour as soon as you are ready, dinner is always ready at 8 o'clock and breakfast the same time in the morning. If you want lunch alert the kitchen with any of the green buttons on the intercoms around the castle." Lorenzo instructed with his hands clasped behind his back and a faint British tone creeping up. 

"Here you are. Call me if needed." Lorenzo waited until Logan dismissed him. 

We all walked in to see a long hall with pillars emphasizing a circular oak table in the center. We all took a seat only the six of us. The boys and Rachel had gone with Celeste at some point to venture out into the castle. 

"This is insane." Parker said right off the bat. 

"Are we seriously thinking of living here?" Jen asked rubbing her growing belly. 

"It's the safest place to be, especially now with the boys, Rachel, and the babies to come."I said hoping that no one caught onto the fact I said 'babies'. 

"But we hardly know anyone here. How can we trust them?" Michael crossed his arms. 

"If they wanted to attack they would've the minute we entered. These are our people. I don't know if you've noticed but the people here are free and aren't scared of anything. They aren't looking over their shoulder for fear of exposure."  I said. 

"Nothing in this world is perfect." Mason grumbled. 

"This is a different world," Jen shrugged one shoulder. 

"But how different? Are we ready for this kind of exposure?" Michael said. 

"We've been begging for this kind of peace for centuries. I say we stay and enjoy it." I say leaning on the table. 

"Enjoy it? Madison, we were attacked by dozens of rogues, I don't think enjoying anything is a good idea." Parker pointed out. 

"Life isn't all about fighting in a war, it's about the peace afterwards. Enjoying the rebuilding period." I shook my hands for emphasis. 

Jen shook her head, "let's focus on now. Can we stay here and sleep without jerking awake every hour thinking someone around the corner might kill us?" 

"They won't kill us in our sleep. I trust these people." I watched as everyone's face expressed what they were thinking. 

Logan finally said something, "We'll stay. Madison will put a protective shield around the kids, Jen, and Parker. The rest of us can protect ourselves. We'll discuss again tomorrow." He stood up ending the conversation. 

I followed behind him as he walked out, he had the best exits. 

Lorenzo eventually lead us to the dinning room and then called in the servers. It was like a scene from Beauty and the Beast. Even some low classical music played in the back ground. 

"Thank god, dinner is already cooked." Jen grinned and hummed as she stuffed another spoonful into her mouth. I rolled my eyes, "and Madison was nowhere near this kitchen." 

"Hey!" I protested. 

I heard Logan's deep laughter and looked at him with a betrayed expression. His eyes crinkled with laugh lines and his mouth tugged into a handsome grin. The scruff growing on his face gave his eyes that much more attention. He looked so happy. 

"Madison," I hummed a yes as I got a rather large forkful of the pasta and gobbled it, "what's that on your finger?" Seb asked. 

I froze with the noodles still hanging out of my mouth and looked up, "what?" even though it came out muffled with noodles spilling out. 

"How had I not remembered before now!" Jen screeched. 

And no, I still hadn't slurped in the noodles. Or moved at all. 

"You said yes!" She screeched. 

I finally jerked awake which resulted in my choking on some pasta. 

I heard Logan's deep chuckle again and I narrowed my eyes at him. He had his body turned to me and rested his cheek on his knuckles, watching me with amusement. I drank some water and gasped for a breath. 

"You know what sir cuddlebuns? You suck." 

His eyes widened with amusement, "nicknames don't embarrass me. So go ahead, love." 

"Your missing the point!" Jen screeched jolting me away from Logan. "Did you say yes?" 

I looked at her like she was dumb, "Of course I said yes."  That's when the room erupted into hysterics and I'm not talking about the twelve of us. But it seemed like everyone else in the castle heard and cheered. 

"A royal wedding to plan!" I heard multiple voices shout. 

"Dismissed!" Lorenzo shouted once and waited until everyone cleared out then simply said, "I'll take care of everything and take the finished choices to you." Then walked out. 

I looked back at Logan, "I blame you lovemuffin." 


Logan's view: 

I was woken up by the sound of women talking animatedly. I cracked open my eyes to see Madison giving Jen, Parker, and Rachel an annoyed expression they seemed to ignore her and continue talking. 

"I thought Lorenzo was going to take care of everything and I was just going to say yes or no." Madison gave a confused yet exasperated expression. 

"But it's your wedding, you should go all bridezilla and everything." Jen said matter of factly. 

"I will, but on the day of. I hate being so ... -zilla all the time. It's tiring and shouldn't we be focusing on you? Jen you're pregnant for fuck's sake." Madison smiled. 

Okay, I really don't want to be here for girl talk anymore. I groaned and shoved my face into Madison's pillow. "Do you have to be in here?" It came out muffled. 

They all giggled, "sorry they all just migrated in here." Madison gave me a sheepish grin while the others didn't seem so feel sorry at all. 

I sighed and sat up. I stretched my muscles while I got up. 

"Fuck, Logan. Put on a damn shirt!" Parker hissed. 

I rolled my eyes at her and walked to Madison's and I's bathroom, "I will walk around naked if I want to, don't like? Get out." 

I showered and changed all the while still able to hear the covered voices of the girls chit-chatting. I didn't even use my super hearing and they were that loud. When I got out, I was drying my hair. They seemed to ignore my presence but Madison's gaze kept meeting mine. I smirked to myself and grabbed my wallet and keys. 

"The guys and I are meeting with the Alpha of the Crescent Moon Pack to discuss the situation, we aren't going to say anything but we can't very well become rogues. We'll be back soon, stay in the castle." 

"Actually we're going to go dress shopping for us and the bride to be." Rachel smiled excitedly. 

I raised my eyebrows at Madison surprised that she was willing to go shopping. But she mouthed 'help me'. I smirked again and leaned down and kissed her, "have fun, I'll mindlink you if anything." I told her. 

I felt her glare holes in my back as I walked out, "oh just asking but how do you feel about wearing a pink bow tie?" 

Both Madison and I groaned at Jen's comment. 

I closed the door behind me and and made my way down to the grand entrance. Lorenzo was waiting for me when I got down there. He was holding a silver plate when I reached him, "breakfast sir, I imagine toast and a coffee to go will be sufficient enough." I raised my eyebrow at him, he took taking care of us seriously. 

"That's fine, thanks." I grabbed the toast and munched while waiting for the guys. "Where are Mason and Michael?" I asked him while getting the to-go cup and taking a sip. 

"The other servants are tending to them. They should be down in just a moment." Lorenzo poshily said. 

"Logan! Finally man! We've been tried to find you or Madison for the past hour." Sebastian huffed. 

"What is it?" 

"Hey, are you going out?" Jamie interjected. 

I nodded once catching Mason's and Michael's scent from down the hall. 

"Can we come?" Damian asked, "I'm starved and I want fast food not this fancy crap. No offence, Lorenzo." 

"It's alright, Master Damian." Lorenzo said without a care. 

"Don't you want to stay and be with your mate?" I asked Sebastian. 

He groaned, "I'd love to but she's doing a whole bunch of wedding stuff today and I don't think I can hang out with all of them with all of that girly shit." He shoved his hands in his pockets. 

Mason spat, "I still can't believe one of Madison's shit younger brothers is mated to our sweet, innocent, shy sister. Our late AlphaKing must be laughing at our misery right now." 

"Dude, your lucky Madison can't hear you from here." Michael shook his head. 

"Or Jen," Jamie smirked along with the other boys. 

Suddenly Madison appeared with a hardened glare at Mason, "I heard you." She smacked him upside the head and he jerked forward. She then turned around in a huff and with a tiny puff of smoke she disappeared again. 

"Fuck." Mason said rubbing the back of his head. 

"Told you." Seb shrugged. 

I pushed Mason in the direction of the door, Michael followed shaking his head at Mason's idiocy as always. I looked back at the boys, "Look I would love for you boys to tag along, but there isn't enough room in my truck for all of us." 

"We can tag behind in another car." Liam opted. 

"And who's car would that be?" 

They all grinned at me, I assumed it was the same grin and puppy dog plea, no pun intended, that worked on the girls. Obviously not me. 

"No, you scratched Madison's car the first night I met you boys. All I own are trucks, expensive cars and limos. So no." I folded my arms out. 

Tommy tapped his chin, "own a helicopter or a private jet then? I'm in the mood for California babes." he asked grinning from ear to ear. 

I narrowed my eyes at them, "You are not taking my helicopter or private jet to California just to be boys." 

They immediately jumped at the fact that I didn't deny that I owned them. "You have one!" 

Mason scoffed, "more like five... of each." 

"Dude!" Tommy yelled. 

"No!" I shook my head and turned to walk away. 

They still trailed after us, "We need to get out of the castle, we're bored." 

I rolled my us, "do you realize how bratty you kids sound right now?" 

"Yes, I noticed when it came out of my mouth." Jamie grimaced. 

I sighed and threw my head back, "Lorenzo?" 

"We do have another option for the boys, it's our custom here for boys earning their cars." 

Call my interest peaked. 

"There's a dusty, old, and broken down jeep deep in the garage. If they fix it up they may use it however they please." 

I smiled at Lorenzo. 

"I like that, alright!" I clapped, "there's the deal: you can use my money to buy whatever you need for it even after you finish, to upgrade or replace what's necessary. But that's all." 

"That's not fair!" 

"Oh, come on." 

"What?" They yelled. 

I held up my hand to silence them, "you boys are lucky I'm not making you earn it. I'll get you boys each an account that I'll monitor for you to use, even in emergencies." I said. 

I watched them as they glanced at each other. 

Sebastian stepped forward, "what do you get out of it?" He asked. 

"Knowing that my cars aren't getting scratched by a group of teenage idiots." I chuckled while ruffling his hair. I walked away after with Michael and Mason behind me. 

"We'd still like to tag along you know." Jamie muttered and turned back to see them looking down and walking away with their shoulder slumped. 

I glanced at Mason and Michael. "Alright," I called to them and they turned around with triumphant grins. 

I grabbed the keys from my pocket and handed them to Mason with a plan forming in my head. "Go on ahead, we'll meet you there. Well, I will," I smirked at them boys and crossed my arms, "and assuming the pups can keep up they might just catch up in time to catch the end of the meeting." 

The boys started growling since their poor prides were hurt. 

Mason chuckled, "go easy they're still just pups." I barked out a laugh. 

I waited until the guys had gone and led the boys out the back and into the forest. "Try to keep up, we have to be there by five and I don't want to have to stop for pups." I smirked back at the boys and laughed when they growled at me. 

I took off running but in human form still, I heard them shift and chase after me. Sebastian was able to keep up the most but still lagged by a good thirty yards. Tommy and Damien behind him, Jamie and Liam behind them. 

A creek was coming up ahead so I jumped over it and shifted in the air. I landed on my fore paws and slowed to a stop. I waited for them to catch up to me. 

I huffed when they finally reached me, I turned around and sprinted into another run. The longer we ran the slower they got and the harder they hit the floor. I slowed to a stop when we neared the pack house. I saw the Alpha with Mason and Michael waiting for us on the porch steps. 

I shifted back to human form and gave the guys and the Alpha a nod of recognition. 

I waited for the boys with my arms crossed and a waiting stance. It was about ten minutes before the boys came running in, I saw them a mile away but they were barely even jogging. When they finally saw me about less than half a mile away Sebastian growled at them and they pushed into a run. 

But it was still barely above a jog. 

I smirked when they got to me. They collapsed on the floor in a tired growl. I laughed, "nice effort, pups." 

It seemed they were too tired to growl at me again. 

"When you kids manage to shift back, get some water, and meet us in the Alpha's office. Maybe, you'll learn a thing or two." I laughed and turned to walk to with the Alpha inside. 

I shook hands with the Alpha and gave him a respectful nod. "Let's get inside, Logan." He said, straight to the point. I nodded. 

I followed him to his office and we got straight to business. 

Mason and Michael were with me while I gave the Alpha bits and pieces of the truth, but he was beginning to get frustrated with me. 

"I don't like not knowing what's going on in my pack Logan." 

I nodded in understanding, "I know and I understand but you have to understand that I'm doing this to protect the safety of my mate and our family. Know that none of it will ever harm this pack, you accepted us with open arms and I will always remember that. That's why you can trust I won't do anything that could hurt you or this pack." I said. We stopped when we heard a knock at the door. 

I could smell the boys at the door, I turned back to the Alpha hating that I have to ask for permission for everything but I had great respect for this man so I bit my tongue. "Do you mind if the boys joined, learn a thing or two." He obliged and motioned for Michael to open the doors. 

Jamie walked in first with the boys trailed behind him. I could tell they were nervous about joining. They looked at me and I glanced at the chair to hint to them to just sit and listen. 

They did. 

"Logan," I turned back to the Alpha, "I need to know at least one thing. Does this have anything to do with this so called Alpha Rogue?" 

I paused, I didn't let any emotion slip passed me, I only hope Mason and Michael did the same. I knew the boys let their emotions show but they were young so the Alpha barely glanced in their direction.

"Jason Blood." I took a guess. 

His eyes widened for a fraction of a second. "Yes, so it does have something to do with him. You aren't going after him are you. That would not only be idiotic but if you lose he could retaliate on the rest of the packs." He growled out. 

I stood quiet mulling out what I was going to say, I thought carefully for a minute. 

This Jason Blood is starting to become a real pain. 

"We've become aware of each other." I said. 

"Logan," He growled again not accepting that answer. 

"Alpha, I am a man of my word. When I say your pack is protected, I mean it. A few things have changed for our family. I simply came back to tell you that I still respect you and thank you for everything you've done for us and my mate's family but we are now needed somewhere else." I stood up. 

The Alpha laughed but it wasn't cruel or spiteful, it was genuine and kind. "I knew it." 

I didn't respond, I waited for him to explain. 

He got up and grabbed a book, "Before Madison's parents passed they gave me this letter. Not meant for me, not her, not Seb, but for you. They knew all along and told me to keep it a secret. Good luck, My King." He held the old, faded letter out to me. I stared at it. 

I finally grabbed it and stared blankly at the Alpha, "we'll keep in touch and if you need anything, our castle doors are open." 

He grinned and nodded but then froze when he finally heard what I said. By then we were all walking out. 

"Wait, a castle?" He called behind me. 

"A secret, Alpha Leo." I reminded him through his awe. 

I looked at the boys, "I'll give you boys a head start, remember the way?" I asked. They didn't even answer before heading off. 

I walked with Mason and Michael to the car, "are you going to read the letter any time soon?" 

"I don't know. It's a bit of a shock at the moment, Madison's dead parents writing to me before they even knew me." 

"I guess they thought you were going to be their next rock." Michael said. 

"Dude," Mason wiped a fake tear from his eye, "that was fucking beautiful." 

Michael ignored him, "look, you'll never know until you read it." He unlocked the car and turned my truck on. 

I looked at the letter and folded it and putting it in my pockets. I shifted and followed the scent of the boys because they had know clue were they were going. 


"Madison!" I growled out in frustration and I walked over to the dining hall where they should be along with everyone else for lunch. 

"In here!" She called back. I walked over, slower than usual but fast enough to get there within the next minute or so. 

I glared at her and pulled out her chair, "get them off of me." I pointed behind me. 

She, along with everyone else, angled their bodies to look around me to see that all five of the boys were on the floor and clinging on to me. 

Well, Damien clung onto my leg like a child would then Jamie grabbed Damian's legs, then after was Tommy, Sebastian, and then Liam. It was like a train of teenage boy laziness. 

"What happened?" She asked with a baffled look before getting up and kneeling at their sides. 

Before I could answer with what really happened Tommy lit the truth on fire and told his own version, "Logan practically killed us, he's a freaking robot! How could someone run so fast and so far without breaking a sweat? He offered to carry us back!" 

I rolled my eyes, "I asked you pups if you knew how to get back." 

"I don't get it why did you attach yourselves to Logan's leg?" She ushered them to their seats. 

"We were so tired and he didn't even slow down with all of us weighing him down." Sebastian said before chugging down some water. 

I saw Madison's eyes flicker to me before back to everyone else. 

"So how did the meeting go?" Parker asked. 

"Fine, we got to sit in." Tommy grinned. 

"Seriously?" Madison asked me. 

"Yeah, I thought they could learn something." Suddenly Lorenzo came in and whispered in my ear. 

"Sir, there's a phone call for you from your office." I nodded then excused myself. 

When I picked up I recognized the voice as Judge Clause, he greeted with his usually jollyness. "So your lawyers found the witch and the officers. Got evidence to try them in court in front of humans and they've been charged as guilty on all accounts." 

"Great, I really appreciate it." 

"Anything for the man that saved my jolly behind more times than I can possible count." He laughed. 

I gave him a soft smile, "always a pleasure to see an old friend even if you are in over your head with a couple of reapers." 

He reminisced, "yes, of course! Those were some hazy years my friend." We ended the call and I returned to the dinning room. 

"You gave the boys a car?" Madison asked with an unreadable expression. 

"Yes, Lorenzo said it's a custom here and I thought since it was merely rotting in the garage why not give the boys something to do with their hands." I said before taking a bite out of the chicken. 

"And you're getting them accounts?" 

"To pay for the parts they might need or an emergency, start learning to handle money. I'll monitor them, make sure they don't go crazy." I said taking a sip of the beer placed in front of me. 

"You're giving them money?" She asked.

"Yes, I assumed they were too busy with school work and training to go and get a job." 

There was a pause and I heard her breath hitch so I looked up and saw her just staring at me. I glanced around and everyone else was watching the interaction between us. I immediately knew what I had been doing yet I hadn't even know I was doing it. 

I must've overstepped my boundaries. 

"Excuse us." Madison said emotionless. She grabbed my hand and took us to our bedroom. I watched her as she locked the door. I waited until she turned to me but then I couldn't take the silence. 

"I'm sorry, I overstepped. I didn't even realize it as I was doing it. It sounded like a good idea to me and I just ran with it without even talking to you first." 

But there was one thing I hadn't accounted for. It hit me like a train. Her lust instantly hit my nose and I took a step back from how strong it was. 

She pushed me so I landed on my back on the bed. She climbed on top of me so she straddled my waist and gave me a deep, hungry kiss. I grabbed onto her waist with one hand and the back of her head with the other. 

She pulled away but kissed down my jaw and then my neck, a deep groan escaped my lips. "Not that I'm complaining but where the hell did this come from. I thought you were mad at me." I felt her hands run under my shirt. 

I felt her smirk, "god no, I love that you did that. I mean the money thing we should talk about but you handled everything amazingly. So much better than I would've. God the restraint I had to not tackle you on the dinning table, fuck!" He lips attacked mine again after she pulled my shirt off. 

Seriously that turned her on? Me being nice. 

"Oh babe, you acted like a father." She smiled down at me, "that's what got me wanting you, you understanding me and my life and accommodating to that without a second thought. You with the boys and acting so carefree." She strained as she kissed me again and unbuttoned my pants. 

She's always encouraged me to take a parenting role and I've always kept my distance because I felt like it wasn't my place. That when and if I did step up she would regret asking me to because I made the wrong choice and seriously fucked up. But today, I did it without even thinking and it worked out well. Now I know I can do this for both the boys and Madison. I can be a parent. 

Then Madison pulled her shirt off and that caught me off guard. All thoughts went out the window. 

So my wolf took over. 

Then so did hers. 

We clashed. My dark wolf and her bright one. We fought for dominance. 

Then Madison pulled her shirt off and that caught me off guard. All thoughts went out the window.

So my wolf took over.

Then so did hers.

We clashed. My dark wolf and her bright one. We fought for dominance.

She aggressively pulled down my pants and kissed down my neck then chest. She flipped her hair to the other side of her head and smirked at me. She leaned in to kiss me again, "you have no idea how much I love you." She pressed her body flush against me.

I growled and flipped us over. I held both of her hands in one of mine and pushed her waist down. I leaned down into her and nipped at her sweet spot. She moaned under me.

"You know," she started, "I could take control with a simple command in latin. Make you extremely susceptible to suggestion."

I kissed her mouth, "where would the fun be in that."

She smirked into the kiss. "I would get to be in control, my human side may be turned on by your possessive persona but I'd like to play with it."

I growled at her.

She smirked seductively and leaned up to whisper in my ear, "somnum."

Like a light, I was out.




My eyes fluttered open and I moved to rub the sleep out of my eyes but something restrained my hands. I looked up to see I was handcuffed to the bed posts, my feet too.

What the-

"Are you awake?" I heard Madison ask from the bathroom.

I tugged on the cuffs and growled, "Madison, this isn't funny anymore."

I heard her giggle, "it isn't supposed to be funny, it's supposed to give me control."

"Madison," I tugged on the handcuffs again and they started let up.

She suddenly ran into the room wearing the most sexiest piece of lingerie ever. I strained against my boxers in an instant. She ran over to me and leaned over my face to tighten the handcuffs. "You couldn't let me have my moment could you?" She smirked down at me.

"You- I- Um-" I was at a loss for words. She was just so fucking -


My wolf started going insane with need and want. I craved her so deeply. Her red hair flowed down her back in smooth curls, her freckles danced every time she made that sexy grin. Her tattoos covered her skin in alluring black ink and her curves were put on a show because of the black lace skirt and bustier.

She leaned down to me and breathily said, "can't talk? Perfect." She roughly kissed me and straddled my waist. I tugged on the cuffs when she pulled away.

"I'm really loving this, power over my King." She enunciated 'King'.

I shook my head at her and growled playfully, "you are so going to regret this, my love."

She dragged her hands down my chest and nipped and the space between my neck and shoulder. Her fingers went under the waist band of my boxers and I threw my head back and growled at her for being tortuously slow.

She ripped off my boxers and smiled down at me. She inched her way onto me but kept teasing me.

I growled out, "Madison!" She smirked and leaned forward.

"I want to hear you say something first." She nipped at my neck giving me another love bite, "say you love me." She whispered in my ear.

"I love you." I said, fully meaning it.

Then she slammed herself onto me, hard. I pulled on the cuffs, wanting to touch so desperately.

Slowly she pulled up but then slammed down. I ground in my teeth to hold back the monstrous growls that I wanted to let out.

She growled out when she neared, I was close as hell. She stopped after she collapsed on top of me. I breathed heavily to keep from braking the bed to get free.

Suddenly she started biting my chest and I jerked from the surprise. She kissed and sucked after each bit and that just made me want release.

"Fuck, Madison." I threw my head back. She laughed and I still adored that laugh even through the pain. "You're so getting it."

She smirked, "Oh don't worry, Alpha." She licked her lips, "you'll get you're release. But not without pleasing me first."

I was breathing heavily and I'm sure my eyes swirled with lust and need. She leaned down to me and kissed me feverishly. She climbed up until she sat on my chest and I could smell her needy core throbbing against me. She was already so wet.

She pulled away with a grin, "you have such a talented tongue," she bit her lip, "let's see it put to work."

She grabbed the top of the headboard and moved herself so her core was right above my mouth. She eased herself down so she almost sat on me. She cried out in pleasure when I kissed her wet folds and shot my tongue out. I sucked and licked her as her cried out my name in shudders. One hand traveled down to grip my hair while the other gripped onto the headboard. She came with a shiver of pleasure.

She let out a shaky breath, "oh fuck," she got up and climbed off me. I watched her as she started to remove her skirt and her bustier leaving her completely naked for me. I felt my hard rise again. She smirked at my reaction to her.

I started pulling on the cuffs again. She leaned down to my lips and they grazed against mine as she said "don't bother, I did that meaning-"

I sighed, "meaning I'm vulnerable to it." Crap.

She let out a breathy chuckle as she kissed my lips hard, when the need to breathe was too great she pulled away and started kissing across my jaw then down my neck. She didn't stop there, she left love bites all over my chest then down my abs.

I twitched when I felt her hot breath hover over my painfully noticeable hard on.

It was something we hadn't exactly done before, I never pressured her to do it. But fuck as soon as her mouth was on me, I new that I never wanted her to stop.

I dropped my head and let out a feral growl at the sheer pleasure she gave from her wicked mouth. Not only having her lips and tongue swirl around my but her hand had started pumping which felt so fucking-

My canines involuntarily elongated and I growled. With a hard crack, I broke from the restraints. I heard the distinct pop signalling Madison had pulled away.

I picked her up and tossed her on the bed under me. I snarled, "you've been very bad."

She smiled innocently, "what are you going to do about it?"

It was a night where Madison learned to never say those words again unless she wanted to wake up utterly drained, satisfied, and oh so sore.

Madison's view:

It was fucking amazing.


I woke up the next afternoon, to be exact. I looked over at Madison to see her still in a deep sleep. I suddenly felt guilt for being a little rougher and more resilient than usual. 

She left out a sigh and then stretched her limbs and since she had brought herself into my side, I felt every movement. 

Her eyes fluttered open and she gave a tired lazy smile. "Morning." 

"Morning," I said softly back to her, I brushed away the hair that had fallen over her face but she didn't care to move it herself. "Technically afternoon." I added. 

She let out a breath of a laugh but then wrapped her arms around my torso and nestled her nose into my neck. 

"How are you feeling?" I asked her. 

"A little sore, but that's okay. It was an amazing night." She hummed. I chuckled at her. 

I felt her kiss my cheek, so I turned my head to look at her. She gave me a happy smile, almost deliriously happy yet it was so soft and serene. "I'm serious Logan, I'm happy. More than that, I'm happy with you." She pecked my lips. "I love you, so much." 

"I love you too." 


To say I was nervous was an understatement. On the outside, I was calm as can be and Madison was the one freaking out. But I was nervous as hell. 

My parents were coming over to meet Madison. Jen and Parker's parents are also coming to meet Mason and Michael. The only parents that were actually parents, as in the good kind who didn't die. It was hard to believe. 

Lorenzo was running about, making sure everything was perfect for their arrival. He was also gathering all the wedding plans he had so we could show my parents. 

What the hell was I going to do? I love my mother. But she put me on a pedestal that even I was uncomfortable being on. I couldn't imagine how she was going to react to Madison and her brothers. When I was younger and I brought friends home who occasionally would be girls, she still judged them. 

"Logan, get your head in the game, man. You the one that wanted to add this exercise to the training schedule." Michael reminded me. 

I rolled my shoulders and put my hands up, I focused on taking a deep breath. "Okay, I'm ready." 

Michael glanced at Mason who stood beside him with a excited grin. He groaned, "Madison is going to kill me," he pulled up the handgun and raised it at me. 

I focused on everything around and tried to make it all slow down. He fired five times, consecutively. "Are you okay?" Michael asked immediately. 

I chuckled, "I'm fine. You didn't even aim at me." 

Michael huffed, "the woman will have my head if anything happens to you." Mason suddenly grinned even wider. "I'm a father, they can't do much to me without hurting my kids and Jen." He grabbed the gun from Michael and without notice immediately started shooting at me until the chamber was empty. 

I, literally, dodged bullets. 

"Dude, that was awesome!" Mason cheered then fist bumped the air. I laughed then checked to see if I was nicked anywhere. I was covered in sweat and smelled like ass but training cleared my mind of my mother coming to meet the love of my life. 

"Dude, you must really be freaking out about your mom meeting Madison." Mason said shaking his head at me. 

"He should, Logan has always been put on a pedestal by his mother." Michael threw me a towel while looking at Mason. 

"I'm still in the room." I said annoyed. 

"Sorry," he said. "But you've got to admit that your mom is crazy." 

"Amen to that!" Mason shouted. I sighed and made my way out of the training room, other warriors had gathered around us during this time. 

'My people' as Lorenzo put it. 

They had gathered to see their King dodge bullets, lift an impossible amount of weights, and go further that their limits which was already impressive since they were the royal guard. 

"My father can barely get a handle on her." I shook my head and dried the sweat from my forehead. "I'm not sure what to do, Madison is already panicking and I don't know how to calm her." 

"I'm sorry man, but you aren't the only one that should worry. We have to meet Jen and Parker's parents. I have to meet the parents that created Jen. Jen!" He yelled. 

I thought for a minute, "yeah, I think you win." 

"Michael?" Mason dared. Michael shrugged, "Parker told me that she didn't care what her parents said about me. That regardless, she still cared about me. It helped." 

"Jen told me the same thing but still, I don't know." Mason said. 

We turned a corner to then bumped into Lorenzo. "Sir, your parents have arrived." 

"What?" I gasped, "they weren't supposed to be here for another couple of hours." 

"They said they wanted to catch you by surprise. They wish to see you immediately." 

"Is anyone with them?" I asked but didn't move from beside Mason and Michael. 

"Her Highness is with your parents. Sir-" 

"Fuck!" I cursed and sped to them in record time. I followed their scent to the grand living room. I heard Michael and Mason racing just behind me. 

I caught the scent of Madison's scent mixed with mine. It made her so much more enticing and addicting than she already was. I was so distracted that I didn't notice how close I was getting without matching my speed to it appropriately. 

I knew I wasn't going to stop in time, I made a snap decision to change direction which threw me off balance especially with Madison's scent crashing into me like Cupid's damned arrow. 

I ended up crashing into the wall, "Logan!" I heard her sweet voice call out. 

I shoved off the wall and dusted myself off. Cement dust and chunks of the wall fell to the floor. I looked at the huge dent I made causing cracks to shoot out in all directions. 

"Logan!" I winced at the sound of my mother's voice already getting into position to reprimand me. 

I turned around but instead of meeting my mother's scrunched up face and my father's amused one, I saw my mates concerned yet loving features. 

I sped to her and looked down at her. I smirked, "scared, love?" 

She wiped her concerned face with an indifferent one, "right, sure," she paused and looked to the floor. But then her big brown eyes looked back into mine, "but you're alright?" she tried to hide the concern. 

I grinned and gave her a quick kiss on her lips, she was horrible at lying to me. "Didn't even feel it." I honestly told her. 

"Logan Ryder," I heard my mother hiss again. I cringed, forgetting she was in the room. "You don't even acknowledge your own mother anymore. My worst nightmare has come true," she faked started crying into my father's chest. He rolled his eyes but comforted her nonetheless. 

I sighed, "hello, mother. Good to see you." I said. Madison started pushing me in the direction of my parents, well she tried to. 

I silently chuckled at her attempt, she finally gave up and looked at me then pointed to my mom still crying. She made a motion for me to go and hug her and I shook my head. 

I knew how my mother worked, she had played the guilt card too many times in my childhood to count. She was an extremely dramatic woman, took everything to the heart. My father was the opposite, extremely easy going. 

"Go!" she pointed to my parents. I looked over and my father was about to collapse from laughing. 

"I'm sorry, mom. It's good to see you." I said. She immediately stopped crying and turned to me with a huge smile. She was about to talk but before she said anything I wanted to introduce Madison myself. "So you guys have probably already met her, but this is Madison Lancaster, my mate and my fiancee." I grinned proudly. 

Madison gave me the death glare but that somehow changed into the sweetest woman in the world when she turned to my parents. "Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you. Again." She glanced at me. 

I just smiled at her. 

She turned around and grinned even wider, "I'm sorry, but I haven't said hello to my friend's parents. Excuse me." She walked behind me and left to say hello but not without dragging her nail down my back. A shiver involuntarily ran through my spine and blood rushed to my manhood. 

Damned mates. 

"I like her." My dad gave me his lopsided grin. 

"She has tattoos," my mother scrunched her nose, "did you get mated to a criminal, Logan." she hissed at me. I narrowed my eyes at her, "no mom, I mated a beautiful woman that I love. That's all that matters." 

"She doesn't seem good enough for you." She struggled to find the words. 

"Mom, she's perfect. Better than perfect, she has five PhD's in scientific and medical fields, she's a great mother figure, she's kind, she understands me, she loves me, and I'm pretty sure I'm the one that isn't good enough for her." 

My mother waved me off, "nonsense, I raised the perfect gentleman." I rolled my eyes at her. 

I suddenly heard thundering footsteps, I assumed it was the boys. I threw my head back and sighed. I looked to my parents, "you're going to want to step back." I said bracing myself for all five of the boys to attempt to tackle me to the floor. 

It was an interesting thing, after I had given the boys the old jeep it was like something clicked in their heads. They suddenly started asking me for things and advice, they messed around and joked with me, they told me about their lives, they started trusting me. Even Liam started laughing and really started easing up around me. 

They rounded the corner and almost fell over themselves. The force of all of them hitting me was like the wall, nothing. I laughed when I knocked them off their feet and they groaned cradling their heads on the floor. 

"You boys need training." I said once again. 

"Madison!" Sebastian yelled. "You have legs use them." She grumbled before turned back to her previous conversation. 

"Beth! Erik!" I heard the boys cry out. 

I looked up to see the two people who birthed the devils my mate calls her best friends. I brought my mother and father over to meet them. 

Jen and Parker's mom, Beth, cried out happily, "my babies!" So that's where they get it from. The boys tackled both parents into a hug. But they were practically shrunk from the boys' height. They pulled away. 

My mom cleared her throat and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, "Everyone, these are my parents Noah and Joy Ryder." I introduced. 

"This is Jen, Mason's mate, Parker, Michael's mate, and these are the boys, Madison's brothers. Sebastian, Tommy, Jamie, Liam, and Damian." Suddenly I scrunched my eyebrows, "where's Rachel?" I looked at Mason and Michael then Sebastian. 

Sebastian answered, "she didn't want to get up this morning, she's feeling sick." Michael immediately looked to me and I nodded to him as did Parker when he looked at her, he sped away to check on her. I leaned down to Madison's ear, "get Celeste there just in case." She nodded and for a second her eyes flashed white. 

Jen cleared her throat, "well these wonderful people are my creators, my mommy, Beth, and my daddy, Erik Watson." She grinned.

Erik held out his hand to both my father and I, "it's good to meet you both. Logan, I've heard some very interesting things about you through our daughters." He laughed. 

"All horrible things I'm sure." I crossed my arms. 

Beth laughed, "like it would be anything but, thank you for putting up with them." I chuckled. 

"Hey!" Both of them yelled. 

Erik grinned, "what? there's no point in thanking your mates. They have to deal with the devils we've raised." 

Suddenly Jen's nose wrinkled and she turned to Mason, "why the hell do you stink?" 

"I was working out with Logan and Michael. We ran here when we found out your parents were here early." 

Beth raised her hand, "oh yes, that was my idea. I wanted to catch you all doing something troublesome but I'll just settle for having a troublesome grandson." 

"or two." Madison and I both said absentmindedly. 

"What?" Erik had a confused look but Jen just screamed happily and jumped up and down while carrying her belly. 

"I'm having twins!" She cheered. But Mason just looked blank. Jen immediately sobered up, "Mason, isn't this great?" she asked cautiously. 

He threw his head back, "No! I can't handle two at the same time. I'm going to go fucking insane when they goes to high school! They're going to be a pair of hormonal idiots at Datophire High, I know! I was one of them." He threw his head back, "I'm just going to have to buy a gun." 

He said it like it was nothing. 

Jen patted his arm like he was that awkward kid you just go along with because their having a psychotic break, "it's okay hunny, I already own one." She took out her phone like she didn't even say anything. 

"She gets that from you." Beth shook her head at Erik. He grinned pridefully, "yup." Mason groaned. 

I laughed at the scene before me. 

"You guys smell like shit, go take a shower." Parker wrinkled her nose. 

"Parker!" Her mother hissed, "what have I told you?" 

"Right sorry," Parker cleared her throat, "you guys smell like shit, go take a shower please." She smirked. 

Beth face palmed while her dad high-fived her. 

Suddenly Michael came down and walked briskly to me, he whispered closely, "Rachel's running a fever." I nodded. 

"Take Mason, get Celeste and Lorenzo to discuss remedies." He nodded then got Mason by the collar and dragged him off without warning. He yelped but followed anyways. 

"Everything okay?" My dad asked. 

I nodded, "Rachel just needs help with something." I looked at Sebastian and gave him an unspoken hint to go be with his mate. He then made his way out. 

"Logan! Go shower! I can't handle the smell of you." Jen covered her nose and looked away. I rolled my eyes but complied. 

"I'll be back, are you okay with-" 

"I'm fine, Logan. Go and tell me if I'm needed for Rachel." She spoke the last bit softly. I nodded and made my way away. 

Before I left I heard my dad clap, "alright, Erik. I say we compare notes." 

I went to my room and took a shower, washing of the grime from the workout. I changed into simple clothes. I walked past the bed and smirked at the notches at the bed from Madison's little burst of confidence with hand cuffs a few weeks ago. 

I made my way to Rachel's room to see her lying in bed shaking. I entered which got the attention of Celeste and Lorenzo they made their way to me with confident grins. 

"She's fine, she's just needs some herbs that I have plenty of." Celeste told me. 

"Then why is she so pale and shaking?" I asked crossing my arms. 

Lorenzo spoke, "she hasn't shifted in weeks, her wolf is trying to push herself out. For some reason, she's holding back." 

I nodded, thanked them, and then dismissed them. I called Mason and Michael back to me, "she's fine. Celeste has some herbs to help her. Leave her be with her mate and go get ready to meet yours." I instructed they seemed reluctant. "She needs to learn to share with her mate." They agreed to step out. 

I walked up to them and Rachel looked up at me, I sighed at her. I looked between the both of them but then ultimately at Sebastian, "you haven't claimed her have you?" 

"No, she isn't ready." 

"You need to claim her, soon. Her wolf is more than ready, it's pushing her to make you claim her. We can hold off for a few more weeks but you both need to talk about what's next for the two of you." Rachel had fallen asleep and Sebastian stared at her. 

I turned around and left. 

"And if I'm not ready?" he asked me. 

"You're ready, you're just scared of hurting her, breaking her. You won't. I wouldn't trust you with her if I thought you couldn't protect her. Even from yourself." 

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