Different Ziam/Larry

By bananaziam

114K 6K 519

liam×zayn More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
Thank you!!
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
plz read fam.
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
49 part two
Q & A
part 42 was messed up!!
chapter 50 :)

chapter 49 part one !!!

1.6K 70 9
By bananaziam

Zayn's P.O.V

By the time we made it to Colorado it was dark and cold as I suspected and I couldn't get rid of the horrible gut feeling I had. Why am I here? Why did we just fly to Colorado? Is he stalling? Is he lying about wanting to have sex with me?,
I was led with Liam by another fancy guy in a suit, I seem to be seeing them quite often now that I'm associated with Liam. We reach the limo with ease but my teeth are chattering and my fingers and toes feel numb from the cold. I crawled inside the limo quickly panting slightly and rubbing my hands together in an attempt to bring back feeling. Liam came in from the other side and let in some of the air making me whine. He snaps his head to me shutting the door immediately.
"Shit I'm sorry I didn't know you really hated the cold" he mumbles sounding embarrassed. We start to slowly move and the silence is filled with my chattering teeth. Liam looks over at me his brown eyes soft and comforting and he pulls me into him
"H-how are you warm?" I ask burying my face into his chest and wrapping my arms around him tightly.
"I don't know baby just let me hold you I want you warm" he murmurs in my ear kissing my head. I sigh in relief relaxing under his touch, my heart and stomach are full of butterflies.
The limo stopped and I sucked in a breath pulling away from my heater a.k.a Liam. He grabs my hand and tugs me outside which makes me flinch when hard wind beats my face. I hide in his back not caring where we are going all I know is I want to be warm and inside.
We walk up some steps and I hear a door then to my sudden relief we are surrounded by warmth. I open my eyes and step away from Liam taking in the view in front of me.
Its a large house, a log cabin the living room, what I see now has a giant white fur sofa and I frown when I see it, how many animals did you kill to make that?
Liam leads me to what I assume is the bedroom and I stop at what I see. Its a large white canopy bed, with a single rose laying in the middle. One side of the room is glass giving you a view of snow and something else that I can't quite make out because its dark. I blush immediately thinking about future events.
He chuckles lowly before stripping his shirt off I step back wide eyed.
"Want to go swimming?" He asks playfully stepping closer to put his hands on my hips. I'm sure my face was the funniest thing on earth as I look outside thinking about the frigid ice and snow.
Liam doubles back with laughter placing a hand on his own chest and I bite my lip. Is there something I'm not getting?
"Its a hot spring outside, of course it's going to be cold but only at first" he tries to explain to me but I'm still cautious and I look back at the snow.
"Fine then" he shrugs pulling the rest of his clothes off earning a squeak from me as he just walks outside closing the sliding glass door behind him.
I sit on the bed tapping my fingers on my thigh. I tug off my own shirt my eyes searching the room then the bathroom, I grab two fluffy towels and strip the rest of my clothing off wrapping one around my body pleased by the fact that it drapes down to my ankles. I also slip on some houses shoes which I think are Liam's because I don't know anyone else with feet the size of small children.
I step outside cringing because it's way too cold to be doing this. I squint my eyes in the dark atmosphere realizing a few feet in front of me there's a pool with sleek rocks at the bottom steam rising from the top. I can't see Liam anywhere but I strip off my towel and shoes leaving them at the end of the pool before stepping into the water quickly blushing at the fact that wherever Liam is he possibly saw me naked.
"Leeyum?" I call running my finger tips on the top of the hot water which feels amazing. I hear movement so I turn to my side to see the one and only by my side towering over me as usual.
"Didn't think you would actually join me" he admits placing his hands on my lower back pressing our bodies together. I blush madly placing my head on his chest kissing it slightly.
"You know I love you right?" He asks looking me in the eyes. I smile widely and nod my head.
"I love you too" I respond and with that Liam places a large kiss on my forehead before guiding me over to an edge of the hot spring I can feel the currents rush in directions and tug my body around slightly.
My back is pressed against the edge when Liam grabs the back of my neck slamming his lips onto my own. I link my arms around his neck now that I kind of know what I'm doing I can be a bit more confident.
One of his hands slides down to my thigh and he pulls at it signaling me to wrap my legs around his waist. This entire thing is just clouding my vision and giving me butterflies the fact that all of Liam is pressing me against this stone starts to get me really heated.
I hear him let of a low groan as I feel him grind against me making me lose my vision my head starting to pound.
I let out a soft moan as his hand grabs me and starts to pump slowly. I shut my eyes and throw my head back grabbing the hairs on the nape of his neck tugging them.
"Can I please...please" he's out of breath as he rocks his hips with my own at a painfully slow pace. I'm barely able to speak I just nod. I'm so in love.

Yo anyone good at writing smut hit me up and I will give u credit. I need halpppp plzzz boos. Love you all I'm sorry been super mentally unstable lately....

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