Klaus & Caroline: The Longing...

By Sophie_Juniper

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This fanfiction story continues the story of Klaroline right after s4e23. It is time Caroline and Klaus to go... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Life After High School
Chapter 2: The Bittersweet Departure
Chapter 3: It's A Small Town Life
Chapter 4: Nailing It
Chapter 5: What Are You Afraid Of?
Chapter 6: It's A Friend Day I Say
Chapter 7: Blinded By
Chapter 8: It's All Fun And Games Until...
Chapter 9: He Would Have Taken Me
Chapter 10: Different Desires
Chapter 11: Friendship - Stage One: "Show Me That I Can Trust You"
Chapter 12: Cracks Of A Heart
Chapter 13: The Agony That Lingers On
Chapter 14: Knock-Knock-Knockin' On Hayley's Door...
Chapter 15: The Phone Call
Chapter 16: Shouldn't We Just Go Then?
Chapter 17: The King Finally Meets His Queen
Chapter 18: The Rainy Day
Chapter 19: Seeing Something You Like, Love?
Chapter 20: Secrets Will Be Revealed
Chapter 21: The First Rule Of Truly Living: Do The Thing You're Most Afraid Of
Chapter 22: Almost Perfect
Chapter 24: Hanging In The Balance
Chapter 25: Decision Time
Chapter 26: The Biggest Mistake Of Your Life?
Chapter 27: Questions About Life And Death... And Love
Chapter 28: Haunting Thoughts And Conflicting Feelings
Chapter 29: The Childbirth
Chapter 30 (Final): What Is It That You Really Want?
Author's Note

Chapter 23: "Cheers."

13.4K 358 92
By Sophie_Juniper

Author's Note: Hi you all fellow Klaroline shippers! I just wanted to tell you that tomorrow starts the TVD Contest of July 2013 http://www.wattpad.com/19863261-tvd-contest-of-july-2013#.UeRBVG0Xn_k by the username DiariesOfVampFiction Check out all the great fanfiction stories based on TVD!! Obviously the competition is the hardest in the Klaroline section ;) but I think that the main thing is finding, reading and enjoying the great fanfic stories inspired by our favorite TV-show, The Vampire Diaries :) I hope you enjoy your reading.

XOXO Sophie_Juniper

Caroline got back to her hotel room which felt very lonely place to be now that Elena had left. She let herself fall backwards on one of the beds and stared at the ceiling.

”What time it is?” She checked her phone.

[03.47 p.m.]

She had plenty of time until the dark. Caroline headed to the shower to get ready for the night. While the water poured over her, her mind prosessed all that had happened.

Caroline got out the shower about in 20 minutes and wrapped herself in the soft towel of the hotel. She took her bag and placed it on her bed and opened it.

”Ok, let's see what we have here... What to wear on a date with Original Hybrid you have fallen for...” Caroline spoke quietly.

Actually, she didn't know if it was a proper date. Neither of them had named it as a date, so technically it wasn't, or was it?

”Oh my gosh, Caroline! You've already slept with the guy, why are you making a problem out of this?!” Caroline lectured herself. ”Yes, I have slept with Klaus, I have said that I am in love with him and so has he said that he is in love with me. But are we together now?” Caroline pondered. Then she remembered Hayley. "Yep, Klaus is still having a baby with her. So where is this all going?"

Caroline shook her head aggressively to get rid off all thoughts. ”Do not overthink! We'll figure it out!” She told herself.

Since Caroline didn't know what they were going to do, she decided to wear something cute, comfortable and casual. She ended up picking a pair of dark blue, stretchy yet skinny fitting jeans, floral tunic and yellow cardigan. As for shoes she picked her comfy black ballerinas. Caroline laid all the clothes on the bed waiting her to get dressed and marched back to the bathroom.

The steam of her hot shower had already faded so Caroline started get ready by blow-drying her hair. After her hair was completely dry she curled it with her curling iron to big and messy curls and finished her hairdo with gathering the lock into a loose ponytail. She let some curls to fall down to frame her face.

For make-up Caroline put on only some mascara and rosy blusher and lip gloss. She looked at herself from the mirror. It didn't felt quite right. Caroline wasn't on a cute mood anymore. So she added a lot of black eyeliner to get this rock chick look on.

After she had finished her hair and make-up she realized that her clothes were all wrong. The jeans were fine but everything else had to be switched to something else. Instead of the floral tunic she picked white tank top and the yellow cardigan she switched to her mellow black leather jacket.

Caroline checked the time for her phone again.

[5.29 p.m.]

She thought it was ok to go back to Klaus's place, eventhough the night was still very young. She grabbed her envelope evening bag and put on her ballerinas.

Once Caroline opened the room door she saw Klaus, who was just about to knock on her door.

”What are you doing here? I thought we agreed to meet at your place, you lurker!” Caroline accused playfully and tapped gently on Klaus's shoulder with her bag.

”It took so long that I couldn't wait.” Klaus defended himself grinning at the same time. He enjoyed the way Caroline looked. ”Shall we?” He extended his arm to her.

”Yes we shall.” Caroline said and put her hand on to his.


They went to a long walk through the city. Klaus showed Caroline some of the wonders New Orleans hid in itself. By the time of the sunset he took Caroline to the lakeside. They had been acting quite formally towards each other all night long but there was something very sensual about it.

”Beautiful.” Caroline breathed her eyes sparkling from enchantment.

”Not as beautiful as you...” Klaus thought in his mind. Instead he just hold her hand quietly.

The last rays of the sun faded a way and night started to fall. Klaus squeezed Caroline's hand gently and asked her still gazing in to the horizon: ”Shall we continue?”

”What do you have in mind?” Caroline said in a dreamy voice.

”I was just wondering if you'd like to have a drink, love? We could go to my regular place, it's just around the corner.”

Caroline nodded. They walked hand in hand. It took about five minutes of them to get to the bar. They stepped inside and bright voice greeted them:

”Klaus! Long time no see!” Camille waved to them from the desk. Klaus guided Caroline to the desk.

”Good evening, Camille...”

”Cami.” Camille rolled her eyes as usual.

Klaus chuckled and continued: ”I'd like you to meet Caroline." He looked at Caroline adoring. "Caroline, this is my friend Camille, who obviously doesn't want to be called by her real name." Caroline waved her palm as a greeting. Camille was astonished.

”Whaat?” Caroline laughed nervously.

Camille shook her head and gave Caroline a warm smile. ”Sorry. It's just that I've heard quite a lot about you.”

”Oh, well, that's nice...” Caroline looked Klaus extremely suspicious, ”I guess...”

”It's all good! I'm please to finally meet you.” Camille ensured smiling. ”So what are you ordering?”

”Bourbon.” Klaus and Caroline said the same time and then burst in to laughter.

”Why don't you go get us a table. I'll bring the drinks.” Klaus suggested.

”Ok.” Caroline said. ”It was nice to meet you, Camille.. I mean Cami!”

”You see, it's not that hard!” Camille laughed to Klaus. As Caroline went to get the table Camille poked Klaus a little and whispered:

”I'm happy for you.”

Klaus just grinned.

”Although if I were you I'd be joining her like... right now! Jerk alert!” Camille mumbled.

Klaus turned immediately.

Marcel was talking to Caroline, although she seemed like she was not enjoying the conversation. Klaus walk to the table with a serious face on, he didn't want Caroline to have anything to do with that slick little brat. Caroline gave Klaus a relieved look.

”Niklaus!” Marcel called out. ”How come you're here?” He asked like he didn't know that this was Klaus's place. ”Do you know this sweet little songbird, Caroline?”

”Marcel.” Klaus said empathically. ”Actually I do. She is of mine who is just passing by.” He said indifferently, hoping that Caroline would get the hint.

Caroline frowned a little, but then remembered what Elena had said to her. ”Stay away from Marcel.” So she guessed that it would be the best to just act along.

”Yeah,” Caroline nodded, ”I was on my way, when i thought how fun it would be like if i just stopped by here in New Orleans to say hello to my friend Klaus. I'm leaving after tonight.” She ended.

”Oh my!” Marcel shouted theatrically, ”Where are my manners? I'm interrupting the reunion of two friends here. Shame on me! I'm so sorry to hear that you're not staying any longer in my beautiful city. Next time, please let me know that you're here so we can all have a big get-together.” Marcel smiled his cheesiest smile. ”Goodbye ms. Caroline and Niklaus, I'll see you!” The way he made his exit.... It was beyond flamboyant.

”Charming.” Caroline noted.

”Indeed.” Klaus agreed dimly. ”Cheers for that.” He lifted his glass of bourbon and Caroline followed his lead.

”Cheers.” She said and they both drank up their glasses.

”What do you say if we go now, 'friend'” Klaus finally chuckled a little.

”I'll say that it is a great idea, 'friend'”, Caroline answered playing along.

”Luckily you're more than just a pretty face. That was quite convincing.”

”Well thanks.” Caroline smiled. ”Maybe I make my career in acting business.” She pondered. ”Or politics.” She giggled.

The two of them headed back to Klaus's place since they thought that would be best thing to do. Marcel might have put some stalkers lurking around, and well.. Klaus and Caroline also wanted to spend some quality time together. Once the front door was shut, they were kissing like maniacs. All that previous formal behaviour was completely gone. They stumpled in the living room not having a clue that they had a guest. Soon they heard someone clearing his throat.

”Sorry to interrupt your...hmm... but it's an emergency.” Elijah said severely. ”It's about Hayley.”

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