The Bet Beau Brooks (A Janosk...

By ilovethejanoskians18

397K 7.5K 1.9K

Meet Cassie your average 17 year old not so popular teenager, it's the start of a new school year and nothing... More

The Bet Beau Brooks (A Janoskian Fanfiction )
What do you want from me ??
What have i done ??
A Date with Beau Brooks
The Disatrous Official Date
Date Gone Wrong
Oh Hell No
Did He Just Play Me ?
He can Cook .. NO WAY !
Well That's Uh Awkward
He Can't Get Out I'm Not Ready
Is it True ?
Matt :'(
I may, or may not be into you!
Silent Farts Are The Most Deadly
But I want to sleep next to you ;)
Why Why Why!!!
I I Did It....
Suprise Date
He won't ever find out
What did I do?
Your who?
Sleeping on the oval
I missed you
Ride home with him
But you said no
How did you get out?
Wait where are we going?
Answer one of my questions then
Meeting Nonna and Gina
Meeting the Brooks fam bam
I don't love her
The tears are real
More drama then a soap opera
Now kiss me
That's our table
What are you doing here?
I feel like shit
Shut up and kiss me
Wanna bet?
Can I have a...
What's got you so happy?
You mean you know and love
Lets use a codeword
Sorry darl
I'm joking!
The betrayal
Get me a bucket you doofus!
She was with me

Positive or Negative?

1.6K 62 55
By ilovethejanoskians18

"Fiona!" I scream out, shutting the door with my lunch in my hands. I catch her walking out of her Maths class, which I presume since she has her math book in her hands. I lock my locker,  and watch as she looks to her right, then her left and misses me standing at my locker waving eagerly at her with a goofy smile.

"Not a good time huh?" I walk over to a stressed looking Fiona, who jumps at the sound of my voice. She lets out a shaky laugh, and stuffs her big black calculator in her pencil case.

"I failed my maths test, I just know I did." Fiona says, with so much sadness in her tone of voice.

"I'm sure you did fine!" I say enthusiastically, which earns me a roll of the eyes from Fiona who angrily stuffs her books in her locker.

"Don't say that, you don't know that. I think I know myself better than you." Fiona says, damn her sass never fails to catch me off guard.

"Look I may not know for sure, but I know you are a smart beautiful girl and I know you better than you may think." I wiggle my eyebrows, trying to lighten up her mood but fail miserably.

I really don't want her being in a bad mood for lunch. Especially about a maths test, which I'm pretty sure she passed.

"Come on I bet you at least passed." I nudge her, but instead of nudging me back I get a glare in return.

"Well you're going to be wrong when I get the result and fail." Fiona sighs, grabbing her lunch and shutting her locker.

The difference between Fiona and me, is that I always lock my locker whereas she leaves hers unlocked. I know that it's unlikely someone's going to break into my locker and steal something, but I like knowing that it's completely safe. You never know nowadays, you can't trust anyone.

"Well if you do 'fail' then you get to say I told you so, but if you pass you will never hear the end of it from me." I say, getting frustrated at Fiona's modesty.

"What did you have just then?" Fiona half smiles, her worries about the test finally letting go.

"Psychology." I mutter, not wanting to remember the ridiculous test that was sprung upon us. Just thinking about it makes me want to puke.

"Oh with Beau, how's lover boy going?" Fiona laughs, now in a completely better mood.

"First of all he isn't lover boy." I shake my head, but a smile breaks out onto my face. "Second of all I don't even want to talk about it, ugh all I can say is surprise test." I groan, as I think back to the questions on the test.

Well I did answer every question, but some I guessed and others I just kept writing and blabbed on. I'd be happy with 50%.... if I even get that.

"Come on I bet you at least passed." Fiona mimics me, using a high pitch voice and being over enthusiastic.

"I do not sound like that!" I protest, scrunching my nose up.

"Yes you do!" Fiona laughs, walking ahead and pulling me along with her as her laughter only increases when she looks at me.

We  make our way through the crowds, and walk behind obnoxious annoying people who walk ever so slowly. Fiona lets a grunt, as some people  have no consideration towards the people walking behind them as they stop in the middle of the hallway to talk to their friends. We finally make our way to our table, which Emma is already seated at and eating her tuna with crackers.

"There's the slow pokes." Emma says after swallowing her mouthful, and shaking her head in amusement.

Fiona and I take a seat next to each other, which is opposite to Emma so we can all see each other, instead of us all sitting in a straight line. There is not much talking going on as we enjoy our food, and sit in a comfortable silence.

That's what I love about us, we don't have to talk to each other every second. We can just enjoy each other's company without it being awkward. I look around the room, noticing some familiar faces from some of my other classes.

I find my eyes resting over to Beau's table, I should look away but I can't help myself. My eyes linger longer than I intended, but it is broken once I notice light brown cool eyes with a hint of green staring right back at me.

I quickly look away from Luke's angry eye contact, and focus my attention back to my table. Oh no he caught me staring, that's so embarrassing! I feel his eyes still lingering, and I try to contain myself. I really do, but before I know it I'm looking right back at him. But only I'm not confronted by brown eyes, instead I am embraced by the emerald green eyes I know ever so well.

Beau raises his eyebrow surprised, at the fact that I caught him staring and quickly looks away. I can't help smiling, at the fact that now he is the one looking vulnerable. I decide to stop staring but just before I do, Beau takes a not so sneaky glance back at me.

He looks taken aback once again, and I bite my lip from laughing. "What you looking at?" He mouths.

"You." I mouth back, before breaking eye contact to take a bite of my nutella sandwich.

"Must be a good sight." I am surprised that I even manage to read Beau's lips, but somehow I do.

"Nah I've seen better." I mouth back, and turn my head before I can get his answer. I'm not quite sure if he understood what I said since I can't see his face, but I've got a feeling he did as I feel his eyes still burning into me from the corner of my eyes.

Beau... why is it that by only a stare from him, can make my heart race and warm up so quickly. I realise I have zoned out big time, and quickly try to regain myself without trying to draw attention to myself from Fiona or Emma. But as I'm sitting down, I notice the sudden pain in my back which I try to ignore.

"What do you think Cassie?" Fiona asks me, a glint of humor in her eyes.

I quickly finish off my sandwich before speaking, so I have some time to process what to say. I didn't hear them talking. So either I really did zone out with Beau, or they're mucking around with me.

"What do you think Cassie?" Emma repeats, with a humorous smile now on her face.

"About what?" I ask, totally confused as to what their talking about and I know that they can tell.

"About the toe." Fiona says, with a serious tone. I can't tell whether she is joking or not.

"The toe?" I repeat, scrunching up my face confused.

"Yeah the bruised toe?" Emma replies in a serious tone, similar to Fiona's.

"Who has a bruised-?"

"You know, what we're talking about." Fiona interrupts me.

I stare at the both of them, trying to figure out whether they're lying. "No I don't!" I say raising my voice in frustration with them being so vague about it.

"Who are you talking about?" I cross my arms, pouting.

"You know... Barney." Emma blurts out, a little too enthusiastic to me.

I feel the anger trying to rise to the surface, but I control it. Well most of it... but I'm pretty sure they can tell I'm getting annoyed, as not long after looking at me Fiona bursts into laughter which leads to Emma as well.

"Barney the dinosaur." Fiona adds on, trying not to laugh mid-sentence which only leads to her snorting at the end of her sentence.

Yep... definitely mucking around.


"Mum?" I call out after locking the entrance door to our house, but there is no answer.

"Mum I'm home, how was your day?" I say increasing my voice, as I drop my school bag beside the couch and skip over to the kitchen.

As I make my way over, there is still no sight of mum. I grab a Cherry ripe chocolate from the fridge, open the packet and rip half off and put the rest back in the fridge. "MUM ARE YOU HOME?" I yell out one more time, walking around the house and eating. But still, I get the same silent response.

Okay the coast is clear, I smile to myself as I run down the hallway and into my room. I don't know why I'm feeling so positive.... I guess it's because I know I am going to sort this out finally.

No more cowardliness, I am going to face the consequences now. I can't keep stressing about this, it's almost never left my mind. I don't want to literally make myself sick over this when there is a simple solution to finding out for sure.

I wrap my fingers over the handle on my bedside table, and pull backwards. There is a sudden creak in the floorboards, which makes me stop what I'm doing like a deer caught in the headlights and jump in shock.

Don't be silly Cassie, it's just a noise no one's here. Houses can make noises.

I turn my back to the door, and focus my attention to what I came here for. I grab the box, which could change the course of my life forever.

I grab the instructions and stick them back in the box roughly, I can't afford to leave any evidence behind. Actually maybe I should take the instructions just in case. With the box and instructions in my firm grip, I strut over to the bathroom like a woman on a mission.

But before I can make it over to the door, I jump at the sudden "BOOM," which engulfs the entire house and causes me to lose my balance, before I know it my butt collides with the cold hard ground.

Okay... now this is getting ridiculous it was just the wind. I lay on the floor for a few more seconds, before bending my elbows and lifting myself up off the ground. I wince at the back ache, which I notice now again since the pain has progressed. I walk into the toilet, and shut the door on my way in.

After consulting the instructions, and reading over it a couple of times I feel fairly confident that I can't stuff this up. Or at least I'd like to hope so. Once using the pregnancy stick, I set a timer on my phone and impatiently wait for the answer in anticipation. I tap my feet on the tiles, 3 minutes doesn't seem like a long time but while I'm here waiting it seems like it will never end.

My phones starts to beep, signalling that 3 minutes is up. But I'm too nervous to check. I want to, but then I don't. But i guess it's time for me to find out, is it going to be positive... or negative.

"Please be negative, please be negative." I quietly murmur closing my eyes.

I reach out to pick the test up from off the ground, but my nerves get the best of me. I can't seem to steadily pick it up, as my hand starts to uncontrollably shake. It progresses as I grab a hold of the test, and bring it closer into my view.

This is it...

I look in the middle of the display, and stare at it wide eyed as tears start to fill my eyes and cloud my vision.

Beau's POV

"YOU CHEATED." Luke's temper fills the house, earning a "Tsk tsk these boys I tell ya," from mum and laughter from Jai.

"I DEMAND A REMATCH!" Luke screams frustrated, like always when he looses. I wouldn't be surprised if he starts slamming his remote on the ground again and turns into the hulk.

"PREPARE TO LOOSE AGAIN." Jai over confidently laughs.

"OH YOU'RE GOING DOWN!" Luke passionately screams, but from the sound of Jai's uncontrollable laughter he isn't taking Luke too seriously.

"Oh Lukey, you've got it all wrong you're the one who's going-"

"Shut up, I'm concentrating." I manage to just hear Luke's serious murmured voice from the lounge room,  as he is no longer screaming.

From then on, there is complete silence from their room. The concentration is real in there.

Mum resumes back to her reading, and I'm just scrolling through my Instagram feed when a certain quote catches my eye.

'Love who your heart wants, not what your eyes want.'

I continue scrolling, huffing at the mushy love crap quotes.

'I didn't know what love was, until I laid eyes on you.'

I guess this is what I get for following so many people, you'd think that girls would just post hot selfies and food but no mate you are wrong there's all these love crap and pictures too.

'Your first love isn't always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date. Your first love is someone who you will never truly get over, even after you've convinced yourself you've moved on.'

I double click on the home button, and get out of Instagram. Instead I log into Facebook and scroll through, stopping and watching some vines or funny videos that catch my attention.

But it hasn't completely blocked out the idea of love from my mind. To be honest, I think it's all just a bunch of bullshit. People like to believe in love, but there isn't such a thing. Yeah there's attraction, liking and infatuation. But love.... love is overrated.

There is a click from the front door, and in walks my dad Trent. He tiredly knocks off his shoes, and walks inside with his socks on.

"Hey Beau, how was school?"  Dad inquires, as he passes me sitting on the couch and ruffles up my hair as he is passing through.

"School is school." I reply with a shrug, and fixing up my now messy hair which I can feel sticking up in different directions. I'm due in for a hair cut soon.

"School is important buddy, you've only got one more year to go." Dad says looking sternly at me with his stay in school tone of voice. But he doesn't stay serious for long, as he cracks a smile.

"Hey hunny." Dad says in a loving tone to my mum, as he embraces her in a hug.

It is then that he leans in for a kiss, in which I immediately look away and pull a disgusted face. Now that is something I do not want to see.

I turn back around once I hear him walking down the hallway, greeting the boys in their rooms.

"DAD YOUR BLOCKING THE TV!" Luke screams annoyed, it is then that I see dad leaving their room laughing all his way to the bathroom.

I personally don't believe in love, but then when I see my parents together I can't help but question it. They just look so in love, their happy, loving their lives together and you can tell it's genuine and meaningful.

"How did you know you were in love with dad?" I blurt out, well I can't take that back now. Way to go Beau, imagine if one of the guys heard you say that. But they wouldn't cause their preoccupied by fifa and I can hear my dad running the shower.

"You just know, it's different." Mum sighs in delight, a glint of excitement in her eyes as she leans over the couch eyeing me surprised at the sudden question. I have interrupted her from reading  in which she was consumed in moments ago, but she doesn't seem to mind at all.

"But how is it different?" I ask my mum, disbelief clear in my voice.

"Because their the highlight to your day, the reason behind your smile, the joy to your happiness, you know you are in love when you love the person just as they are... and not because of how they appear to be or because of what they could be. You would find that your love is unconditional and caring towards them. It can start as infatuation, but it can be so much more than that.You might get jealous, you may get annoyed. Hell they may even drive you mad to the point where you question your sanity... but still you love them. You love them no matter what, it isn't something that just disappears one day or when you want it to. Love can be beautiful, exciting and memorable. It is the best warm feeling, but it can also be heartbreaking, miserable and painful. But you can find that you make the person you love better and they make you a better person. It's about compromise, in which you will learn in time. You're still young my boy. One day you'll find a girl that brings so much happiness into your life, and you will just know that she's the one. All I can say is when you find her, don't let her go. Tell her how much she means to you, cause trust me girls love words. "


I can't believe it's been 3 months since my last upload. I'm so sorry, I never meant for it to get this out of control. But I'm just so fussy, because I want to make the chapter as good as I can since you readers deserve it. This is just a filler chapter, and its short, I'm sorry  but I've got a lot planned and in store for you guys. If your somehow still following me and still reading this story than thank you so much, words can't even explain my gratitude. I'm on holidays for 2 months now, so I will definitely try upload quicker and I know I've said that before but I really do mean it this time and I'm determined to. I'm already halfway through writing the next chapter so yeah hope you enjoyed, lots of love and best wishes to all of you. Have a very merry, happy, joyful and safe Christmas and stay tuned you beautiful people :)

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