The Girl From Down The Road (...

By Aialia05

12.7K 129 46

You know the story. Girl loves 1D. Girl meets 1D. Girl falls in love with the guy of her dreams. But what if... More

Brothers and Plane Fares
Airports and Buckets
Dates and One Direction
Hospitals and concerts
Bowling and Kissing
Phones and Niall
Jess and Parks
Surprises and swimming
Drugs and Sleepovers
Jobs and Results
Slaps and Pasts
Talks and Singstar
Harry and Weirdness
Hiding and Finding
Sam and Truth
Presents and Things
Tears and Heartaches
Work and Other things
Louis and Betrayal
Realizations and Singing
Break-ups and Get-backs
Gifts and French Girls
Torture and Plans
Rohypnol and Guns
Death and Sadness
Grief and All His Friends
Wheel-chairs and Liam
Memories and Feelings
Evan and Knives
Orbs and Phone Calls
Packing and Falling Over
Flying and Crying
Meeting and Landing
Something different...DON'T KILL ME!
Jewellery Shops and Shoulder Stuff
Calls and Pain
Shots and A whole lot more tears
Envelopes and Ropes (final chapter)

French Concerts and Hills So Steep That You Need People To Carry You

141 3 0
By Aialia05

Louis P.O.V






I looked out the window of the black van that the boys and I were being transported in from the airport. The boys were chatting about what band is better, what car is better etc. I guess I just don't feel as spontaneous as usual. I haven't in a while for that matter. I can smile and act like I'm having fun, but inside, no one knows what I feel like. Sad. Depressed. I haven't genuinely smiled in a while. It's the third month of our tour. I started acting when Sam broke up with me. Sure, when I was with her, I was happy, but that didn't mean that the depression didn't go away. Then there's all the Larry Stylinson shit. All the signs and rumors saying 'Just come out, who cares what management says!'. Well, first of all, MANAGEMENT DOESN'T HAVE A PART IN THIS! I'M AS STRAIGHT AS FUCK! Secondly, I don't know why people just assume that Harry and I are gay, we're just really good friends. Like when girls say to their best friends 'Love you!' or skip around together, arm in arm. Harry and I are like that, but we're both completely straight.

Right, now that I thought about that whole thing, the boys were staring at me in suspicion.

"What?" I asked in a low voice.

"Lou, you look a you OK?" Liam replied with concern in his eyes. Trust Liam to worry about everyone.

"I'm fine, just thinking about the concert tonight. Speaking of which, what are we going to do? We need to do some funny stuff, or I'm going to go crazy" I said. Harry placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Lou, you're already crazy" he said with a straight face. Seconds later, we burst into laughter. Of course though, my laughter was all an act. I started to text Sam.

To - Sammy BooBoo :) xx -  Hey lovely, performing in Paris tonight, any weird things you want the boys and I to do? Love you!! :) xx

While I waited for a reply, I started to listen to music. I pressed the shuffle button on my ipod and the first song is 'Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran'. Ugh, I blame Harry. He's obsessed with Taylor Swift music. As the music played, I began to think about when I first met Sam. Now I can probably hear everyone going "AGAIN?! IT'S THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN!". But FYI, I only got to see her for 3 days until she organised this trip with her friends. It was quite sudden and it was just...odd.  Before I could think about it more, my phone vibrated. She had replied. I smiled, paused the music and opened the text.

From - Sammy BooBoo :) xx - HEEY!! Katherine wants you to do the Prince of Bel Air rap? Love to hear Liam's beat-boxing skills again, uhhh, choose 3 girls to dance with during a cover aaaaaaaaand Jess wants everyone to wear a tank top and Andie wants you to say 'Sixty nine' in at least 2 songs, sing for me, will be thinking about you always, Love you too!! :) xx

I laughed and the boys turned to look at me before Harry got to it first.

"He's texting Sam" he smirked. The others rolled their eyes. I could feel my face going red, and I smiled into my chest. It was nice having someone to talk to without everyone barging in on the conversation. I started to text Harry.

To - Hazza :) - Oi! HAZZA! I need to talk to you later :)

Once I sent it, I put my music back on and the song continued to play. I put it on repeat. What? Harry has some good taste in music. SOME. Not much, but SOME. Anyway, while the song played, I started to replay memories from that one month Sam and I dated. Now that I think of it, I didn't really know anything about her. I got her tickets to France, which in my opinion is awesome, and a card. But that was nothing compared to what she got me. The carrot coupons were OK, but still, she got me 1D suspenders and a mini ipad!! THAT'S PRETTY FREAKIN AWESOME! I should really start using it more though. Anyway, I didn't really know anything about her. But she's really easy to talk to and oozes happy wherever she goes. But that's basically it. I must talk to her later.

Meanwhile, more memories flooded in. When we went to Water World, when she came to the concert, when we sung One Thing together and she sung Zayn's bit, when we played soccer, when we were alone together. All those memories just made me realize how much I loved her. All the memories filled me with happy and a feeling to be me again. The me that yelled random stuff and was over-excited about everything. The me that shouted when Manchester United scored a goal and made joke about absolutely everything. I missed that me.

Wow, that was deep. This song scares me. I pressed the repeat button twice and chose a different song. 'Look After You by The Fray'. YES! MY FAVOURITE! I SHALL CRY OUT IN JOY! But I won't because I'm in a car. But still, I love this song. So much, I made a cover of it and put it on Youtube. But the fact I haven't heard this in forever scares me because I used to listen to it everyday before X Factor.

The song started playing and we were half way to our hotel. Stupid traffic. I occupied myself by thinking about home. All the parties and all the friends. God, the parties were fun. I put the song on repeat and fell asleep.

After what felt like 5 minutes but probably wasn't, we were at our hotel, meeting Paul in the lobby. The concert was in a few hours and we needed to get to soundcheck and make-up and that shizz.

"Hey lads, are you all OK? We haven't seen you for the last 3 days" Paul rushed over to us, worrying, as always. Him and Liam have a lot in common.

"Yeah, we're fine, just a visit here and there" Harry replied, glancing at me. 'STOP IT HARRY!' I telepathically said to him. Haha, yeah, because that makes so much sense. 

"Well, don't do it again without telling me, OK? There were tweets about seeing Louis and Harry at McDonald's, so all of us started freaking out..." Paul babbled on. I tuned him out and started to question my own thoughts. 

Why did Sam plan a trip to China with her mates all of a sudden? Why was she acting off when we were at her house? If she is, what is she hiding?

Answers will come in time, a voice said inside my head.

But if we don't have enough time? another voice replied.

You will, just wait, she'll tell you when she's ready, the first voice finished the conversation.

What the hell just happened?






Sam P.O.V






"JESS! STOP RUNNING! I'M TIRED AND I HAVEN'T HAD FOOD YET! I WILL KILL SOMEONE IF I DON'T HAVE FOOD IN THE NEXT 5 MINUTES!" I yelled at my bestie, who was pushing my wheelchair and running at the same time. We left about 20 minutes ago, looking at directions to the Gu Yi Ju caves from my phone. Thank god for Google Maps!!!

"OK, just calm down, we'll go the cafe here" Jess pointed to the cafe about 2 stores away. Good enough.

We entered, then a thought occurred to me.

"Jess, do you know how to speak Chinese?" I asked. It will be a bit awkward if we told them we wanted food in English.

"No, but Google Translate does" Jess replied with a smirk. I rolled my eyes as we grabbed some menus and found a table.

Jess tapped away on her phone, trying to decode what everything said, while I texted Louis.

To: Boo :) xx - Hey Lou! How long until you're concert? I'll be on twitter, waiting to hear what happens, DON'T FORGET TO DO THE STUFF THAT WE TOLD YOU TO DO! Hehe, tell the boys I say hi and good luck, thinking of you, love you! :) xx

I sent the text just as Jess had finished decoding the menu. She looked proud of herself.

"Right, here's what we have, Chocolate Brownie with Sweet Chocolate Sauce, Hot Chips with Aioli Sauce aaaaaaand *pauses for effect* Bacon and Hash Browns with BQQ Sauce, and that's just the food! The drinks are, like, every drink you can think of that ends in 'chino' and then there's the iced chocolate and iced coffee and hot chocolate, sooooooooooooo...what do you want?" I giggled and chose the Hot chips and Iced Chocolate. My phone vibrated. Louis had text back. I smiled as I opened the text.

From: Boo :) xx - Hey lovely! About 5 minutes! Don't forget to tweet what you want us to do for the concert! The boys say hi, Harry wants to know what Andie is doing, same with Liam, but with Katherine and Zayn wants to know if Jess is OK, Zayn seems a anyway, Niall and I want to know if you're OK, and fine, but if our tour gets cancelled, I'm blaming your mates, love yoooooooooou! :) xx

I chuckled at the thought of their tour being called off, as they can't swear. But that isn't swearing, there's a difference.

The food came and I immediately started eating. I heard Best Song Ever come on. I looked up at Jess, who slowly came up from her eating. We just stared at each other before we both yelled,


I THINK IT WENT YEAH YEAH YEAH!," and started dancing randomly in the cafe. I couldn't stand up, but I wheeled around, using my arms to do the moves they do in the music video. I think I saw people taking out their phones and videoing us. I didn't care, Jess didn't seem to either. We just lip-synced and danced until the song was over. When it was over, we went back to our table and busted out laughing. I was laughing so hard that I had tears in my eyes.

"Good...god, I..hope we don't...go...viral" I said in between breaths. That made us laugh even more. It wasn't until 9:00 that we realized that we needed to be gone. We paid for our meals and, as she does, Jess started pushing me while running down the street.

"I LOOKED UP THE DIRECTIONS TO THE CAVES, SO I KNOW WHERE I'M GOING!" Jess yelled as she ran. I hoped so. If not, we're screwed.

The breeze felt nice on my face, my hair going all over my face, which meant I couldn't see properly. Thanks Jess. Just as we stopped at a crossing, my phone vibrated. I got it out of my pocket to see who it was from. Unknown, great. I opened the text, pissed off that the person was texting me, but scared about what he or she was actually going to say.

From: Unknown - Stop dancing in public areas and messing around, you don't have long, I need that orb at 10pm tonight. Don't be late, or your boyfriend's little boy band will pay the price. I've also decided one other thing, your friends that are probably still sleeping at the hotel? If you don't listen carefully, you'll never see them again. There is also something else I want. A 30 carat Ruby. Only found in China, surprisingly where you are, in a store called "Diamond Gems". When you enter after finding the orb, say "I'm looking for a 30 carat Diamond engagement ring?". The front desk person should have a name tag that says 'Ethan'. Ask him and he'll get it for you. Come to the noodle cafe not far away from your hotel and bring those 2 things with you. If not, I'll leave the boyfriend alone, but everyone else suffers. -G

So he or she has decided to use a signature? -G? That's really 'Pretty Little Liar'-ish, considering that in the tv series, the stalker is named '-A'. But, other than that, I'm scared.

What will he/she do? Torture? Kill? Kidnap? I will consider anything to keep my friends from this monster. I decided to tell Jess later, because we had just arrived at the entrance for the caves. But there was a problem...

There were hills. Hills steep enough that if you were in a wheelchair, the person pushing you couldn't do anything, let alone you wheel yourself up. I looked up at Jess. At that point, I tried to move, but my legs just wouldn't budge.

"Jess, I can't go" I said, my voice sounding strained. She looked over towards the group of people taking photos. Tourists. She looked back at me with hope in eyes.

"Hahahaha, no, never in a million years" I said. I knew what she was suggesting. Getting someone to carry me. Like I said, never in a million years.

"Well, that leaves me going to get it, or someone has to carry you...JEEZ! WHY COULDN'T ONE OF THE BOYS BE HERE?! Stupid tour..." Jess trailed off in thought. There were people going to the hills to get to the top. Jess ran over to them. The group contained 3 people, 2 guys and 1 girl. Both guys were muscular and...not well as the girl, but she looked as thin as a rake. One guy had brown hair, the other blond with brown streaks. Jess talked to them about me. I kept my distance as she convinced them. With lies. Lying to people shouldn't be this easy, but Jess made it look believable. If they could understand her, then they weren't Chinese. Well, I was right about that.

Brown hair volunteered first and ran over and swung me over his shoulder, as if I weighed nothing. I looked over at blond and decided to say something.

"Hi, I'm Sam, and you are?" I said, offering my hand out, to be polite.

"Ethan." I froze in place, but shook his hand anyway. Was that the 'Ethan' that -G was talking about? I was scared, but I had to ask, just to be sure.

"Sooooo, what do you do for a living?" I asked, trying to look calm.

"I fix cars." He said plainly. He sounded American. Great.

"Cool, and what is your name?" I asked the guy who's shoulder I was on.

"Me? I'm Charlie, computer geek" he replied. 

"Hmmm, you don't look like the geekish type" I said. He chuckled.

"If I had a dollar for every time someone said that, I'd be rich" he said. I laughed lightly and asked what the girls' name was.

"Brianna, but you can call me Bri" she said. She looked about my age. I'm guessing that Ethan was the boyfriend, as they were holding hands.

"Ok, HI BRI!" I made a waving gesture, she laughed and waved back.

"And I'm Jess, hi!" Jess said to everyone. Everyone replied with "hi" and we all headed for the hills.



















First...WOW! 3'000 reads! THANK YOU!!

Second,I'M SOOOOOOOOO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE! (Haha...that rhymes...) BUT ANYWAY, I'M SORRY! I had holidays and decided to make the best of them. I've also had REALLY bad writers block, hence, not updating in 2 months...SORRY! But I'll do what I normally do.

Dedication to sworddragon...HI ARIBIA!


Aaaaaaaand 500+ reads, 5 votes and 5 comments until the next chappie? I promise to try and update more!

By the way, read my new fanfic, Reasons? It's a Divergent fanfic. If you don't know what Divergent is, don't worry, it's explained before the story starts.


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