Rolling with the punches

By panziebear

8.4K 159 128

What happens when boring, everyday, normal Stella meets the mysterious loner Kyler? Both of their lives chang... More

author's note
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven-Part One
Chapter Seven-Part Two
Chapter Eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five

Chapter Twenty-one

233 5 4
By panziebear


Oh yeah guys, that's right, Two days in a row! So this one's not suppper long but I posted it today to make up for the supper long wait with the last chapter and because the last one was pretty short to.

You will be pleased to know that I'm alread half way through the next chapter so the will be up in about three days...maybe even tonight or tomorrow if I get more comments and votes than usual ;)

Thanks a million


Chapter Twenty-one

Stella's P.O.V.

 I slowly pealed my clothes off my aching body; eager to be clean after being filthy for so long. I fiddled with the temperature one the shower, getting it just right before stepping into the water. My muscles relaxed and a contented sigh left my lips.

I ran my hand through my tangled, greasy hair, getting out most of the knots before lathering the soap they had provided through it. It wasn't five star shampoo but it was perfectly fine for a hostage.

After washing the rest of my body I just stood under they spray for while before deciding I had been in there for long enough and getting out.

I glanced at myself in the mirror and gasped quietly. My face was various shades of unnatural colors. As was my stomach and the cut on my arm looked about as bad as I thought it would, although, much to my relief, it didn't look infected. Shaking my head I dried off and pulled on the jeans, T-shirt and hoodie they gave me. How they got all of my sizes right I would never know, I mean even my bra! That's just creepy but I had bigger issues.

My hair was plastered to my neck and dripping down my back, so I grabbed a towel and dried it out a bit before running my hands through it a few times adn parting it down the middle so it didn't looks so messy.

I picked up the bottle of foundation and looked at it, my shade, of course. Carefully, as not to cause myself pain, I applied a fairly think layer over my entire face to cover all of the bruises.

Once I was satisfied with my appearance I closed the bottle and gathered my old clothes off the floor and walked over to the door. I was about to open it but stopped when I heard Blade and Miller talking. It sounded pretty intense so out of curiosity, I stopped, standing silently and listening, trying to figure out what they were talking about.

"-the way you looked at her," Miller's voice drifted through door, a slight teasing air to his tone.

"Man, I think you’re seeing things," Blade retorted. Even though I couldn't see him I could hear the lie clear in his silky voice.

"No, I don't think I am. I've been there, done that, felt that way. Don't even bother denying it," Miller said smugly. I heard a deep sigh.

"I don't know. I have never felt this way before. It’s crazy," Blade mumbled.

"Sure is," Miller agreed. Hmm, wonder who there talking about. I thought, an unusual feeling piercing through me...was that jealousy? Weird, I've never been jealous before.

"Do you think he's going to give us the chip?" Blade asked, changing the subject not-so-subtly. There was a pause.

"I'm not sure, Bruno seems to think so."

"Yeah he really does. He’s determined to do this clean. No tricks no lies. He’s never done that before," Blade informed him.

"Wow really?"

"Yeah, that's what he told me, he’s really bent up on not losing this chip."

"Well, it sort of is important. I mean, that Microchip has codes for all of the richest people in the world’s bank accounts. Could you imagine the kind of power that could come with that? That kind of power could easily take us out and Bruno can't have that," Miller said.

Wow, I see now why everyone wants that damn microchip so bad. That's crazy information, crazy information that I would make sure I kept to myself. I waited a minute to make sure the silence continued before fiddling with the door knob noisily to alert them of my presence.

I pushed the door out of my way and stepped out of the bathroom. Both boys pushed off opposite sides of the wall and looked at me. I saw Blades eyes rake up and down my body and I could have sworn I heard his breath catch in his throat.

I willed myself not to blush and cleared my throat. "My eyes are up here," I said, my tone light and teasing. Blade blushed bright red, a look that surprisingly, made him look even more Delicious and Miller laughed rather loudly.

"Okay, well am I going back to the uncomfortable chair of doom or do you lovely gentlemen have other plans for me?" I asked curiously, causing them both to chuckle.

"I think its back to the chair for now," Blade told me.

"Gah! Man, someone out there really hates me," I mumbled but nodded at the same time, taking a staggeringly painful step forward. Okay, I had officially been on my feet to long for my fatigued body to handle. I crumpled to the floor, hissing through my teeth. "Mother Brother Cow," I wheezed to keep myself from using some rather colourful words.

I felt two strong hands wrap gently around my arms and lift me to my feet, causing instant shock waves to flow threw me, a shiver of delight racked me body.

"Mother Brother Cow?" Miller asked around hoots of laughter.

"Yeah, really it’s just wishful thinking. I don't have a brother or a cow," I said as sarcastically as I could manage with my laboured breathing. This only caused him to laugh harder, I grimaced at him, still being held up by Blade who wore and amused smile on his perfect face.

"Okay, come on you two," he encouraged as if we were children. All in the spirit of proving him right, I stuck my tongue out at him. He rolled his eye and took a step forward, urging me to do the same. I did obediently, Miller followed as well. I got the feeling he was supposed to be a guard of sorts but they were both way to relaxed.

Every step I took hurt more than the last thanks to my sore ribs and insanely stiff muscles. Damn Chair! It took all my left over strength to keep from crying. The pain was written clear on my face. We got to the top of the stairs and I groaned quietly.

"Do you need me to carry you?" Blade asked softly. I shook my head even though I really wanted him to.

"No, I can do it," I insisted holding my breath and clutching Blade tighter as I stepped down the first step. I stumbled slightly, every muscle in my body screaming in protest. I pushed everything down and focused on getting to the bottom.

I would have done a happy dance once I got there except that I could hardly move. it was so painful that I was grateful to flop down on my chair. That's right, I was grateful!

Blade was watching me with a tortured expression. "Can I get you some pain killers or something?" he asked. That sentence brightened my out look.

"Freaking yes, that would make my life," I whispered. Blade shot a look at Miller who nodded and left the room, returning quickly. He handed me a water bottle and placed some pills in my hand. I swallowed the pills, not even caring what they were, and downed the entire bottle of water.

I rested my head on the back of the chair and my eyes began to droop, my damp hair was still slightly dripping on my shirt but I didn't mind, as long as I was clean it didn't matter.

My eyes flew open when I heard a commotion up stairs. I saw Miller and Blade look at each other before Miller raced out of the room. I saw Blades eye flick between me and the door. He groaned and ran a hand through his hair.

"Stay here," he growled. I nodded, wondering where else I would go. He too ran out of the room.

I then remembered that he had not tied me back up.

I could try to escape.

Nothing was stopping me.

But there was no way I could get out without someone seeing me. I sighed in dissapointment and leaned back, listening to the sounds above me as the pain in my body subsided a fair bit.

I heard many pounding feet and many voices yelling loudly. At one point I was pretty sure I heard a gun shot.

It must have been ten minutes that it went on like this before the noise finally died down I waited a few minutes before I heard harsh voices at the top of the stairs. I held my breath and waited in fear as the door flew open and two sets of footsteps entered.

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