Chapter one

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Chapter one 

"STELLA!" my little sister Paige yelled in frustration

"Ahmadabad" I mumbled incoherently while rolling over to face the wall and covering my eyes

"Get up, I'm not coming in there again and your already late!"

"Ya, ya okay ill get up, sheesh calm your hormones woman!" I sighed in exasperation, slowly dragging myself out of bed, only to be intercepted midway by my incredibly vocal cat Sophie. 

"Meow meow meow"

"Ahhhh, can it stupid cat! Gosh, I fed you last week." I grumbled as I stomped over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, "Why hello there beautiful," I stated sarcastically to myself.

My long blonde hair was tangled and wavy from my restless sleep and the mascara that I was to lazy to wash off the night before was smeared under my eyes, making me look like a racoon. I plugged in my flat iron and then brushed my teeth. I went back to my room to get dressed, deciding on some black yoga pants and a forest green tank top.

After I had straightened my hair and applied new mascara and some foundation, I grabbed my school bag from my room and headed upstairs to eat breakfast.

As I trudged up the seemingly endless stairs I was greeted by the lovely sound of my eleven year old sister Paige, and my nine year old sister Sydney yelling at each other.

"Good morning to you to dearest sisters!" I said in a cheery singsong voice, earning a death glare from both of them. I raised my hands in defence, "Just trying to lighten the mood," I grumbled quietly.

As soon as I said that they started rite back at it. Sighing, I went over to the fridge, grabbed the milk, poured myself a glass and made toast.

By the time I had eaten my, oh so delicious breakfast Paige had apparently won the argument because Sydney stomped to her room bawling like a two year old.

"What's her problem?" my dad asked, coming out of his room and buttoning up his shirt

"Beats me," I answered with a shrug. "Anyway, we need to go dad. Or I'm going to be late"  

"Okay I'm ready. We can go, I just have to grab something, meet me in the truck." I nodded and put my coat on, bracing myself I opened the door and trudged out into the wind and snow toward the truck.

At 8:10 we arrived at the school and I quickly thanked my dad for the ride as I hopped out of the truck swiftly entering the school.

As I walked the halls, I stayed out of everyone's way and avoided looking anyone in the eye; I don't know why I do this, it's just sort of a habit.

I made my way up to my locker to grab my first period binder, carefully dodging a large group of people thanks to my oh-so-popular locker neighbours that surround me on both sides. Once I had managed to gather my stuff without dropping anything or falling on my face I went downstairs to my first period math class.

I entered the room to witness my friends Sasha and Tara in what I like to call nerd zone, deep into an argument about the political parties they had to create in social class.

"Okay, I have arrived, you may drop the nerd convo and talk about something that will not lull me to sleep or cause me to rip my hair out! Thank you very much!" I stated loudly as I walked to my normal desk near the back of the room.

They both turned and stuck their tongues out at me, I just smiled and sat down.

"You seem to be in a pretty good mood" Tara observed while pulling out her phone, most likely to text her boyfriend Taz.

Rolling with the punchesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora