Chapter fourteen

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So this is sort of a turning point I guess and if I do my job right this should be where it gets interesting...if I don't then your probably going to hate it and tell me how retarded i am...either way everyone is entitled to their opinion :)

Feed back is welcomed with open arms and listening ears :) hehe that sounded poetic! sorry, I'm rambling, I'll let you get to the story.

Thanx A Million


Chapter Fourteen

Kyler's P.O.V

I rushed out of the day care, knowing I had already missed first class and not wanting to be late for second. Harley had fought and struggled all morning, putting me way behind.

As I walked I felt eyes on my back and I turned quickly, surveying my surroundings intently. I heard movement from behind some bushes and I back tracked, running over to the bush.

 When I found nothing I sighed.

"I think I'm going crazy," I mumbled, scratching my head. I continued walking towards the school at a fast pace. The whole time I felt someone's gaze on me, but each time I turned there was no one there.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I entered the school grounds. Moving quickly, I went around to the back entrance and got into the school. I had made it just in time to get to second class so I merged with the crowd of students and moved in the direction I wanted to go.


All morning I was uneasy, something was off, I could feel it I just didn't know what it was.


At lunch I went straight to the table and found just Stella and Charlotte sitting there talking and giggling together. They heard me approach and turned, both smiling when they saw me.

"Hey Kyler," Stella greeted happily.

"Hey guys," I said, completely at ease.

"How has your day been so far?" Charlotte asked.

"Okay I guess, Harley was being difficult this morning so I missed first class, but other than that it's been good. What about you guys?" I questioned, not mentioning the fact that I thought I was being followed.

"Boring as hell," Stella answered.

"Fine," Charlotte replied. They both pulled out their lunches and Stella handed me a sandwich.

"No thanks, I'm really not hungry," I said absentmindedly.

"Suit yourself," she said before going back to her lunch.  As time passed I grew increasingly tense. Something was wrong, I just new it. I couldn't just sit any longer, I needed to move around, see if I could find anything.

"Excuse me guys, I'm going to go get some air," I told them, standing and walking towards the exit.

I got outside and surveyed the area carefully, not finding anything suspicious. There were students sitting on the grass eating lunch and there was people coming to and from the parking lot. I shook my head and turned to go back inside; just as I was turning a flash of black came from near a group of trees but disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared.

This defiantly counted as suspicious in my books so I started walking away, around the side of the school where I went, around a corner and crouched down, hiding myself behind a pillar. I sat silently, hardly breathing, and waited.

 Moments later just as I had expected a tall male figure, dressed in black appeared, slinking around the corner and ducking behind a tree, looking around. When he didn't see me he walked further, jumping from hiding place to hiding place before disappearing around the school yet again.

Rolling with the punchesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora