Chapter nine

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So heres hapter nine. If you like it comment, vote if you want to. There might be some spelling errors so if you find them just point them out :)

Thanx a million



Chapter Nine

I walked into science and Tara looked at me funny, probably because I was grinning my ass off. "Ummm, are you ok?" she questioned, eyeing me as if I was going to blow up any minute.

"Ya, I'm better than ok." I answered smiling, feeling light as air, as if for once in my life I had done something of importance.


During last class, I decided that I was in no mood to go home and sit around all night, so I sent Dana a text, sking her if I could go to her house. She told me it was fine but that she couldn't pick me up, so I said I would walk there since it wasn't far away from the school.


The bell rang and I figured that since I had nowhere to be, I would work on some homework, knowing that there was no way I was going to do it at home.

I worked in the library for about fifteen minutes, doing all the subjects i had been given for that night,

when i was finished i packed up my stuff and exited the school at a leisurly pace.

I grinned when I saw the retreating form of Kyler and ran to catch up with him. "Kyler, wait up!" I called as I neared his back. He started and looked around franticly, but when he saw me he relaxed immediately, making me smile a bit.

I trotted up beside him, clutching my bag to my side to keep from dropping it, I slowed down when I reached his side, matching his fast pace.

"Hey Kyler, can I walk with you today?" I chirped happily. "Do you mind?"

He hesitated, obviously timid to agree. "Ummm sure, I guess that's fine..."he mumbled shyly.

"Okay cool, where are you headed?" I asked, curious to why he was so unsure of me going with him.

"To pick up Terri and Harley, you?"

"Well I'm headed to my sisters house, but she's not even home so I have no where to be," I answered. He nodded as we walked in a fairly comfortable silence.

Since I wasn't one to enjoy boring silences I started nodding my head to the beat of a song that was playing in my head and after a minute of that I started humming quietly. Kyler looked over at me and I stopped, realising for the first time what I was doing.

"What song was that?" he asked quietly, looking like he was interfering in something that wasn't his business. I laughed lightly.

"A little bit stronger by Sarah Evans, have you ever heard it?" I looked at him questioningly. He shook his head quickly and I nodded in understanding.

We continued walking and I started humming again, within seconds I was singing.

~Woke up late today, and I still feel the sting of the pain.

But I brushed my teeth anyway, got dressed through the mess and put a smile on my face.

I got a little bit stronger.

Riding in the car to work, and I'm tryin' to ignore the hurt.

So I turned on the radio, Stupid song made me think of you,

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