Chapter Twenty

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~Ta da!~ Haha, chapter 20! Finally I finished it. So not a whole lot happens in this chapter but I would reallllly appreciate feedback as always *Puppy dog face* Pretty please! Hahaha

Also I wrote a short story called Dusk till Dawn and I would really love it if you checked it out and told me what you think :)

I'm going to start working on Chapter 21 realllly soon thanks for sticking with me :)

Thanx A Million


Chapter Twenty

Stella's P.O.V.

The bindings fell lose and I flexed my fingers, bringing back the circulation slowly. I then gently lifted my injured arm and tenderly placed it in my lap. Blade received the trey off the floor and put it in my lap. It wasn't anything supper appetising, just a plain sand which, a bag of original chips and bottle of water, but to me it was like a five star meal.

I unscrewed the water and chugged it in one long pull, proceeding to inhale the contents of the trey.

The whole time Blade just watched me, intent eye's never wavering, elbows resting on his knees, hands folded in front of his handsome face. His expression was calculating, almost confused. I finished and rubbed my swollen wrists uncomfortably, staring at the floor.

"That cut should be looked at," Blade said completely out of the blue.

"Don't worry about it," I told him as dismissively as I could manage. I knew he was right. The pain was intense and the chance of infection was high but I didn't want anyone to trouble themselves, especially not Blade, not for me.

"It’s not a problem," he insisted. I just sighed and shrugged, although both actions hurt like hell, I wouldn't show it. He rose and took the empty trey from my lap, placing it to the side. I put my arms back on the sides of the chair and looked at him expectantly. His eyes shot from my face to my arms and back before he composed himself and went about re-tying my hands, mumbling something that sounded like. "I just don't get you," under his breath.

As he finished I heard the door behind me open. Blade straightened and a guy came around to where he was standing. They did the typical man hug thing.

"Hey man, Bruno needs to talk to you," he said, not looking at me. I heard Blade sigh but nod.

"You taking over?" Blade asked, nodding to me.

"Sure am," he said. "Lucky me," he murmured quietly, I don't think I was supposed to hear, and glanced at me, back at Blade and then his head snapped back to me so fast I'm surprised it didn't break his neck.

"Dana?" he questioned, this stunned me for a moment. I studied him more closely and realised that I faintly recognised him. His brown hair was shaved short and his build was stocky but really muscular.

"Good guess, close but not quite. The names Stella, how are you today...Miller is it?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Miller was one of Dana's many friends, a man-whore if I put it in her words. His first name was Harris but he went by Miller. I had never met him in person but Dana had shown me pictures on facebook and I new that he was in kickboxing with her.

He shook his head in fast jerky movements, clearing it. "Shit man, you look exactly like her,” he said.

"So I've been told. I knew you were in kickboxing but I had no idea you were a big bad gang member...not sure what I think about that," I mussed, looking him over. Blade just stood there watching our exchange with a cute confused look on his face. "Miller over here is friends with my sister," I informed him.

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