Chapter Seven-Part Two

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Authors note:

So I would still really like to know what you think about this would make me really happy :) if its not to much trouble could you pleaaase just give me some sort of feed back?

Thanxs a million



Chapter Seven-Part Two


I shook my head to clear it and stood up, turning to face the door, and dreading who I new would walk in, in a matter of seconds.

The lock clicked and I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what would come next, knowing that no matter what happened it wouldn't be pretty.

The door swung open and they staggered in...


I came face to face with a large man, he was well over six feet tall and bulging with muscle. I had to suppress a shiver as I stared at the obviously drunk stranger.

Out from behind him stepped a petite woman with sparkling blue eyes that had a dead look to them, and shimmering blonde hair, her face sagged with wrinkles and she wreaked of drugs and alcohol. She giggled like a school girl as she hung off of the arm of the angry looking man, oblivious to my presence.

"What are you doing here mom?" I sneered the words. "I told you not to come back." I spat through my teeth angrily.

"I needs my moneys KyKy, give me my moneys," she slurred before losing her balance and clinging to the wanna-be brick wall, standing next to her.

"Leave, I owe you nothing, you have nothing! Just go!" I ordered sternly, refusing to back down. Her face turned deadly in an instant, and I prepared myself for a fight. It was the same every time she showed up. She got drunk, found a guy, brought him with her and when I refused her, he distracted me while she went, found my money and bolted.

"Get him," was what she said to the tower of ugly to get him to come after me.

I barely had time to duck before he threw a punch aimed for my face. I righted myself quickly and hit him straight in the cheek; he roared and came at me again, swinging his arms wildly.

I dodged most of his misguided punches easily, managing to get in a good amount of hits in here and there. A few times I slipped up and he got me in the eye, hard.

At the beginning it was a fairly equal fight but as time went on he began to grow tired, and I directed all of my pent up anger and frustration into every punch, giving me the upper hand.


I rushed into the bedroom, running over and gently picking up a sleeping Harley, taking great care not to wake him. I settled him on my shoulder and crossed the room, gently shaking Terri awake.

She opened her eyes groggily but as she took in my panicked expression she became alert instantly.

"What's wrong?" she asked quietly, looking around the room. I hated the fact that I had to put her through this time and time again but I wasn't given another choice.

"Mommy's here so we have to go in the closet ok?" I whispered, helping her over to the closet. She didn't resist at all, completely understanding what was going on and what she needed to do. The fear was evident in her face, but she stayed strong, and so did I.

I scanned the closet and spotted a pile of clothes that I had yet to take to the laundry mat. I pushed them aside and sat Terri down, placing Harley on the ground beside her.

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