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Okay guys, this is it...the Epilogue. Sorry about the crazy long wait but what can I say I'm only human :P

I have to say a great big giant thank you to my editer Clairbear98 and alll of my fans :) You guys are da bomb ;)

okay...read on :D

Thanx a million



"Harley Victor stave, let go of your sisters hair now," I yelled as I covered the speaker on the phone. "Yeah, sorry Sean...yup she's fine I promise," I waited patiently as he responded. "Yes I know you trust me...yes I understand but Natty's fine....no she’s not crying...yeah okay I'll talk to you later, tell Dana I say hi and you get back to work," I said before snapping my phone shut and stuffing it in my pocket.

"Was that Uncle Sean?" Terri asked, skipping up beside me and grabbing hold of my now empty hand.

I sighed. "Sure was, he was just checking in...again. I understand that he worries about his daughter but don't you think Dana's the one who should be sending me frantic phone calls every ten minutes? I mean she's the mother," I said, pretending not to be annoyed although the humour was clear in my voice as I enjoyed the cool Saturday afternoon breeze.

Terri giggled causing the baby in my arms to squeal and squirm. I laughed and adjusted Sean and Dana’s daughter so she didn't slip as I continued to walk forward.

Sean and Dana started going out when I was sixteen but it took Sean four years to convince the stubborn girl to marry him. Soon after that Natty was born and she had Sean wrapped around her little finger before she even opened her eyes. She was eight months old now and he took the protective parent role to a whole new level.

I feared for her and Dana in the years to come.

I was the only other person he trusted her with but even then he called almost nonstop. Dana always just laughed and then grumbled about Sean turning her daughter into a spoiled brat.

They were cute together, they had known each other their whole lives and I was ecstatic when they got together, that meant that I got Sean as my brother which was great.

"Harley, keep up," I called at eight year old Harley who was dawdling about ten feet behind me. He groaned audibly but ran up to catch us.

"I'm tired," he whined, dragging his feet.

"Don't drag your feet, you know how much that bothers your grandpa," I scolded.

"Grandpa's not here!" he cried I sent him a warning glare."Fine," he mumbled, crossing his arms and pouting.

Kyler, Mira, Terri and Harley all still lived on the acreage with their grandparents, Eden and Rick but I was giving them a break today, watching Harley and Terri since Kylerwas working, Mira was out of town with some collage friends and Eden and Rick needed a mental health day.

Kyler was working as a police officer, a very good police officer at that, and Mira was studying to be a dance choreographer.

"Here we are," I announced, pulling open the door to the mechanics, holding it for Terri and Harley to go first, and going in after them.

I walked up to the counter and a sweet looking woman came over to help me, a polite smile on her face.

"Hey, I dropped my car off earlier today and was told to come pick it up now," I told her. She smiled and nodded.

“Which car is it?” she asked politely.

“2011 Mazda 6,” I answered.

"It will just be a few more minutes, you can wait over there," she said, pointing at some chairs.

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