Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Stella's P.O.V.

"What the fuck!" Kreg yelled, jumping out of his chair, two guns in his hands instantly. Within seconds the room was full of big guys wearing black clothes, most of them carrying guns also.

"Get down!" One of them yelled, motioning to Kreg.

"Like hell I will," he spat, aiming his guns at random people. I simply sat there, not comprehending what was going on. That was, until a shot was fired. Kreg hit the ground. I had never seen anyone move so fast. He stayed down until two of the men walked up and pulled him to his feet, it didn't look like he had been shot.

"Where's the microchip?" the one who seemed to be the leader snarled.

"Not here," Kreg replied with venom in his voice.

"Someone took it. We know its here," the leader insisted. Kreg laughed bitterly.

"How did you even get in here Bruno?" Kreg sneered.

"You seem to be under the impression that you’re untouchable," Bruno said. "Your security cameras on the south side seemed to be disabled..."he trailed off, looking Kreg in the eye.

I choked on air. Security cameras! That's what Kyler was messing with on the side of the building. That seemed to be the first time any of them had noticed my presence.

"Oh, don't mind me. I'm just the chick tied to a chair," I mumbled.

"Why's she here?" Bruno asked Kreg, cocking his head towards me.

"None of your business," he answered. Bruno positioned his gun to Kreg's head.

"Kill me, go ahead. You would be doing the world a favour," Kreg spat. Bruno studied him before shifting and pointing the gun at me. My body wanted to react but I pushed it all down, acting like I didn’t care. I glanced at Kreg and saw his eyes go wide.

"You really think you'll get him to talk by killing me, his hostage?" I asked, cocking my head to the side curiously. Bruno looked between us.

"Yes actually, I do. Kreg looks like the kind that would care," I laughed, making it as real as possible.

"He couldn’t care less, I guarantee it," I continued. "I mean, look at me, I'm a no one. You know what I am?" I asked. Bruno raised his eyebrow and shook his head. "I'm his job," I finished. Bruno looked back at Kreg and I sent him a look, telling him to play along. He composed his features so he looked like he didn't care.

Bruno looked between us one more time before looking at one of the guys who was holding Kreg. He raised his hand up and smashed his gun into the back of Kreg's head. I cringed and lowered my head, unable to watch.

"Now, why are you here," Bruno asked me sternly. I shrugged.

"I dunno, I think they are trying to get information out of me, but I don't know what they want from me. They said something about bait," I told them, pretending that I didn't have a clue what was going on although I knew exactly why I was here.

"Search the rest of this place. Get her," he nodded his head towards me. I sighed.

Here we go again. Was the last thing I though before someone knocked me out.


I woke up again in unfamiliar surroundings and an even more uncomfortable chair. This was getting old. Not only was this chair metal but it was misshapen and lumpy. I wiggled my feet to find they were tied and did the same with my hands, feeling the familiar stinging sensation.

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