Chapter Twelve

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AN: I deticated this chapter to my amazing editor and cousin Clairbear98. I don't think i could have got this far without her :)

Chapter Twelve


"I need you to do this Kyler," he said, looking me in the eye.

"I won't do it, I can't," I refused standing my ground.

"You don't have a choice in the matter, if you want what I can provide you with; you have to do this for

me. You're the only one who can," he ordered. I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, but I told you this is the one thing I wouldn't do," I said as I turned to walk out the door, pausing as he spoke.

"Think about it Kyler, the money, the protection, all that goes away the moment you walk out that door. You leave here and I guarantee there will be trouble," he threatened.

"You've done a lot for me, and for that I will always be grateful, but I will not go through with this, you know that," I paused. "oh and just so you know, I know just as much about all of this as you do so if you want to come after me to cause me trouble, be careful," I said before walking out the door, without plans of ever returning.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I was out of the building. In a way that was the smartest thing I had ever done, in another way it could only end badly. But in the mean time, I just had to deal with what came at me, my first task, to find a normal job.


I hopped out of bed, more energised than I had been in weeks. After putting on a white skirt with fringes and a pink tank top I walked over to my bathroom, curled my hair and put on a bit of makeup.

After Kyler and his siblings left the day before, I had fallen in bed exhausted from chasing Terri and Harley around.

I skipped up the stairs to make my lunch, Sydney and Paige were fighting, as usual and Dana was sitting on the couch in the living room on her laptop.

"Hey Dana," I greeted with a smile.

"Hey," she responded.

"You taking me to school or the bus?" I questioned, crossing my fingers and hoping that she would drive me in.

"I'll take you all the way," she informed. Score! I mentally cheered.

"Ok cool, I'll be ready in ten."


My morning classes were incredibly boring but I was so happy I didn't care. I talked to my friends for the first time in what felt like forever and I felt complete.

"So are you going to sit with us at lunch?" Charlotte asked hopefully as her, James and I sat in English class. I bit my lip, unsure.

"Pleeeease!" James begged giving me his puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh, I don't know. There's a possibility I may sit with you, but I can't guarantee anything right now ok?" I warned.

"Ok," they agreed at the same time. I laughed.

"If I do come I'll probably be like ten minutes late," I said, they both nodded, looking confused.

"Sure, whatever works," Charlotte told me reassuringly.

"Cool," and with that we resumed working on our worksheets.


Rolling with the punchesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora