Chapter four

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thanx a million :)

Chapter Four

"Stella, get up!" Paige said as she turned my light on and walked away. I groggily opened my eyes and let them adjust, before snapping them shut again.

Just as if she new I needed help waking up, in came my ever-vocal cat Sophie, to sit directly on my face. I groaned and shoved her off the bed, only to have her come back rite back and attack my feet. Giving up I dragged myself out of bed.

I pulled on some skinny jeans, a fitted deep red, v-neck t-shirt and my purple flats then continued to wander over to the bathroom across the hall.

I looked at my reflection, and was pleased to see that I looked decent. The bags under my eyes weren't to dark, there were no new breakouts and the olds ones were clearing up nicely, so I put on some mascara and left it at that.

I trudged up the stairs, ignoring the childish bickering that quickly engulfed me, letting it fade into the back ground. I decided to pack a lunch so I quickly made a sandwich, grabbed a couple juice boxes, a bag of chips and threw them all in my bag.

I said goodbye to my mom, and my dad drove me to my own personal hell; the bus.

As I entered the cheese wagon, I smiled and said hi to my bus driver. I found a seat four seats from the front and opened up my bag, only to find that I had forgotten my head phones.

I cussed under my breath and pulled out my book. After reading about half a page, an irritating little voice pulled me from the world of the imaginary.

"Your mammas so fat...the earth tips!" one of the little kids on my bus said loudly, starting up a round of incredibly lame your mamma jokes.

After five minutes of "Your mammas so fat she can't fit in her own house," and "Your mammas so fat the elephants talk to her," I was ready to beat something with a box of rice crispy.

After one of the little twerps said "Your mammas so fat, she's fat," I was about three seconds away from going ape-shit rice crispy ninja on their tiny asses, but luckily my favourite bus driver IN THE WORLD, finally stepped In and told them to stop. I swear I could have kissed that bald head of his then and there.

When the bus arrived at school I packed up my stuff and stood up, a guy let me out in front of him so I thanked him, then I said thank you to my bus driver and headed towards the school.

As I walked I let my thoughts wander. I wonder if it possible to say thank you to much... I thought absentmindedly. I pondered this for a moment before a song popped into my head. I smiled and started to sing it under my breath "because a thankful heart is a happy heart I'm glad for what I have, that's an easy way to start" way saying thank you can be wrong...veggie tales said so! hahaha got to love the veggie tales.

I continued to hum quietly and entered the school, walking up the stairs and through the maze of hallways towards my locker, nodding, smiling or saying hi to people as I passed them.


I was sitting in my social class later that day, trying to pay attention but failing miserably when a flash of silver blonde hair that was unmistakably Kyler, zipped passed the door, hugging the wall tightly. I blinked and he was gone.

I sat there bewildered, wondering why he was roaming the empty hallways instead of in class. I just didn't get it, what was up with this guy?

"Stella!" the annoyed voice of my social teacher Mr. Rag cut through my thoughts. I averted my gaze from the door to look at him with a detached stare. "I just need your attention up here," he said making annoying hand gestures and acting as though he was talking to a preschooler. I nodded and look behind him at the board to see what he was trying to teach us.


There was five minutes left in English and I found myself watching the second hand on the clock. When the bell rang I jumped out of my trance, packed up my stuff and headed out the door.

James walked up beside me and bumped my shoulder jokingly. I gave him a small smile and kept walking. I made a snap decision, turning to James I said "hey I can't sit with you guys today, I have to talk to my gym teacher, then I'm going to finish that paper that Rag the Fag gave us for homework." I used the nickname everyone used for my social teacher.

"Okay cool, see you later then," he said with a smile and a wave before heading off to the cafeteria. I pretended to go to the gym office but soon found myself going in a totally different direction.

Its not like I wanted to lie to my friends but I could hardly tell them that I was board with my life and felt better being by myself, they didn't do anything wrong, so I just continued to wander the halls until a thought popped into my mind and I changed directions.


I stepped forward and peeked around the corner, yup he's there... now I just had to figure out how to do this without scaring him off. I silently crept forward, not making a sound. He was sitting up against some lockers, facing away from me, the only thing visible being his hair and his elbow.

I made it over to him and decided to sit against the same lockers as him but facing the opposite wall instead of the end of the hall.

I sat down slowly, careful not to make much noise or touch him in any way. He stiffened sensing my presence for the first time. He grabbed his ratty back pack and started to stand up.

"You don't have to leave just because I'm here, Kyler, I just needed to get away, don't let me interrupt whatever you were doing,"

He sank back down, his body showing his wariness through his tense, slow movements.

Without another word or glance his way I pulled out my book and started reading.


I can't believe she remembered my name, I mean why would she? I'm a nobody, no one cares about me...I'm a waist of life, a mistake. But as she sat there, completely absorbed in her book, not pushing me to talk to her or running away in disgust, I couldn't help but wonder, could she be different than everyone else in this place?

I quickly shook the thought away, even if she was I couldn't drag anyone else into my mess of a life. I sat there tense, staring at the wall, not moving a muscle. I didn't really know what to do so I did the only thing I was good at, not drawing attention to myself. My plan was working flawlessly...until my stomach growled. SHOOT. I cursed myself mentally for not eating since the previous morning, although there wasn't a whole lot I could do about it.


I heard his stomach growl, pulled out my sandwich and slid it to him without saying a word or taking my eyes off my book. In my peripheral vision I saw him look at it, shake his head slightly as if to clear it, then look away.

I sighed internally and shook my head "Just take it, I don't eat sandwiches," I lied smoothly in a monotone.

He hesitated a few seconds before grabbing it and eating it hungrily within seconds. I smiled a small smile but didn't responding any other way.

I pulled out my chips and started to munch on them. A few minutes later I heard the warning bell ring, I put my book in my bag, and took out my juice boxes, placing them on the floor beside my open chips. I pushed them both over to him and hopped up quickly.

"See you later Kyler!" I yelled over my shoulder as I raced down the hall towards my next class.

Rolling with the punchesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora