Chapter Thirteen

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AHHHHH its really late! sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyy

So this is really just a short nothing chapter but I wanted to show Sean and Stella's relationship more.

Here it is,

Thanx a million for reading :)


Chapter Thirteen

Stella's P.O.V

The next day was Saturday and Sean obviously knew what was good for him because as promised, he showed up at our house, looking incredibly nervous.

My parents were shocked to see him and Sydney and Paige didn't even remember who he was. I just stood to the side, arms crossed and a smirk playing on my face.

"Hey Mr. and Mrs. Magellan," he mumbled sheepishly, addressing my parents, causing my smirk to grow.

"Sean? What the-why are you here?" my dad asked, sounding miffed.

"Who is that?" I heard Sydney whisper loudly to Paige who shrugged and continued to stare at him rudely.

"Well I umm..." he started, his gaze flicking to me. I shook my head, telling him to leave me out of it. He sighed. "I just thought it was time to go home," he lied.

"Well, it’s good to see you son, it’s been to long," dad said happily. Since he had four daughters he was always close to Sean. He was quick to forgive even though he didn't show how much it really hurt him when Sean left.

I cleared my throat and Sean looked at me. I raised my eyebrow and nodded to my parents. He sent me a pleading look but I shook my head, not giving in. I new how much he despised having to apologize and this was one of the ways I planned to get back at him for being so stupid and leaving in the first place.

"I actually came over here to apologize. I didn't realize how much trouble I was causing when I left. That was not my intention. I hope you can forgive Me," he mumbled awkwardly. I stifled a giggle at how formal he sounded and how uncomfortable he looked.

"Of course we do Sean, you know we love you. Everyone makes mistakes," my mom said kindly. Sean shuffled from foot to foot and I new that it was my turn to save him.

"Come on Sean, let’s go for a walk, we can catch up," I suggested, smiling happily. He let out a big breath and looked at me gratefully, I just shrugged.

"Sure, let’s do it," he agreed quickly. "It was nice seeing you again, I'll be sure to come back soon," he said to my parents

"Bye Sean," was heard as we walked out the door. I burst out laughing when it slammed shut behind us.

"That was priceless! You looked like a scared little puppy. Oh boy, I should have videoed taped it," I exclaimed around bursts of laughter. He sent me a hateful glare which only caused me to laugh harder.

"It wasn't that funny," he mumbled.

"Oh but it was, you so deserved that," I stated causing him to sigh and run a hand through his hair.

"Yeah I guess so, I really am sorry," he apologised again.

"I know you are, and I forgive you, but you still owe me...pretty much forever," I said with an evil smirk. He looked at me warily and I smiled back sweetly.

"Fine, whatever you say. So what’s new?" he questioned as we walked down my driveway at a leisurely pace.

"Nothing much I guess," I replied vaguely.

"You guess? What's that supposed to mean? Not much as in nothing ever happens or not much as in, mind your own effin business?" he questioned cocking his head to the side looking like a confused dog. I laughed at his expression.

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