Chapter two

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So to whoever has made it this far, THANKS FOR meens alot :)

Let me know what you think


Chapter 2

Standing silently in the shadows of the cafeteria was a boy, well not a boy, more of a man, that I didn't recall ever seeing before. If I had, I would have remembered. His hair was a silvery blonde array of waves that fell over his eyes; it was the most unique hair color I had ever seen. Even in the shadows the pale strands seemed to shimmer. But I had never seen him, not before school, during school or after, which was odd because I was usually very observant when it came to the people around me, and the fact that I hadn't piqued my curiosity.

My inner though process came to a sudden halt when someone poked me in the arm with something sharp.

"OWW" I shrieked clutching my arm and earning a few stares from those surrounding our table, I ignored them, "What the hell was that for guys!?!" I complained while my friends just laughed at me.

"Well, we have been trying to get your attention for like five minutes now, but you were so far off in lala land we were forced to go to extreme measures to bring you back." my other best friend Paisley explained once she could breath deeply enough to speak.

"Oh hey Pais, when did you get here?" I questioned

"Seriously Stell? Like fifteen minutes ago." she said incredulously. I chuckled nervously, " bad, haha"

"Ahh whatever, what were you staring at anyway?" asked James

"Oh just that..." I looked over to were the mystery guy was standing, only to find the corner empty "...nothing I guess I just zoned out" all of my friends looked at me funny but let it go and went back to what they were doing before.

I searched the room again but found no sign of him. Hmm weird, I thought to myself but pushed it to the back of my mind. I stood up, threw out my garbage and grabbed my bag with my binder, all my friends followed suit like they always do.

I exited the cafeteria and everyone followed me upstairs to the math hallway where all our lockers were spread out. We each got our stuff and met at the end of the hall, we walked to the French room so Sasha could drop off her stuff then continued to make our way to the drama room where Tara, Taz, Paisley and I all dumped our stuff.

After making a loop of the main floor we ended up at the library like every other day. The book we ended up looking at was the dog breed encyclopaedia.

"Bernese, Saint Bernard, Pomeranian, Shiatsu, Maltese" I named off the different pictures of dogs as I flipped the pages.

"Sheesh Stell, you know way too much about dogs" stated Taz as I continued to look through the book, naming the breeds in my head.

"Well can you really blame me?" I asked, not taking my attention from the book.

"Ha ha guess not" was his answer

My dad has been the owner of a dog kennel for my whole life, so ever since I was born I have been surrounded by animals and I know a thing or two about them.

The bell rang, so I replaced the book and made my way out of the library, crossed the hall and entered the drama room.

My afternoon classes passed quickly and uneventfully.


When the final bell rang I exited my fashions class and rushed up to my locker to put away my binder and grab my coat, before weaving through the crowded hallways crossing the staff parking lot and entering the county bus.

I sat down in my seat put my headphones in pressed play and turned it up loud enough to drown out the irritating conversations of the little kids and immature conversations of the teenagers that surrounded me. I pulled out my book and read until it was my stop, I packed up my stuff and walked to the front of the bus.

"Thanks for the ride Tom." I said as I walked down the steps,

"No problem" he replied before closing the doors and driving away. The rest of my day passed as follows, Got home, had a snack, argued with my sisters, lost my temper, migrated to my room, talked to charlotte on my I pod, showered and read until I fell asleep.


The next morning after dragging myself out of bed again I got ready for school, ate breakfast and got my dad to drive me in.

My morning classes dragged and I got more and more frustrated by the minute. I slept worse then usual so I was far past irritable. On top of my bad mood I was assigned homework in all three classes.

By the time the lunch bell rang I was ready to rip my hair out. I sped out of the classroom and stomped towards the cafeteria to buy my lunch.

I gave the lunch lady my money, went over to our table and plopped down, not bothering to say hi to any of my friends. I opened up my soup and began eating, zoning out almost immediately. As my eyes began to scan the large room I wondered if the guy I saw yesterday was there. Upon further inspection I found out that he wasn't and I couldn't help but wonder why.

My trance was broke by someone coughing loudly, I looked around to find every single one of my friends staring at me.

"Umm Stell, are you ok? You look kind of angry." Sasha said quietly.

I blinked a couple times before I answered, "Oh...ya I guess I'm having a bad day, I think I just need some time, I'm going to go, see you guys later."

I grabbed my things and ran up to my locker to switch my stuff, I dropped it off in my science class only to find that I had 25 minutes until class started. Not being calm enough to just sit until then, I left the room and started walking without really knowing where I was headed.

A while later I found myself in the most deserted hallway in the school. Perfect, I thought to myself as I wandered down the hall slowly, breathing deeply to calm down enough to finish the day without killing anyone.

I continued down the long hallway staring at the roof when suddenly I tripped over something that I was pretty sure wasn't my feet.

"AHHH" I heard a masculine voice yell as my face had a conversation with the floor. I lay there for a second, debating weather or not I was going to get up, then decided it was probably a good idea. I struggled into a sitting position just in time to see the retreating figure of the guy I tripped over who also happened to be the mystery guy from the cafeteria the day before.

I jumped up quickly and ran after him. "WAIT UP!" I yelled which only caused him to speed up so I did too.

I reached him in a matter of seconds although he still didn't turn around or stop walking. I grabbed his arm gently to get him to stop. He winced so I let go quickly but he turned just enough for me to see the side of his face which was good enough for me.

"I'm really sorry for running into you." I said sincerely as he stared at the floor.

"Its okay" he mumbled quietly.

"What's your name?" I questioned.

"Kyler" he answered simply.

"Well Kyler, my name is Stella and it was a pleasure to meet you." I sensed that he didn't want to talk so I smiled at him and walked back down the hall just in time to hear the warning bell ring

Rolling with the punchesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon