Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight


It was Sunday afternoon, my cousins were over and we decided to take out the golf cart.

"I'M DRIVING!" I screamed as I raced my 15 year old cousin Laura across the yard to the golf cart.

"NO I'M DRIVING!" she yelled in response. Out of nowhere Paige appeared and hopped in the drivers seat, sending us a smug smile.

"Paige get out of here, I'm driving!" I demanded.

"I was here first," she said, crossing her arms over her chest defiantly.

"Ya well I was born first, now get out of my way shrimp," I retorted, pushing her aside and hopping into her place in one swift movement.

"Oh you two, give it up." Laura said, chuckling to herself. She tried to sound stern but her voice portrayed her amusement at our childish banter. I smiled sweetly at Paige and she sent me a glare.

I flipped the key and put the golf cart in reverse backing up quickly, causing everyone to gasp and hold on tighter. I smirked and whipped around, heading out of the yard only to be stopped by my 13 year old cousin Alice.

"Can I come guys?" she panted, out of breath because of her run from the house.

"Sure hop in." I said with a smile, barely giving her time to get in before I took off around the corner, laughing my ass off as she shrieked and held on for dear life.

We drove around the yard and down the road, talking, laughing and bursting into song whenever someone said something that reminded us of one, having such a great time that I totally forgot about all of my issues.


It was later in the evening and we were all gathered around the TV watching a new episode of our favourite TV series, heartland. Paige was practically sitting on my lap, hiding her face in my shoulder and Alice was curled up in a ball rocking back and forth. Laura and I sat there smiling at how worked up our younger cousins were. 

"NOOO TY, DON'T GO UP THERE!" Paige cried when she peeked up at the screen. 

"LOOK OUT AMY!" Alice added, scrunching up her face as though she wanted to look away but couldn't. Right at that moment my phone vibrated in my pocket, causing me to let out a little shriek, which was echoed throughout the room by my tense family. 

After examining the screen and the room and realizing that nothing happened, they all sent me glares.

I smiled back sheepishly. "Sorry guys, phone," I said pulling it out and waving it in front of me. I flipped it open; it was a text from Tara. 

TARA: What's up with you lately? You don't seem like never talk to us and you're always disappearing. Is everything ok?" 

At that moment everything that had happened over the last few days came crashing down on me and my good mood was gone in an instant. 

I sat there for a moment, completely out of it, deciding what to say. 

ME: I don't know Tar, I'm really trying to figure that out myself and it's not going so well. I think I just need some time to do some soul searching...I'm just...I dunno, I won't be at lunch tomorrow, ttyl. 

Tara: K do what you need to do, talk to you later :)

I was relived that she wasn't offended and didn't try to make me talk about it; she just let it go like I hoped she would. Now all I have to do is figure out what my problem is...

Rolling with the punchesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon