Chapter Fifteen

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So guys this where real life meet my world and fact may just become fiction :O I try to make it realistic but honestly pretty much everything know I have found off google so sorry if my facts or whatever are wrong..I try, I really do :P

Comments Votes...anything at all. I would appreciate it immensely. I always do! Thank you to everyone who has read up to this make my world complete :)

Thanx a Million!


Chapter Fifteen

 Stella's P.O.V.

"Sean, remember when I said you owe me forever? Well now is forever so get your butt out of bed and get over here now, I need your help," I demanded into the receiver. His voice was more alert when he answered me.

"Why Stell, what’s wrong?" he asked, slightly panicked.

"Nothing yet, but I need you to be here within the next ten minutes," I told him where we were before snapping the phone shut.

I turned to Kyler who was looking at me like I had gone crazy. "Sean? You mean the drunk guy? How can he help us?" he asked.

"Well, he can get us where we need to go faster, he can cover for me, and he can give your sibs somewhere safe to stay," I explained. It was Friday and since Sean had been over at my house on Tuesday he had found and moved into an apartment and had made an agreement with my dad to start work on Monday. In the mean time his parents had loaned him a fair bit of money to get him started.

"Stella I can't leave my siblings in his care! Do you not remember Monday night? Are you mad?" he questioned. I sighed, knowing that his argument was completely legitimate from his point of view.

"Of course I remember, and I know that was bad but the Sean you saw is not Sean. I have known him since I was born. Honestly I have always thought of him as my big brother and would have no problem trusting him with my life. He has a place to stay and would ensure that they are safe from whoever you’re running from. That would give us time to deal with this without being worried about them," I told him, willing him to understand. He gave me a defeated look.

"You can't come with me Stella, this is something that I won't drag you into," he said sternly. I shook my head.

"Not going to happen buddy, I'm in so deal with it."

"What about your parents?" he challenged.

"Like I said, we'll just tell them I'm staying at Sean's house to keep from losing my mind or something, they won't care," I shrugged knowing I was right. Just then Sean's car screeched up the street and pulled up a few meter's back from where we were standing in the trees. We stepped out at the same time he did.

"Okay I'm here, what's wrong?" he demanded looking at me without even glancing at Kyler. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time.

"Seven minutes, impressive," I smirked, causing him to glare at me. I chuckled and held up my hands, "Okay, Okay, easy with the nasty looks. Let’s go and we can talk on the way," I said motioning to the car. He and Kyler both nodded and we loaded in. I got in the front and Kyler got in the back.

"Where are we going?" Sean questioned, I looked at Kyler.

"St. Michael’s high school," he directed. Sean nodded and turned his head back to me.

"Now explain."

"Well Kyler's being followed by someone who is apparently not a very good person and needs to avoid being caught by said person...I think." I summed up everything I new. Sean shook his head and looked at Kyler in the rear view mirror.

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